NOTE: This information is provided on our cancer trifold brochure (PDF). You may print this at home or at a copy store for mass distribution. If you wish, you can order quantities of professionally printed two-color trifold brochures for 25 cents each via our online Store.
How to Protect Yourself Against Cancer With Food
Once a rare disease, cancer is now widespread, affecting as much as one-third of the population. The rise in cancer in the West has paralleled the rise in factory farming and the use of processed foods containing vegetable oils and additives.
Orthodox methods for treating cancer (radiation and chemotherapy) do not prolong life. The best approach to cancer is prevention.
Traditional diets, containing animal and plant foods farmed by nontoxic methods, are rich in factors that protect against cancer. Many of these protective factors are in the animal fats.
Vegetarianism does not protect against cancer. In fact, vegetarians are particularly prone to cancers of the nervous system and reproductive organs.
Nutrients in Whole Foods that Protect Against Cancer
Vitamin A: Strengthens the immune system. Essential for mineral metabolism and endocrine function. Helps detoxify. True vitamin A is found only in animal foods such as cod liver oil; fish and shellfish; and liver, butter and egg yolks from pasture-fed animals. Traditional diets contained ten times more vitamin A than the typical modern American diet.
Vitamin C: An important antioxidant that prevents damage by free radicals. Found in many fruits and vegetables but also in certain organ meats valued by primitive peoples.
Vitamin B6: Deficiencies are associated with cancer. Contributes to the function of over 100 enzymes. Most available from animal foods.
Vitamin B12: Deficiencies are associated with cancer. Found only in animal foods.
Vitamin B17: Protects against cancer. Found in a variety of organically grown grains, legumes, nuts and berries.
Vitamin D: Required for mineral absorption. Strongly protective against breast and colon cancer. Found only in animal foods such as cod liver oil, lard, shellfish and butterfat, organ meats and egg yolks from grass-fed animals. Traditional diets contained ten times more vitamin D than the typical modern American diet.
Vitamin E: Works as an antioxidant at the cellular level. Found in unprocessed oils as well as in animal fats like butter and egg yolks.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): Strongly protective against breast cancer. Found in the butterfat and meat fat of grass-fed ruminant animals.
Cholesterol: A potent antioxidant that protects against free radicals in cell membranes. Found only in animal foods.
Minerals: The body needs generous amounts of a wide variety of minerals to protect itself against cancer. Minerals like zinc, magnesium and selenium are vital components of enzymes that help the body fight carcinogens. Minerals are more easily absorbed from animal foods.
Lactic Acid and Friendly Bacteria: Contribute to the health of the digestive tract. Found in old fashioned lacto-fermented foods.
Saturated Fats: Strengthen the immune system. Needed for proper use of the essential fatty acids. The lungs cannot function without saturated fats. Found mostly in animal foods.
Long-Chain Fatty Acids: Arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) help fight cancer on the cellular level. They are found mostly in animal foods such as butter, organ meats, cod liver oil and seafood.
Co-enzyme Q10: Highly protective against cancer. Found only in animal foods.
Compounds in Processed Foods that Can Cause Cancer
Trans Fatty Acids: Imitation fats in shortenings, margarines and most commercial baked goods and snack foods. Strongly associated with cancer of the lungs and reproductive organs.
Rancid fats: Industrial processing creates rancidity (free radicals) in commercial vegetable oils.
Omega-6 fatty acids: Although needed in small amounts, an excess can contribute to cancer. Dangerously high levels of omega-6 fatty acids are due to the overuse of vegetable oils in modern diets.
MSG: Associated with brain cancer. Found in almost all processed foods, even when “MSG” does not appear on the label. Flavorings, spice mixes and hydrolyzed protein contain MSG.
Aspartame: Imitation sweetener in diet foods and beverages. Associated with brain cancer.
Pesticides: Associated with many types of cancer. Found in most commercial vegetable oils, fruit juices, vegetables and fruits.
Hormones: Found in animals raised in confinement on soy and grains. Plant-based hormones are plentiful in soy foods.
Artificial Flavorings and Colors: Associated with various types of cancers, especially when consumed in large amounts in a diet of junk food.
Refined Carbohydrates: Sugar, high fructose corn syrup and white flour are devoid of nutrients. The body uses up nutrients from other foods to process refined carbohydrates. Tumor growth is associated with sugar consumption.
The Weston A. Price Foundation
- A reliable source of accurate nutrition information.
- A strong voice against imitation foods.
- Does not receive funding from any government agency, nor from the meat and dairy industries.
- Campaigns for a return to healthy traditional fats.
- Warns consumers about the dangers of modern soy foods.
- Promotes access to unprocessed whole milk products from pasture-fed animals.
- Keeps members informed through Wise Traditions, a lively quarterly magazine.
- Helps consumers find healthy, farm-fresh foods through a system of local chapters.
Local chapter and membership information is posted at or call (202) 363-4394.
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chemo & heavy metal taste in mouth!
can u suggest what to offer for heavy metal taste in your mouth!! after chemo 2 help?
brochure not printing
hi, sounds like a brochure I would like to share with my naturopathic patients, but getting error when try to print it. Any solution?
thanks for this website.
Dr. Suneil Polley, ND, Lac
Would love to get the research behind this…”Vegetarianism does not protect against cancer. In fact, vegetarians are particularly prone to cancers of the nervous system and reproductive organs.”
I think the reason is because vegetarians consume a lot of dairy. There are serious concerns with the way dairy products are produced. Linda McCarthy consumed a lot of dairy.
I have been looking thru the website I am about to do a 90 day dairy free trial run and see what happens. (Trust me, I LOVE cheese but I am willing to give up all dairy temporary to see what happens)
Nothing will happen. The anti dairy and anti meat lobbies propaganda is strong. For much of history, milk was a sought after food. The mongols (who created the largest empire in history) relied primilarly on dairy for food source.
Without citations this pamphlet is worthless
I was searching the site for refutation of “vegetarianism helps prevent cancer” and found this, but w/o any citations it’s worthless. Am I supposed to tell the fellow with whom I’m having a discussion to just take my/your word at these claims? Please add some citations so I can reference this piece, thanks.
I believe in Dr. Price. I’ve seen it right in front of my own eyes. my husband’s grandma is 95 years old and she has lived with all of her kids just every couple of years moving in with another child. she had 9 children and they owned a farm and they all ate very traditional growing up there are 7 girls and 2 boys grandma miked the cows and did all the canning and cooking. well around the age of 84 she decided to start taking it easy. She moved out of the farm house and move in with the kids the daughters she lived with didn’t stick to the traditional diet. they were sucked into the vegan thing or jyst the lazy drive thru diet. So about the age of 87 it was my husband’s mothers turn to take her. When she moved in she couldn’t eat very good she was full after a few bites she could barley keep her food down sometimes she would just burp it up. My mother in law took her to the doctors and found it she had a tumor in het stomach and it was growing fast. But what would you do for a woman turning 88. The sisters decided not to tell her and just let her live it the rest of her life. My mother in law is still very traditional she cooks on cast iron, cans, eats lots of meat every meal almost! Grandma just slowly got better better and after about a year they took het back up to doctors and found out it stopped growing and it shrunk a little. . In one year! I was amazed since then my husband’s mother is my mentor! I saw it with my own eyes! I don’t care what the media says or any statics or what anything tells me. I saw it happen to a woman in her 80s!
What types of things did she eat? When she moved in with her daughters at 84 was she not eating traditional anymore ?
After reading about the dangers of vegetable oil and seed oil I decided to change the way I cooked chips and have gone back to the way my mother cooked them with beef dripping, however it says on the package to keep below 5 degrees, does anyone have any idea how I can keep my chip pan cool in between using? I’m sure my mum used to leave it on the stove top but we didn’t have central heating that was as effective in those days.
Be careful how much fermented vegetables you eat if you’re trying to avoid cancer. Theres a growing body of research showing a link between fermented vegetable consumption (as in sauerkraut, kimchi, kvass, etc. traditionally fermented , not just commercial pickles with vinegar) and several types of cancers. Half a cup or so a day is probably fine for most healthy people, but if you have cancer i wouldn’t eat any fermented veg at all as there’s definitely links to them feeding tumours (the high glutamine content might have something to do with it).