For Immediate Release
Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease. Should the Recently Vaccinated be Quarantined to Prevent Outbreaks?
WASHINGTON, D.C. –February 2, 2015– [ GlobeNewsWire ] — Health officials are blaming unvaccinated children for the recent measles outbreak that started at Disneyland.
Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Furthermore, vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of a disease.11,12,13
“Numerous scientific studies indicate that children who receive a live virus vaccination can shed the disease and infect others for weeks or even months afterwards. Thus, parents who vaccinate their children can indeed put others at risk,” explains Leslie Manookian, documentary filmmaker and activist. Manookian’s award winning documentary, The Greater Good, aims to open a dialog about vaccine safety.
Both unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals are at risk from exposure to those recently vaccinated. Vaccine failure is widespread; vaccine-induced immunity is not permanent and recent outbreaks of diseases such as whooping cough, mumps and measles have occurred in fully vaccinated populations.14,15 Flu vaccine recipients become more susceptible to future infection after repeated vaccination.16, 17
“Health officials should require a two-week quarantine of all children and adults who receive vaccinations,” says Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. “This is the minimum amount of time required to prevent transmission of infectious diseases to the rest of the population, including individuals who have been previously vaccinated.”
“Vaccine failure and failure to acknowledge that live virus vaccines can spread disease have resulted in an increase in outbreaks of infectious disease in both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals,” says Manookian, “CDC should instruct physicians who administer vaccinations to inform their patients about the risks posed to others by those who’ve been recently vaccinated.”
According to the Weston A. Price Foundation, the best protection against infectious disease is a healthy immune system, supported by adequate vitamin A and vitamin C. Well-nourished children easily recover from infectious disease and rarely suffer complications.
The number of measles deaths declined from 7575 in 1920 (10,000 per year in many years in the 1910s) to an average of 432 each year from 1958-1962.18 The vaccine was introduced in 1963. Between 2005 and 2014, there have been no deaths from measles in the U.S. and 108 deaths from the MMR vaccine.19
The Weston A. Price Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nutrition education foundation with the mission of disseminating accurate, science-based information on diet and health. Named after nutrition pioneer Weston A. Price, DDS, author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, the Washington, DC-based Foundation publishes a quarterly journal for its 15,000 members, supports 600 local chapters worldwide and hosts a yearly international conference. The Foundation phone number is (202) 363-4394,,
Kim Hartke, 703-860-2711,
Leslie Manookian, 208-721-2135,
1. Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity, New York City, 2011
2. Detection of Measles Virus RNA in Urine Specimens from Vaccine Recipients
3. Comparison of the Safety, Vaccine Virus Shedding and Immunogenicity of Influenza Virus Vaccine, Trivalent, Types A and B, Live Cold-Adapted, Administered to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-Infected and Non-HIV Infected Adults
4. Sibling Transmission of Vaccine-Derived Rotavirus (RotaTeq) Associated with Rotavirus Gastroenteritis
5. Polio vaccination may continue after wild virus fades
6. Engineering attenuated virus vaccines by controlling replication fidelity
8. The Safety Profile of Varicella Vaccine: A 10-Year Review
9. Comparison of Shedding Characteristics of Seasonal Influenza Virus (Sub)Types and Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09; Germany, 2007–2011
10. Epigenetics of Host–Pathogen Interactions: The Road Ahead and the Road Behind
11. Animal Models for Influenza Virus Pathogenesis and Transmission
12. Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate mode
13. Study Finds Parents Can Pass Whooping Cough to Babies
14. Immunized People Getting Whooping Cough
15. Vaccine Failure — Over 1000 Got Mumps in NY in Last Six Months–over-1000-get-mumps-in-ny-in-last-six-months.aspx
16. Impact of Repeated Vaccination on Vaccine Effectiveness Against Influenza A(H3N2) and B During 8 Seasons
18 .
Corrections made Feb 3, 2015: 1) We have struck out the second sentence in the first paragraph, which read, “However, with no blood tests proving the outbreak is from wild measles, the most likely source of the outbreak is a recently vaccinated individual, according to published science.” Since we released the press release, it has come to our attention that 9 cases of measles related to the Disneyland outbreak have in fact been confirmed via blood test as wild genotype B3 measles. We do not know the status of the others. According to CDC there are about 100 measles cases this year, 67 of which are related to Disneyland. While CDC says most of the 67 Disneyland cases were unvaccinated or vaccination status is unknown, they assume that if this outbreak is similar to last year, about 20% were vaccinated. It is clear from the experience at Disneyland and the scientific literature that both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals can contract and spread disease and the demonization of the unvaccinated is unfair, inappropriate and borders on fear mongering.
2) See also, an added footnote # 17 in the fifth paragraph. The rest of the footnotes are renumbered, accordingly.
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Finally. An article on vaccines that doesn’t defy logic and does give accurate information on this very controversial topic. With so much miss-information out there, this article is a breath of fresh air.
Rebekah, if that were true, why do hospitals post a notice on their doors warning parents that if their child has received vaccines in the last two weeks, they must wear a mask or not be brought in, due to shedding?
They dont.
They don’t post that. As a matter of fact, they request the opposite. That children in families of immune compromised GET VACCINATED.
You are very very wrong. This is posted in almost all medical facilities. Its interesting how people absolutely refuse to accept that what you have been told about vaccines is total BS and that your just as big of a risk as someone unvaccinated.
That article blatantly lies. Most vaccine inserts list contracting the disease in the vaccine as a side effect.
anyone….I NEED documentation that the PCR test is NO GOOD, as stated by the LANCET Periodical!!!! Please:
The first way to make a vaccine is to take the disease-carrying virus or bacterium, or one very similar to it, and inactivate or kill it using chemicals, heat or radiation. This approach uses technology that’s been proven to work in people – this is the way the flu and polio vaccines are made – and vaccines can be manufactured on a reasonable scale.
You cannot kill a virus because its not alive.
I tested kids for a pertussis outbreak in Western Australia 2010. We have around a 95% vaccination rate. All the kids (hundreds of them in a town of 45,000) tested positive, had been coughing for around 6 weeks, spreading it everywhere. ALL THE SUFFERERS WERE VACCINATED, AGED 6-12. It was found by the health department, that those vaccinated, still with vaccine immunity, were carriers of the disease, without symptoms. So we stopped counting…….. Everyone had been exposed. Interesting was no one vaccinated pre 1995 got the illness. It was later proven that at full vaccination, only 8 out of ten showed an immune response, at 5 years only 3 showed an immune response. AND AT 10 YEARS, NO IMMUNE RESPONSE……….. ie the pertussis vaccine fails in 70% of cases after only five years….. Worse than this, is the reality that those vaccinated in 1995 are now 20, and having babies. They can,and do, even though fully vaccinated, spread pertussis to their own infants (who can not be vaccinated, cant vaccinate newborns, as it kills them).. so not only are mothers vaccinated with this failed acellular vaccine, infecting their own babies (as are other members of the family), with absolutely no signs of illness themselves…. the mother is unable to pass the vaccine antibodies to her infant……… UNHEARD OF IN THE HISTORY OF IMMUNOLOGY. MORE BABIES ARE NOW DYING OF WHOOPING COUGH, THAN PRE 1995. Mostly infected by vaccinated people with Mercks now failed pertussis vaccine. Instead of removing the vaccine, Merck has now recommended re jabbing anyone likely to be around a newborn, called the coccooning theory. This has proven a failure, as the Australian Health Department has discovered those most recently vaccinated, are more likely to be unwitting carriers of pertussis………….. yes Merck, etc, has made it worse. And only an idiot would recommend doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
Stunning indictment of a failed public policy that is now becoming mandatory throughout the land. Absolutely criminal. Thanks for this post.
Thanks Dawn, my gosh, just type angela coral eisenhuaer, or angela eisenhauer into google, like wow!
The horrible thing is? now they are trying to prevaccinate babies before birth, for whooping cough, with a vaccine, that kills them if given at birth, ummmm and seem surprised this leads to near double the rate of late term miscarriages and a 500% increase in chances of a microcephalic baby. How corrupt can CDC be?
They figure that if people are dumb enough to comply, they deserve what they get….I think that that is the point of eugenisist Jonas Salk meant to say in his writings – Survival of the Wisest….Wise people don’t blindly trust stupid vaccines….anyone with half a brain should be asking “what’s in it” and how are vaccines contributing to long healthy lives? They’re obviously NOT!
Wow – what a comment!
Was this published Angela?
My daughter got pertussis right AFTER the vaccine and gave it to me. Plus had other vaccine conditions.
Did not get it all the years b4 vax but “happens” to get it once vaccinated.
Measles in Disneyland? I was given three different theories. CDC said 5,000 were likely to be have been exposed. 50 who got ill were non vaccinated. If between 50% -86% were vaccinated, this proves a natural immunity of around 93% – 98%. (In the non vaccinated of 14% – 50%) The third theory, 99% were vaccinated, and ALL THE NON VACCINATED GOT MEASLES. This would show that the herd immunity is a ridiculous myth.
Anyway you do the basic maths, anyone can see that those non vaccinated, had higher immunity, than the claimed effectiveness of pertussis vaccine (85%)……….. so why on earth get vaccinated, if you less likely to get ill, if you are not vaccinated?
just one more sentence on “herd immunity”. “Herd immunity” is a theory. its failed us 2 times before and failing again. Epidemiologists were talking about that many ears ago: we r shifting disease burden to a very yang and old, childhood diseases in those age groups are not benign and medical community tries to catch up or “deal” with this problem: boosting and vaccinating pregnant. its not that HOT idea:(((. to learn more about herd immunity start here: Herd immunity: history, theory, practice.
Ups. correction: young. meant young children and adults after 25y.o.
Your reference for #12 is the same for #11.
No offense, I am trying to find out on the topic more myself, but your 16th reference is an article that is basically summed up by this sentence of its “Dr. Margaret K. Hostetter, who leads the department of pediatrics at Yale, was impressed with the study’s methodology and said it reinforced the case for early vaccination.”
Am I missing something?
Unfortunately some universities use CDC statistics for their PHD which the government often sites as well, which are often misleading or false. I know Harvard does it so Yale might do it as well.
Maybe one has to have ADD/ADHD and more time than those doing their PHDs to find multiple conficts of interest on the CDC website like their prices for vsccines i.e. They sell vaccines!! Own 56 official patents and are the organisation which decides on our vaccine schedual! Which trippled from 1998 to 1999 when the Supreme court ruled vaccine companies immune from responsibility of vaccine injuries. It goes through the U S government court instead if you’re in the U S as they have a compensation program for vaccine injuries.
Genotype B3 wild measles has been in the US since 2005: http://wwwnc.cdc(dot)gov/eid/article/12/11/06-0635_article. From what I read on the CDC’s website in 2015 all of the measles genotypes respond to the current vaccine which is why there isn’t a vaccine for each genotype. Here they are:
A*, B2, B3, C1, C2, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, G2, G3, H1, H2
*Vaccine strains Moraten, Edmonston, Zagreb are all genotype A.
There were 2 putative wild-type cases of measles identified as genotype A in 2008.
During 2011, 8 genotypes were identified by global surveillance:
B2, B3, D4, D8, D9, D11, G3, H1.
If the MMR is suppose to be effective against all of the above including Genotype B3 doesn’t that mean it is no longer considered a wild virus if components of it are in the MMR? If components of it are in the MMR, which to me is the only way the CDC can say the vaccine is effective against this genotype, that means it can also be shedded and spread by a vaccinated person. If you know anything about the governments nasty little habit of experimenting on it’s citizens, you know than it’s possible this virus was planted. Easy to do from what I’ve read. If you don’t believe the government and the CDC are capable of this read:
Secret US Human Biological Experimentation: http://www(dot)
My next door neighbor has his annual flue vaccination and like clockwork comes down with a nasty cold or flue. Whenever I attempt to explain to him that I never have the flue vaccine and never get sick even when I’m having chemotherapy he leans on his standard mantra,”But they told me I must have it” When I inquire “who are they” He can’t tell me or says “on the TV” This old fart trusts his governments and the health system as if his life depended on it. Also he’s diabetic and drinks like a fish 24/7. Great fellow but he just won’t think critically. Funny thing is that he’s in his late seventies while I’m only 62 and fighting Lymphoma, he will probably live longer than I.
Don’t know if this will help but better inform than not Thailand’s saraphi flower found to be effective against leukemia
Leukemia is a blood fungus.
Just do antifungals.
People are afraid to make the wrong choices because they feel inferior to the “educated” “degreed”. We’ve been indoctrinated to believe that no intelligence exists unless you go to college. Our whole lives are dictated by “they” whether we see it or not. It’s hard to escape, really. 😞
Will take a lot to change the control.
Having observed people like that, I now believe that they last longer because they have no worries,’. They take it one bottle at a time. They don’t care about tomorrow. The no worry maintains your nervous system and body relaxed . Unstressed .
This is the biggest bunch of fear mobgering propaganda I have ever seen! Measles schmeasles! You cannot inject health! Only disease! The healthiest kids and adults there are are non-vaccinated!!
No, MOB-gering is really more like it,because the fear mongering creates MOBS!
You are absolutely correct!
108 deaths from the vaccine my Ass! Every Single Crib death should be investigated bc 90% are vaccine induces.
Thanks for the article. It was much more informative and less drama-laden than most other antivax articles. Please write more about that topic in the sam informative manner. I like that you include that yes, measles deaths went down after the vaccination was introduced. There are two sides and I like that you write both.
I would like to know if there is accumulated effects of immunisation…as in both parents have had their childhood vaccinations would they pass on to their children?
I would like to know the answer to this as well. My child’s father is prior military and not only had all his childhood immunizations but also ones that were deemed unsafe for the general population such as Anthrax. I had my childhood immunizations and yearly flu vaccines and have a son born with autism. He is unvaccinated of course but you can’t undo the damage already done by previous generations. Vaccines are genocide.
A couple of months back my 32 mo old grand daughter had a flu shot. 2 weeks later she had the flu….miserable, lasted for days. Then her dad got sick , then her mom, brother and lastly me.
That’s a lot of mileage on one flu shot…
Same thing with our family last year, except it was my 80 yr old mother who got the shot (“before she knew what they were doing.”), and one by one, we all got the horrible flu, just in time for Christmas.
I’m immunocompromised and suffer from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia (which I strongly suspect was brought about by a mandatory hepatitis vax, leaving me in total disability now), so it’s an especial pain and frustration for me. Even though I’ve talked to her about my concerns and my distrust of vaccines and the medical industry, she seems to completely forget every year.
She proudly told me she got her shot today. I’m not happy.
Someone help me with this? I am 57 years old and I remember measles going around the schools back in my day. What I don’t recall is anyone referring to it as deadly. I recall the extreme opposite. My mom took me to my cousins house when my cousin came down with the measles so that I would catch it before school started. That was normal back then and no one feared or even spoke of it being deadly. What changed?? I also don’t recall one single case of autism till I was in my thirties. I hadn’t even heard of the term till I was in my twenties. Others my age say the same. Where is the outrage from my generation? Where is the common sense in any of this??
I agree, Roxane. Never did I hear of anyone being harmed as children with ANY case of measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc. It seemed when vaccination work BEGAN, is when terrible awful things began to appear! Just an opinion.
I also question the deaths. Were they healthy? No disease? No catastrophic heart or lung ailment that was not diagnosed? Etc? That information will never be shared. Even today with flu deaths. It is a lie. I do worry that there may be something MORE sinister at foot when the green light is given to have these chemicals injected into humans. Pregnant women FINE. Allergic? No problem. One size fits all. It is such a HARD SELL, is no one watching? Questioning the push behind this junk?
I worry. It seems those that have truth to tell are the ones to GAIN the least. They want to SAVE lives.
Those that are making MILLIONS and BILLIONS keep the lies and deaths coming.
Some time ago I read that the severe reactions to measles disease are related to the virus reacting to the vaccine by becoming more virulent. This is similar to bacteria becoming more virulent when exposed to antibiotics.
I agree also. I’m 58. Sent to a friends house to get measles to get it over with. Had chicken pox and mumps on the right side. I remember it but not fearful of it. Never heard of anybody die from it.
I’m 70. My peds text book for nursing had a chapter on normal childhood illness. The instructions were how to teach moms to provide comfort measures and not go crazy as each child passed them on to others. The greatest medical gift to mankind (vaccines) was still in its infancy .
You’re right – Here’s a stroll down memory lane!
I’ve been doing research off and on since 1986 when my only child, age 5 got her first and only vaccination (our naturopath said “don’t vax”) against our will–a tetanus shot following a minor injury on a military base, which caused a life-threatening flesh eating infection. Her reaction started within an hour. Along the way more recently, I’ve come across info that vaccines cause immune suppression by stimulating antibody (humoral) response prior to cell-mediated response which is the opposite of wild-infection events.
“Roitt, Brostoff, Male Immunology, Mosby Publ, 1998 London
“Cytokines are low-molecular weight proteins that control, coordinate, and regulate various immune or inflammatory responses. The importance of cytokines in the host response to infection cannot be overstated. Full protection against disease requires the involvement of many different systems of the body and it is the cytokines that coordinate them. Vaccines inhibit the normal function of cytokines, and in fact new vaccines specifically target cytokine activity. Recently, gene therapy and DNA vaccination has been used to produce memory against a number of cytokines that promote inflammation. Antibodies to the product of each inserted gene were produced. These antibodies were found to prevent the effects of the cytokines.”
Could it be that vaccines are causing immune suppression and creating an illusion of cases being reduced in number following vaccination because immune suppression prevents the external symptoms of disease–fever, inflammation, skin eruptions, which are actually activities of the immune system? And that the injected disease is left circulating unresolved and affecting deeper structures with more serious pathology?
That’s absolutely what vaccines do. And why children in the developing world are left even weaker and sicker post “life saving vaccinations” they’re given. Because their immune systems are even more suppressed and incapable of producing inflammatory physical symptoms like rashes that release tozins and actually fight infections. Compiled with malnutrition and immunocompromised condition like HIV anf full blown aids is typically the final result. And death from Secondary infections like pneumonia.
Yet Americans honestly believe all these vaccines both at home and abroad are responsible for saving lives and eradicating diseases. Vaccines have never cured or eliminated anything. Only traded minor routine childhood illnesses for chronic debilitating conditions like asthma allergies diabetes autoimmune diseases and neurological disorders.
I just don’t understand how people don’t realize it!?!
Myself and my brothers all got the Measles and other things that went around, Some people used to expose their children to other families so they can get it over and done with for natural immunity for life once I did get that, or before they went back to school, no one ever died that I know of around my area with the measles or other natural diseases. The human race has survived for millenniums without getting a jab with a steel needle against supposedly life-threatening diseases.
We are all con by the modern Multi billion dollar industry “Witch Doctors,” who is about 10,000 times more corrupt than any other previous “natural medicine doctors” over the past thousands of centuries.
This is incredibly interesting. How does one protect an unvaccinated child against shedding from those who are vaccinated-this is my biggest worry.. the only defender I know is keeping a healthy immune system.
I’ve had much flack for not wanting to vaccinate,, and it’s not easy finding research to support my reasonings.
My partner had even stated that if something were to happen to our wee one due to not getting vaccinated, than it’d be my fault.. what a terrible burden that would be..
How do parents keep true to this decision with comments like that, and what would you do if somehow you contracted a ‘vaccinated’ disease or virus??
Most sincerely,
WOW! You’re onto something!! I strongly believe the epidemic of “mysterious” illnesses and syndromes like Gulf War, Fibromyalgia, Lyme, Chronic Fatigue, MS, Lupus, etc, etc, are related and are very probably induced by dirty vaccines …
And if the vaccines via cytokines are responsible for suppressing immune function and disease symptoms, IT WOULD EXPLAIN why blood tests come back in the NORMAL range when people are ragingly ill. As a small example, I have fibro/CFS and I never run a temperature, but I will FEEL like I’m dying with sweats, chills, headaches, pressure in the head, aches, etc, all like the “flu,” but my temp is 98.6.
No wonder the doctors think we’re crazy/fakers/drug or attention seekers. They trust in empirical data almost exclusively these days.
But really, they’re either incompetent or complicit, I just can’t see another option.
If it was DESIGNED to do this, AND THEY KNOW ABOUT IT, I just don’t know if there is much more out and out evil that can be done to people.
We have no choice but to take FLU vaccine to survive. Here is why (my hypothesis):
1) The virus strain in vaccine is more deadly than the natural strain seen in a flu season.
2) Vaccinated individual shedding deadly strain to healthy people who are not vaccinated or vaccinated
3) Vaccinated group may survive the deadly flu strain from the vaccine. Not-vaccinated healthy group can survive a natural strain but not the deadly strain in a vaccine.
4) The more people take the vaccine (due to all the free campaigns), the more need for all of us to take the vaccine just to survive.
Just stay healthy.
If vaccination causes ill-health, it will never help you to stay healthy: so although there is some superficial logic behind what you suggest, Jonathon, it is a twisted logic.
If you look just a little deeper you will see the non-sequitur:
Why would a vaccinated individual be better prepared to survive the flu-strain than the individual who contracts the flu-strain via shedding?
A healthy, robust immune system should deal with the pathogens alright.
Incidentally, for all interested; please have a rethink on the entirety of Pasteur’s germ-theory – which he himself recanted on his death bed.
“The germ is nothing – the terrain is everything”.
I got sick (or STARTED to, I should say) after spending an evening around multiple people who all had Flu shots 2 days prior.
I know they shedded the virus to me, and at the time I was mad at myself for going over there before realizing that could happen. NOW, I’m glad it happened that way.
Because I got a chance to be exposed to the virus without all the toxic extra-cirriculars. If I can’t convince them to stop taking Flu shots, then I’ll ask if I can come over for some Aluminmum, Formaldehyde, Mercury-free immune building afterward 😉
This is such scary information. I recall being taken to get measles behind me & it wasn’t all that bad. I think I got all shots that were called for at that time. I got an updated pertussis shot when grandchild was born. I checked with Dr about a new shot when more grandchildren were expected but was told earlier shot was still effective.
Now it seems there’s a possibility the newborns could be danger to me, (older generation). That’s crazy.
It’s obvious – they lied about the measles being from the wild strain in those 9 cases. They lie about everything so there is no doubt in my mind they lied about that as the truth is SO damaging to their profit margins. We live in a sick world. I hope everyone involved in the vaccine cartel rots in hell.
Tell me then; if all those children who got sick at Disney had the vaccination…why did they get sick?!
I am not pro, or anti, but the lack of science on the pro side is glaring. I have yet to have a conversation with anyone in medical that could hold a civil discourse and not throw insults, when someone asks them to prove their theory.
You just need to educate the judges. Is there any way to penetrate the legal system with this information? Many will be corrupted by the labs but many won’t.
I truly do believe that vaccines are used as a false protection against disease. However, in a society, and family that believes in vaccines and their protection, my hands are tied in fighting this battle.
My opinion does not over rule ‘science’, and government regulations, I can not provide concrete science based information that will ease the minds of the public or family of my choices. I, and my daughter will continue to be under scrutiny at the doctors office, daycare settings, school, etc etc.
I cannot convince these peoples that proper nutrition, and hygiene is the best way to combat disease.. disease starts in the gut..
I am so afraid of getting my daughter immunized; injecting a disease so her body recognizes it later on! What a bunch of shit..
I’m afraid she will still get the disease and not be able to fight it in the best way, because her cytokines have been suppressed.
I am also afraid that she will get a disease and have to deal with the fear and scrutiny from the medical community, and judgement of my family if I don’t get her immunized. I don’t want them to take my baby away from me, or even have the power to say I didn’t do all I could to protect my baby.
I am decided on giving her the immunizations one at a time; with the hope that her probiotics and healthy (paleo) diet will assist in her healing from the injected disease.
I have to believe that if this is something I have no chance around that the universe will hold her so tight, trusting so deeply in whatever is meant to be, will be.
Luna’s mum
The MMR Vaccine is attenuated. Meaning weakened and unable to cause infection due to shedding. Also the RNA fragments are not whole viruses also unable to spread infection. More fake news. Just like the Autism study. That doctor was discredited and put in prison.
That’s funny – For blood donations, Red Cross wants to know if I even share a house with someone who’s had the Smallpox vaccine, and require a waiting period after certain vaccines have been administered. Apparently they don’t think the virus is all that weak.
Ian, speaking of fake news that’s not at all what happened. In fact, Wakefield’s partner was able to get his medical license back after it was shown that it was unfairly removed to begin with. Wakefield just didn’t have the money to sue for his own reputation a d license. MSM doesn’t ever mention that though.
Ian, you’re misinformed. One of the side effects of the measles vaccine is — the measles, as the package insert states.
Dr. Wakefield was not put in prison. His study was peer-reviewed by 12 scientists, till — on the eve of publication of Wakefield’s paper — there was a meeting where they had a talking-to and withdrew their support. Dr. Wakefield’s co-author had a better insurance agency which fought for him in court and he was reinstated. Wakefield’s findings, about the deep connection between the gut biome and the brain, have now been corroborated in many studies.
All Wakefield said in his paper was that the parents of his child patients had said that their stomach problems had started after the MMR vaccine and that this warrants further study. That was enough to sic Pharma on him; it is their version of events that you have been reading.
Vaccinations get people on a medical hamster wheel. Mean big profits for the pharmaceutical industry and the medical industry. It is win win for both sides. It is a very good business model. Similar to what illegal drug pushers us. They get someone addicted then they have a permanent customer until they die. Vaccines destroy the immune system and cause all kinds of illnesses they blame on genetics. They have produced many drugs to treat the symptoms but those also have side effects but that is not a problems because they have produced other drugs to deal with the side effects of the first drug and so on.
The MMR Vaccine is attenuated. Therefore too weak to cause infection due to shedding.
I didn’t say Smallpox I said MMR. And I have lots of knowledge of the MMR Vaccine. Some vaccines are stronger than others as not all attenuated for various reasons.
And I didn’t say their only concern is Smallpox. Here is the list of exclusions for blood donations. Why would Red Cross want a blood donor to wait 4 weeks after an MMR vaccine if the virus is too weak to do anything?:
From the Immunization, Vaccination section:
Acceptable if you were vaccinated for influenza, tetanus or meningitis, providing you are symptom-free and fever-free. Includes the Tdap vaccine. Acceptable if you received an HPV Vaccine (example, Gardasil).
Acceptable if you were vaccinated with SHINGRIX (shingles vaccine) providing you are symptom-free and fever-free. SHINGRIX vaccine is administered in 2 doses (shots). The second shot is administered 2-6 months after the first shot. This distinguishes it from Zostavax, the live shingles vaccine, which is given as a single dose (shot) and requires a 4-week deferral.
Wait 4 weeks after immunizations for German Measles (Rubella), MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella), Chicken Pox and Zostavax, the live shingles vaccine.
Wait 2 weeks after immunizations for Red Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Polio (by mouth), and Yellow Fever vaccine.
Wait 21 days after immunization for hepatitis B as long as you are not given the immunization for exposure to hepatitis B.”
Not true. Even Merck & Co’s own MMR shot insert states that recently-vaccinated are contagious for up to 28 days. Just because a vaccine is from a live-attenuated cell does not mean that other retro and wild strand viruses are not also growing on them. When virologists can’t isolate something they don’t know they are looking for.
Attenuated viruses can’t be that weak, otherwise the body wouldn’t recognize them as a threat and react to them. Therefore it stands to reason that they can shed as well.
Because they probably don’t know everything about the vaccine and just follow standard rules they’ve had forever. Just because vaccines shed doesn’t mean we’re infecting the world. Don’t believe the hype and do your own research. Not what everybody is shoving down your throat.
I’m going the information given on the vaccine insert that says the virus CAN shed: (Pg 5)
Of course they say it won’t do anything (lol), but the fact is, some vaccines DO shed. That’s their own brochure, not anyone’s hype. And if Red Cross doesn’t want your blood after you’ve been vaccinated with MMR in the last month, why should I trust you’re not shedding something that others also wouldn’t want?
Supposing I were to give into all the hype about these big scary illnesses, would I want to (TRY and) prevent it using a needle filled with toxins AND has this warning:
“See also PRECAUTIONS, General. Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility M-M-R II has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility” (Pg 6, same link as above)
Truth be told, I don’t care if I do get M, M or R. I’ll take any one of those or all 3 over possible cancer, infertility or genetic damage. I’d rather fight it on an even playing field without a bunch of weird toxins added in with it. Just like millions of people already have over the last century. Look at how we used to view it, before we lost our minds with all this fear mongering about “diseases” that used to be considered no big deal.
The Journal of Microbilogy outlines the procedures virologists employ to rapidly determine which people in a so-called measles outbreak are actually suffering from vaccine-derived measles viruses (there are many) or wild strands (also many), or exhibiting vaccine-induced measles-like side effects. Lay people can argue all they want on these blogs but the scientists involved in public health know that the hysteria surrounding so-called measles outbreaks is unwarranted since many of the infected are suffering from vaccine-derived illness and symptoms. Check out their journal: from the American Society of Microbiology.
I never said they don’t shed. I said MMR is to weak to infect when it does shed. But you go ahead and get sick with who knows what. I’ll stay healthy with my vaccines.
I will take it as it comes, with my healthy, non-compromised immune system.
Thank you, and peace to you & yours 😉
I followed this thread in a search to find facts because I am sitting her now with rota virus from my shedding 7 month old grandson. And I’m not the only one in the family either. His brother, his sister, four cousins and myself with no end in sight. We were being religious about hand washing and have racked our brains to figure out what we missed. (possibly the wipes case?) Anyway, as soon as I can quit POOPING, I’m headed to the store for bleach wipes to bleach all the things!