Overruled: Government Invasion of Your Parental Rights
Written and produced by Tiana Wiles
Parents in America historically have had the right to rear their children as they see fit and most assume that right to be inviolable. However these parents will be shocked to learn how that right is being steadily eroded by federal and state governments and courts today.
A medical case in Nashville provides the first example in Wiles’s video. Parents take their sick child to the doctor who runs tests to determine the problem. The tests are inconclusive and the doctor recommends drug tests. The parents authorize the drug tests. They pay for the tests. But the doctor won’t give them the results unless their child gives permission first. The doctor says he has no choice. That is federal law.
In Massachusetts a kindergartener came home with a book from school called My Two Dads. The child’s parents did not wish to have sex education of any kind imposed on their child at that age and met with the school principal to make that clear. The child’s father ended up under arrest and lost the court case that followed.
In Washington, the nanny state, the state court decided that forcing a child to go to church three times a week was excessive and ruled that his parents could only force him to go to church once a week. Just how they decided what level of church exposure was adequate is not explained.
The United Nations has adopted the Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) which has been ratified by all but a few countries. The United States has not officially ratified the treaty but many states have passed legislation compatible with it. In general, while it superficially sounds good to be concerned about the welfare of children, it gives priority to the child over the parents in deciding what is best for the child. One of the provisions specifies that children have the right to access any media they want to access. They have a right to any magazine they want, no matter how inappropriate its content. They have a right to access any website they want. Sweden, where home schooling is not allowed, has ratified this treaty. The same is true for Holland, where sex education in public school starts at age four.
If you have been subjected to a low-cholesterol, lowfat, iodine-deficient diet, this trend might make sense to you. For those who have benefited from enough good nutrition to have a fully functioning brain, I probably don’t have to belabor why this legal craze might be a bad idea. The future implications for overruling what parents can feed their children should also be obvious. Great strides are being made to make us all wards of the state and destroy the family. The thumb is UP for the film, not for the UNCRC.
(As of December 2011, this video can be accessed for free at www.OverruledMovie.com
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2012.
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Sally Oh says
Thank you, Tim! People get so caught up in the title we neglect to read the actual document and comprehend the consequences!
The same is true of the Parental Rights Amendment. When you READ the entire document, you realize there is a very serious flaw in the writing. The PRA ultimately subjugates a parent’s rights to a judge! There is no getting around this flaw. There are already laws on the books preventing anyone from harming anyone else and that includes parents. There is no reason to have this provision in the PRA!
I explain in depth here: https://vitalityhealthworks.com/parental-rights-amendment-is-dangerous/
I would very much like to get the word out about this. People read the title “Parental Rights Amendment” and sign without reading the document. It’s an extremely dangerous document!!