Testimony to the CERHR Soy Infant Formula Panel
Thank you for the opportunity to testify about this very serious subject today. Allow me to summarize the testimony I have submitted to the panel (posted at http://cerhr.niehs.nih.gov/evals/genistein-soy/SoyFormulaUpdt/pubcom/GailElbek11-28-09.pdf).
Several published studies, confirmed by CFSAN (Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition) director Dr. Mike Shelby, have concluded that soy is an active estrogenic endocrine disruptor. Proper functioning of the endocrine system, especially during developmental time-frames must not be jeopardized. Overwhelming numbers of published studies conclude soy repeatedly jeopardizes developmental health.
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) reports that soy phyto-estrogens demonstrate estrogenic effects equal to or lower than doses of DES estrogen; in 2002, NIEHS researcher Retha Newbold expressed concern when her colleagues demonstrated that soy genistein “triggers reproductive abnormalities. . . including uterine adenocarcinoma, a rare form of cancer.” And what is toxic to the reproductive tract is toxic to multiple hormone systems throughout the body and brain. Also like DES estrogen, the maternal consumption of soy products transfers estrogenic hormone disruptors to her fetus and again to her child while breast feeding. Several hundred studies overwhelmingly conclude soy phyto-toxic causation of an assortment of severe, painful and often irreversible neurological and physiological disorders, and these diseases are more often caused during developmental exposures. Soy-based formula as 100 percent of an infant’s dietary intake contains active estrogenic and anti-nutrient endocrine disruptors.
Alarmingly, milk formulas are increasingly contaminated with soy, and therefore “lactose intolerance” may more likely be a result of intolerance to soy phyto-toxins.
Soy is proven to mimic or antagonize estradiol, a most potent and dangerous endogenous estrogen. Soy phyto-estrogens also abnormally manipulate ER-alpha and ER-beta hormone systems, further disrupting extensive endocrine systems throughout the entire body and brain.
Largely during developmental exposures, soy endocrine disruptors disrupt the reproductive system and are toxic to multiple hormone systems. Along with all estrogenic chemicals, soy is established as extensively damaging to the reproductive system of both females and males. Soy is reported as an accumulative endocrine disruptor capable of multiplying endocrine disruptor adverse effects. And these effects are transgenerational, passing damaging endocrine disruptor effects from generation to generation. The FDA Poisonous Plant Database includes “Soy bean, genistein and daidzein [soy estrogens]” on its list of poisonous plants. Developmental exposures to soy estrogenic endocrine disruptors fail to meet several FDA codes and regulations.
The fact that soy can feminize males and masculinize females is evidence of soy targeting the brain.
Overwhelming evidence proves that soy disrupts several neurotransmitter systems such as vasopressin, oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, choline and GABA, causing multiple direct and cascading damaging brain effects. Disrupted neurotransmitter systems are reported to cause autism, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, seizures, stuttering, ADHD and multiple other neurological disorders.
Several important essential enzymes such as tyrosine and trypsin, which are critical during development, are dangerously inhibited by soy, resulting in an assortment of physiological and neurological adverse health effects.
The FDA Federal Register 1999 reports that trypsin inhibitors cause deleterious effects on the pancreas, with potential to cause hyperplasia and formation of nodules. Soy contains very high levels of trypsin inhibitor.
Many studies indicate that soy can cause hypothyroidism, which then contributes to an assortment of adverse effects, especially to the vulnerable fetus, infants and children. Soy inhibits thyroid peroxidase and disrupts thyroid hormones T4 and T3, causing abnormal thyroid development and function. Soy disruptions of thyroid hormones are also related to the cause of immune deficiency disease and damage to Purkinje brain cells. This damage is related to the cause of autism.
Soy is reported to cause significant damage to the thymus, again leading to damaging effects to the immune system and cerebral cortex of the brain.
Soy also inhibits topoisomerase II (Topo II), another essential enzyme, causing DNA distortion and breakage, resulting in chromosomal alterations. Leukemia is reported in detail as caused by Topo II inhibitors.
In 2004, the US Department of Environmental Molecular Medicine reported soy causation of oxidative DNA damage, which can lead to tumor initiation and cell proliferation. Soy is reported as capable of causing leukemia, testicular, breast, uterine, bladder, stomach, colon, intestinal, pancreatic and kidney cancers as well as lymphomas.
Oncologists often suggest the elimination of soy products during cancer treatment due to soy’s estrogenic ability to promote cancers or to interfere with chemotherapy.
Soy is loaded with anti-nutrients: the FDA Federal Register 1999 reports, “GRAS status of soy did not include a thorough evaluation of the safety of potentially harmful components, e.g. lysinoalanine, nitrites and nitrosamines, trypsin inhibitors, phytates and isoflavones.” This list includes several, but not all of soy phyto-toxins that are well known to damage multiple systems throughout the body and brain, especially during development.
Soy phytates inhibit the assimilation of multiple essential minerals necessary for proper brain and body development. In addition, processed soy products contain an assortment of heavy metals also known to cause neurologically and physiologically damaging effects.
There are no established FDA acceptable levels of multiple soy phyto-toxins during developmental exposures.
Alarmingly, soy phyto-estrogens and anti-nutrients can largely fluctuate plant-to-plant, thus product-to-product, so that no one knows how much of these soy phyto-toxins they are swallowing or placing in the mouths of their children.
Dog and cat food manufacturers are proud to label their healthiest pet foods with “Does Not Contain Soy,” while at the same time the American marketplace increasingly promotes soy products during pregnancy, to infants and to children, while sorely misleading the public with claims that these products are “nutritional.”
Soy infant formulas also contain an outrageous amount of corn syrup and sugar, also known to be developmentally debilitating. High levels of corn syrup and sugar lead to pancreatic damage, which interrupts insulin production, leading to infant and childhood diabetes type 1 and type 2. High levels of sweeteners also damage the thyroid and thymus glands.
Medwatch Adverse Health reporting system exposes numerous severe and potentially fatal diseases reported by parents who had fed their infants soy formula and are now confronted with the resulting severe and irreversible adverse health problems.
My neighbor Carol’s daughter is autistic, Vicki’s adult daughter is infertile, Kath’s adult son is infertile, Stephanie’s infant son has type 1 diabetes, Jean’s teenage son has extreme allergies, Janet’s son has immune disorders, Pam’s son has severe asthma. All of these children have one thing in common: they were all fed soy-based formula as infants. Two of the moms had also consumed soy-based diets during pregnancy.
In conclusion, trusting American parents deserve the right to know that soy is loaded with harmful phyto-toxins which scientific studies have shown to be highly capable of reversing the health of their children into a diseased and handicapped state.
In accordance with the Food Safety and Modernization Act of 2009, I request that the Expert Panel enforce warning labels on soy products during pregnancy; withdraw soy-based formulas from the marketplace, or at the least enforce soy formulation prescriptions with mandatory physician follow-up as required in some European nations; stop the soy-added contamination of milk formulas and the daily increase of marketed soy-containing food products that target infants and children; and enforce a careful and precise physician reporting system of infants currently exposed to soy formulas, as well as the children and adults who have been exposed to soy formulas and are now experiencing severe and potentially life-threatening physiological, reproductive, and neurological adverse health effects.
Thank you for your time and dedication to ensure the best health of the fetus, infants, and all children.
On December 16, 2009, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR) panel on soy infant formula (a division of the National Institutes of Health) heard public testimony on soy infant formula. Only two individuals presented information on the dangers of soy formula, Gail Elbek, a private citizen who had traveled all the way from Santa Barbara to give testimony (summarized above), and Sally Fallon Morell from the Weston A. Price Foundation. The other speakers were all from the industry or were taking part in government-funded research, including Thomas Badger, PhD, and Martin Ronis, PhD, of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Haley Stevens, PhD, of the International Formula Council, David Bechtel, PhD, CANTOX U.S., Inc. (a consulting firm dedicated to “facilitating timely regulatory approvals”), and Larry Williams, MD, Abbott Nutrition (maker of soy infant formula). Without blushing, these “experts” assured the committee that soy infant formula was safe and did not have estrogenic effects. Stevens of the International Formula Council insisted that there was “no new evidence” that would warrant a re-evaluation of soy formula and complained about “alarmist” literature that was scaring parents away from this “safe and healthy choice.”
The good news is that many parents have been scared away. Over the last ten years, the proportion of formula-fed babies has declined from 22.5 percent to 12 percent. As Fallon Morell pointed out in her testimony, the tragic consequences of soy infant formula are falling most heavily on minority mothers participating in programs like Women, Infants and Children (WIC), where soy formula is routinely given to black, Hispanic, Asian and Native American mothers presumed to be “lactose intolerant.”
The final vote of the committee was one vote for “no concern,” twelve votes for “minimal concern” and one vote for “some concern.” Requests for warning labels on soy infant formula were completely ignored. The Weston A. Price Foundation has issued a press release on the hearing, posted at http://www.westonaprice.org/Soy-Formula-Panel-Caves-to-Industry-Pressure.html.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2009.
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I have a 3 year old child who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes 8 months ago. He was on Good Start Soy formula for 12 months. My father saw a story on the news that Soy is linked to diabetes. Type 2 runs in my family but at the elder age of 40’s. Noone from either side of our families have type 1. Can his diagnoses be linked to soy?
people get your babies off soy formula! Infants exclusively fed soy-based formula have 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen compounds in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula. it is an abomination.
What options do you have
What formula can you use for lactose intolerant baby?
Thank G-d my daughter was allergic to cow’s milk and soy-based formula as a new born. I was in the same position as you wondering what was I going to feed my child. I was talking to a pharmacist one evening and was explaining my situation and he suggest goat’s milk. Organic goats milk was what my daughter ate for the first 3 years of her life. She is still allergic to soy and gets sick each time she tries to eat Chinese food, but, eventually she will learn or continue to be sick. As long as she uses lactose-free cow’s milk she is okay as long as she only has it no more than 2 – 3 times a week. I know it has been a while since this story was posted but maybe, just maybe some one else will have the same question and will see my response here!! I hope your child is now a healthy, well adjusted and soy-free toddler now!!! Blessings!
My son in 1970 was fed soyelac from 2mos to 4 mos but on vacation in our summer home in Northern Vermont we could not get soy formula.A farm lady we were friends with sygested Goats milk saying it was closer to mothers milk than other products so we switched. My mother used to boil the raw goats milk and added extra vitamins to his daily diet.My father,a pedestrian, sugested we start him on rice cereal,1st in the bottle than by spoon and have him off milk products by 6,61/2 months and on cereal plus baby vegetables as tolerated. He did end up wit mild ADHD which we limited with his diet and deceased foods known to be allergens. He’s done very well. I’m so glad we took vacation when we did especially after reading the earlier article. KK
I should learn to check my spelling.I didn’t spell suggest, suggested,Correctly.oops,sorry.
My son was fed Isomil as an infant and was very feminine growing up. He is gay. I have heard other parents say the same thing. Could this make a child gay?
My son doesn’t have girl friend and girls are not attracted to hime. He is tall muscular but his IQ is low. He was fed Isomil 1972 or 1973 what dammage was done? My other son was born in Germany army hospital and he was allergic to milk was given soy milk for years he is short and hyper but very inteligent.
What have I done.
Hi Alice, this brought tears because I have a son who’s gay and I always knew that I had birthed a perfectly healthy baby boy.I was young and was on the wic program in tbe 1980’s. I asked the same question. You did nothing wrong, you did not know that they were trying to destroy a whole generation, like I did’t know. I know now and am angry and trying to do something about ii.
My daughter also.
I’m so angry as I am reading this article. I was a young mom and was on WIC as well. His pediatrician recommended switching him to soy milk based formula bc he was allergic to the cow one. I am so concern!! Freaking out a bit here. He was a very sick child, but he is perfectly fine now. He is 11 years old and is in sports, healthy and very smart A student. Now that I know better I’ve been taking better care of him by making sure he gets good rest, eat non-GMO organic food and no use of microwave foods, natural remedies and all that stuff. He seems fine to me. He’s had many crushes on girls and a lot of girls are chasing after him. Do you think my son is fine and is one of the lucky ones who were not badly affected by soy formula? This mama just need some reassurance…☹🙁😓😢😞😟😕😖
Soye formula doesn’t cause someone to be gay.Mothers are just looking for a excuse. I have known many mothers that fed their babies soye and none of their children are gay.I’ve also known mothers that never fed Soye products to their babies that have a gay child. It just happens. One mom I can think of had 6 children,no soye formula and the 4th child is gay. So go figure but stop blaming it on their formula.
I was a Isomilk baby who went to keritane hospital in Auckland NZ in October 1974 an looking for any others at that time.
I was a sickly child but not gay or masculine at all I grew up not eating much at all but had dietary problems an had my son at 20 an he’s fine but all my eating disorders went away but now 25-30yrs later I’m starting to revert again with food allergies, would like to compare with a few more Isomil baby’s an looking into other children at that time of 1974 from Karitane Auckland NZ, my blood type does not match any of my parents an I’m 1% of the rare blood type..
Any help I would appreciate an also if anyone could help in where could I retrieve my records from keritane Auckland NZ 1974.?
So what now? What do you suggest a person should do to try to reverse the effects of soy?
I found this old email reply from NaturesOne that provides additional information (including important links) regarding Hexane, DHA and other relevant issues, so I thought I would post here for the benefit of others. Hope this helps…
….we do not add MSG to our formulas nor, to my knowledge, do any other infant formula manufacturers. The confusion appears to be centered around glutamic acid and the erroneous thinking that glutamic acid is MSG. Glutamic acid is a naturally occurring free amino acid (FAA) in proteins and foods, including breast milk. The following link will bring you to a recent report on glutamic acid in breast milk and infant formula.
Regarding the chemical processing of conventional oils (not organic oils), the following link will bring you to an article by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which reviews the process of making conventional oils which includes acids, hexane and bleach. Although a bit technical, even for me, it does spell out how conventional oils are made.
We use only organic oils in our products which are expeller expressed (squeezed out of the grain or bean) and, by organic regulations, they cannot be treated with chemical.
In 2001, US infant formula manufacturers began adding a novel source of DHA and ARA that is manufactured by Martek Biosciences Corporation. This DHA is derived from strains of algae and is sometimes called DHASCO® (DHA Single Cell Oil) or life’s DHA™; the ARA is manufactured using a non-toxigenic soil fungus and is sometimes called ARASCO® (ARA Single Cell Oil) or life’s ARA™. The following is the manufacturing process described by Martek: “The oil is then separated from the dried biomass by hexane extraction and centrifugation and/or filtration, followed by winterization. The hexane phase undergoes additional centrifugation/filtration to remove solids then the winterized oil is heated and treated with acid. Subsequently, the oil is treated with caustic, centrifuged, bleached and deodorized.”*
*Sam Zeller, Ph.D.; Martek Biosciences Corporation, Food & Drug Administration Agency Response Letter, GRAS Notice No. GRN 000137
An excellent review of the issue of hexane treated DHA/ARA can be found in the following breastfeeding advocacy site. http://www.ibfan.org/newslette…rmula.html
This IBFAN site mentions the Cornucopia Institute and I have also provided you with the link to this site. The Cornucopia Institute is a well respected non-profit group monitoring the organic area. There publication titled “Infant Formula Report” provides a complete review of the controversy over Martek’s DHA and ARA which are found in all US infant formulas today with the exception of Baby’s Only Organic® formulas.
If a DHA/ARA supplement is recommended for a fullterm, healthy infant, we do offer Baby’s Only Essentials® DHA and ARA Fatty Acid Supplement. Baby’s Only Essentials® DHA and ARA Fatty Acid Supplement is a naturally derived source of DHA & ARA. It is derived from egg phospholipid (egg yolk) using a gentle aqueous (water) process. Egg phospholipid also contains Choline, which is an important nutrient needed for the production of neurotransmitters and development of the memory center in the brain. Baby’s Only Essentials® DHA and ARA Fatty Acid Supplement is a well understood and safe source of DHA & ARA.
Luckily I started learning about the horrible effects of Soy in the late 90’s, after I started eperiencing memory loss when I migrated from drinking Cows Milk to Soy Milk. Hence, I thoroughly researched the forumula market when we had our first child, and I opted for NaturesOne Dairy and/or Lactose Free Dairy forumalas. First, they were the ONLY formulas that I could find that included DHA but that did NOT contain Hexane, a petrochemical that is a nuerotoxin and also contributes to a human’s ability to control appetite, leading to obesity. Most forumula company’s use petrochemicals to extract the DHA from seaweed or fish, leaving the Hexane residue. NaturesOne uses a cold press method that eliminates any petrochemical residues. While NaturesOne does include Soy in their formula, I could not find any formulas that eliminated Soy completely. As we were breastfeeding about 60% of the time, we opted for this as the safest solution. However, now our 2nd child is on the way, so please let me know if anyone finds a better solution that eliminate Soy. Thank you.
In the mid 80’s I fed my daughter Prosobee formula at the Pediatricians urging. He insisted it would help her to NOT have allergies. I fed it to her until she was 10 months old and she had colic the whole time. She was extremely overweight during this time, to this day she has terrible allergies. While she is not gay she is extremely masculine. She has had hypoglycemia her whole life and an array of other issues I believe may be attributed to the soy. I used a milk based formula for my second child who did not and does not have any of these problems! I wish I knew then what I know now!
My son was breastfed and given soy milk as an infant. He started college at 16. Is a gifted artist and musician. He studied music, visual arts and philosophy. And he just graduated Grad school from Columbia at 23. So what does that say. I would like to see all the statics about all the children who were fed cows milk and the links to diseases and early mortality. There are probably more young people who have diabetes who have NEVER had any soy. The average American diet is the cause of many of these illnesses.
Yes! Completely agree! I cannot believe all the negativity around soya when cows milk and animal produce are linked to cancer , asthma , skin conditions , heart disease etc . Also farm animals are fed soya too as well as antibiotics . Animal milk is a definite no in my book . I choose soya any day of the week over cow or goats milk!
YES! My daughter is almost 10 and was on soy as an infant. She is healthy, has very little allergies, is very smart and one of the top of her class. As with everything, each child is different and I do NOT believe that just by drinking soy it will cause so much damaging affects unless there was already an underlying cause in the first place. And to assume that by d
In the same boat as Donna. I can’t see blame put solely on soy formula…are these parents claiming they fed their children organic non GMO foods also…or did u grab what’s cheapest and easiest…or hit the drive thru five times a week?
I myself and I’m sure many other parents can not afford non gmo or organic formulas. I had to switch to Gerber soy formula as it is the only thing I can afford at the moment. Not being able to breastfeed due to a multitude of awful reasons I made the best choice I could for a son with a cows milk protein allergy. He will be one soon and I’ve decided to switch to goats milk. Goats milk formula also works for many children with an allergy to cows milk. A bit more expensive but an option for some. I wouldn’t have put my son on soy with all issues it causes but sometimes we can only do our best and hope it causes no harm to our children.
I was the only child of 4 that had allergies to milk Born 1961. My Mom breast fed me for a short time and Moysoy formula the remaining time. I was unable to drink milk until age 3. Here at 53, I have been reading all the HORRIBLE effects of Soy. I have always been one of the top in my class in elementary school, High School, College. I have 2 degrees and a Masters. I am very feminine! ( college cheerleader, 20 year Flight Attendant) I had 2 perfectly fine children at age 38 & 40. No problems with fertility, no cancer, or medical problems. I am active and a healthy eater. Is this a fluke? or are people desperate to point fingers at their own problems. I think if I have made it this far without problems, the soy can not be that bad. God obviously put it here for some reason. I had always heard soy was the reason most Asian women did not suffer from Severe menopausal hot flashes and problems related.
There are many things you can feed a baby. Mother’s milk is the best thing.
Soy formula is the worst. Go ahead have some more soy.
Congratulations to you and your success in life, especially that of having 2 healthy and fine children. You are right that G-d obviously put soy here for some reason, but, I do not think one of those reasons He put it here was to have Monsanto to insert genetically modified organisms into it so it could be sprayed with poison (Round Up) from the time it is a seed until a week before the crops are harvested. IMO I believe it is a big hoax regarding soy and relieving hot flashes as soy is an endocrine disruptor, changes our hormones and damages our thyroid.
I wish you luck with your successful and healthy life, although, some people respond differently to things and unfortunately many problems when it comes to illnesses and endocrine disorders soy is a major contributor to it. Happy and healthy life!!
Yes! Completely agree! I cannot believe all the negativity around soya when cows milk and animal produce are linked to cancer , asthma , skin conditions , heart disease etc . Also farm animals are fed soya too as well as antibiotics . Animal milk is a definite no in my book . I choose soya any day of the week over cow or goats milk!
You’re talking about animal products & meat (muscle) from industrial feedlot confinement operations & confounding that with small family farms products. That IA the big soy industry way of thinking & Big soy financed or encouraged ‘science’ for grade schoolers & university soy dupes.
Asians have traditionally consumed Fermeneted soy (like tempeh, natto) that neutralizes the anti-nutrients and allow the benefits of soy to be digested.
Thank you for posting this Suzanne!! I just read this the other night that Fermeneted ORGANIC soy is the safe form of soy to eat. I must remember this – thanks again and a happy and healthy life to you!
Don’t be so quick to poopoo the deliterious effects of soy.
I have 4 children, The first is 28 y/o, she has PCOS( was fed soy milk for about 4 months) The second 19 y/o male, he has mild case of gynecomastia. (was fed soy formula almost from birth due to lactose intolerance, soy milk and other soy products from age 10-13) ,The third is 17 y/o female and was fed Prosobee from birth, exclusively and was diagnosed with PDD-NOS @ 20 months. Finally, my youngest, 14 y/o and has has a severe case of ADD, same story with formula and soy products. I only began researching the affects of soy because of my son’s gynecomastia. I AM HORROFIED and so with myself. There should be some warning on these products. I hate thinking I may have ruined all of my children’s lives. IS there anyway to minimize or counteract these effects?
I have one daughter, born in early ’80s who was collicky at birth and put on Enfimil formula for lactose intolerance. (Which I now believe to be an excuse to promote Enfamil). Catnip tea got rid of her colic!!
Could this have contributed to her being gay & behaving more masculine? When she was around 2 people would mistake her as a boy though she was dressed as a girl with barrettes in her hair!! To think I may have contributed in ignorance is devastating.
If not, How & why has the gay population erupted so Greatly??!!!
The gay population has not erupted greatly. It’s the same as it always is. The reason the amout of gays seem to have increased is because society’s knowledge and tolerance for gays have increased, so there is less need for people to hide their sexuality.
Hi NT I am with you and I truly believe it getting ready to happen again, that’s why I am trying to do something about this.
please help me I am a mother and using the Isomil to my first born child. He is a boy and 5 months, I have read previous comments about the Isomil formula of children being gay. I am requesting on what is the best milk for my child and since he’s is been drinking it for 2 months now because I went back to work , can I change it to Nanny or infa- care . What is best for a child??
check this link – http://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/nourishing-a-growing-baby/
You can check with a health food store to see about getting some organic goat’s milk. Read all labels and if it isn’t organic or non-gmo or soy-free I would never feed it to my child. My daughter has soy allergies and still to this day can not or should not eat soy. Good luck and good health to you and your son and family!
As blindly as I follow WAPF, I have to say some of the comments about soy turning people gay is BS. These comments are absolutely dripping in homophobia and cissexism. Sure, I may be a 14 year old girl who used to enjoy soy milk and is still enjoying tofu and happens to be genderfluid and bisexual, but I’m pretty sure a lot of my friends enjoy soy milk and are not LGBTQ. Besides, gays, wheter they are evil or not, have existed since the beginning of humanity. Look at the ancient Greeks. Do you think they drink soy milk?
Besides, what’s so wrong about being a little effeminate/tomboyish?
This disappoints me, WAPF.
(And no, I am not those Tumblr SJW-types. Also, if I have expressed any form of rudeness while voicing my opinion, I apologize.)
Unfair assessment of the reasons for these comments,we as parents were never warned,our children were used as lab rat’s so as to manipulate the natural order of things ,this shit was used with the knowledge and intent to make a generation of transgender people who have no idea what was done to them by the establishment and elitist few to dehumanize and mock HEAVENLY Father ,also this experiment reinforce s the notions of being born gay when in truth the system created these babies ,taking away from them a choice,leaving us parents racked with guilt that we didn’t protect them,I to have a girl who is emasculated due to this
Oh mothers plz breast feed yr babies fir 2 years thats the natural no side effects way ..d9 n9thave any soy products or evwn c9w milk.
Until 2 yrs? That’s ridiculous.No child should be breastfeed at 2 yrs old. 6 mos is old enough for being breastfeed. A bottle for maybe up to a year when going to bed with water in it. I don’t mean to offend but I’ve never heard of 2 yrs. and I was a pediactric nurse for years before switching to adults.
My baby had loose motion 3 days back his doc prescribed him soy milk after which he started passing large amount of urine and seems quite lethargic. Im sure something is wrong with soya milk . Plz help
I have a 6 yr old son who has been diagnosed of ADD or attention deficit disorder last nov.2014. I asked the developmental pedia how he got this, i also made a research thru internet but a lot of causes are mentioned. and just now i searched the side effects of drinking Isomil milk, a soya infant formula, and discovered that it might causr ADHD. and thats it, its really True that drinking soya infant milk may damaged babys brain. i started feeding him isomil from 1 yr- 5 yrs because he is allergic to a cows milk. And now i am the cause why my son is suffering ADD/ Adhd, its sad to know that now. 🙁
To all moms who are planning to feed Isomil milk or any soya milk infant formula, please stop to avoid brain damage of your child.
In 1993, before access to the internet, on the advice of my daughter’s pediatrician who thought she “might be” allergic to milk, I fed my daughter Soyalac formula for the first 12 months of her life. She has struggled with weight all her life. At 22 she has been diagnosed with papillary and follicular thyroid cancer!
I fed my daughter Soyalac formula in the bright pink cans at around six months when she did not want to breast feed anymore-for maybe 6 months and she now at 33 years old has been having painful cramps during menstrual cycles. There was no literature at that time regarding soy-only that breast is best and that cow’s milk was inferior and could be an allergen. I feel terrible about this soy knowing what I know now. I used to eat tofu in the 80’s and 90’s but now no unfermented soy or soymilks.
Food intolerances and of all kinds are rampant with the very first frequently becoming apparent when a formula fed infant demonstrates an allergy to commercial milk based formula. The typical recommendation by a conventional doctor in this case? Put baby on a soy formula such as Isomil or ProSobee immediately.Elemental formulas also tend to be foul tasting compared with milk or soy based formula and babies tend to reject them for this reason.
Small amounts of unfermented soy as an occasional side dish is benneficial. This how Asians have always used it. It is a big so China Study, Macdougal LIE that Asians eat loads of unfermented soy & do not eat meat or use dairy whenever they can. Big Soy LIES.
Dr. Jim: Small amounts of soy as a “side dish” – no problem. However, babies on soy formula from near birth to 1 year old, means 100% of their diet is from soy formula for the first 6 months or so, then still mostly soy after that until 1 year. That is not an “occasional side dish” for an infant. On top of that – using non-sterile water to mix the formula – what does that water contain? Bacteria? High mineral content? Arsenic? The only way to know is to have your water tested. Again, 100% of the infant’s diet is from water that may have unknown contaminants…..including those from soy.
I was given soy milk exclusively for the first six months of my life. Upon menopause I had the most severe hot flashes you could imagine. I still have them, after nine years. I believe that the phytoestrogens in soy led to my current distress.
Soy milk and soy formula are man made atrocities!!
I’m 4 weeks post full hysterectomy for endometrial cancer. It doesn’t run in my Family! Not genetic. I’m healthy, eat healthy, exercise. Now my hormones are gone and I’m facing chemo. I’m trying to figure out WHY this happened to me.
My mother gave me SOY FORMULA. My first period was horrific! Started at 11. Heavy bleeding and clots. The gynecologist dismissed me as “normal”. I only know now, my hormones were never normal! I was sabotaged from day one.
I’m highly intelligent (my father was extremely intelligent) but I do have brain issues. I’m married but my desire isn’t normal, it’s low.
I’m waiting to find out if it is safe to take bio-identical hormones. I’m flushing with hear. I’m only 44 but now I have surgery induced menopause.
Please!! Don’t give your children soy formula. It’s not Asian fermented soy food. The soy milk and soy formulas fake, artificial and dangerous non-foods!
I could write a book about what drinking soy formula as an infant did to me, and I just happened upon it when watching TV. In this particular program someone stated that soy contains estrogen, and when I researched it further I found out that I was getting the equivalent of many birth control pills drinking Mulsoy formula, back in the 1950’s. I’ve had extremely low energy ever since I was a child, and my reproductive life was virtually uneventful, having irregular periods and being diagnosed with PCOS at age 30. Not to mention the endocrine/metabolic disorders of type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hirsutism, and also depression and anxiety. But, I was allergic to cow’s milk, so soy formula was what the doctor recommended, or I wouldn’t be here right now. I guess the repercussions didn’t come to light until some years later. I’m 62 years old now, married but unfortunately childless, of which our fertility struggles are yet another story. Most likely all of this was caused from soy infant formula. My fate was pretty much sealed before I was out of diapers. Mother’s of infants beware!
I had 4 children…the last two because of digestive problems were put on Mulsoy. They thrived and between the two of them have given us 7 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. The first two who were on on Formula (Similac, etc,) have given us 4 grandchildren and I great grandchild. Do I think Soy products reduce fertility…I think not!!!
I have 4 boys now grown. The older 2 were fed breat milk and cow’s milk. When I developed environmental allergies the allergist recommended that my child that I was carrying be fed soy alas if not breat milk. I only breat fed for about two months not full time so stalactites was given until the boys were 1 y/o. The 2 younger boys had ADHD and allergies drug and environmental. In the last 3 years they have been diagnosed with auto immune diseases 43 y/o MS and 37y/o RA. No family history of those. The fathers family history does have lupus. I have been mentioning to them that the fact that they were feed soyalac almost exclusively has been a question I have asked with no answer. Soyalac was removed from the market and I was not able to find out why.