Wise Traditions, Volume 8, Number 1
- ABC’s of Nutrition: Dr. Price’s X Factor Revealed, Chris Masterjohn solves a sixty-year-old mystery
- Health Issues: Conserving the Digestive Fire, Katherine Czapp offers strategies for improved digestion
- Modern Diseases: Copper-Zinc Imbalance, Laurie Warner describes the challenge of embracing traditional diets
- President’s Message: Weston Price Vindicated. . . and Misrepresented
- Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
- Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon Morell and Mary Enig take on the Diet Dictocrats
- Notes from Yesteryear: King’s American Dispensatory on cod liver oil
- Ask the Doctor: Tom Cowan on how to adjust to a nourishing traditional diet
- Know Your Fats: Mary Enig replies to Brian Peskin on essential fatty acids
- All Thumbs Book Reviews
- Thumbs Down: Healthy at 100 by John Robbins
- Thumbs Down: Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman
- Growing Wise Kids: Jen Allbritton on meal planning strategies
- Food Feature: Sally Fallon Morell on cooking with mystery meat
- Soy Alert: Kaayla Daniel offers ideas for dealing with soy allergies
- NAIS Update: Judith McGeary reports on anti-NAIS efforts state by state
- A Campaign for Real Milk (on realmilk.com): Does betacellulin in milk cause cancer? Chris Masterjohn replies to Loren Cordain
- Healthy Baby Gallery: More healthy Wise Traditions babies!
- Local Chapter Updates
President’s Message: Weston Price Vindicated. . . and Misrepresented
by Sally Fallon Morell
With this issue, we are proud to offer a solution to a sixty-year-old mystery, namely, just what is the X Factor described by Dr. Weston A. Price? Our scientific sleuth Chris Masterjohn has done a brilliant job of correlating Price’s research on the X Factor with modern research on vitamin K2, showing that these two nutrients are one and the same. What emerges is a long list of benefits from this largely unrecognized nutrient—protection from heart disease and dental caries, support for brain, kidney and reproductive function, and even proper development of the facial bones resulting in the beautiful wide facial structures captured in Dr. Price’s photographs of nonindustrialized peoples.
Since vitamin K2 is mainly found in the fat and organ meats of animals eating green grass, I believe that the solution to this mystery represents the death knell for modern agriculture. This won’t happen overnight, of course, but as the public becomes aware of the amazing benefits of vitamin K2, the demand for pasture-raised animal products will become overwhelming. Those who do make efforts to consume foods rich in vitamin K2 will be blessed with a long life and healthy offspring; their numbers will grow while the numbers of those consuming the products of industrial agriculture will decline—I refer to this process as the “natural selection of the wise.” My prediction: within 20 years, the nightmare of confinement agriculture will be a thing of the past and the agricultural lands of the world will once again become dotted with prosperous pasture-based farms.
It becomes more and more obvious that the only solution to our health problems is the adoption of traditional foodways—but what to do if you have trouble transitioning from a lowfat or vegetarian diet to the new, higher-fat paradigm? We provide a number of suggestions and solutions in this issue, starting with a letter from Tawanda Queen. Articles by Katherine Czapp, Laurie Warner and Tom Cowan offer much wisdom and good advice for those who wish to embrace our dietary principles.
As our influence grows, a number of authors have co-opted our rhetoric to promote principles not in line with those of traditional diets. For this reason, we offer two extensive book reviews in this issue, one on Healthy at 100 by John Robbins (who argues that the foodways of traditional peoples were largely vegetarian) and the other on Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman (who argues that a “nutrient dense” diet is one based on vegetables). We also provide rebuttals to the work of Brian Peskin on essential fatty acid balance and Loren Cordain on the supposed cancer-causing effects of a substance called betacellulin in milk.
We now have a full speaker line-up for our eighth annual conference, Wise Traditions 2007. Start planning now!
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You give humans too much credit. 99% of them have never heard of Weston Price or Vitamin K2, or ever will.