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In addition to his work on nutrition, Dr. Price conducted extensive research into the destructive effects of root canals, detailed in his two-volume work Dental Infections Oral & Systemic and Dental Infections & the Degenerative Diseases. His conclusions, ignored by the orthodox dental establishment for over 50 years, are gaining renewed acceptance as holistic practitioners are discovering that the first step to recovery from degenerative disease often involves removal of all root canals in the patient’s mouth. The principles of holistic dentistry, based on the research of Weston Price, are as follows:
- Eat nutrient-dense whole foods, properly grown and prepared.
- Avoid root canals. If you have root canals and suspect that they are causing trouble, have them removed by a knowledgeable dentist.
- Avoid mercury (amalgam) fillings. If you have amalgam fillings, have them removed by a holistic dentist who specializes in mercury filling replacement.
- Orthodontics should include measures to widen the palate.
- When it is necessary to extract teeth, do so in such a way as to avoid leaving the jaw bone with cavitations, which can be focal points of infection.
Find Mercury-Free and Biological Dentists here!
- Mercury-Free and Biological Dentists: (Please note, we do not maintain this list of dentists and cannot vouch for any given dentist listed, but rather provide this link as a starting point for your research. We also recommend checking with the closest local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation for recommendations for dentists and other healthcare practitioners.)
- Fluoride Education Project, The: (A project of PPFC–Parents of Fluoride-Poisoned Children)
- Fluoride Action Network:
- Palate-Widening Orthodontics:
- American Academy of Gnathologic Orthopedics:
- American Association for Functional Orthodontics:
Or check this site
Caption: Good dental health begins with the diet of both parents. The Samoan boy on the left was born to parents who ate nutrient-rich native foods. The Samoan boy on the right was born to parents who had abandoned their traditional diet. He has crowded dental arches and will be more susceptible to dental decay and chronic illness.
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I am looking for information on the how, what, and why of holistic dental health. I always had healthy teeth as a child, but now as an adult, after having 4 children my teeth are not doing well. A recent trip to the dentist left me with a long list of procedures they want me to do, the word Periodontal disease mentioned, (though no gingivitis, they said slight bone loss hens receding gums), places they want to fill on many teeth though not all cavities some types of surface loss that they want to fill…
I left feeling surprised, confused, and disbelief, and sure I can do better! Even by my next appointment!
Am I right? Can changes be made to improve these things before they become big problems? Can I reverse these things strictly with diet? How long does that take? How strict does the diet have to be?
Is there an app for this? Lol? (Only partially kidding. Does WAP have a diet app?)
Thanks for any help!!
Yes you can control the problem with a natural approach.
You should look into Nadine Artemis’ book “Holistic Dentistry.” She’s a big proponent of vacating conventional dental hygiene products and going homemade. She really breaks it down when it comes to caring for your teeth and why that probably happened. (Most of what I’ve read is that during pregnancy/breastfeeding, if a mother is deficient, the nutrients come from her own body, the teeth being prime.
For receding gums and to build up a healthy microbiome, I can recommend the ayurvedic oil-pulling with sunflower oil. I had a receding gum – upper front tooth -, did this for many months and suddenly realized the gum had come down and was completely healthy again… The oil attracts all kinds of bacteria etc. and dynamizes (giving high energy to) the teeth, gums and organs which are all linked to the living teeth because it has such a high energy level – 20.000 bovis units. To be done in the morning before eating anything, for example during the morning ritual, putting on clothes etc. Takes a long time, but is very effective and has no negative side effects. Said to heal even chronic diseases.
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️ Coconut oil works too?
No. Coconut does not work and can even cause cavities.
Wow, I’m surprise to hear this? I’ve been using MCT oil?
Is this the same as coconut oil?
Do you have a source for this? Coconutoil is oil, many recommend it and use it for oil pulling.
My 8 year old son needs a root canal on one of his molars and the dentist wants to put in a silver crown. Would it be ok if I had them extract the tooth instead since he will be getting in another set of molars and wisdom teeth? I just need some guidance. I am worried about putting any silver in his mouth.
Thank you!
My twin boys needed “baby root canals” when they were about 5 years old. (Some teeth had started to turn black.) I said, “No way!” A baby root canal!?! The teeth will fall out eventually anyway. And why put them through all that pain.
Started looking for a way to heal their teeth and came across the book, “Cure Tooth Decay.” (Which follows Dr. Weston Price’s procedure.)
Bought Fermented Cod Liver oil and High Vitamin Butter oil mix and started giving it to them 2 times per day. Their teeth didn’t get any worse and I even saw some start to get better. (Black glossed over and while still a little discoloured, became shining and hard again. )
The dentist tried to scare me that the roots would decay and could harm the adult teeth coming in. That was a bunch of hogwash. When thier baby teeth started to fall out, the roots were as white as could be and NO signs of decay. Their new teeth are perfect too.
The fermented codliver oil and butter oil mix saved my kids teeth.
That’s all you need.
Plus, one son had a little pain in one tooth and within 1 day of starting the mix the pain was gone.
Is ghee the same as high vitamin butter oil?
No- it’s not. Ghee is the heating process of separating butter solids . Butter oil is a hi speed centrifugal process to crest butter oil
That’s awesome, Nick! Smart-thinking papa you are!
Please get a second opinion from a biological dentist. This web site has a list of them by state. I worked with Dr. Mike Margolis in Mesa Arizona. My health has been declining for the past 30 years. Dr. Margolis cleaned out my mouth. I had 4 cavitations were my wisdom teeth had been for starters. He removed two root canals as well. I have my life back again. All my health problems disappeared!!!!
I am writing a book about my experiences.
Please–don’t create a handicap for your son that isn’t necessary. Conventional dentistry creates problems over time.Well being is our birthright.
I even went to a “biological” dentist who doesn’t have a big problem with root canals. So even if they are biological or holistic be careful. I have 4 that I need to have removed but don’t have the $$$ at this point and also don’t know if its going to be a life changer like you have stated.
What’s do they implant titanium when removing root canal teeth?
Hi Kimberly, I have a question for you if I may.. What do you mean when you say “I had 4 cavitations were my wisdom teeth had been for starters.” Do you mean these 4 cavitations are infected and need to be treated? Or anything else? Thank you!
Do you regret having your wisdom teeth extracted, I wonder?? 🙁 🙂
My son, now 4 has several carries on the top due to prolonged nighttime nursing (we had some problems nursing so he got lots of the sugary foremilk and would sleep with it in his mouth). My hubby and I have been on a nutrient dense diet including cod liver oil and all the raw dairy products and liver, etc… My husband has notes in the margin of Price’s book, and we have been religious about a pure diet. My son’s straight teeth, wide dental arch and strong facial structure are all proof of that. My big concern is whether to treat the carries he does have or just let them go. A few of the carries are pretty big, on the side where he slept and the milk obviously pooled…. anyway, I don’t know if nitrous or general anesthesia or just leaving them be is the best course of action. I have all the books on curing tooth decay naturally, and we do all that stuff… What to do now? We finally decided on Micheal Margolis, a holistic dentist in Arizona… but he still wants to treat all the teeth. We liked that he wanted to use Nitrous over general anethesia, but now I’m not so sure I want any toxins in my son’s body. If we are on a great diet, can’t we just let it go? His teeth will eventually fall out and he’ll get his nice adult teeth in one day. I guess I don’t know if his affected baby teeth will last that long. What are your thoughts? He will need his affected teeth for up to 8 more years? What to do about that?
Candace–What did you decide to do? We’re in the same dilemma.
Hi Christie,
We decided to go with a dentist who used Versed, a liquid valuim for kids. He also used nitrous. My son was really complaining about the pain his teeth were causing him, even when we were just brushing them. I’m not sure I like what we ended up doing, but I didn’t like the other options any better. If things were not so painful, I would have just let his teeth do their thing. My son would never had stayed still with just nitrous, so we had to do more. I didn’t want to do an IV or general anethesia… so the versed was the next least invasive… but it was aweful and I’m sure it affected him in ways we don’t even know. Hope you were able to make a decision that was right for your family. My naturopathic doctor said that when she was in south america, they just let the baby teeth rot out if needed… then the adult teeth are usually fine. My son was just too sensitive to the pain. I guess if I could go back in time, I’d look at ways of desensitizing the teeth so that he could just tough it out until his big teeth come in… oh well. Many of the fillings and seals have come out, but he doesn’t complain anymore… so I’m not planning more work for now.
I don’t understand how they would let baby teeth rood out, specialy if the teeth are not ready to come out. Kid’s start changing baby teeth into adult teeth arpuns 6 years old, usually front bottom teeth go firts, the process to change alla baby teeth takes between 5 to 7 years. Baby molars and baby canines are usually the last ones to change between 10 and 12 years old and usually when yong kids have decay, these ones appear on baby molars. If you just let the decay grow and the kid is only 4 or 5 years old, the bacteria will eventually get into the nerve of the baby tooth will produce infection and the infection can damage the adult tooth forming under….so not a good idea to let baby teeth without treatment. Baby teeth are in the mouth for a fonction reason not only to smile. Baby teeth help the maxilars grow, make it possible for a kid to chew and well digest food, they play a role also on prononciation and also maintaining equilibrium maxilars fonction and articulation of the jaw. Good idea tought to do the sedation to make it easier for your kid for treatment without going on iv anesthesia.
In order to avoid cavities and restaurations” you have to do prevention! eat well, reduce process sugars but also any natural food like fruits are sweet and if they are eaten too often they do can cause decay also, it does not matter if they are organic or bio…you have to brush your kids teeth every single day at least twice a day and you have to floss…good nutrition and good dental hygiene is the key to prevention
Just a note on Versed. It’s a benzodiazepine, as is Valium. Versed is Midazolam, which is one of the “date rape” drugs, because it erases all memory from the time one is under it. Benzodiazepines are generally BAD drugs, and Versed has been known to cause permanent memory loss, especially in older people. They say it’s a mild tranquilizer, but it’s actually a “forgetter.” People should demand that it not be given to them or their children. Hopefully your son is fine anyway.
If your son has MTHFR C677T Nitrous is disasterous and deadly for some.
My son had at least five cavities recommended to be filled at age two. He is now almost four and the cavities are still visible, mostly, though some have faded away. We did all the recommendations you talked about from Curing Tooth Decay book and they helped a lot!!! In addition, we did add back in whole grains that I soak and sour myself. Also, milk is good for calcium, but it seemed like may of the traditional societies had some other source of calcium….we eat sardines with bone in and made bone broths every single day and that is what seemed to help the most. African markets also sell dried and powdered sardines, including the bones, that are used to feed toddlers and kids. This is added to porridge, or Ogi. Good Luck!
How does a child get that many cavities at such a young age? My mother apparently had eight cavities by age four!!
If we do decide to have the treatment… Which of the following options do you think would be less toxic?
1. 4-5 visits with Nitrous to sedate for each treatment?
2. 1 visit with general anesthesia to treat all affected teeth?
Once, I told my dentist (a dental hygienist. She didn’t study dentristy) about Weston Price. Surprisingly, she had heard about him, although she knew nothing. I told her about Weston Price, his travels and his research, and I told her about the WAPF and its nutritional recommendations in relation to dental health. She told me that all that was fine, but impossible to put into practice, because there are very few patients who care enough about their teeth to change their diet in order to take care of them. Sad, but logical. What do you think?
Hi all,
Am 45 years old and have 3 wisdom teeth left. They are sideways (I saw the X-ray).
The dentist tells me to take them out because there is some infection around them.
The issue: there is a conflict of interest! Any dentist would say to pull them since they do not gain to tell me to do nothing.
Any recommendation where one can get an un-biased opinion about pulling or not wisdom teeth?
Thanks all,
What did you end up doing Chris? Did you remove your 3 wisdom teeth? did you find out there was some infection around them- was there any pain? 🙁 🙂
Bet he did, it’s a no brainer. I had mine removed as an adolescent as the dentist said they would be hard to clean and were not occluded. Worked for me. 72 with all the teeth not removed to avoid overcrowding when I was about 10. Kinda wish I had made better friends with the toothbrush when I was younger, but none removed since those wisdom teeth.
My son saw an orthodontist today who recommended that he get both his incisors removed because his adult tooth is coming in on the inside on his left side. His upper front adult teeth are not quite midline with his face. He wants to remove his other incisor too so that his face will be more symmetrical and it will leave a little more room for a mm shift? I’m concerned about tooth extraction especially because he is only 8 and the adult incisors don’t usually come in til 10-12. This orthodontist is unfamiliar with any technique to widen the palate. What are the downsides of tooth extraction? He gave me none.
That is quite scary. To me anytime they want to ‘mess with’ a child’s teeth is. They will always have a reason for what they do; in the end, it is your choice. When my nephew was young a dentist wanted to pull some of his teeth and put him in braces because he had some crooked teeth. My sister refused this saying that he’d eventually ‘grow into his teeth’. He did and he has beautiful teeth, and he thanks his mom for not letting the dentist do what he wanted. I don’t think (personal opinion) many people consider that the child is still growing and the teeth can straighten themselves with time. It’s just another thing to consider.
A little backstory on me….I had braces as an adult, I was 25, and if I could go back and change anything in my life I would not get braces.
Why would you choose to not have had braces?
Avoid that orthodontist like the plague. Try to look for one who is familiar with palate expansion. Extracting teeth is serious. Watch Orthotropics and the Drs. Mews. They are way ahead in terms of facial development and proper oral health and function.
Should I go to dentist and get my 4 root canals removed? What then? implants? Also what do I do with remaining teeth with significant decay and some are crumbling before my eyes. Ive been doing FCLO and HVBO for over 2 years now and have at least been keeping my tooth pain to a minimum. Ive been to holistic and biological dentists and have really been unsatisfied from their proposed treatment plans. They dont have problems with root canals and dont really tell you proper diet plans.
I certainly empathize with you. I have severe dental issues on my upper right that I’ve been dealing with for years. My current dentist has just been putting a “Band-Aid” on the issues since pre-2007. Now things have become so serious that I need at least 1-2 teeth extracted b/c they are hopeless. This is the general consensus from 3 dentists I have seen within the past few weeks. I traveled over an hour to another state to see a biological dentist, and although I believe his diagnosis of my issues is correct, he did not clarify a lot of things with me, even though I asked many questions. I have an appointment next week to have extractions done by a local (conventional) oral surgeon, but I’m not sure they follow the protocols on this website, so I am once again …… risking my health and emptying my wallet.
Be careful of implants. I have done a lot of research and read a lot of negative effects of titanium. Zirconium is better, as also mentioned on this website. There are also partials, bridges, etc. The first step is finding a dentist you can trust and who knows what he is doing – whether it be conventional or biological. My email is
I believe if they did studies and told you the right way to keep your teeth that they would be out of business. Money seems obviously more important to the ADA and the dentists with the licenses from them to tell you really what you should do. They would rather see you back in their office in a couple years than that.
i went to a biological dentist yesterday..travelled an hour and a half…she was quite nice until i told her i was having my implants done in costa rica…as i am moving there…do not have the funds to afford them here in canada.
She actually stuck an instrument in my infected back molar and then told me oh you are nervous…i said no that really hurt..she tried to pawn me off on another dentist..told me my dental issues were complex..looks like i have researched someone good in costa rica..
I was so disappointed..She asked me if i had ever done EFT…I said yes..she said maybe we will do a round..
When she came back in i asked if there was anything positive about my teeth…lol..
The only one who was negative and needed the EFT was her…
I live in Canada…implants are crazy…the thing with that it hasnt been round long cannot treat people like cattle…everyone is different..some may not have problems with titanium.
All i know is that dentistry is big business..and if you are able to find someone who really wants to help..i think that is rare..
I found calcium therapy online…i may buy the products..i do have the dental products from Nadine Artermis site..which is Living Liabations..check her out ..she is terrific…
What is WAPF view and suggestion around a holistic dentist highly recommending sealant son my 6 yr old girls perm molars? She says they have deep fissures. My dentist also holistic said no or to make sure theirs are free of BPA. Thanks!
I have the same question! I refused sealants for my daughter’s molars a couple years ago. I asked what they were made of, and the dentist told me it was a type of plastic. I said we had been working hard to reduce plastics in our lives, and she seemed really surprised. She apparently thought plastics were a plus in most patients’ eyes — I guess in the vein of, ‘at least it’s not mercury!’
I’ve been wanting to speak to a biological dentist about possible alternatives, or whether they’re really necessary in the first place…. So if anyone has any information, it would be most appreciated!
I have a tooth that has been worked on twice (fillings), plus getting it checked on tomorrow. It’s caused me pain each time, which is what sent me to the dentist.
They said the cavity is very close to the nerve, which is what may be causing nerve pain. Throbbing nerve pain!!
In that case, would they remove the tooth?
Is there a better option?
What if I just dealt with the pain and never got the tooth removed?
I follow a nourishing diet, but am stuck when it comes to solving this issue.
Thanks in advance!!
I would highly recommend anyone with issues around root canals already in place to try the ayurvedic practice of oil pulling. You can find instruction for this online. This practice has been highly effective for me so that I no longer have the infection and if it ever does come back, I’ll just do more oil pulling. I will not allow the dentist to take my tooth out!
Is it possible to read all the information that weston price did on the dangers of root canals
I live in Canada.
I’ve read THE book. The word “brush” is used 3 times through a lengthy (great) study. So, following Price’s steps, what is the recommended daily dental routine? None? Full rely on proper nourishment? Advise, pls.
My daughter has a cavity wondering how much fermented cod liver/butter oil I can give her daily she is 6, and I’m going to get the combination of the two.
Where in the Netherlands I can find a holistic dentist? I only see on the map some places outside Europe where they are.
You could check on Rene van der Bijl in Amsterdam.
I have been looking for a holistic dentist in Sweden, can anyone help find?
Appreciate it 🙏🏼
Is there anything up and coming besides zirconium as a better alternative than titanium for implants? When will we have enough data on titanium?
Hi, I am 27 years old and after 3 pregnancy’s close together my teeth are rapidly decaying. I have a few pretty big gum line cavity’s and am petrified of going a modern day dentist. Any advice on healing them naturally? I am willing to to what it takes we are a pretty ‘crunchy’ health minded family.
Probably too late as a response but I’d advise you to get 3-4 rounds of intravenous nutrient drips about 2-4 weeks apart to start – the basic Myers would do as a start but a good place would design drips for you according to your history. As a jumpstart to your recovery protocol. Test your D – make sure its on the upper limits of normal. Ensure enough omega 3 to balance out omega 6/9 which is very high in current, modern day food especially in those with vegan/vegetarian diets. Gut health must be good – do you have leaky gut? Basically, are you able to absorb nutrients well enough? Manage stress levels and ensure sufficient progesterone in your system (watch for signs of oestrogen dominance).
Apologies – this is more a medical pov (my area) but completely relevant to overall dental health
Evite los rellenos de mercurio (amalgama). Si tiene empastes de amalgama, haga que un dentista holístico que se especializa en el reemplazo del relleno de mercurio los retire…. Resulta que toda mi vida me llenaron mis dientes de amlgamas y hasta hoy creo que so es uno de los factores qe estan afectando la disminucion fuerte de mi masa muscular (estoy en 43kg de peso y mido 1,59, con 56 años) y resequedad en la piel que aumento al hacerme una histerectomia en el 2011, adicional he tenido una retraccion muy fuerte de mis encias al punto de empezar a vercen las raices de los dientes arriba y abajo, no tengo ningun dolor y hace poco mas de 1 año me dijeron que era una periodentitis alta y debian hacerme una limpieza por partes que me extrajeran las bacterias pero por costos no me la hice. en Colombia alguien me podra ayudar?
Where to find these kind of dentists in Bergen, Norway where I live? – Ihave problems with root-canals and the Odontologic Institute where I now lately has been, will now try to find my 4. root canal – that another dentist was not able to find, before making a filling…. What am I to do?
Unni, it seems this is not a very active thread. I hope you have found what you are looking for.
My almost three-year-old daughter has many cavities in her mouth, and the dentist has suggested an hour and 15 minutes of general anesthesia to cap two teeth, put composite fillings on the front four and a host of other things. They said they also have to do x-rays, and that there is a 50/50 chance the front teeth will have to be extracted if the decay is too much. I asked about an oral sedation, and they said it would be too traumatizing for her, especially if they have to extract the teeth. Does anyone have any advice or experience with this? I am desperate!
I saw the dentists at NIHA in washington dc before moving to South Africa in 2012. I had two old root canals they thought I should have replaced with implants. It is long process to extract and heal and add – I did not have time before I was leaving. I was in the process of changing my diet and juicing. I had not heard of Dr Price. I was eating more of a holistic diet, juicing, blending, adding digestive enzymes and moving my body more – volunteering, loving the country. I still drank wine and maybe had some sweets, I love raw cacao but not a big sugar eater. I still drank coffee, I eliminated a lot of grains…came back and got into medicinal tonics and was following David Wolfe – I did an EJUVA month long candida and para and overall cleanse with juicing and raw food. I would do a few colonics in the spring and fall. I thought I should see the dentist for a teeth cleaning and check up. She is telling me things look great as she barely did any scraping (2014) and I said, What about the root canals? She said, Oh they are fine, you must have made some diet changes. I thought that was odd bc it did not feel like I was doing much and I did not understand diet and your teeth until I read about Dr Price.
Just know you can change anything about your body especially when you energetically know it as perfect and see these things you do as supporting your perfection.
There is BIO-Dent by Standards that appears to be a great supplement, cleaning up the gut biome seems to be huge and following Dr Price’s diet recommendations. There is naturopath doc in Canada who has written a book on DMSO and she sells some products that target teeth and addressing cavities. She is really brilliant
A biological dentist will never recommend a root canal.
There is a dentist in LA using stem cells and ozone and cleaning out roots, Dr Mercola just did an interview with her. The problem with teeth roots is that they are like a tree with lots of little roots reaching out for nourishment so when they do a root canal and try to suck the root out and then bleach it they leave some of it which can get infected for all sorts of reasons.
Your teeth are tied to meridian lines so I believe it is possible that emotional disruptions in the meridians can be traced back to teeth or vice versa. We are energetic beings more than physical. Energy medicine really can help you maintain your perfection too 😀 Blessings!
Oh and can have some good advice or tips.
Very interesting!! Could you tell me more about your diet? Did you eat alkaline? Did you eat meat or dairy etc?? I’d love to know more
Hi Cassie, Just seeing this. The big diet shift at that time would have been all organic foods, I juiced wheat grass daily, I would often juice salads for lunch. It was not really high fat but lots of dense greens, I chewed xylitol gum (not absorbytol sp?) , I did brush my teeth every 1-2 months with a paste I made of organic turmeric, coconut oil and a little baking powder or fine salt, I ate a lot of beans and would fold in spinach so it softened some and added indian spices or western spices.. I am now eating a weston price sort of focused diet and feel it has helped my teeth strengthen. I use a xylitol mouth rinse and eat xylitol mints as they seem to strengthen your teeth by raising the PH in your mouth. I am eating meat more now and feel that it gives me more energy.
In the last eight years I stopped eating a lot of grains and added more raw fermented probiotic foods to my diet as well.
The medicinal smoothies included spirulina and chlorella which feel amazing for us as well.
Hi Rita ~ Thank you very much for all this helpful information & the links. So glad you found your way to such positive changes & healing. Inspiring & encouraging. Blessings all 🙏✨💖✨
I have 3 broken teeth right now. None of them hurt. The dentist says the teeth are breaking because my fillings are too big and too old. He says I need root canals in all 3. I had one root canal started 6 weeks ago but the dentist couldn’t finish because one of the roots had calcified. So he put something in it to break it up so he could finish the root canal. Next week (7 weeks since the initial root canal) it is supposed to be finished up. I’m just learning about root canals and the potential is not a good thing. So my questions are…
– Is what he is saying about my tooth root calcifying true and is waiting 7 weeks after the initial root canal appropriate?
– Can I decide not to finish the root canal or do I need to finish it? Will there be consequences to my tooth if I don’t?
– Do I have to have the root canals or can I just have the broken teeth capped and move along?
The dentist says I have to have the root canals first and won’t even consider capping them without it. (This dentist is the one my insurance says I need to see, not necessarily my choice) I know I’m just another patient and he doesn’t have my best interests in mind so I really don’t feel like I can trust what he says but I don’t have any other resource or “dentist” to talk to to find out the truth or correct way these things are done. (caps and root canals) Any help or direction would be so much appreciated.
Curious what you did? My husband has a broken tooth from an impact…trying to decide what to do with out holistic dentist in area.
does anyone know a healthy alternative to Novocain? I get very ill from it and need dental work.
My dentist offers the use of an Epic Biolase Diode Laser during cleanings which is supposed to help get rid of bad bacteria in the mouth. I tried to find research on the safety of having a laser in my mouth, but I can’t find anything besides what is on the manufacturer’s website. It is a Class IV laser. Does anyone have wellness information about this dental laser and effects it may have on a body?
What book is everyone referring to that helps with preventing further decay or cavities in kids? I see the benefits of fermented cod liver/butter oil but where can I read about this further?
Has anyone used/ heard about silver nitrate or silver diamine fluoride uses in pediatric/general dentistry? Brushed on tooth as liquid, its supposed to stop further cavity development, harden damaged area and provide adherent surface for cosmetic repair- all at low cost & pain free.- sounds perfect for kids, anyone
I would love to know this too!
Hello! I am wondering what the best alternative is to a root canal. Is it simply removing the decaying tooth and opting for a bridge or ceramic implant?
Thank you so much
That is my understanding.
Thank you so much. Do you know if there is a way to support a decaying tooth and is it possible to reverse the damage to avoid getting it removed? I know this would defer depending on the extent of the decay but curious if its possible to heal without taking more drastic measures. Obviously proper nutrition but are there any natural oral products that would be supportive?
Thank you so much
You might want to consider micro crystalline hydroxyapatite containing oral care products. Orawellness is a company that I purchase this from and I am a dental hygienist and happy with it so far.
How are your teeth now? Did you get them filled?
Hello! My son is 8 and has only lost 2 baby teeth – should I be concerned- is there anything developmental that is ‘slower’ that would cause this? A dental x-ray showed that all of the adult teeth are ‘there’ but not erupting yet…. thank you!
Does anyone know of a holistic dentist in London, UK?
They are wonderful with children 🙂
I am having a back molar removed next week, it is the very back bottom molar. The dentist is recommending an implant – I am not a fan of metal in my body! Because it is not visible is there harm in just removing the tooth and moving on? Do I have to have an implant or bridge???