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- Treating malocclusions, Louisa Williams tells us why and how
- Shut your mouth!, Nancy Henderson discusses a Native American custom
- Becoming a Nutritionist, Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, explains those confusing credentials and degrees
- Codex Update, Attorney James Turner tracks the controversy
- President’s Message: Food Safety Legislation
- Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
- Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon Morell and Mary Enig take on the Diet Dictocrats
- Farm and Ranch: Jim Bynum reveals the consequences of sewage sludge on crops
- Ask the Doctor: Dr. Tom Cowan considers options for tetanus
- Homeopathy Journal: Joette Calabrese on remedies for the flu
- Food Feature: John Moody describes continuous kombucha
- All Thumbs Book Reviews
- Growing Wise Kids: Jen Allbritton brings the kids into the kitchen
- Soy Alert: Soy tragedy in Argentina
- NAIS Update: Judith McGeary on how the NAIS issue is heating up
- A Campaign for Real Milk: Ted Beals shows the science on pathogen reduction in raw milk
- Healthy Baby Gallery: More Wise Traditions babies!
President’s Message
by Sally Fallon Morell
Late summer and early fall is the time when we work on our shopping guide for the upcoming year. (Responsibility for the shopping guide is now in the very capable hands of Carolyn Graff.) What strikes us is the proliferation of small companies engaged in artisan, organic and traditional processing—making lacto-fermented foods, crispy nuts, bone broths, raw cheese, natural yogurt and kefir, sprouted grain mixes, soaked grain cereals, sourdough breads, traditional cultures, additivefree pemican and jerky, fermented cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil. This is just the beginning of a wonderful revivial of the kinds of foods that keep us healthy and bring prosperity to local communities . . . all of which could be headed for extinction should the proposed food safety bills pass in their present form.
In recent action alerts and media efforts, we have been focusing on the threat of food safety bills to small farms; but the threat is equally real to small food processors. In their present form, the food safety bills would give the FDA the power to do to food what the agency has done to pharmaceuticals, that is, forced concentration into several powerful monster drug companies by eliminating the competition of the small players, and sweeping natural remedies from the practice of medicine. The specter of several large food processing companies providing our only food choices is very real with HR 2749 (the House bill, now passed) and S 510 (the Senate bill, which is pending) in its present form (see page 61 for details on this bill). While personally I would like to these bills defeated, this is not a realistic scenario so our best hope is some kind of amendment. While many groups have suggested amendments to make these bills more farm-friendly, no group has yet proposed an amendment to protect the small processor. Currently a coalition of organizations is trying to come up with language that would be acceptable to lawmakers. Our hope right now is the Senate. We sent out an email in August asking members to visit the office of their senators. If you have not already contacted your senator, there is still time. At the very least, write a letter or send an email. Even better, request that the farmers and companies you purchase your food from send emails regarding S 510 to all their customers, making a strong request that Congress not pass any bill unless it contains clear wording that protects the small farmer and the small food processor.
We will be featuring food from local farms and artisan producers at Wise Traditions 2009—in fact, this year our food is going to be the best ever! We also have a terrific lineup of speakers, with a big emphasis on the how-to’s of grass-based farming, plus vital information on why our grassfed and artisan foods are so important for maintaining vibrant health. The deadline for the advanced registration discount is October 1, so don’t delay! For details, see page 74.
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