Dear WAPF members:
We are pleased to announce that the Wise Traditions Beginner Video Series is now complete and available for viewing by clicking the “Videos” tab in the header of the Weston A. Price Foundation website!
This 12-part series covers all aspects of Traditional Food Preparation and is an ideal starting place for the visual learner who is new to the teachings of Dr. Price. Please feel free to use these lessons to introduce your friends and family to the the travels and research of Dr. Price (see video #2) and the basic techniques of Traditional Cooking. Send someone a link to all or just one particular video. Thanks for sharing this information with anyone you can.
Note that beneath each video is a complete transcript which can be immediately translated into any language right on the WAPF website by clicking the “select a language” pulldown menu in the left margin.
Lessons include:
10. Stocks and Soups
11. Healthy Snacks
We’d like to thank Sarah Pope, chapter leader and board member, for her good work on these videos.
Best wishes,
Sally Fallon Morell, President
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