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- Cod Liver Oil
- The Science of Cod Liver Oil, Chris Masterjohn looks at what the science says about Nature’s number one superfood
- Update on Cod Liver Oil Manufacture, David Wetzel updates us on cod liver oil production
- Answering the Critics, Sally Fallon Morell replies to Dr. Mercola’s attack on cod liver oil
- Modern Foods: HFCS and Agave “Nectar,” Rami Nagel and Sally Fallon Morell tell us why they are worse than sugar
- Traditional Diets: The Good Scots Diet, Katherine Czapp describes the traditional diet of the hearty Scots
- President’s Message: Hot Topics
- Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
- Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon Morell and Mary Enig take on the Diet Dictocrats
- Homeopathy Journal: Remedies for sugar cravings
- Food Feature: Ron Halweil on the alewife, a gift of spring
- All Thumbs Book Reviews
- Tim’s DVD & Media Reviews–All Thumbs Up this quarter
- Growing Wise Kids: Delicious uses for curds and whey
- Soy Alert: Kaayla Daniel on recovery from toxic metal poisoning from soy
- NAIS Update: Judith McGeary on protecting your right to farm
- A Campaign for Real Milk (on realmilk.com): Pete Kennedy keeps us updated on the latest developments
- Healthy Baby Gallery
President’s Message: Hot Topics
by Sally Fallon Morell
In this issue we explore the topic of the fat-soluble activators A and D, especially as found in old fashioned cod liver oil. Those of you who have been receiving our email informational alerts know that we have issued several announcements on this topic over the last few months. Cod liver oil has come under attack as a “dangerous” source of vitamin A. And while vitamin A has fallen to the bottom of the Vitamin Hit Parade, vitamin D has risen to the top, with many voices calling for extensive supplementation in the nutrient and an increase in the RDA for the sunshine vitamin.
The establishment view is as follows: the animal form of vitamin A is toxic and also interferes with vitamin D metabolism, so we should avoid foods rich in this nutrient, like liver, organ meats and cod liver oil; we can get all the vitamin A we need from the conversion of carotenes in plants; it is impossible to obtain adequate vitamin D from food, so we need to take vitamin D supplements.
We hope to put these mistaken notions to rest in this issue by showing the extensive scientific literature on cod liver oil and vitamin A, as well as on the synergistic—rather than antagonistic—relationship of vitamins A and D. To bolster our premise that vitamin A is not toxic, and vitamin D can be obtained from food sources, we have included a delightful article on the traditional Scottish diet, which was rich in fish liver oils, organ meats, shellfish and fats. Here is yet another traditional diet that corroborates the discoveries of Dr. Weston A. Price. As for the mistaken notion that our bodies can obtain sufficient vitamin A from plant foods, we have covered this subject in earlier articles. (See Vitamin A Saga.)
Another hot topic these days concerns high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). We explore the accumulating evidence of HFCS’s harmful effects in this issue, with particular attention on agave “nectar,” which is produced in a manner similar to the process for HFCS. When the health-conscious consumer began to discover the harmful effects of corn and soybean oils, the industry ushered in the supposedly healthful canola oil for use in products aimed at this market. As the health-conscious public has become more concerned about HFCS, the industry has quietly substituted agave “nectar” in so-called healthy snack bars and other sweetened health food store items.
On the political front, we are carefully following congressional bills that would mandate a National Animal Identification System (NAIS) or a draconian federal food safety system. We urge you to respond to our action alerts on these subjects. If you are not receiving action alerts and would like to, please contact our office at (202) 363-4394 or info@westonaprice.org and supply your email address.
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