She was one of those women who had everything: a loving husband, beautiful, healthy children, a well-run, stylish home, and intelligence to boot. She considered her life in order and often pondered it with satisfaction. She was slightly spoiled.
It wasn’t always that way though. Only fifteen years earlier she was single and suffering from debilitating depression, anxiety attacks and chronic fatigue. These were not the typical premenstrual blues and occasional anxiety attacks; they were the overwhelming, life-altering sort. Her life was bulging with medical drama and constant searching for answers. “Why,” she would whimper, “is this happening to me?” The answers were vague and confusing. From doctor to doctor she traveled only to find her inescapable illness deepening with each new medication.
Then one day, purely by accident, a friend mentioned that a relative had visited a homeopath which resulted in a cure of his anxiety attacks. Intriguing, she considered. It was an easy decision. She solicitously dragged herself into the initial visit only half believing anything could save her from her life of chronic suffering. Yet, she was struck by the first meeting. Impressively, the homeopath spent nearly two hours in consultation with her, completely focused on what she had to say. “Everything about you is important,” clarified the homeopath, “even the position in which you sleep.” If nothing else, it was refreshing to have someone listen to her with genuine interest.
She left the homeopath’s office with renewed hope, because it was the first time anyone had explained what was going on. The homeopath told her that each medication she had been taking was concealing a symptom that was not only causing more serious ones but was suppressing her body’s ability to adjust to her condition. And further, her symptoms were not the culprits, but were gifts of insight that directed the homeopath toward finding the remedy that precisely suited her. Once the correct remedy was determined, her sufferings would no longer be veiled but slowly melt away one by one. It might take some time, warned the homeopath, but over weeks, energy would be gained, anxiety diminished and perspective restored. Most important, homeopathy isn’t a cover-up of symptoms, but a proven world-wide medical method that uproots illness on both the physical and mental plane.
The day after her first dose of Aurum metallicum was a remarkable one. It so happened that she hoped she could eke out a day of one simple task. She simply wanted to organize a file she was compiling to build a case for social security benefits since she was no longer capable of work. She had grown accustomed to measuring her time and tasks according to what her symptoms allowed. Most days were relegated to about an hour or two of productive time while the remainder was spent napping, peppered with anxiety attacks and weeping.
This day was different. Instead of the expected, she found herself organizing other files, too, and even wandering into the kitchen and making soup from scratch. This was a once-relished task that had also been left behind due to her mounting fatigue. Yet, here she was working and providing herself with a nourishing meal! When she finished lunch, she noticed the pantry needed tidying. Instead of postponing the task as usual, she took it on with renewed gusto. “Hey,” she thought, “I remember this feeling. . . it’s the way I used to feel in college; energetic, capable and motivated.” It was then that she realized she hadn’t felt well for probably a decade. After the last jar of beans was wiped and returned to the shelf, she scanned the room for another undertaking. Maybe I’ll just start a load of laundry, she considered. And so the day went: task after task accomplished with ease, unlike any other day for what seemed a life time.
That night, as she lay her head on the pillow she took pleasure in reflecting on the accomplishments of the day and only hoped this had something to do with the homeopathic remedy. “Nah, just a fluke,” she decided, and fell deeply asleep.
Yet, upon awakening the next morning, despite the cold, damp weather, a factor that had always worsened her depression, she prepared herself for another productive day. This happened day after day for nearly a fortnight when finally she experienced a panic attack. She wept a little, too; more out of grief that her new well-being might be coming to an end. Then something uncommon happened. Just when the panic was coming to the usual breathless pitch, it abruptly stopped. And instead of the telltale exhaustion and residual diarrhea, there was a sense of calm. If it hadn’t been for the fact that it was nearly midnight, she would have phoned her homeopath. Instead, she jotted down her experiences of the last two weeks to report at their next meeting.
And so it went. Day after day, week after week, the depression appeared only occasionally, now shorter, now less dramatic. Her desire to go out and her stamina returned. The prescription medications she once depended on had now been eliminated; so had the over-the-counter ones, and she began experiencing the life she always envisioned. After a few more visits to the homeopath, her irregular and debilitating menses were also brought to normalcy and she stopped taking naps altogether. This was about the time she met her future husband. They were introduced at a mutual friend’s house—the one who had earlier shared the homeopath’s name. Innocently, the friend wore strong perfume, a previous trigger to anxiety, yet none of this made our heroine ill. Instead she was particularly clever and charming that night, which caught his attention. No more fogginess and anxiety. Her intelligence sparkled.
Their marriage has been blessed with two children who are both taken to her now beloved homeopath for any ills. Conventional medications are not considered in her or her family’s lives. It’s homeopathy for all of them. Depression is a thing of the past. So is the fatigue, diarrhea, anxiety, foggy thinking and menstrual disorders. She has a good life, rich with the blessings of a family and vigorous health. It only looks from the outside like a privileged life was bestowed upon her. Perhaps she has higher-than-average expectations, hence the ability to bring them to fruition. There is an assumed excellence that comes from abundant health that she and her family have come to enjoy. Indeed, homeopathy has spoiled her.
Aurum Metallicum: A Golden Remedy
Aurum metallicum is a homeopathic remedy that has a reputation for addressing the deepest imaginable depression and anxiety. The need for this is characterized by a feeling of isolation, joylessness and chronic fatigue. It often afflicts an educated, polished person with high standards, who enjoys achievement but is lost in the abyss of depression. This state of mind can be triggered by a business reversal or disappointed love relationship, and may include anorexia nervosa and suicidal thoughts. Yet it also touches the lives of those who have depression running in their family bloodline. The choice of this remedy is based on these and other individual characteristics and symptoms.
Homeopathy is a medical discipline that can be used at home with simple instruction for everyday maladies, however, it requires the education and experience of a trained and credentialed homeopath to address depression and anxiety.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2008.
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Aurum Metallicum
Is it possible to get this & try it? Or must one find a reliable homepath to go thru?
Please contact homeopathic doctor Dr. B. Bhattacharjee in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
His phone numbers are: 01718-452145 and 01914-213592.
His email:
To sun—-None of these phone numbers work. Pl send me the current, correct nos pl at
You can get Aurum at
One should always consult a professional as Aurum may not be YOUR remedy for YOUR depression…
I feel that as long as you do your research on this remedy and remember that less is more when it comes to homeopathy you’ll be fine. Make sure that the remedy not only needs to fit the physical symptoms; but also the mental symptoms and your general constitution. Best of luck!
I feel that as long as you do your research on this remedy and remember that less is more when it comes to homeopathy you’ll be fine. Make sure that the remedy not only needs to fit the physical symptoms; but also the mental symptoms and your general constitution. Best of luck!
Another thing to remember that there are x and c remedies be sure to look the reason for taking one or the other.
Self-prescribing homeopathic remedy is not likely to succeed
Whether you can get it or not, one should not take a homeopathic remedy on the basis of a magazine article. There are many homeopathic remedies for depression, and finding the correct one for YOU is the reason for the two-hour consultation. Aurum itself comes as several different compounds, as well as the aurum metallicum described here. Homeopathic remedies are powerful, and obtaining them through an experienced and knowledgable practitioner is essential if you want a genuine cure.
nice truthful with awesome remedy
Wow that is,exactly how i have been feeling
Is there a directory that you can search to find a reputable homeopath in your area? I live in Fort Worth, TX.
which homeopath in india can guide me about the medicine, which dose should I use it to cure depression
I am prabhat suffering from hopelessness negative thought fair of risk headache plz provide me solution
Dear Homeopath
Im writing from Australia.
Im a single Mum just on a small pension barely enough to get through each week.
Im stuck because i suffer from the most severe depression mentionable.
My symptoms fit Aurum Metallicum but im scared it wont work. Ive had it a few times in the past if i remember right and didnt feel it held. Im not sure.
I urgently need help. I dont know where to turn.
I am bed ridden with the most horrible anxiety and depression as described in Aurum.
Can anyone help me?
Kindest Regards
Please consult Dr Chandran from Bengaluru(India) He may take your case and he is Charitable, Runs on Donation only so no Fee. Best in the Homeo world. You will not find his posts/Adverts/ Forum posting but doing his work silently. you can search him typing on Google( Bhadra Homeo Forum. )
Hope my post may help others too.
Where in Australia are you?
I am 34 M suffered from chronic depression , migraine and severe headaches since 2005
Normally headaches increase when I delay the breakfast or lunch or remain empty stomach. Hence I have to make sure I take light snacks between meals too, I cannot tolerate headaches anymore. Normally headaches occur from 12:00 noon until sunset and If I get enough sleep say 9-10 hours or more, the headaches slow down and within tolerable limit.
I have also noticed that headache is calmed down in night hours and in summer season is more frequent than rainy or winter seasons
During migraines, I cannot do any work, nor talk to anyone, I have to close my eyes and forget everything
My mental powers and memory loss is affecting my daily life and I cannot concentrate on my job responsibilities
I have also notice hair fall and whitening since last 2 years and when I was in my teen years I could remember many numbers and events, but now there is sharp decline in memory
Kindly guide dose and medicine name
Out of 7 days in a week, I get severe headaches every 2-3 days and I have to apply balm on my forehead and take adequate sleep otherwise headache remains for 2-3 days more
Please tell me some names of health tonics also to improve memory and eyesight
My eyesight is also weak I wear spectacles of -1.5 optical power (Spherical + Cylindrical)
I was given 1M of Aurum Mettalicum a few days ago for treating the Syphillis Miasm … I feel as the medicine is creating more symptoms as if the inner syphillis miasm was bloated up to its maximum before exploding and vanishing. Is that the normal healing process with such high potency? Thank you for your reply.
I have read somewhere that this is a remedy for mercury poisoning , is this true?
I haven’t been able to find an answer about it anywhere else.
This remedy is a big help to my son (in his 20s) He is also on a low dose antidepressant so I read to use a lower dose so not to interfere- in the article I read the homeopath used 6c. I’m very thankful to have found it.
You can get aurum 200c at Washington homeopathy..get more for your money than borion..this one you would take every other day for 8 wks..stop and assess..if symptoms return means you aren’t done..go few more wks then assess again..this isn’t something you stay on for a life time..should root out the issue
See above reply
I have been using homeopathy sucessfully for over 30 years initially with homeopathic medical doctors, in fact three different ones over the years. I have also very successfully treated myself on my own. If you can’t afford to see a doctor and pay the fee you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by educating yourself and going for it. I have done this exact same thing with allopathic doctors who love to use fear to discourage you and control you. YOU are in control of your health. Take some homeopathic courses, especially from Joette. She freely shares so much valuable information.
hello i found and bought autum met , i been broken, for 3 years now and suffered emotionally, mind body focus is hindered, i ran 6 marathons , and its my passion, i was abused emotionaly from my father emotionally psy abuse, tramua and i am trying to get autum met to help me but i dont know what dose to take? anyone know what dose i can take , i lost focus and have some ptsd, i want my life back , can this help me ? mind body and sound , can this help me i feel im in psycosis. and sucidial feelings but no attempt.
Aurum metallicum heals unconscious toxic shame from emotional neglect, rejection or abandonment. They grew up in an environment where only excellent achievements were applauded, anything less not. Conditional love and conditional emotional attention leads to hiding away the ‘bad’ parts, putting them in the shadow as Jung called it. Wearing a mask of perfection yet feeling very insecure within bordering on anxiety.
As an adult this pattern is deeply ingrained. Only when everything is perfect, is the person content. Since perfection is never reached, the person always feels like failing. He then sees himself as a failure even when it’s not his fault or when others make a mistake.
These failures lead to more failures as the person cannot seem to trust his intuition anymore as it’s imperfect. He then attracts the wrong people, fails even more and then goes into hiding.
He wants to hides his shame which is impossible as everyone sees it because his life situation has become a mess.
They have deep guilt and suffer in silence from never reaching their goal. They are afraid to look at their shadow because they cannot bear seeing their weakness. They need to accept their weaknesses, mistakes and failures. And also learn that most mistakes were not their own but others’s, and that life is all about learning.
Aurum reestablishes self-worth and self-love through a reconnection with the inner Source. The more you rely and trust your inner source, the better the connection with yourself and the better decisions you make.
It helps you heal from ‘there’s something wrong with me’ to ‘I’m a child of God, perfectly imperfect and fine as I am’.
This complete self-acceptance and healthy self-love lead towards full and definitive healing. It turns lead into gold (aurum is gold).
Modern day alchemist. From deep frustration to full satisfaction.