Debate on the merits of cod liver oil has been ricocheting around the internet of late, sparked by a recent posting from Dr. Joseph Mercola, in which he withdrew his recommendation to take cod liver oil. Mercola’s remarks dovetail with establishment bias against this old-fashioned superfood. Cod liver oil has come under attack as a “dangerous” source of vitamin A. And while vitamin A has fallen to the bottom of the Vitamin Hit Parade, vitamin D has risen to the top, with many voices calling for extensive supplementation and an increase in the RDA for the sunshine vitamin.
The establishment view is as follows: the animal form of vitamin A is toxic and also interferes with vitamin D metabolism, so we should avoid foods rich in vitamin A, like liver, organ meats and cod liver oil; we can get all the vitamin A we need from the conversion of carotenes in plants; it is impossible to obtain adequate vitamin D from food, so we need to take vitamin D supplements.
In recent articles, we have put these mistaken notions to rest by showing the extensive scientific literature on the benefits of cod liver oil and vitamin A, as well as on the synergistic-rather than antagonistic-relationship of vitamins A and D. To bolster our premise that vitamin A is not toxic and that vitamin D can be obtained from food sources, we have published many articles on traditional diets, showing the high levels of vitamins A and D in traditional foods. For example, the traditional Scottish diet, described in a recent article, was rich in fish liver oils, organ meats, shellfish and fats, thus corroborating the discoveries of Dr. Weston A. Price, who found that emphasis on foods rich in vitamins A and D was universal among primitive populations.
However, care must be taken in the choice of cod liver oil. Most brands contain synthetic vitamins A and D and many have the wrong ratio of A to D. Please visit the following links for information on cod liver oil, the number one superfood:
- Cod Liver Oil
- Vitamin A Benefits and Toxicity
- Vitamin A for Fetal Development
- Vitamin A On Trial: Does Vitamin A Cause Osteoporosis?
- Vitamin A Saga (Discusses the myth of carotenes as an adequate source of Vitamin A)
- Vitamin D Benefits and Toxicity
- The Good Scots Diet (Traditional Diet in Scotland)
Recent Studies on Cod Liver Oil
The following are references to recent articles published since 2000 in the scientific literature showing the myriad benefits of cod liver oil. Because modern diets are deficient in vitamins A and D, we recommend a daily dose of good quality cod liver oil for young and old.
Vitamin D Status: In Norway, three mølje meals (consisting of cod liver and fresh cod-liver oil) provided an amount of vitamin D equal to 54 times the recommended daily dose. Subjects with food consumption habits that included frequent mølje meals during the winter sustained satisfactory vitamin D levels in their blood, in spite of the long “vitamin D winter” (Public Health Nutr. 2004 Sep;7(6):783-9).
Vitamin D Status and Bone Loss: Inclusion of cod liver oil in the diet appears to attenuate the seasonal variation of vitamin D status in early postmenopausal women at northerly latitudes where quality of sunlight for production of vitamin D is diminished. Cod liver oil can thus protect against greater bone turnover, bone loss and obesity (Bone. 2008 May;42(5):996-1003).
Hip Fracture: Multivitamin or cod liver oil supplementation was associated with a significantly lower risk of any fracture. “We found no evidence to support any skeletal harm associated with increased serum indices of retinol exposure or modest retinol supplementation in this population” (J Bone Miner Res. 2005 Jun;20(6):913-20).
Multiple Sclerosis: In Arctic climates, supplemental cod-liver oil during childhood may be protective against multiple sclerosis later in life (J Neurol. 2007 Apr;254(4):471-7).
Breast Cancer: Reduced breast cancer risks were associated with increasing sun exposure and cod liver oil use from ages ten to nineteen. “We found strong evidence to support the hypothesis that vitamin D could help prevent breast cancer. However, our results suggest that exposure earlier in life, particularly during breast development, maybe most relevant” (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007 Mar;16(3):422-9).
Depression: Regular use of cod liver oil is negatively associated with high levels of depressive symptoms in the general population (J Affect Disord. 2007 Aug;101(1-3):245-9).
Wound Healing: The combination of zinc oxide and cod liver oil was found to be superior to the formulations containing only one active ingredient. This combination was also found to be most efficient in accelerating wound healing when it is retarded by repeated dexamethasone treatment (Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr. 2006 Sep;113(9):331-4).
Arthritis and Joint Stiffness
- Pain and Joint Stiffness: Cod liver oil application allows reduction of the dose of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and improves chief clinical symptoms, reducing pain and morning joint stiffness (Klin Med Mosk 2005;83(10):51-7).
- Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Cod liver oil supplements were better than controls in relieving pain and can be used as NSAID-sparing agents in rheumatoid arthritis patients (Rheumatology (Oxford). 2008 May;47(5):665-9).
- Rheumatoid Arthritis: Use of cod liver oil decreased occurrence of morning stiffness, swollen joints and pain intensity in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (Adv Ther. 2002 Mar-Apr;19(2):101-7).
Diabetes and Circulation
- Diabetes: Use of cod liver oil in the first year of life was associated with a significantly lower risk of type 1 diabetes. Use of other vitamin D supplements during the first year of life and maternal use of cod liver oil or other vitamin D supplements during pregnancy were not associated with lower risk of type 1 diabete (Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Dec;78(6):1128-34).
- Diabetes-Related Cardiovascular Disorders: Cod liver oil treatment in diabetic rats completely prevented endothelial deficiency and partly corrected several biochemical markers for cardiovascular disorders (J Pharm Pharmacol. 2007 Dec;59(12):1629-41).
- Diabetic Nephropathy: Substitution of cod liver oil for soybean oil in mice reduced oxidative stress and nephropathy induced by daunomycin, an anti-cancer agent (Lipids. 2002 Apr;37(4):359-66).
Birth Weight, Breast Milk, and Children’s Health
- Higher Birth Weight: Women who used liquid cod liver oil in early pregnancy gave birth to heavier babies, even after adjusting for the length of gestation and other confounding factors. “Higher birth weight has been associated with a lower risk of diseases later in life and maternal cod liver oil intake might be one of the means for achieving higher birthweight” (BJOG. 2005 Apr;112(4):424-9).
- Breast Milk: Women using cod liver oil had a significantly higher levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in their breast milk. “As this may have an impact on the health and development of breast-fed infants in later life, regular maternal cod liver oil intake could be relevant for the infant as well as for the nutritional adequacy of the maternal diet” (Ann Nutr Metab. 2006;50(3):270-6).
- Fat-Soluble Vitamins in Breast Milk: Maternal use of cod liver oil resulted in higher levels of fat-soluble vitamins in breast milk, especially vitamins E and A. (Ann Nutr Metab. 2001;45(6):265-72).
- Intelligence in Children: Children who were born to mothers who had taken cod liver oil during pregnancy and lactation scored higher on intelligence tests at age four compared with children whose mothers had taken corn oil (Pediatrics. 2003 Jan;111(1):e39-44).
- Ear Aches in Children: Children prone to ear aches (otitis media) receiving cod liver oil plus selenium needed lower amounts of antibiotics during supplementation compared to before supplementation (Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2002 Jul;111(7 Pt 1):642-52).
- Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Children: Children supplemented with cod liver oil had a decrease in upper respiratory tract infections and pediatric visits over time (Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2004 Nov;113(11):891-901).
Thanks for sharing such an informative article.I really appreciate your work.
I am a diabetic who tried cod liver oil, and it really seemed like it was raising my blood sugar. There also seems to be some online consensus that CLO raises blood sugar.
I find any fats or oils increase my insulin resistance & raise my blood sugar as a result. Only fat-free or virtually fat-free increases my insulin sensitivity.
Cod Liver Oil: Setting the Record Straight
Diabetic Neuropathy: Use of cod liver oil in mice played an important role in the prevention of diabetic nephropathy (Lipids. 2002 Apr;37(4):359-66).
?Is this article referring to Diabetic Neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy or both?
Gayle Hardine
CLO and hair loss
I have read that too much CLO can cause hair loss due to high levels of vitamin A. Any truth to this?
I have been taking Green Pastures fermented cod liver oil with my lunchtime sandwiches made using Kerrygold butter & at age 48 I feel brilliant. Thankyou WAPF.
I have been taking CLO & Unrefined Salmon oil from Vital choice for 9 months now I also add Vitamin D3 drops 10,000 iu and wow what a difference. I used to be practically bed ridden after just an hour of walking. I would have so much pain in my knees, hips and feet. I was tested for arthritis but there was nothing fish oil & D3 cured what my Dr could not. Another great benefit is I have less pain in my teeth they were extremely sensitive and I was developing a new cavity about every 3-4 mos but there is a huge improvement in sensitivity and no new cavities at my dentist appointment last month.
First and foremost all vitamins unless from food are synthesized via chemicals to create supplements.
So since no one can agree on RDA’s and no one understands that most supplements are in and
of themselves toxic since all unnecessary constituents are removed via chemical processing to create a “vitamin”, etc.
then why should I listen to any so-called “doctor” as to what is or what is not truth?
What is left are recommendations from “doctors” regarding toxic substances which in and of themselves are misunderstood
as to the effects on the individual. So now “doctors” have gone from prescribing pure chemical compounds, to now prescribing
on the virtues of supplementation, to warning of the dangers of whole foods.
I don’t entirely disagree about manufactured substances such as cod liver oil, in that really you should eat the whole fish
not just the oil from the livers of cod. But it smacks me of pure hypocrisy to have “doctors” becoming
experts on health food supplementation. In fact most scientists have just darn near ruined the food supply, so Mr
Mercola isn’t doing anyone any favors. Maybe he should just go back to doctoring and prescribing pills.
He states he cannot drink raw milk and is allergic to dairy but it’s okay for some. Now CLO is bad. So what form should
I take my A/D in then? I’ll just bet you sell it on your website, don’t you?
I was as were many following health principles long. long ago before Mercola and his ilk became experts on everything
regarding health. Personally all these johnny come lately’s are doing more harm than good and should just shutup.
Bear Liver
If the scare is due toxicity I would say don’t eat liver from wild bears.
Back in my childhood when children were being crippled by rickits the remedy recommended by the old fashion doctors was COD LIVER OIL, which seemed to put a stop to the bone deforming disease.
Response to Tom
Cod liver oil is unlikely to produce vitamin A toxicity if used in reasonable amounts. Even in large amounts, a high-vitamin cod liver oil rich in both vitamins A and D is unlikely to lead to toxicity of either vitamin because they each protect against the toxicity of the other.
Chris Masterjohn
Response to Gayle
The article can be found here:
It appears to concern nephropathy, not neuropathy.
Chris Masterjohn
Response to Mr. Nobody
Mr. Nobody,
Polyunsaturated fatty acids in general, including the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and cod liver oils, inhibit the conversion of energy into fatty acids and triglyerides. This is the basis for the use of fish oils to lower triglyeride levels. Different experiments using isolated cells have pointed to different potential mechanisms or pinpointed different fatty acids that seem to be most effective, but in general it can be said that both EPA and DHA inhibit the production of enzymes involved in converting excess sugar to fat. The upside is you have less hypertriglyceridemia and fatty liver. Presumably, there is a downside in at least some people, that if that sugar is not converted into fat and if there is too much to convert to glycogen, it winds up floating around in the blood as high blood sugar.
Chris Masterjohn
In the article you cite concerning CLO’s inhibiting DM-induced nephropathy, the term DM doesn’t refer to diabetes mellitus but rather to Daunomycin, an anti-cancer chemotherapy agent. Futhermore, according to the abstract, CLO was compared only to soybean oil, leaving open the question of whether any fish or other omega-3 oil would have worked as well or even better.
Mercola’s bias
I think one of the reasons Mercola may have dropped his “endorsement” of cod liver oil is that he’s now selling his own version of krill oil.
I stopped listening to Mercola after I called his company to find out what his capsules for supplements were made out of – beef gelatin. What do you think the chance that it is grass fed beef gelatin? Yea, probably not much.
I don’t trust any “MD’s” anymore,
Too bad Dr. Mercola is really wrong about this,a lot of people listen to him. Thanks to your website and your book, Nourishing Traditions, our family is now ‘cured’ of our tooth decay, my rheumatoid arthritis, my high blood pressure, heart palpatations and my husbands chronic indigestion. Also, drinking raw milk is keeping me from getting morning sickness pretty much! I did notice that when I did make a mistake and eat white bread that I would get morning sickness again. I don’t believe any modern medicine propaganda anymore..they are totally clueless.
I am currently taking a high quality krill oil. Do I need to be taking CLO as well, or is the krill oil sufficient?
Also, I just found out I am pregnant (I have been following the WAPF diet for a couple of years) but I also just found out I am allergic to dairy. I have been drinking only raw milk (and raw milk kefir) for the past year. Any suggestions on how to get my calcium while pregnant? I am drinking home made bone broths.
what did i hear about new regulations …?
I was shocked when i heard (from my chiropractor) that big pharma has very recently been able to outlaw traditional cod liver oil so that it can only be sold in an adulterated form that ensures it will no longer be as effective? Anyone heard of this?
That’s interesting because must be the truth.
Vitamin A vs Vitamin D
Dr. Cannell ( just released a newsletter about studies of Vitamin D and cancer showing (through his reasoning) that Vitamin A counteracts the beneficial effects of Vitamin D in cancer prevention and mortality. He claims that Americans suffer from low-level Vitamin A toxicity. I hope you all can post some kind of response to this! Thanks for the great work.
WAPF response:
Thank you for contacting us about Dr. Cannell’s latest newsletter on the U Shaped Curve. We will be responding specifically to this newsletter shortly.
In the meantime, please read our earlier comments on the synergistic relationship between vitamins A and D at…ebate.html
Sally Fallon Morell, President
CLO & sunshine, but vitamin D3 level was 15. What is that about?
I’ve been on Green Pasture’s fermented CLO with or without the high vitamin butter. So end of last summer had my vitamin D3 level checked. OMG it was 15, even lower than both my ill parents. Last few years, WAP-wise, I’ve been in the sun, building up without burns, so the blood level was taken at the end of peak season. So why am I so deficient in D3? Maybe too much Vitamin A in relation to my D intake? Would love to know what other WAPF members are testing at. Now I’m on the D3 supplement and got my level up to 20, but need it to be much higher, around 80. Thanks for help, Jean
Prof Brain Peskin’s theory on PEO’s
What do you of Prof Brian Peskin’s theory that CLO with EPA/DHA is not only useless but as well harmful and that PEO’s LA/LL are the only healthy forms one should use.
Moderator Response: see…Acids.html
Tricia R.
Would love to hear more about your successes as i have similar problems ….
response to Jean
I had my vit. D level drawn in October, 2009. It was 17.3. I began taking the high-vitamin fermented CLO from green pastures, along with extra D3. This month, (March, 2010), I had my D level checked and it had dropped to 4.9. It is the end of the winter season, so have not been out in the sun. Not sure whether to continue with the CLO.
Good to see
Am glad there is some balance to the views Dr. Joseph Mercola, expresses from his often odd comments on his site…seems to me the only thing he offers is a list of highly expensive supplements while at the same time decrying drug companies for being money makers..How much of this stuff is a scam is the question 😀
I really wish that these wonderful alternative doctors, like Dr. Mercola, would stop recommending fish oil, and now I see Dr. Mercola is recommending krill oil, of all things. This is what whales eat and we should not be raping the oceans of their food. Also, fish and these products have been proven to contain dangerous levels of mercury. Could you please recommend plant based oils instead! I love all you other advice, but the fish oil thing is driving me crazy!
This is what it’s all about.
I am so grateful for this website and countless others like it. We are all believers in healing ourselves by better educating ourselves. I followed government and traditional “guidelines” for years, and the only thing I got was sicker. I thank the Price foundation AND Mercola for the wealth of information they put out regularly. I’ve been able to make myself healthier. I also appreciate all the input and comments from everyday folks on these sites, I have gleaned tons of info from them as well.
response to Sandra
People with insulin resistance (81% of 55 year-olds) cannot use plant based oils as an omega 3 source. Insulin interferes with the enzyme that converts the plant oils into the fatty acids found in fish oils. They need fish oils directly.
response to ‘diminishing cod in norway’ claims
in response to fred, just wanted to note that norway (recognized by the UN for the best regulatory fishing practices in the world) has upped the quotas they allow for fishing the arctic cod variety (used by nordic naturals) from 09 to ’10 due to their assessment of the quantity of arctic cod in their waters this year vs last year. certainly this is just a claim about specifically arctic cod and specifically in norwegian waters….im not sure what else can be said about the rest of the world….but norwegian waters and are healthy and abundant with cod. so i encourage you to rest easy on this.
the beauty of this is that when we do live in harmony with the land…be respectful of giving and taking, working within natural patterns (in this instance only harvesting after spawning) we can be supported by mother nature…and can support mother nature, too. its really a gorgeous relationship that shoulld be applied more to our consciousness.
One major concern I have that is rarely discussed is the damage being done to the cod stocks in our oceans. This species is in danger of disappearing.
Possible intolerance to cod liver oil
I’ve been taking cod liver oil on and off for about 6 months ago and just switched over to Blue Ice High-Vitamin Fermented Cod Liver Oil (recommended on the WAPF website). I’ve been taking 2 ml in the morning, followed by a 1/2 tbsp of coconut oil in hot water and this is Day 4 of doing so. Unfortunately, I’ve been experiencing some major GI stress. I have had gallbladder issues in the past and an ultrasound showed gallstones, so I’m thinking that perhaps the fat in the cod liver oil and/or coconut oil is too much for my system to handle? I’ve been taking coconut oil daily for awhile now with no problems. But literally since taking the cod liver oil 4 days ago, I’m running to the washroom and my stomach feels a bit queasy. Does anyone have any thoughts or a similar experience to share?
It sounds more like the Blue Ice Fermented oil is the problem, since you didn’t start having issues until you switched to that brand.
Why should Fermented Cod Liver Oil be taken on an empty stomach and can you drink juice with it?
to Debbie
I know when I started taking Cod liver oil I had trouble too. I think your system may be doing a little ‘cleaning’ or may just need to adjust. I take it w/out any problems now. Hope you get to feeling better and keep taking your CLO.
Response to Debbie
I had similar problems taking coconut oil and CLO at first. I think my body wasn’t used to the amount of fat. Now I take Swedish Bitters with my oils and no problem! I don’t know how it will affect you with gallbladder issues, though.
Maybe your HCl is low and you have problems with digestion of meat and fat. Too much supply of carbohydrates in a diet low in meat (proteins) fats leads di problems with digestion, when switch of carbohydrates into fat.
Servus Mariusz
I am a new member of WAPF and am activly involved and networking with our local group. I have been drinking raw milk and cream now, but have bubbly gastro reactions. I have a cousin that makes raw goat cheese which I enjoyed alot of yesterday and then had bllod in my stool directly after and again today, concerned. I am taking enzymes as well as Kambucha and colloidal silver to manage bacteria and digestion. I took Cod Liver oil yesterday again for first time in months as well, could that be it? I am very healthy and can manage these issues I beleive, but my husband has major GI issues with food intolerance, diverticulosis and bloating, likely candida, and he is so sensitive to any ‘treatments’ that I introduce. My GI reactions would be very compounded for him so I am treading carefully as the ‘experiment’- need advise if anyone has any similar case history, so I can navigate. 🙁
Jean D & Rebecca
In regards to your D3 test levels. There are two Vitamin D blood tests; make sure you got the 25(OH)D test. This test is also called the “25-hydroxyvitamin D” test. You don’t want the other test.
Miraculous Healing
Of all things i bought at 99 cent store one day;they had bottles of Natrol mint emulsified cod liver oil. I thought oh why not? I had just read an article on vitamin D and the winter blues and at 99cents; gave it a try and bought two bottles. (I should have bought 10 bottles at that price, since they ran out a week later) I want to shout from the roof tops…I am post menopausal and had such knee pain as well as sciatica and teeth issues. After a about 4 days the knee pain was gone completely, allowing me to Squat and do lundges for the first time in a few years.! My moods seem to be alleviated and I am happier than I have been in a long time.I know it is from the CLO. I will never stop taking this miraculous oil. It really did something for me. I have always followed the healthy way of living, taken flax seed oil it did nothing for me and some things are just inevitable such as knee and back pain. I feel like my body has had a lube job. I am a true believer. As for the creme and milk drinkers that I have read on this site…have you ever seen a cow suckle off of another cow for milk? Milk is disgusting… milk ech. I say go for the CLO if you are of a certain age…it is a fabulous addition to a healthy diet. 🙂
Low Vitamin D Levels?
I just started to take Fermented CLO by Green Pastures but I’m a bit concerned with some of the comments here. Some people are becoming vitamin D sufficient after taking CLO supplements. The reason I’m even taking CLO is to reduce depression, which it has alleviated to some extent but I’m wondering if there’s a real link with Green Pastures FCLO or any company that makes this product. Do you think its due to vitamin A & D ratio’s being wrong?
i had a lactic acidosis stroke in feb of 2010. after extensive info on lipitor and such…i switched to a high fat diet and daily supplements of arnica..curcumin,cod liver oil, strophactiv and baby aspirin. my western doctor is concerned about cholesterol….but mymd/holistic doctor…dr thomas cowan is more concerned with my tryglcerides which are in great shapelow 50’s…ttl ckolesterol is 130……with the diet….excercise and continuous monitoting of ones own physical engine ilost 35 lbs…went from a 38 waist to a 34 and sleep great and feel great……and dr cowan also was the one who diagnosed mylactic acidosis episode………weston price rocks!!!!
i had a lactic acidosis stroke in feb of 2010. after extensive info on lipitor and such…i switched to a high fat diet and daily supplements of arnica..curcumin,cod liver oil, strophactiv and baby aspirin. my western doctor is concerned about cholesterol….but mymd/holistic doctor…dr thomas cowan is more concerned with my tryglcerides which are in great shapelow 50’s…ttl ckolesterol is 130……with the diet….excercise and continuous monitoting of ones own physical engine ilost 35 lbs…went from a 38 waist to a 34 and sleep great and feel great……and dr cowan also was the one who diagnosed mylactic acidosis episode………weston price rocks!!!
Brian Peskin
Just listen to Brian Peskin and all your health concerns will be taken care of.
No confusions. Period.
At what cost?
Has anyone ever seen the way Fish Oil is made? I mean, there is nothing natural or tasty about eating oil squeezed out of thousands of cut-up fish. How revolting! Yet how successful are these companies at convincing everyone to buy this junk.
Sounds like too many things are being labeled as ‘health supplements’ now. An example is Lecithin, a sludge and chemically laden by-product that used to get thrown out is now generating millions sitting in our stomachs. I believe Fish Oil is just another scam everyone has fallen for. Honestly I would rather ‘savor the planet’ and just eat a lovely whole fresh fish once a week, bought locally from the market.
Naturally, Omega 3 is found in many other whole-foods which we can enjoy and learn to respect, and not take in pill form so others can make their millions at the cost of the earth. I sometimes wonder if ‘health supplements’ are becoming the new pharmaceuticals as many people struggle to find a sense of meaning and hope in their diseased and overworked lives, always searching for that magic potion to make them healthy and happy again.
Hi, I started taking Green Pasture Fermented Cod liver oil for my cystic acne, which worked great for my acne, but I started to loose hair, did any of you experienced the same issue, is there any safe dose that I can take for my acne without loosing hair? Thanks
Hi, I also was taking Cod liver oil (but not good quality, I think now) and started loosing hair, my blood calcium is up (that’s why I found this website). Should I stop taking it? Thanks
Are supplementing with Zinc? Hair loss is one of synptom of zinc deficiency.
I began taking Carlson’s CLO and had phenomenal increase in energy and well being – have had chronic fatigue for years. After about two weeks my hair began falling out. This also occurred with my mother We both take Vit D and BHRT, and she is on a few other meds because of fibromyalgia. We are both over 65. I discovered another site which stated that this happens with women over 65 and not for men. It may be that those of us who, like many men, but also some number of women, tend to make dehydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a disaster for hair follicles after hormones begin to be deficient and out of balance, tend to make this with the chemistry of the CLO, or maybe CLO has DHT in it???. If one or both of these events is happening, there must be a different mechanism than for men, since the men report no hair loss. It struck me that, since Biotin (B5) is important for hair growth and stability, that high doses of Vit A might lower Vit B, especiallyy Biotin, in some individuals. After this occurred to me, I heard on the radio an alternative doc state that high Vit A can cause Vit B depression. Since my mother and I tend to be high stress people (like most women, who tend to take care of the world . . .), that our B vitamins are depleted more readily. I am going to try the fermented CLO with the a quality Vit B complex and maybe extra biotin to see if that is possibly the crux of the matter. Perhaps others could try this and we could all report back. Good luck to everyone. P.S. I’m taking my husband’s Ayurvedic herbal supplement for the DHT and that has slowed the hair loss that began with the CLO. I haven’t taken the CLO for the last few weeks.
Correction of correction Biotin is B7, not B&, I need to get a snack, too many brain blips. :>)
which one cod liver oil for breastfeeding?i’m from malaysia 🙂
Knowledge Is Power.
There is a reason why Vitamin A & D are always found together in nature.
Hi there, i click on the link provided on this page for the recommended brands of cod liver oils but it just keeps taking me back to this page…where exactly are the recommended brands of cod liver oil as I cant see them here. Thanks
Sorry about that. We have corrected it if you want to try again. Thanks for letting us know.
I’ve had two major periods of hair loss in my life and BOTH times I’ve traced it back to a bottle of high vitamin A and D cod liver oil I took months before. My cholesterol is through the roof and so is blood pressure, I have a pot belly (probably fatty liver) despite never eating a lot and never eating more than 2 meals a day and eating a healthy fat/ no sugar or refined carb diet for over 20 years. Now my doc has ordered a liver function test because of all this. Please, please, please do not encourage wanton overdosing of vitamin A oils and supplements.
Thanks for sharing the informative article.