Question:I have had eczema off and on for many years, causing me considerable discomfort, even pain. Conventional doctors seem to have nothing to offer me except steroid creams. Is there a natural solution to eczema?
Answer: Eczema, Latin for skin rash, is a common and vexing skin disorder that severely disrupts the lives of many people of all ages. The incidence of eczema has been increasing over the past forty years; in fact, it is now considered the most common chronic disease in the pediatric population in the western world. According to western medicine, the pathophysiology—that is, the cause—of eczema is unknown, although the current theories put eczema in the category of auto-immune diseases in this case an auto-immune disease of the skin. (For reference other auto-immune diseases include Hashimoto’s which is an auto-immune disorder of the thyroid gland, and rheumatoid arthritis, which is an auto-immune disease of the joints.)
Food allergies have long been suspected to play a role in eczema, although studies of the role of food allergies have shown conflicting results over the years. There is also the question of whether all eczema or skin rashes have the same cause, in that sometimes the skin will be wet and weeping, whereas in other cases the skin is overly dry and cracked. It is unclear whether these are actually the same disease or whether they should be thought of and treated as entirely different illnesses. There is also the question of whether the location of the skin disorder relates to the origin of the illness. Children typically have eczema in the crooks of their elbows, and behind their knees and ears, whereas in the teen years and twenties the eruptions are frequently on the hands and feet, and in older age the eruptions often occur on the legs and arms. All these things are unexplained in conventional medicine and in fact complicate this very difficult situation.
In trying to understand eczema on a deeper level, the first issue to address, as with all allergic and auto-immune diseases, is the fact that the antibodies that cause auto-immune reactions are made against foreign proteins that have found their way into the bloodstream. Whether we are talking about foreign food antigens (food allergies), or auto-immune reactions, the issue is not so much stopping the toxic skin reaction that results in the eczema, but rather sealing and healing the gut in order to stop the leakage of foreign proteins into the blood stream, either from food or other sources. Healing the micro-flora of the gut, healing the micro-villi of the gut, and stopping the absorption of antigenic proteins is the key to stopping the vicious cycle that results in chronic eczema. All of this points to the GAPS diet (Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet), the modified traditional diet, to start healing the gut and restoring the micro-ecology in our GI tract. From a epidemiological perspective, when we moved away from our traditional diet, with its emphasis on lacto-fermented foods, good fats, bone broths and properly prepared grains, we created the situation that has allowed chronic illnesses like eczema to flourish.
In addition to the GAPS diet as the basis of the eczema treatment, there are some natural medicines that can go a long way to relieve the suffering that often accompanies this disorder. Evening primrose oil has been shown to lower inflammation and often help with skin healing. For small children the EPO can even be rubbed into the skin. The dose of EPO should be 4000 mg per day for 6 weeks, then 2000 mg per day thereafter. The Chinese herbal medicine sophora is an anti-allergy herb that is widely used both orally and as a skin ointment with much success. Allergy Research sells a product called Dermaweed, which contains sophora, and is often very successful in helping to heal eczema. The dose is about three capsules, three times per day for about eight weeks. Fermented cod liver oil, about 1 teaspoon per day should be given to supplement vitamin A, which has been shown to heal the GI mucosa and is valuable in the treatment of a variety of skin conditions. Some people see partial success with the cod liver oil, and complete success in healing eczema when the high-vitamin butter oil is added.
Probitoics and probiotic food should be given, including a daily dose of sauerkraut, and a probiotic such as Biokult, building up slowly to a dose of 1-4 capsules twice per day. Finally the skin protomorphogen from Standard Process, called dermatrophin, which blocks the antibodies that eventually cause skin inflammation should be given at a dose of 1-2 tablets three times per day between meals.
Finally, for topical treatment, I cannot say enough about a Chinese herbal formula containing sophora—I have seen bad cases of eczema clear up in just a few days with this product. A member of the pea family, sophora contains a biopolymer called arabinogalactan consisting of two simple sugars, arabinose and galactose. Arabinogalactan functions as a signalling molecule between cells, as well as glue to seal wounds, and may also interact with the immune system in a positive way.
The sophora topical treatment is available from The product is number 49 on the website. The preparation is quite expensive—ten dollars for a small packet—but many find that it is more than worth it in the almost instant relief from itching that it gives.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2010.
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This is exactly the treatment I have been looking for for my children. However, does the treatment differ for a 3 and 6 year old? Also, Any recommended brand for Evening Primrose Oil?
Thank you Thank you Thank you!! My 15 month son has terrible eczema and I ahve been looking for a solution.
I ordered the Dr. Kang formula cream for my 3 year old son. To say that the packet is small and expensive is to put it lightly, my total cost including shipping came out to $28 for a tiny tiny packet of cream (think sample size)…however it really does seem to be doing wonders on my 3 year olds skin! He has eczema on the back of his knees and inside the elbows and its already clearing up and healing after 2 days of use. I also give him 4 biokult probiotics per day and have for some time now. I am still waiting for all the other supplements to arrive in the mail. After doing some googling I found a cheaper place to by the cream with free shipping where the total price only comes out to $12!! Will have to order from there next time. Hope this helps!
Hi Anna, thank you so much for this comment & your part 2! My babe is only 6 months old & is already covered in some pretty moderate eczema…your comments have helped SO much.
My Son’s Eczema is completely gone/healed!!!
I’m writing this comment 4 days after I wrote my first comment. My 3 year old’s eczema is 100% gone and you can’t even tell that he has ever had it!! This is amazing! So besides following a WAPF diet which he has been since he was born, he’s been on 4 biokult a day (for about 6 months now), and after reading this article I put him on 4 tablets of dermatrophin a day which he’s been on for only 4 days now, and I’ve been using Dr. Kang’s formula twice a day for about a week now. I haven’t received the EPO or the Dermaweed yet but as of now it doesn’t seem like he needs it since his eczema is 100% gone for now! I will keep it for future use if needed. I should have taken before and after pictures! Thank you Dr. Cowan!!!! On a side note, my husband who has had Exfoliative cheilitis for the past 10 years (extreme peeling/chapped) on his lips has been using Dr. Kang’s cream as well and his lips are almost healed as well. GAPS diet helped my husband a lot but the final healing is happening with Dr. Kang’s cream! Amazing!
Hi Anna,
I cannot find the cream by Dr.Kang. Can you point me in the right direction? Did your son’s eczema ever come back?
I am in desperate need of help for my 2 year old daughter. I hope someone is on here that can help. She is 2 and I started Gaps diet with her about 2 mos ago after she began showing autism symptoms and lost her speech. She had been on 7 antibiotics within 3 Mos time because of RsV, staph, and then yeast. I wish I’d known then what I know now and she’s never had them but I didn’t know what to do. I can’t find the info anymore for the sophora. I messaged dr Natasha when we first started the diet and she said she recommended fish oil with a little evening primrose oil. I don’t know what a little means though. I thought the brand she recommended has the primrose in it and I’m just now realizing it doesn’t. I’ve actually just started the cod liver oil and am wanting to start the fish aSap. This has been an extremely slow process because her food intolerance is so severe. I literally have fed her meat for 2 mos because she couldn’t tolerate vegetablea at all after we started Gaps. I don’t know if it’s because I had her loaded up on rice before (because I thought it was a “safe” food as far as allergy) and maybe that was keeping her from the diarrhea but once I cut the rice out she could not digest vegetables at all. The eczema is killing us. She is so miserable and it is worse now than it has ever been. I am hoping it is die off but I feel so helpless right now and it is affecting my health from not getting and rest. My hair is falling out and I’ve lost probably 15 pounds at least in 2 mos. (I don’t want to lose weight, I’m already small, I’m half Korean). Anyway, any help we can get as far as what I should get for her and dosage would be so appreciated. I don’t know what else to do. I’m on here now because I’ve been sitting up with her the Entire night scratching and crying.
As an adult I have have extremely bad itching bouts I have found fermented coconut kefir water to be by far the best treatment. I have tried everything. It causes itching for about 10 min maybe because when applied to the skin it’s wet but after that it really helps apply as often as you like. Costs about 12$ to make an o it a quart and a half. For me it’s a miricle
Hello Michelle,
I am so sorry to hear what is happening to you and your daughter. I know the story so well as I went through the same story with my boy who is almost 2 years old.
We are still struggling but his condition improved a lot. I will be happy to share some of the things we learn. The Salicylate sensitivity has been a big one for us and I think your daughter might be salicylate sensitive as you said she cannot tolerate fruits.
Detergent sensitivity has also been a big discovery that I found through this website
I will be happy to help you with further info if you need.
Good luck to you and your daughter. I am sure she will be improving soon
If you live near Bogotá nj I have an excellent Dr who can help you.
Sharon, I know this is an old reply, but just curious if you still have that recommendation. I live in Edgewater, not too far from Bogota. Can you please share the name of the doctor/practice? I’ve been living with eczema for some time and eager to heal it. However, most doctors point towards steroids. Thanks!
You touch my heart. My daughters had severe eczema also. Have u tried giving her a bath every hour for about 15 min in plain water then put Cetaphyl CREAM on? I would try the beef tallow instead of Cetaphyl Cream now. You will be in my prayers.
Hi, was just wondering if things got any better for your 2 year old. My 19 month old started gaps 2 weeks ago because of exzema and it has gotten significantly worse. Just really needing some support
Hi Michelle,
My daughter has had severe eczema since birth (she’s 17 now) and we just found Dr. Rappaport and Red Skin Syndrome was the die off from steroid use. We went to see him and He assured us she’s in the last stages of recovery. I have Hannah on GAPS and it will take time, hang in there, there’s alot more information now than before, you’re on the right track.
Hello, I see you wrote the message in 2015, I have a daughter with severe eczema and trying different things with her. How is you daughter doing now in 2019? Did you find anything that works?
Can this protocol be used for a 7 month old child?
Hi there, how’s your son now?
just so you know, derma weed has been discontinued
How much Dermatrophin would you give a 16 month old that weighs about 20 pounds. I was thinking maybe one pill a day, but maybe divided?? Thanks!
Our family’s weird rash cure…
Both my mother and sister have had occasional bouts of long-lasting skin rashes (I hesitate to say “Eczema” since it was never diagnosed by a doctor.) The rashes were quite red and dry, and lasted for several months. Both of them made their rashes go away by soaking the affected area in the ocean. It seems to take about 1/2 to 1 hour in the ocean water for the rash to be affected. In their case, the red patch healed over a few days after the ocean soak.
They live in a land-locked state well away from the ocean, so this is not a very convenient cure for them. You mileage may vary.
I have a 5 months old baby with terrible eczema. I wonder what would be doses of the EPO, dr’s Kanga’s cream, etc. I’m already giving him DHA and probiotics, although he’s pediatrician just prescribe him an antibiotic called “keflex” bc he’s skin is infected with Staph. I need help!
I am now 52 and have had eczema since I was 12. About 20 years ago I figured out that as long as I supplement with GLA (gamma-linoleic acid), I have absolutely no symptoms of eczema. The one that works best for me is borage oil. I take it in combination with flax oil in some juice or a smoothy in the morning (about a tablespoon). Now I only NEED to supplement once a week to keep it away, though I do take it every other day. If I go longer than about three weeks without GLA, the eczema starts creeping back. I am SO glad I’ve found this solution! I hope this helps for others. Once you start taking it, give it at least a month of supplementing every day before you see results.
My 5.5 month old baby has had eczena now for the past few months now. It started a few days after his first vaccine (DTAP).I have been using Eucerin baby eczema lotion, plus borage oil mixed with coconut oil applied directly on his skin. I also comsume fish oil plus borage oil since I’m still nursing. It does seem to have reduced some of the inflammation and added moisture to his skin. They theory is that babies may have not have the enzyme to convert from LA to GLA.Eventually they are able to make this enzyme and make their own GLA. It makes me wonder if the realy culprit is a mineral deficiency since the production of enzymes relies on vitamins and minerals, in particualr zinc and magnesium.
Michelle! I just read your post and that was me 2 years ago with my daughter. She sounds like she is having tremendous die off. Can you email me and we can chat more? I’m happy to share what I’ve learned.
Hello Christine, I am not sure how to find your email. The only reason I’m even seeing this is because I started researching again and just happened to read through this again! I forgot I’d even posted here. If youd like to email me mine is
We have since started working with a clinic out of Cali (we are in KY) and Aaysia is making a lot of profess in the past couple if weeks developmentally. But her skin is still horrible. I finally found someone to help though. We started yeast protocol and I think it’s causing major die-off but also helping to bring her out of the haze she’s been in for so long now: any advice is appreciated. I am trying to figure out what’s best to help calm her skin down in the meantime.
I had wet eczema behind both ears, the itching was horrible and was always the worst mid afternoon. I had a bottle of pink salt and purchased a bar of oatmeal soap. I would wet the corner of a wash cloth and lather up the oatmeal soap then sprinkled the pink mineral salt on it and scrubbed the whole ear front and back. The salt grains removed the scaling and dried up the caked on oozing. Then I applied Eucerin to damp skin. In a few days It was 99% cleared up I continued this till cleared up. I believe mine to be stress related.
I highly recommend consulting a qualified Chinese Herbalist for anything related to eczema, psoriasis etc. My personal experience with my own children and my patients is that Chinese herbs work very well for skin conditions. Dr Kang cream has been discontinued, there are some concerns that it contained steroids in it. Spring Wind makes great ointments for skin, depending on the condition, there are 4 different formulas to choose from. Following GAPS diet is also imperative.
Hi there. My husband used Dr. Kang’s sephora cream after reading this and it showed great results. However, after talking with the company, they told us in so many words that there is cortisone in the cream, which is why it works so quickly. And it doesn’t produce long lasting results. Very disappointing as we thought we were buying something natural. Going to consider GAPS diet not.
I Just found Dermarash by Dr. Kang at
Here is where the forumla is listed, but it’s out of stock and a poster has said it has been discontinued:
I highly recommend to try Repcillin Crocodile Oil Balm High Concentrate from It is chemicals and steroids-free, exceptionally effective and has no known side effects.
For my daughter who had severe eczema, I use this product, works like a miracle. Lingon Emulsion – 1 and Lingon Emulsion – 2. Can be purchased from Amazon. $65/bottle.
Plus, flaxseeds oil mixed with hemp milk every day. No cow’s milk. Her eczema is almost completely gone. Oh, I do make bone broth for her as well.
Was she on gaps diet too? It is really hard for us to cut rice on our diet. I am nursing and my daughter is only 2. They are growing and constantly looking for snacks. I want to do gaps right away but we are not quite ready. We are currently taking probiotics, fermented cod liver oil (helps a lot but not completely well) and mulivitamins with no nut, dairy, wheat, egg, and soy. Scare to add major allergens into our diet.
Complicated situation with 5 week old. My daughter has been living on the streets for the past 3 years. She has been smoking meth once to twice a week and said that she shot up when she found out she was pregnant in her 3rd trimester. Baby girl was born in March was positive with meth. Social services placed the baby with me and my husband. I have been giving her probiotics, cholostrum, and DHA. We are in a difficult financial situation as I am finishing up my PhD and my husband is on disability. I am also recovering from Lyme and am, for the most part, in remission. Baby just started to show signs of eczema. Her mother has had a history of it in her scalp. We were able to treat it with melaleuca oil and a scalp conditioners with great success. I am worried that the formula is causing leaky gut because she just started to puke the week before she developed the rash on her eyebrows. I want to get her off formula, but she is now in the system and I’d have to do it in secrete. Additionally, we are not in a financial position for adding a huge expense (we get formula for free). I am able to spend some money, but just cannot afford a great deal until the summer when my dissertation should be done and I can start consulting. Any ideas would be great. I want to heal her from the inside. Thanks.
Angela, we commend you for your efforts to care for your grandchild in this difficult circumstance. May I recommend that, even without doing the full-blown raw milk or meat formula that you might find too expensive, that you at least source raw milk (especially goats milk) and fortify it with the addition of cod liver oil and extra fat. The cod liver oil should help immensely with the excema, but I am guessing your grand daughter may also have a damaged gut from her mother’s gestational dietary and drug habits. If that is the case, the meat based formula may be the very best thing; try it as much as you possibly can. There are really no good commercial formulas available, but I do understand the cost factor. Simply put, good results are hard to achieve on factory-made formula. Check out our recommendations and recipes here:
Hello I have a ten month old baby who has some mild exzema on her back. Would you recommend the gaps diet introduction for her as well? We have just started taking cos liver oil. Thank you!
Sadly in 2018 many of these products are not available online. Is there an update? No dermaweed can be found and Dr. KangsFormula’s is out of stock on the creme.
Is there an update for current products?
I see from reading the above comments that the Dermrash cream has apparently been discontinued as it may have contained steroids which is very disappointing!
Tom, when you write “a dose of 1-4 capsules twice per day” – is there a conversion available?
millilitres or milligrams would be much appreciated.
Dr. Kang’s formula #49 DermRash has been discontinued. Does anyone know if there’s a good replacement?
I am on the website for Dr Kang #49 an it says it is available for purchase
How about 100% grass-fed organic tallow balm? That will definitely work.
I used 100% grass-fed tallow on 3 month baby who has severely dry skin eczema and it did not help
100% pure emu oil provides quick relief from intense itching and actual skin healing for eczema! It needs to be slathered on and reapplyed multiple times per day. I buy it in huge bottles on Amazon and have used it for myself and my baby, who has rarely ever needed it except to re-moisturize skin after an occasional bath using castille soap (soap is not necessary for babies unless they get really dirty from mud or something). I have been suffering with eczema since infancy and have gone through tubes of prescription steroid cream and in the past ten years have tried everything else… nothing works like emu oil! The fat composition of PURE EMU OIL is the most similar to human fat so it really nourishes the skin! Make sure to keep the bottle out of the sun/light exposure and keep the lid on so it does not oxidize. Be sure to follow the GAPs diet for some time to repair your gut lining! The secret to the most gelatinous and healing bone broth is organic grass-fed chicken heads and feet! Especially the heads!