Statin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up
RETHINK Productions
Produced and directed by Justin Smith
Statin drugs make a lot of money for their manufacturers. In order for that to happen, everyone needs to believe cholesterol is a big killer. Denmark has done its part by implementing a fat tax on things like butter. Even children are very familiar with the subject of cholesterol, as Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride points out at the start of this film.
In addition to Dr. Campbell-McBride, there are several other doctors with considerable expertise on the subject, including Dr. Peter Langsjoen, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, Barry Groves, PhD, Dr. Uffe Ravnskov and Dr. John Abramson. This group represents many years of experience, expertise and credentials. They explain why everyone is afraid of having high serum cholesterol. Is it because high cholesterol is a painful or uncomfortable condition? No. Does it result in embarrassing conditions like your hair falling out or your skin turning purple? No. Do you grow a second head? Well, maybe if you live near a nuclear power plant but not because of cholesterol.
Do people take statins because the pills taste good or make them feel good? I don’t know how they taste but statin drugs have numerous wellknown unpleasant side effects like muscle pain, fatigue, memory loss and depression.
Does cholesterol adversely affect your health in any way? That is where the controversy heats up, and you have to carefully do your homework to answer that question correctly. According to the studies Dr. Kendrick is aware of, people with lower cholesterol die sooner. Among those who have never had a heart attack, statin drugs make no difference in life expectancy. Among those who have had a heart attack, life expectancy is possibly increased by a whopping fifteen days.
Barry Groves points out the lack of correlation between cholesterol and heart attacks in various population groups. All of the experts in this film agree that the risks associated with high cholesterol are greatly exaggerated at best and statin drugs do nothing good. But despite their impressive expertise, they are in the minority in the medical profession.
Dr. John Abramson of Harvard Medical School spills a lot of beans about what is really going on. Along with the others in the video, he points out that statin drugs do not reduce mortality, and in the few cases where they do reduce deaths from heart attacks, other causes of death more than obliterate that purported benefit.
There are studies purporting to show benefits from statins. Statin drugs do lower cholesterol. If you have bought into the scam that lower cholesterol is better, then that sounds like a benefit. We are carefully steered away from looking at more important results like whether you live longer.
Most doctors drink the Kool-Aid along with the rest of us. Why is that? Because they are educated by the drug companies. They will point to studies like the JUPITER study done by pharmaceutical giant Astra- Zeneca on its own drug. Obviously, pharmaceutical companies don’t teach anything about conflict of interest in medical schools. Comedian Stephen Colbert showed better understanding than the average doctor when he said the JUPITER study was a great breakthrough in figuring out how to get people to take drugs who don’t really need them.
The pharmaceutical industry spends billions bribing Congress to pass favorable legislation and bribing doctors to prescribe their drugs. Why? Because statin drugs make a lot of money. (Did I say that already?) Those billions add up to about one percent of their profits. They have more than enough money to do whatever they want. Dr. Abramson referred to it more than once as organized crime.
This video lays out clearly what is going on, not just with statin drugs, but in the medical industry in general. No organized crime syndicate bribed me to put my thumb UP for this one.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2013.
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Awesome.Finally we have the truth that statin use is useless .Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease.The Big Pharma is behind the scam because of billions of profit .Big Pharma has bribed and corrupted many doctors because of money and greed.