Frisky enough to follow me to San Francisco? Don’t miss Wise Traditions 2008 where I’ll introduce the original Naughty Nutritionist, the incomparable Dr. Hazel Parcells (1889-1996).
Dr. Parcells was a feisty redhead whom I’m doing my very best to emulate. A total original with a talent for chopping and slicing through nutritional dogma, she had little patience with most health “experts,” saying that they were unteachable because their cups were already full. She broke the rules of establishment nutrition by recommending red meat, raw milk, butter, no soy and no margarine. And she understood body/mind/spirit medicine long before it became popular. Dr. Parcells liked to say that “If you want to be healthy, you need to trade your wishbone for a backbone and get to work.” That’s excellent advice on many levels, including broth making!
I am deeply grateful to The Doctor because I took her advice and became healthy. I noted that she earned several advanced degrees after the age of 50 and gathered the strength to go for my own PhD. I was so intrigued by her findings about the health problems caused by soy protein and soy margarine that I researched and wrote The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food. As for her naughtiness, she set a high bar for wit and wisdom delivered with a wide smile, knowing winks and infectious laughs.
It is her story, however that is most inspiring. The verdict Hazel Parcells heard in 1931 was not good. Incurable tuberculosis, a collapsed lung, a hemorrhaging kidney and an enlarged heart. Curable, said the learned MDs, only by death.
She responded by firing the doctors whose 18 years worth of efforts had left her with a deteriorated body and depleted bank account. “They told me there was nothing more they could do for me, and I took them at their word,” she said. Though only given a few months to live Parcells looked forward to the chance to experiment on herself and learn what her body needed. “One thing was certain, I wasn’t going to get any worse.”
Sixty four years later Parcells died in January 1996 at the age of 106 years young. She was, according to Joseph Dispenza, author of Live Better Longer: The Parcells Center Seven-Step Plan for Health and Longevity (Harper San Francisco, 1997) “vibrantly and vigorously alive.” A sharp dresser who favored bright colors, she was proud of her curly red hair and patronized a beauty shop just a few days before her death, enchanting all who were there.
When Parcells began her healing journey in 1931, she was very much on her own. Few alternative therapies existed and there were few health books to read. “Out of necessity, to keep yourself well, I began to study the chemistry of food,” she told Dispenza. First, she tuned in to her own body.
Listening to her inner voices, and hearing the words “fresh” and “green,” she began eating the only green vegetable available in quantity in Colorado at that time — spinach. Though her consumption rivaled Popeye’s she rejected the canned variety for raw, steamed and juice.d parsley and other greens followed and six months later Parcells was perky enough to report back to Fitzsimmons Army Hospital near Denver to show herself off to the doctors who had condemned her to death.
Her energy soaring and mind wide open to possibility. Parcells made it her life’s work to explore the field of health and healing. Drawn to many ideas that appeared — and perhaps still appear– improbable or impossible to establishment scientists, she ran her own laboratory and also explored homeopathy, light and color therapy, radionics, Bach Flower Remedies and other modalities. She earned four advanced degrees, including doctors of chiropractic and naturopathy and PhDs in nutrition and comparative religions.
In time, word of the Doctor’s unusual methods and miraculous healings spread. “From the first, I recognized her as a master healer and pioneer, far ahead of her time,” said Ann Louise Gittleman, author of Beyond Pritikin (Bantam, 1988), Guess What Came to Dinner: Parasites and Your Health (Avery, 1993) and other books. Parcells introduced Gittleman to many of the underlying causes of disease and malnutrition in the late 20th century, including parasite infestation, pesticide poisoning, mineral deficiencies, radiation sickness and aluminum and other heavy metal toxicities.
“I never heard of her methods not working,” said Sam Berne, O.D., the Santa Fe-based author of Creating a Personal Vision: A Mind/Body Guide to Better Eyesight (Color Stone Press, 1994). “Her reputation was impeccable. She didn’t work with disease. She just cleaned up the body.” And she never spoke of “cures.” “Only taxidermists and undertakers do curing,” she told Dispenza. “As for miracles, no it’s just nature’s way.”
The doctor’s most frequently used methods included fasts and bowel cleanses, parasite riddance programs, therapeutic baths and food cleansing baths. Food cleansed using the Doctor’s special methods gain levels of freshness and energy that belie that reality of long transports and extended stays on supermarket shelves. According to Parcells’ measurements, untreated foods — whether commercial or organic — generally rate so low in life energy that they can scarcely support health The same foods cleaned with the Clorox bath, however, become health promoting. Parcells also designed special lights incorporating magnets that help clear foods of negative energies — including the “fear” energy left in the flesh of slaughtered animals. Known as Thea Lites or Balancing Lites, they also raise the energy of foods — such as milk, salt or Chinese takeout — that could not survive a Clorox soak.
Radiation was another of her deepest concerns. She said she found it everywhere in America, even in remote, beautiful locations such as Sapello, NM, where she lived during the last few years of her life. Accordingly, she recommended that people clear themselves several times weekly with sea salt and baking soda baths and as soon as possible after X rays or plane trips. “She would say, “You can’t stay dry if you keep going out in the rain,” said Larry Martin, a friend and follower who worked closely with her during her last few years of life. “You clear it but it comes back because you are exposed.”
“Doing this work, you start to really know what the environment is like,” said Terry Kast, who followed Parcells for two decades learning her methods and who teaches workshops in Albuquerque. “She found high readings nearly everywhere of dioxins, arsenic trisulfate, cobalt 60, you name it.” In her final years, the doctor also began detecting mutant viruses, mutant fungi and other microbiological alients. Night after night she worked in her laboratory seeking and praying fo remedies, only to catch yet another mutation a few months later.
Over her 65 year career, Parcells recognized many of her peers but esteemed very few. She especially admired Weston Price and illustrated points with tthe photographs in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Parcells was also drawn to another dentist — Royal Lee (1895-1967) a nutritionist, inventor and forward thinker who exposed the adulteration and commercialism of our food supply.
Despite her long career and unquestionable success, Parcells was little known to the general public. One reason was that she preferred to work in peace. Another, she did not want to butt heads with the FDA, the AMA and other medical police. “She kept a low profile because of her unorthodox work,” said Gittleman. “She was very, very careful. She had students, not clients or patients. She didn’t want to be made a spectacle of like Ruth Drown, Max Gerson or Royal Lee.” All three were persecuted for their pioneering work. Indeed when Dispenza first discussed a book, Parcells resisted saying that the world wasn’t ready and her message would be misconstrued and mocked. She agreed to work with him, however, when her spirit guides told her to get the information out to as many people as possible.
© Copyright 2008 Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN
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Marcia McMahon says
I suffer from psoriasis, and it is very prevalent on my arms and legs. My dermatologist wants me to go on the prescription methotrexate, and I really don’t want to take it. She thinks that I could develop psoriatic arthritis in the future if I don’t get the psoriasis under control now. There are many severe side-effects associated with this drug and my gut is screaming to me not to start it. Would you have any suggestions as to what I can do to get my psoriasis under control in a natural, homeopathic way? I would very much appreciate any information that you could share with me. Thank you very much. Marcia
Shyanne says
Hi Marcia
I have a friend who gets psoriasis on her fingers, splits and cracks. She puts emu oil (Montana ranch) which you can get at vitamin cottage on it and it heals right up. In addition, she takes thunder ridge emu oil soft gels (Amazon) and swears by them. One of her friends who has it told her about the emu oil.
I just want to support my skin so I either take the soft gels or put one drop of the emu oil on my tongue. I had a dark flat spot on my leg that started getting lighter after I started doing the drop on my tongue. Once my soft gels are finished I’m going to start the drop again.
Good luck!
Betty says
Emu oil is the best my ex husband used to get cracked hands and dry so bad. i bought emu oil in the year 2,000 his hands never cracked they were soft, and you can use it on your lips to keep them from cracking or being sore in the winter. I noticed the past 10 or so years I never see it at Walgreens anymore. It was in a bottle with yellow you couldn’t miss it, but it helps with so many things.
Mitzi Rauers says
@what brand of emu oil do you put under your tongue?
Alan says
Marcia, I have seen videos of people curing various types of psoriasis by following the Carnivore Diet. My first reaction to the thought of eating meat, fat and salt was repugnance! Especially since the high carb load of the SAD had gotten me to stage 3 Kidney failure. The vids of people who had been in Stage 4 and brought themselves back to Stage 2, convinced me to go Carnivore. Kidney Doctors, Heart Surgeons and a number of G.Ps, were instrumental in leading me to Carnivore, as was my 55-year-old, on Carnivore for the last 4 months. “I never felt better in my life!”
I AM NOT suggesting you go Carnivore! What I AM suggesting is you DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, there are many hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Carnivore videos. Best wishes for your healing, whatever path you choose.
Alan says
Addendum: My doctors, including my nephrologist, strongly cautioned me against high protein, fat AND ESPECIALLY salt!
Jacquelyn Davis says
Doctors will caution a person against anything that doesn’t fasten their wallets.
Tina E says
Jacquelyn, This is so true. If our bodies don’t consume enough good fat our body wont let go of visceral fat that keeps us fat in the mid section, and causes disease. We have been lied to for a very long time. Sick people keep big pharma and doctors in the business of illness, period.
Oma K says
JACQUELYN DAVIS That is so true.
Md’s and most other “Dr’s have been trained in what medications to give to hide the symptoms of disease. Then to give another medication to hide the side effects from the prior treatment and it goes on and on till you are a walking pharmacy. I started my own health journey many years ago when I was told I would end up never getting any better.
I am better taking No Pharmaceuticals only a few supplements that are not in our food supply any longer. I’m walking now without any assistance of canes or walkers. Not to say there’s days I do have more pain that others but it’s nowhere close to what it was on pharmaceuticals.
I will do more research into Dr. Parcells And the Weston A. Price Foundation.
Shirley Phillips says
High protein is bad for the kidneys, as they do all the work of filtering it out and disposing of it.
lisabel says
I resolved a part of my psoriasis stopping to eating something that rots in your gut. It’s a bad advice. Our body can’t catabolize or better, broke meat proteins and fats and all the enzymes are destroied as microbiota. I studied Biology and study Medicine so if you want to have psoriasis, you continue to eat cancer and mutagenes processed food. Instead, I say this from my psoriasis personal and medical experience, you clean the gut first. After you can sooth your mucoses and rebuild the microbiota but your diet (intended also as natural non processed food and a good hydration) and your lifestyle MUST be coerent with the steps you take and always be coerent. I advice to inform on this well.
James says
And yet, I hear SO many stories of folks compeltely clearing their psoriasis on an ALL MEAT diet.
Meat and water, that’s it.
Dana says
In my own healing, it wasn’t necessarily a carnivore diet, but an anti-glyphosate diet that cured my health anomalies. So when you go on a carnivore diet, that inherently eliminates glyphosate, or at least at the levels that are present in dry-harvested crops. Probably impossible to get away from glyphosate entirely, but I now believe my psoriasis, hypothyroid, gerd, and dysautonomia were directly reversed within a week of switching to a low-glyphosate diet. It collects in the bones of animals, but since bone broth also contains the gut-repairing elements to address the gut permeability caused by glyphosate, it is still effective to drink bone broth.
Devyn says
I was just reading about the benefits of spirulina and chlorella for psoriasis!! Theres a company called organic burst and there was some recommendations on there. Check it out!
Heather Eddy says
Go carnivore. 30 days beef butter and water period, then expand. That cleared all my skin issues. I continued on after 30 days and added berries and eggs, and 6 months in all my inflammation is almost gone. Allergies & Asthma diminished significantly, skin is healing and thicker, energy is off the charts and my weight has dropped 20 lbs. I’m 61. I got on this diet after I was poisoned by Levofloxacin and couldn’t walk. I was healed of all symptoms in 4 months but reeped the benefits of the total eradication of my eczema and skin issues, and the healing of my inflammation and fatigue. This coupled with Dr Parcells medicinal baths & remedies, you’ll get well. Try it.
kc says
I pick dandelions about 2 cups worth and slow boil them in coconut oil for 3 hrs. i strain the dandelion and this helps with my friends eczema and my brothers psoriasis 🙂 it also helps heal things like facial acne if you pick it fast etc any abrasions.
T. Learnered says
I see this is from 8 yrs ago, but ailments often last lifetimes until cures are found. Try a parasite cleanse with wormwood, cloves, and black walnut hull. There are a few on the market. Mimosa Pudica seed is also something you should take. Take probiotics called: pro-biotics 100B, candifense, and microb-clear (take these for 3 mos). These do not need to be the name brand. There are equivalents on the market, so just choose wisely with what’s in your budget. Also, take 1/8tsp of Borax in 1 qt distilled water daily. You could stop here, but may be overlooking the nutrient and mineral deficiency caused by parasitic infection. Taking fulvic/humic acid, nascent iodine, magnesium, copper, zink, potassium, K2 & D3, along with a multi vitamin, will help. Also, irish sea moss, chlorophyll, blue-green algea, lions mane, reishi, turkey tail, moringa, turneric & bladderwrack will help provide your immune system with optimal nutrition to have it working at it’s best. You may be wondering…”parasites?”.; yes, parasites. You’d be treating for parasites, candida overgrowth, and deficiency. These are causes of so many diseases, and people are not aware because our medical system teaches that parasites are bot a problem in the USA, & they don’t teach us about proper mineral & nutrient necessity, or how to obtain them all. If you do see this, I hope you have been long healed. If not, I hope this helps.
Tanya says
You are a blessing! Thank you for sharing❤️
Yael says
Thank you, I do think that parasites and fungie are one of the main cause of body ailments.
Anica says
Thank you so much, and God bless you!
Just to add little something, the more I read about everything I think I understand more.
I have feeling that I have parasites under my skin crowing. I mentioned to my doctor how I feel and she said that is only nerves 😟
Is it the same treatment for of them as you explained?
Thank you 🙏
Leilani Smith says
Hello and thank you for the great advice for parasite cleanse. Do you have the measurements or amounts required to do a proper cleanse?
Thank you and God bless you.
Kimberly says
Hey there! Diagnosed with psoriasis at 5 by 7 I had the arthritis. Don’t do the methotrexate. It’s awful.
I’ve been doing lots of studying and psoriasis is from streptococcal or staphylococcal in our bodies. I had strep non stop as a child.
Lisa Staten says
My son suffers from this also it’s mostly on his hands the get so red & crack it’s so embarrassing for him , yes any natural remedies plze
Janet Bloder says
Lisa I get eczema …. Ask the Lord to bless your efforts….Pray 🤗 Have your son soak his hands in a little bit of hot water w clay and olive oil…. The clay will draw out the toxins and olive oil will moisturize…
Oli says
We use occasional fasting to give rest and cleansing to the system and religiously drink homemade kombucha tea and dab it directly on the skin eruptions(patches) of psoriasis several times a day, this took the largest outbreak I have ever seen a 12 inch long, 4 inch wide white and red raised severe patches and now the skin looks normal. I can not praise this method we discovered anymore.
Princess says
try applying a thin coat of VIRGIN COCONUT OIL ( VCO). A man i met, a carpenter working for me was covered with psoriasis, face hands, legs and in some spots oozing. I gave him about 100 ml. of VCO to apply thinly over the spot at least 1 x a day or more, best after cleaning your skin. He reported that the sores were improving after a week and by two weeks drying was evident. He was pleased with the healing and reported never saw this effect from the medications his dermatologist gave him. I have not seen as of late but receive reports the redness has lightened to a pink and itchiness subsided. I hope this will help. VCO is just pure virgin coconut oil, extracted by cold pressing(if that is the right term). Also great as a moisturizer for arms and legs and when applied thinly is easily absorbed with NO chemicals to absorb with it. Good to use on an itchy scalp too and dry skin of course. wishing you all the best to heal well.
Sabrina says
I have chronic fatigue no energy what so ever and I am menopausel, Weak as water, no sleep , severe memory loss. I refuse to take the hormone pills the doctor wants to prescribe. Help please
katedee says
I dealt with chronic fatigue for a long time and tried every healthy herb, vitamin, exercise etc…. I had blood work done and was told all was well. I was then tested for iodine deficiency and started taking 500mg every other day. It was a miracle as my energy came back within the week. I was shocked as I had no hope in this small inexpensive vitamin/mineral. After a few months I ran out of the iodine and kept forgetting to get some more and about 2 weeks later I was back to being out of energy by noon. This was many years ago and I have recommended this to many woman. I was told stress will make the problem worse and had been under years of stress. Please read up on iodine and the type you should take also the effects of not using salt where iodine was put in it due to the lack of iodine in so many of our soils ect. BTW if on a low dose you feel not great then quit using and make sure you take a tsp of salt each day for a week and then take it again. Bromides will try to take the place of iodine in your body so until they are pushed aside in about a week by having NCL (salt with iodine which is most table salt) then try the iodine again.
Daz says
Look up Barbera Oneil and email her.
I had it as a 15yr old looked like a mild leprosy on my head.
The family doctor gave me the cream.
I threw it I the bin and stood on 1peter 2. 24 in the Bible.
I havent had it since.
Doctors say its a miracle..
Jesus IS the healer
Sue says
Get the book “Healing Psoriasis, the natural alternative”. By Dr. John Pagano. My daughter had what her physician called the worst case of psoriasis he had ever seen when she was in high school. We tried all methods of treatment but nothing worked until she read this book and followed the diet. It completely cleared up (after getting worse for a couple weeks). She has been free of psoriasis for Over 15 years
Diane says
I was Dr. Parcells STUDENT, having taken the one and only 12 week class with her. Thank-you for this article. I am also probably the only person in the world with boxes filled with priceless DAG, as I bought up the last of it when I heard they were discontinuing it!!
Dee says
Does anyone have a proven remedy for osteoarthritis and bone on bone pain I have been struggling with this condition for a little over a year and after many drs X-rays and mri I was told I have osteoarthritis in my hips and drs recommended hip replacements
I appreciate all advise
Brett says
Stretch like crazy, especially the opposite leg may be tight and giving pain.
choly says
Any book you recomend about dr Parcell
ionne says
I am looking for information on Dr Parcells directions for liver cleanse using olive oil & fresh grapefruit juice. I have unfortunately lost the copy that I had. It’s not an easy liver cleanse but I felt profoundly better after the cleanse. It’s been years & I would like to do another cleanse.
Cindy Lamb says
Dr. Linda Lancaster was a student of Dr. Parcell’s. She just wrote a book called Light Harmonics. The polarity cleanse is in the book
Erin Fowler says
thank you for sharing, I have been looking for something like this book you mentioned here.
Dennis says
Dr Linda Lancaster’s book harmonic healing has all Dr Parcells therapeutic baths and cleanses included with her work
Cynthia LIng says
My mom studied with Dr. Parcells. The directions for the cell cleanse is in the back of Dispensa’s book on her “Live Better Longer”. As far as the herbs go I don’t know how to get her exact herbs but Dr. Schulze whose website is has a liver cleanse program that uses similar herbs and he studied under Dr. Christopher, also. I have used his herbs with her stricter juice program. Also, Dr. Schulze just does 3 days of juicing and it really needs to be at least 4 days. I believe hers was 5 days.
Donna says
What about arthritis? Is there any thing for that?
Tiki says
I think diatomaceous earth works for arthritis.. use Food Grade, only though. But, I’m not an expert, you can look it up.
Sonja says
For Arthritis look into the borax protocol on Earthclinic (for women it’s 1/8 tsp of borax dissolved in a liter of good quality water taken throughout the day; double for men).
Martha Bello says
I thought this was going to be about Hazel Purcell . I’m a bit disappointed.
Diane says
The soaking baths for starters.
Ana says
I am trying to get in touch with Terry Kast, she was my mentor on Dr Parcells energy lamp. Can you please provide me with a phone number or email for her? She is in Albuquerque NM
Val Denton says
In 1975 I took two weeks of training under Dr. Parcells. She taught radiesthesia, and the correct understanding and use of the pendulum, for diagnosis and treatment. All of the people who took the classes with me have passed on; and I am the last in the Idaho Falls area to have completed the courses. She made it plain that no two people are alike, and no two treatments are equal and specific for two different people. If you want to find out what your issue is and what the correction is, you have to get trained in the proper use of the pendulum!
Shari Caines says
Hello, are you talking about a crystal pendulum? How does that work? I’m very interested. Thanks!
Deanna DeWitt says
Val are you interested in teaching this virtually so that Dr. Parcells ways can be kept alive? As a functional nutritionist & fan of her “natures way”principals, I’m very interested.
Klaudia says
I am interested
Please contact with me
Jacqualine OBrien says
Me too. I am a Natural Therapist in Australia. I’m very interested if you would consider online teaching.
Cristina says
Would you be willing to pass on the knowledge that you received from Dr Hazel, so that it’s not lost?
Reginia says
I would like to lean an keep it going
Irma says
Hi Val,
I am very interested in learning the proper use of a pendulum. Are you willing to teach? I wish I could’ve trained with Dr Parcells. My email is
Thank you,
Daniel says
Teach me
Diane says
I studied with her in the 70s, too. I took two one week classes and then the 12 week class. I’m still alive. I have a lot to teach so her work is not lost. I feel it will slide away when I pass. There is nothing in the books like her extended class.
Rosanne Murtha says
Where can you buy a Thera lite?
Tina says
I would love to know more about Alzheimer’s, Asthma and acid reflux attacks
Sonja says
There is a doctor who healed her husband from Alzheimers with coconut oil. You can find her video on YouTube under “Can Alzheimers be treated with the keto diet? “
Brad says
Look up Dr. Francisco Gonzalez-Lima and Mthelene Blue. This Dr is a neuroscientist and is doing research in this arena.
I have been taking it for 3 months due to long CoVid which led to neurological issues and has had wonderful results. M B is an over the counter product and must be USP grade to be consumed. Dosing is important as well.
Nancy Petrosky says
Whats mb
Shirley Phillips says
Methylene blue.
Diane says
That can be extremely dangerous. It should only be given under the guidance and RX of an MD.
Ludona says
On you tube Ken D Berry
Beef Butter Bacon & Eggs.
Cured my husband’s reflux and is taking down his psoriatic arthritis.
Veronica says
Wondering if Parcell has mentioned a cure for kidney stones?
Kathleen says
I don’t know if Parcells had a cure, but we used Chanca Piedra drops to dissolve the stone and added daily Potassium Citrate keep them from forming in the future. My husband never fully passed the stone. It just dissolved or became really small and he couldn’t feel it go. We had to go to the emergency room when it happened and they sent him home to pass it! Also, beware of grapefruit juice! My husband had gone on a bit of a kick with it and figured that is what caused it. No problems since three years later!
Nancy Petrosky says
Whats mb
S says
Castor oil pack dissolves cysts, stones, any growth including bone spurs- see Barbara O’Neill on YouTube
Holly Hartley says
My daughter who’s in her early 20’s has had problems all her life with constipation. She recently went to the ER with what we figured was a gall bladder attack because of the horrible spasms She was having in that general area. The Dr said she’s completely backed up, the worst he’s ever seen. Nothing they give her works. I know there has to be a natural cure for this. Please help point me in the right direction. I’m so glad I came across your name while searching for a possible answer from Dr. Hazel Parcells!
Cynthia Ling says
Eat fruit, cherries, plums, prunes, prune juice can add apple juice to it. That being said some things you eat are constipating white flour, pizzas, all pork, but especially bacon because the body stores toxins in the fat. There is a supplement called Herbs and Prunes that has helped me. Also Dr. Schulze has a website that has a bowel cleanse program that has rave reviews. His intestinal formula #1 is a little strong for me now which is why I switched to the one above. Also if nothing is coming out it is okay to do a day of just juices, water, and herbal teas. Goldenseal helps so a tea with goldenseal or dandelion also helps. I’m a second generation Parcells student my mom knew her.
Diane says
Get a colonoscopy for the poor girl. Sometimes you need mechanical intervention, especially if it is a dire condition.
Brian Dennis says
Does anyone know if raw milk is a high histamine food? There seems to be lots of confusion on this topic.
S. A. says
-Histaminehangover- Instagram page very helpful site
-bethohara-mass cells 360
Incredible, detailed information
Warm regards
David Davy says
Has a cure for Crohn’s been developed as a friend of mine
contracted it at age 40 years and gets regular mouth ulcers.
Grateful thanks
Cynthia Ling says
There is. a book called the Maker’s Diet written by someone who cured himself of Crohn’s disease.
David Davy says
Crohn’s disease: a friend of mine contracted it
and gets regular mouth ulcers.
T. Learnered says
Try a parasite cleanse and candida treatment for chron’s disease. The parasite cleanse should have wormwood, cloves, and black walnut hulls in it. 3 months of pro-biotics : equivalent of candifense, microbe-clear, and probiotics 100B. Avoid sugar and starches, and fermented foods. If candida is part of the cause, fermented foods will feed it because they contain sugar and yeast. I wrote out a list of other minerals and herbs to take in addition, in a post above where the person is asking about psoriasis. Follow the same treatment. There are many diseases caused by parasites and candida overgrowth. Doctors do not consider parasites a problem in the USA, so do not treat us for them. You would be amazed by the testimonies of what has been healed: diabetes, CHF, chrons, diverticulits, skin rashes and autoimmune disorders, cancer, and the list goes on and on. Your friend has nothing to lose by trying treating for parasites and candida, and will be one more thing to make off the list if it doesn’t heal them…but my bet would be on it helping. Good luck to your friend with this issue.
Kelli says
Has the Parcels centre in Sante Fe closed? Because in the book it says at least 5 times ‘”if you are interested in this (particular protocol/ product to use/to know which brand Dr Parcels recommends/ed etc) contact the Parcels Centre. How does one get this info?! By the way, someone asked here about raw milk- isn’t it that raw milk is not homogenised, therefore the proteins are not broken down, therefore they do not pass directly into the bloodstream which is what causes the body to react /makes the immune system attack as they are foreign objects?
Theresa says
Hello, I am also interested in learning how to do the pendulum. Please contact me via my email.
Duncan Adams says
psoriasis Hint – start looking at it’s cause from virus .. may help some … did you have mono as a kid … Ebstien Bar virus …also any oils processed with HEAT are rancid .. I use to consume olive oil . I quit .. psoriasis decreases by at least 40% – I still have it can’t knock it .
Bernadette Bugarin says
I’ve started treating my psoriasis by celery juice cleanse and removing toxic heavy metals. I’ve been following Anthony Williams for how to remove them.
Brandy Hendrix says
My daddy has Parkinson’s disease! It’s one of the most terrible diseases I have ever seen with absolutely no cure! Not even close! Did Dr Parcell ever research anything on this? I am about to start researching all this info! Can someone please help me? A book? Anything? Please
T. Learnered says
In all my research, I have come to the conclusion that all disease is caused by a handful of things. Parasites, mineral/nutrient deficiency, candida overgrowth, mold infection, and toxins. My approach would be to treat for these, one at a time. Start with a parasite cleanse that contains wormwood, cloves, and black walnut hulls. Take probiotics for 3 mos: candifense, probiotic 100B, and microbe-clear. Avoid fermented foods as they have yeast and sugar and will feed candida. Avoid sugars and starches. Take mimosa pudica seed. Take a binder…my preferred one, as it crosses the blood brain barrier, is 97% zeolite powder. This will prevent toxic die off syndrome when toxins are released from the bodies of parasites, and will pull heavy metals and other toxins from the body. Take the Dr Purcells detox bath, and make sure to stay in for the complete temperature change. It will not be nearly as effective without doing that. You also want to replenish the good metals and make sure you are intaking proper nutrient/minerals. Copper, zinc, potassium, magnesium, manganese, K2 &D3, nascent iodine, fulvic/humic acid, a good multivitamin. Also, irish sea moss, chlorophyll, blue-green algea, bladderwrack, barley grass juice, turkey tail, reishi, lions mane, cordycepts…and research other herbs that assist in neurological disorders. I believe red clover, dandelion root and leaves, tulsi…I know there are a few others, but it’s slipping my mind atm. For this particular disease, I’d also add 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide, diluted, and taken orally daily. You can find instructions online. Also, diet. I’m not sure if a Keto diet would better suit this disease or an alkaline diet, but I would start with the keto diet, as I know people have had success with other neurological disorders on the keto diet. I need to say that I am not a doctor, and you need to research these yourself. I am someone who got very sick, and healed myself, and also healed three members of my family, all with different issues, but using a similar protocol. I have done a LOT of research, and is what my recommendation stems from. If you try this, and it works, I would love to know about it. If it doesn’t work, You will be able to mark off several items from possible causes. Parasites, candida, toxins, heavy metals, nutritional/mineral deficiency is iffy because we don’t know what deficiencies are present, but the items i listed will handle many of them. When i treated my dad’s diabetes, that was the mindset i went in with…and his results are amazing! No more diabetes or heart issues. Good luck!
Detox Guy says
I agree with you on 80% especially rolling off the top 🎩 of your head. But…
for instance you didn’t mention milk thistle, Oregon Grape, Artichokes, life giving dark leaf greens and cleansing berries so hopefully an oversight! Those are the health affirming staples in my medicine cabinet. I agree with you on following Dr. Hazel Parcells remedies. +++++ Parcells +++++
Karin Kaufmann says
I would love to pick your brain!!! I am so frustrated w ‘modern’ western medicine!!
Darla says
T learned knows what he/she is talking about! I, too, have researched these things and cured most of my own ailments using antiparasitics, Borax, herbs, and cutting out sugar and processed junk, no bad oils or high carbs, avoid most all grains, getting essential minerals and detox baths. Keto diet is the place to start. Just research herxheimer reactions before you start parasite treatments so you are aware of what is happening in your body and you dont run off to Big Pharma for help if you start feeling sick. Trust the process! Praise Jesus for answering my prayers and showing me how to heal my body!!! Unfortunately, I cannot get most of my family on board with even researching parasites. They think I am crazy, yet I am healthier than I have been in decades!
louise says
i read about healing the dad diabetes,,,,,what specif did you use or more inform,,,,Thanks
Marebear710 says
Thank you for great advice, but this is a big list. Little overwhelming. No clue where to start to get all of these ingredients, do you have products or brands please? Thank you very much
Magda Pujadas says
Please could you give me information for the cure if eccema my granddaughter is 5 and she has horrible
Eczema we have taken her to different dermatologist and all they want to give her is steroids please help God bless!
My email is
Herbert Eisenbart says
I had itchy psoriasis developing from a patch of dry, flaky skin on my hand that wouldn’t go away. I massaged black seed oil on it before bed time and it helped to get rid of it over a few weeks.
Amy says
My hands and arms started to go numb and they would feel this tremendous aching feeling along with lightning pain. This was 20 yrs ago. I did not have diabetes. I saw chiropractors, had nerve testing done, and had MRI scans. They couldn’t determine what was wrong. After years of this pain, i started taking Celebrex. It solved the pain but the numbness was still there. That was probably about 10 years ago. I did develop type 2 diabetes. About 2 years ago the exact same thing has started with my feet. Started in my toes and now has crept over most of my foot. Told my doctor about my arms so I had circulation tests done. All clear there. So I had to endure the nerve testing again- on both arms and legs. No signs of neuropathy, yet my doctor still blames my symptoms on it. I saw an MS doctor, no signs of MS or any autoimmune diseases. I’m now on so many medications just so I’m not in excruciating pain constantly. I also have PCOS (which I’ve had since before puberty.) after the birth of my son 18yrs ago, my stomach just filled back in with visceral fat. So I always look 8 mos pregnant. That’s why the diabetes. Does anyone have any thoughts? Doctors aren’t helping.
Ludona Smith says
Dr. Ken Berry: Carnivore Diet:
Beef, Butter, Bacon, & Eggs.
Alicia says
Did you check your hormones?
Laurieann Lettau says
Does anyone know what the measurements for baking soda and salt in the radiation bath soak are? And if it’s regular table salt or a different salt?
Martha Bello says
3 lbs of baking soda, if no sea salt is used. I suppose it’s just faucet water. Go to Facebook or Google it, it’s on there. I’m sorry I don’t have more info.
Chan Ran says
A full tub of hot water as hot as you can comfortably stand it. Add 1 lb sea salt or rock salt, no epsom salt or table salt. Add 1 lb of baking soda. Soak until water cools and comes up to body temperature. Important: Do not add any additional hot water. While soaking sip on this drink, 1 glass of water with 1 teaspoon each of sea salt and baking soda stirred in to dissolve.
Lisa says
How often should you do the bath? How often should you drink the quart of distilled water, teaspoon baking soda and teaspoon sea salt cut into 4 portions?
Simon Darcey says
Hi Lisa … did you manage to receive/find an answer to how often one should drink the distilled water, baking soda and sea salt mixture? I’m been searching the internet for this too.
George Bueckert says
Once a week
Cynthia Ling says
The bath is 1 lb each in bath which works out to a heaping cup of each. How often depends on how you feel. Take the bath anytime you feel a cold coming on, anytime you have had an X-ray or something related. If you are dealing with c@ncer related issues she had one leukemia patient take a salt and soda bath in the morning and a Clorox bath in the evening. Also anytime you have had a vaccine you should take the Clorox bath, all vaccines have heavy metals whether it is mercury or aluminum. I had to do this with my boys since I live in CA, no medical exemptions. Sorry sidetracked, as far as the drink goes, I never like the taste and enjoy my baths too much to drink it during the bath, so I just have water. Anytime you are dealing with a cold the salt and soda drink can be taken 3 to four times a day. Do not take it right after you eat do it before as the baking soda will deplete the stomach of some of the acid it needs to digest food.
Kat says
I am reading Dr Parcells books and i am fascinated with her wisdom. I wonder if anyone knows which is the brand name of a Clorox with the precise percentage that she recommend. It seems that they don’t have anymore the same porcentaje 5.25 solution of hypochlorite and water. Also if by any chance she had a treatment for uterus fibroids. Thanks
Margot says
Dr Barbara O’Neil – YouTube video – recommends castor oil packs to dissolve lumps, bumps and even bone spurs. Apply a castor oil pack topically over the area you want to heal.
Douglas says
Cynthia Ling says
I have been using regular Clorox for years since the 70’s. Just don’t use the one that has additives in it to make it splash less. 1 tsp per gallon of water to soak veggies in 5 to 10 min then rinse 5 to10 min in plain water. You can take a Clorox bath to help pull out heavy metal toxins 1 cup to bathtub of water. Soak for at least 20 min.
I’m a second generation Parcell’s student.
Worried Mama says
I have a severely handicapped son who needs full-time care. I have to pick him up & carry him everywhere.
I have extremely bad lymphoma (I think that’s how it’s spelled) in my legs, they are so swollen I can’t wear any shoes & I have blister looking lumps on them. My dr said there’s not anything that can be done. But with my son who depends on me for everything, I can’t just not try something.
Does anyone know, if the Dr had any advice on what to do or if there is something I can do or try?
I would greatly appreciate any information that I can use.
M. Shealy says
I believe you meant lymphedema. I have that same problem with my arms and legs. I started Dr. Ken Berry’s carnivore diet. It has help me so much. I have been on it 7 months. I feel so much better. I lost 68 lbs so far. The lymphedema has improved. The swelling has reduced. And so many other things have gotten better. Sugar and carbs are your enemy… get rid of them. They are killing us.
Mary Ellen Jones says
Can you send me a product catalog please.I a most appreciative.
Connie Ramirez says
Can someone tell me the name of Dr. Parcells book I would like to buy it. I also need a complete and safe treatment for parasites removal.
Where do we find the brand name of a Clorox with the precise percentage that she recommend. It seems that they don’t have anymore the same porcentaje 5.25 solution of hypochlorite and water.
Cynthia says
There are two books both written by Dispensa one is Live Better Longer and the other has her name in the title but I don’t remember exactly. Use regular Clorox. I have been using regular Clorox for years since the 70’s. Just don’t use the one that has additives in it to make it splash less. 1 tsp or capful per gallon of water to soak veggies in 5 to 10 min then rinse 5 to10 min in plain water. You can take a Clorox bath to help pull out heavy metal toxins 1 cup to bathtub of water. Soak for at least 20 min.
I’m a second generation Parcell’s student
Karen Walcott says
I have severe food sensitivities and histamine intolerance. Has anyone treated this successfully?
louise says
i have been reading information on parasites and their relation to diseases,plan to try some of the treatments.i wish i could find more infor on diabetics.
John P Armijo says
I’m looking for some ptsd energy work
thank you