Why in the World are They Spraying?
Produced and Directed by Michael J. Murphy
This is the sequel to “What in the World are They Spraying?” which introduced the concept of geoengineering, an agenda that involves weather or climate modification. I won’t get into any arguments about the success of any such attempts but many seem to doubt that these attempts are even being made. Besides purely emotional, kneejerk reactions, there seems to be a mindset that believes that unless an official government-approved source confirms the existence of a thing, that thing does not exist. This mindset assumes that government can do or say no wrong. Well, for those who believe this and are new to this planet, let’s go along with such thinking for a moment for the sake of argument.
There are over one hundred sixty government-issued patents for weather modification. Many of those patents specify certain reflective materials to be sprayed in the upper atmosphere. There are videos showing planes doing exactly that, leaving “contrails” that are not coming from the engines but from wingtips or elsewhere on the plane. These materials mentioned in the patents are showing up in high concentrations in the soil below and in the rain coming down.
Then there is the Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD) which prohibits hostile use of environmental modification. This convention has been signed by the U.S. government, passed by Congress, and signed by seventy-six countries as of January 2012. The U.S. approved it in the 1970s.
This seems to be a lot of trouble to go to for something that can’t or won’t be done. There is a convenient little loophole that allows countries to do whatever they want to their own weather. Anyone who has heard of the butterfly effect knows this makes the so-called protection prohibition worthless.
Brushing aside naïve denials, the stated purpose of reflective sprays in the upper atmosphere is to cool the planet. Studies by NASA and others show that while that may happen in the short run, in the long run the planet is in fact heated up. One expert in the video explains the theory of how it all works. Microscopic metallic nanoparticles floating high in the atmosphere reflect heat. They don’t just reflect heat from the sun above them back out to space but also reflect heat downward from air already warmed by the sun. The particles can also be artificially heated by high-powered antenna arrays like the HAARP installation in Alaska and other similar and even larger facilities around the world. That in turn heats the air around the particles. Hot air expands and rises until it hits cooler air at higher altitudes and the moisture in that previously warm air condenses into precipitation. You now have a significant weather phenomenon called a low pressure system where there was none before.
This is all background information that sets up the main question in the movie: why would someone want to do this? Of course, it could theoretically be used to relieve drought or break up violent weather systems and make life easier. However, when the military is involved, that is not usually the first thing they think of. If you can relieve drought and alleviate severe weather, you can also do the opposite to make big trouble for an enemy. If you are a big company with access to this kind of technology, you can cause droughts and floods which destroy small farms which you can then swoop in and buy up. If you are a commodities trader dealing in commodities affected by weather, you have a big advantage if you know what weather to expect. Approximately 80 percent of the U.S. economy is weather sensitive. There is a lot of money to be made in weather control. Whether they are succeeding or not, there is plenty of evidence that someone is trying pretty hard. The thumb is UP.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2012.
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