The Raw Truth
by Jordan Rubin
Garden of Life
This book, published by Garden of Life, commits the cardinal sin of misrepresenting the work of Dr. Weston Price in order to sell products that Price would have never approved. Rubin cites Dr. Price as one of several health “greats,” in the company of proponents of raw, lowfat, plant-based diets with an emphasis on juicing and detoxification, such as John Harvey Kellog, Norman Walker, Bernard McFadden and Ann Wigmore. Weston Price never endorsed a diet high in raw foods (he specifically counseled that vegetables should be cooked) and never once mentioned juicing and detoxification in his writings. Even worse, Rubin alludes to Price’s work on fat-soluble vitamins to promote his “All Raw” vitamin D supplements without any supporting vitamin A or vitamin K, a recipe for problems. By invoking the name of Weston Price, many of his readers will assume that his recommendations are safe.
Rubin also describes Mary Enig’s work on fats and oils, explaining that saturated fats are not the devils they are made out to be. His diet plans are heavy on coconut oil and coconut cream, which of course Enig vindicated during her career; But although Rubin mentions butter as a good fat, he does not include even a little bit of it in his omnivore diet plan.
Rubin tries to please everyone by endorsing both all-raw veganism and an all-raw diet that includes animal products— just a few animal products, like raw fish and raw yogurt, but no meat or organ meats. Even raw egg yolks are missing from his very limited omnivore diet plan. Both diet plans are heavy on Rubin’s All Raw supplements, with vitamins, calcium, probiotics and enzymes taken at every meal. He provides various plans for different disease conditions, all of which are bound to leave the patient hungry and malnourished. Advertisements for Rubin’s line of All Raw products are sprinkled throughout the book. Big THUMBS DOWN for this one.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2011.
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Elizabeth Grace says
I’m glad Sally challenged Rubin on this one. Although a lot of people think his writings are great I have always found him to be a gimmicky product pusher. He claims to support the teachings of Price and then sells products that clearly are in contradiction with the Weston Price nutritional principles.
Level Headed says
I credit the (fairly cheap IMHO) product called Primal Defense and Primal Defense Ultra made by Garden of Life as being what cured my ulcerative colitis. My colitis was diagnosed by an MD Gastroenterologist, including a scope, when I was 18. Following this MD I took the expensive prescription drugs, but they cost a lot and never effected more than about a 50% solution of my disease — it never cured it, and only partially reduced the disease symptoms. After many many years of bouncing between different MD-prescribed drugs, I made my own decision to find a better solution, and after reading many many sources of material (including both info from Weston A. Price, Price-Pottenger, Jordan Rubin, and others) I found the most success with 2 things: 1) consuming Garden of Life’s Primal Defense product, and 2) consuming raw milk as part of my regular diet. These two things alone have completely mitigated my ulcerative colitis.
Lastly, to those reading this please remember — we know very little about how our bodies are designed, but of what we do know we have to be very careful to go through the knowledge with a fine-toothed comb because there is just as must non-truth, if not more, out there than there is truth.
I do understand why you used the word “gimmicky” to describe Jordan Rubin, but please listen to my testimony and know that at the core there is good content in his Maker’s Diet book, specifically the “dirt” that enabled his recovery from Crohns disease (Primal Defense is based on this). And yes agree with you, there was a bunch of the stuff in the book that I ignored.
I listened to the good parts of his book and am not a sufferer of colitis at all anymore, I understand why it occurs and I understand the mechanics of a healthy gut.
Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!
Jess says
We know a great deal about how our bodies are designed.
David says
I have to disagree with Elizabeth.
She is making statements that I don’t think are truthful.
Elizabeth, have you read his books?
A-Rocky says
Hi good-neighbors, I pray you’d replace my earlier post with this one, that more effectively elaborates on the psoriasis/itch diseases due to an anti-kosher lifestyle. God bless your goodness to sacrificially teach choices that promote a healthier and more virtuous America.
[Again, hi good neighbors. This new post is slightly edited from my previous post, in order to include information about reducing the effects of preservatives, pesticides, toxic-cosmetics, saponins and lectins that may be life-saving for some, whenever more would understand their poor choices, that are likely due to not converting towards pursing the three precepts of a biblically kosher lifestyle.]
I truly thank you for all the efforts that are presented within this blog, whenever some super-rare souls have chosen to be set-apart-for-service as sacrificing scientists and teachers of the best food choices within our unhealthy anti-kosher culture, where healthcare costs are approximately one-fifth of our nation’s GDP.
I encourage the readers to consider that many of the beliefs promoted via this blog-page wouldn’t promote a healthy biblically based kosher regimen due to a lack of understanding of the three kosher precepts. Which for each culture would minimize the consequences from (1) plaques and (2) toxins while (3) maximizing the assimilating of the healthiest-disease-free proteins into one’s body.
Firstly, consider that plaques are due to dissolved metal-minerals that precipitate out of the bloodstream. These dissolved elements precipitate out of the arteries, liver, and biliary, OR the kidney and ureters and bind with cholesterol to form artery-plaque or gallstones OR with oxalate to form kidney-stones. Also consider that the non-photosynthesized mineral-calcium ofttimes forms ~80% of plaques in our culture. So it likely saddens, or grieves, our Creator that very few souls teach others about the prudent kosher tradition of allowing six hour wait times between eating dairy-calcium and meats. The six hour wait time is the kosher tradition because a meat’s cholesterol is the plaque’s bonding-glue for the precipitating calcium, whenever these bonding elements haven’t yet been minimized in less than six hours via the liver’s biliary system.
Further consider that most of the metal-minerals that are sold within our culture are used by farmers for plant-crops as mineral-fertilizers, in which these are converted by the growing plants via photosynthesis to become non-toxic when converted into a food. However, whenever our culture began to promote various prayerless-bureaucracies in this past century that were anti-kosher, these then allowed the farmer’s fertilizer iron-sulfide to be mass-marketed as a nutritional-supplement in order to purportedly cure anemia. In 1942 these bureaucracies allowed “reduced” iron metal as micro-particles to be added to “enrich” our nation’s bread flours, which in baked breads in the presence of any water-humidity and oxygen, would immediately begin to oxidize back into iron-rust. All metal-minerals within either supplements or any clay-soil-minerals from impure water ‘should-be’ recognized as being destructive, because of the plaques and stones that would form via precipitations or from promoting other liver and organ diseases such as hemochromatosis.
In 1945 carcinogenic fluoride began to be added to our nation’s water supplies rather than more safely being used as a toothpaste or rinse. This is a pivotal failure by our culture’s health-care-bureaucracies since fluoride had never been prudently tested to reveal it would inevitably be strongly carcinogenic to promote leukemia in toddlers and bone-embrittling to elders. Many other anti-scientific bureaucracies promote the application of petroleum based carcinogenic toxins as a penetrating cosmetic or skin-care pharmakeia ointment or soap. Other anti-kosher bureaucracies have promoted the consumption of drinks and pills as legalized toxic stimulates that would force the body to make extra adrenaline as an allergic reaction to their ‘obvious’ toxicity.
The initial symptoms of an autoimmune disease while a body was attempting to digest a toxic food are oftentimes a sudden onset of heat rash hives and plaque psoriasis. Recovery from any autoimmune disease’s immune system failure that exhibited an initial symptom of psoriasis, (likely due to consuming anti-nutritional foods for an extended period, such as all high-glycemic foods that would also promote gout OR foods having excessive carb and fat calories OR from super-toxic meats such as shrimp-eating-salmon OR meats with diseased fatty-livers such as pork primarily from being corn-grain-fed rather than grass-fed OR meats that are aged or not trimmed and ground prior to being rinsed in order to minimize the toxins in the blood and fats), can be 90%+ successful to become healthy again after converting to pursue the three kosher precepts.
Whereby in-situ toxins from foamy-saponins in cereal-grains or lectins in beans, as well as from organic pesticides or fertilizers, can ALL be minimized by adequately boiling ALL foods. Additionally, e-coli and salmonella and any other forms of bacteria or viruses from manure or anthrax in soils are ALL easily minimized by washing and then boiling ALL foods. Furthermore, everyone should recognize that heating foods above boiling temperatures, as occurs with toasted-cereals, bread-crusts or roasted and smoked nuts and meats, converts a food to be strongly carcinogenic at the portions that are the most burnt, baked, roasted or smoked.
Studies done in the 1970’s showed approximately 80-90% of pesticides had been vaporized out of spinach during the canning process. More recent USDA studies have shown that in order to reduce the lectin toxins in beans approximately 80-90%, (that would then minimize any hemorrhaging of one’s intestines and stomach due to these toxins), these studies have recommended to discard the boil-water three times during the boiling process. Which should usually require several hours of boiling until the beans are soft and no longer crunchy.
The most dramatic food allergy symptoms for those with a weakened liver and immune system are ofttimes due to the toxic effects of either saponins, lectins and pesticides or iodine in shellfish, salmon and seaweed. In cereal grains boiled barley has ofttimes exhibited the worst plaque-itch reactions closely followed by toasted-shredded-wheat-cereal and then boiled-rolled-oats and lastly quick-oats due to its saponins being greatly eliminated during its drying process. Furthermore, consider that raw Russet potatoes, being a toxic nightshade, will oftentimes exhibit allergy symptoms. Alternatively, eating raw sweet-potatoes in smoothies has been promoted on the internet. Importantly, from the legendary Isaac’s obvious malnutrition that was taught in Genesis 27:4 & 35:28 KJV, consider that ALL savory herbs and spices greatly hinder the proper digestion of proteins, which then causes a weakened immune system and fatty liver diseases from malnutrition, which is the greatest primary cause of disease and premature death throughout our world today. Because of my own autoimmune disease’s psoriasis symptoms I’ve recently learned that – within the gates of eternity it will then ofttimes be seen that one’s endured sufferings will have promoted the most fruitful life-saving understandings. & & >
So via blog efforts such as this, we should all have high hopes that for the sake of our grandchildren’s futures more in our world’s cultures would learn to prayerfully question and research their choices better, as we’d all seek to ‘understand’ our Creator’s wisdom-from-above behind a biblically-based 12-step-kosher regimen.
May our Creator greatly bless you all for everything that’s promoted here that would enable us to again become a healthier, stronger and more virtuous nation. That could then lead the rest of the world like a-light-on-a-hill down a similarly strengthening path into a brighter day within a healthier world.
A-Rocky – who greatly appreciates our nation’s memorial-day holy-days.
PS – To thoughtfully discuss any other’s kosher-ist diet research that is not anecdotal, you may contact me by the links available via this blog-page.
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cass says
although there is a big age difference between this man Rubin and Sally fallon, I saw a video of her recently and she looks extremely overweight and no younger or different than most women I know her age… is she then a paradigm of health or going to back up her nutritional recomendations with her own body? He atleast looks pretty good for his age and at the end of the day you an argue scientific facts all day long but is the person advocating them a living example and does it work for you? those are two things I look at.
Dianne says
Interesting because I have often thought the same thing with no disrespect intended.
David says
Jordan Rubin’s book “The Maker’s Diet” along with only a couple of Jordan Rubin’s supplements helped – helped my wife overcome Crohn’s Disease in just 6 months.
She went from 20 pills a day, to even more aggressive pills that open you up to cancer, etc. – doctors just treat symptoms.
Doctors laughed and mocked us when we wanted to try a diet approach and to try to wean off of pills. They also recommended she get cut open so they could look at her intestines.
Now, we get to just stick to many of the basics found in Jordan’s book and eating beneficial foods.
8 years later… diet DOES help. Not that pills can’t be necessary at times, but if you have health concerns, why not try diet.
We’ve bought and passed on the “Maker’s Diet” book to many people we come across and are always excited to have people reach back out to us and tell us that the diet change healed them!
Angela Kembel says
In his book Patient Heal Thyself, Rubin specifically recommends raw eggs or barely cooked eggs daily, and lists organic organ meats at the top of his Superfoods list and recommends lifelong regular consumption. Fermented foods and goat milk also get their due.
A-Rocky says
I greatly thank the Lord for all the holy efforts that are presented within this blog, whenever some super-rare souls have chosen to be set-apart-for-service as sacrificing scientists and then teachers of many soul’s good efforts.
I encourage the readers to consider that many of the beliefs promoted by some in this post would not cause a health promoting and biblically based kosher regimen due to a lack of understanding of kosher principals.
A biblical kosher regimen has a three-point focus that would encourage greater understanding towards the best food choices within every culture. Which would minimize the consequences from (1) plaques and (2) toxins, while maximizing the ease of (3) assimilating very healthy and adequately prepared proteins.
Consider that ALL plaques are due to dissolved metal-minerals that are best used as fertilizers for plants, whereby dissolved calcium ofttimes forms ~80% of all plaques. These dissolved elements would precipitate out of the bloodstream, liver, and biliary OR the kidney and ureters and bind with cholesterol to form artery-plaque or gallstones OR with oxalate to form kidney stones. So it likely saddens, (or grieves), our Creator’s Holy Spirit that very few souls teach others about the prudent kosher tradition of allowing six (6) hour wait times between eating dairy and meats, because a meat’s cholesterol becomes the plaque’s bonding-glue for any excess calcium in the bloodstream alongside the cholesterol.
Consequently whenever our nation began to promote various prayerless-bureaucracies in this past century, these then allowed a farmer’s fertilizer iron-sulfide to be mass-marketed as a nutritional-supplement in order to purportedly cure anemia. Later in 1942 these allowed “reduced” iron metal particles to be added to “enrich” our nation’s bread flours, which in baked breads in the presence of water and oxygen would then oxidize back to iron-rust. Whereby eating any clay-soils or any metallic-minerals from supplements or from poor water ‘should’ be recognized as being destructive to anyone’s body due to the plaques and stones it would form or from promoting hemochromatosis and other diseases within the liver and biliary etc.
Being self-destructive also occurs whenever anyone consumes toxins or bacteria or viruses into their bloodstream. In-situ toxins from foamy saponins or lectins as well as from organic pesticides or fertilizers can all be minimized by adequately boiling foods before eating them. Due to a fatty-liver autoimmune disease that has caused heat rash hives and plaque psoriasis in many good souls, I’ve been able to learn about toxic-saponins in cereal grains, and that well boiled barley often has the worst reactions followed by toasted cereal wheat and then boiled oats. Also, that Idaho Potatoes being a nightshade has much worse skin reactions than eating a sweet potato that many can eat raw without adverse reactions.
USDA studies have shown that in order to reduce the lectin toxins in beans ~90%, that would then minimize any hemorrhaging of ones intestines and stomach due to lectin toxins, the USDA has recommended discarding the boil-water three times during the boiling process. Which should usually require several hours of boiling until the beans are no longer crunchy.
Additionally, e-coli and salmonella and any other forms of bacteria or viruses are all most easily minimized by boiling. Albeit everyone should recognize that heating foods beyond boiling temperatures, as occurs with toasted-cereals, bread-crusts or roasted and smoked nuts and meats, oftentimes converts a food to become strongly carcinogenic at the most burnt-baked-roasted-smoked portions.
So via blog efforts such as this I have hign hopes we’d all learn to pray-convert better into our grandchildren’s futures, as we’d all seek to ‘understand’ our Creator’s wisdom-from-above behind a biblically based kosher regimen.
God greatly bless you all for everything that is promoted here that would enable us to again become a healthier, stronger and more virtuous nation, that could then lead the rest of the world like a-light-on-a-hill down a similarly virtuous and strengthening path to a brigher day in a better healthier world.
A-Rocky – who greatly appreciates our converting nation’s memorial-day holy-days.
A-Rocky says
[Hi good neighbors. This new post is slightly edited from my previous post on this same page, in order to include information about spinach-pesticides and toxic-cosmetics that may be life-saving for some, when more would better understand their poor-health issues.]
I greatly thank the Lord for all the holy efforts that are presented within this blog, whenever some super-rare souls have chosen to be set-apart-for-service as sacrificing scientists and teachers of the best food choices within our unhealthy anti-kosher culture, where healthcare costs are approximately one-fifth of the nation’s GDP.
I encourage the readers to consider that many of the beliefs in this blog page wouldn’t promote a healthy biblically based kosher regimen due to a lack of understanding of the three kosher principals. Which for each culture would minimize the consequences from (1) plaques and (2) toxins while (3) maximizing the assimilating of the healthiest-disease-free proteins into one’s body.
Consider that plaques are due to dissolved metal-minerals that precipitate. These dissolved elements precipitate out of the arteries, liver, and biliary, OR the kidney and ureters and bind with cholesterol to form plaque or gallstones OR with oxalate to form kidney stones. Also consider that the non-photosynthesized mineral-calcium ofttimes forms ~80% of plaques in our culture. So it likely saddens, or grieves, our Creator that very few souls teach others about the prudent kosher tradition of allowing six (6) hour wait times between eating dairy and meats. The wait time is the kosher guideline because a meat’s cholesterol becomes the plaque’s bonding-glue for the precipitating calcium whenever it’s in the bloodstream along with the cholesterol, since within six hours it likely hasn’t yet been totally eliminated via the liver’s biliary ducts.
Further consider that most of the metal-minerals that are sold within our culture are used by farmers for plant-crops as mineral fertilizers, in which they are converted by the growing plants via photosynthesis to become non-toxic to eat. However whenever our nation began to promote various prayerless-bureaucracies in this past century that were anti-kosher, these then allowed the farmer’s fertilizer iron-sulfide to be mass-marketed as a nutritional-supplement in order to purportedly cure anemia. Later in 1942 these same bureaucracies allowed “reduced” iron metal as micro-particles to be added to “enrich” our nation’s bread flours, which in baked breads in the presence of any water-humidity and oxygen would immediately begin to oxidize back into iron-rust. Whereby metal-minerals from consuming supplements or any clay-soil-minerals from impure water ‘should’ be recognized as being destructive due to the plaques and stones it would always form. Or from promoting hemochromatosis or other diseases primarily in the liver but also in other organs.
Other destructive choices would occur whenever anyone consumes toxins or applies them on their skin. In-situ toxins from foamy cereal grain saponins or bean lectins as well as from organic pesticides or fertilizers can all be minimized by adequately boiling all foods. Studies done in the 1970’s showed approximately 90% of pesticides had been vaporized out of spinach during the canning process. Due to consuming too many anti-nutritional foods, (such as most carbs and fats and diseased meats due to their diseased fatty-livers), that have resulted in an autoimmune disease, many good souls have recovered from the results of their own unhealthy fatty-liver, that the first symptoms were a sudden onset of heat rash hives and plaque psoriasis due to the effects of the saponins in grains or lectins in beans. Boiled barley ofttimes has the worst reactions followed by toasted-shredded-wheat-cereal and then boiled-rolled-oats. Furthermore, consider that Russet potatoes, a toxic nightshade, most oftentimes has hive reactions. Even so, many people have eaten raw sweet-potatoes in smoothies without any obvious adverse reactions.
USDA studies have shown that in order to reduce the lectin toxins in beans approximately 90%, that would then minimize any hemorrhaging of ones intestines and stomach due to the lectin toxins, USDA studies have recommended discarding the boil-water three times during the boiling process. Which should usually require several hours of boiling until the beans are no longer crunchy.
Additionally, e-coli and salmonella and any other forms of bacteria or viruses from manure or anthrax in soils are all most easily minimized by washing and then boiling. Even so, everyone should recognize that heating foods beyond boiling temperatures, as occurs with toasted-cereals, bread-crusts or roasted and smoked nuts and meats, oftentimes converts a food to become strongly carcinogenic at the portions that are the most burnt, baked, roasted or smoked.
So via blog efforts such as this, we should all have high hopes that more in our cultures would learn to pray-question their choices better into our grandchildren’s futures, as we’d all seek to ‘understand’ our Creator’s wisdom-from-above behind a biblically based kosher regimen.
May our Creator greatly bless you all for everything that’s promoted here that would enable us to again become a healthier, stronger and more virtuous nation. That could then lead the rest of the world like a-light-on-a-hill down a similarly virtuous and strengthening path into a brighter day within a stronger and healthier world.
A-Rocky – who greatly appreciates our converting nation’s memorial-day holy-days.
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A-Rocky says
Hi good neighbors, I pray you would replace my June 4 post with this one, that more effectively elaborates on the many diseases due to anti-kosher-lifestyles. God bless your goodness to sacrificially teach choices that promote a healthier more virtuous America.
[Hi good neighbors. This new post is slightly edited from my previous post, in order to include information about spinach-pesticides and toxic-cosmetics that may be life-saving for some, when more would better understand their poor-health issues that are due to not converting to the 12-step-kosher protocols.]
I truly thank you for all the efforts that are presented within this blog, whenever some super-rare souls have chosen to be set-apart-for-service as sacrificing scientists and teachers of the best food choices within our unhealthy anti-kosher culture, where healthcare costs are approximately one-fifth of the nation’s GDP.
I encourage the readers to consider that many of the beliefs in this blog page wouldn’t promote a healthy biblically based kosher regimen due to a lack of understanding of the three kosher principals. Which for each culture would minimize the consequences from (1) plaques and (2) toxins while (3) maximizing the assimilating of the healthiest-disease-free proteins into one’s body.
Firstly, consider that plaques are due to dissolved metal-minerals that precipitate. These dissolved elements precipitate out of the arteries, liver, and biliary, OR the kidney and ureters and bind with cholesterol to form plaque or gallstones OR with oxalate to form kidney stones. Also consider that the non-photosynthesized mineral-calcium ofttimes forms ~80% of plaques in our culture. So it likely saddens, or grieves, our Creator that very few souls teach others about the prudent kosher tradition of allowing six hour wait times between eating dairy and meats. The six hour wait time is the kosher guideline because a meat’s cholesterol is the plaque’s bonding-glue for the precipitating calcium whenever within six hours it hasn’t yet been totally eliminated via the liver’s biliary ducts.
Further consider that most of the metal-minerals that are sold within our culture are used by farmers for plant-crops as mineral-fertilizers, in which they are converted by the growing plants via photosynthesis to become non-toxic to eat. However, whenever our nation began to promote various prayerless-bureaucracies in this past century that were anti-kosher, these then allowed the farmer’s fertilizer iron-sulfide to be mass-marketed as a nutritional-supplement in order to purportedly cure anemia. In 1942 these bureaucracies allowed “reduced” iron metal as micro-particles to be added to “enrich” our nation’s bread flours, which in baked breads in the presence of any water-humidity and oxygen would immediately begin to oxidize back into iron-rust. All metal-minerals within either supplements or any clay-soil-minerals from impure water ‘should-be’ recognized as being destructive because of the plaques and stones that would form or from promoting other liver and organ diseases such as hemochromatosis.
During this same period carcinogenic fluoride began to be added to our nation’s water supplies in 1945 rather than more safely being used as a toothpaste or rinse. This is a pivotal bureaucratic failure since fluoride had never been prudently tested to reveal it would inevitably be strongly-carcinogenic to promote leukemia in toddlers and bone-embrittling to elders. Many other anti-scientific bureaucracies promote the application of petroleum based carcinogenic toxins as a cosmetic or as a skin-care-pharmaceutical or as a penetrating-soap. Other anti-kosher bureaucracies have mentor-promoted the consumption of legalized pills and drinks as stimulates that would force the body to make extra adrenaline as an allergic reaction due to the toxins within the bloodstream.
In-situ toxins from foamy bean-lectins or cereal-grain-saponins as well as from organic pesticides or fertilizers can ALL be minimized by adequately boiling ALL foods. Additionally, e-coli and salmonella and any other forms of bacteria or viruses from manure or anthrax in soils are ALL most easily minimized by washing and then boiling ALL foods. Furthermore, everyone should recognize that heating foods above boiling temperatures, as occurs with toasted-cereals, bread-crusts or roasted and smoked nuts and meats, converts a food to be strongly carcinogenic at the portions that are the most burnt, baked, roasted or smoked.
Studies done in the 1970’s showed approximately 80-90% of pesticides had been vaporized out of spinach during the canning process. More recent USDA studies have shown that in order to reduce the lectin toxins in beans approximately 80-90%, (that would then minimize any hemorrhaging of one’s intestines and stomach due to these toxins), these studies have recommended discarding the boil-water three times during the boiling process. Which should usually require several hours of boiling until the beans are not crunchy.
After initial immune system failures from consuming too many anti-nutritional foods that have resulted in an autoimmune disease, (such as excess carbs and fats and meats with diseased fatty-livers from being grain-fed rather than grass-fed OR from super-toxic meats such as shrimp-eating-salmon that can most rapidly cause immune-system and liver failures), recovery from these can be 90%+ after converting to the 12-step-kosher protocols. Initial symptoms while a body was attempting to digest the toxic food were oftentimes a sudden onset of heat rash hives and plaque psoriasis. Most all food allergy symptoms are due to the toxic effects of either saponins, lectins or pesticides or iodine in shellfish, salmon and seaweed. In cereal grains boiled barley has ofttimes had a worst reaction closely followed by toasted-shredded-wheat-cereal and then boiled-rolled-oats. Furthermore, consider that raw Russet potatoes, being a toxic nightshade, most oftentimes can exhibit allergic reactions, even when boiled. Alternatively, eating sweet-potatoes raw in smoothies has been promoted on the internet. Importantly, from Isaac’s obvious malnutrition that was publicized in Genesis 27:4 & 35:28 KJV, consider that ALL savory herbs and spices greatly hinder the adequate digestion of proteins, which then causes malnutrition, which is the greatest cause of disease and premature death throughout our world today.
So via blog efforts such as this, we should all have high hopes that more in our cultures would learn to prayerfully question and research their choices better for the sake of our grandchildren’s futures, as we’d all seek to ‘understand’ our Creator’s wisdom-from-above behind a biblically-based 12-step-kosher regimen.
May our Creator greatly bless you all for everything that’s promoted here that would enable us to again become a healthier, stronger and more virtuous nation. That could then lead the rest of the world like a-light-on-a-hill down a similarly virtuous and strengthening path into a brighter day within a stronger and healthier world.
A-Rocky – who greatly appreciates our converting nation’s memorial-day holy-days.
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A-Rocky says
Hi good-neighbors, I pray you would replace my earlier post with this one, that more effectively elaborates on the psoriasis-itch diseases due to an anti-kosher lifestyle. God bless your goodness to sacrificially teach choices that promote a healthier and more virtuous America.
[Again Hi good neighbors. This new post is slightly edited from my previous post, in order to include information about reducing the effects of preservatives, pesticides, toxic-cosmetics, saponins and lectins that may be life-saving for some, whenever more would understand their poor choices, that are likely due to not converting towards pursing the three precepts of a biblically kosher lifestyle.]
I truly thank you for all the efforts that are presented within this blog, whenever some super-rare souls have chosen to be set-apart-for-service as sacrificing scientists and teachers of the best food choices within our unhealthy anti-kosher culture, where healthcare costs are approximately one-fifth of our nation’s GDP.
I encourage the readers to consider that many of the beliefs promoted via this blog-page wouldn’t promote a healthy biblically based kosher regimen due to a lack of understanding of the three kosher precepts. Which for each culture would minimize the consequences from (1) plaques and (2) toxins while (3) maximizing the assimilating of the healthiest-disease-free proteins into one’s body.
Firstly, consider that plaques are due to dissolved metal-minerals that precipitate out of the bloodstream. These dissolved elements precipitate out of the arteries, liver, and biliary, OR the kidney and ureters and bind with cholesterol to form artery-plaque or gallstones OR with oxalate to form kidney-stones. Also consider that the non-photosynthesized mineral-calcium ofttimes forms ~80% of plaques in our culture. So it likely saddens, or grieves, our Creator that very few souls teach others about the prudent kosher tradition of allowing six hour wait times between eating dairy-calcium and meats. The six hour wait time is the kosher tradition because a meat’s cholesterol is the plaque’s bonding-glue for the precipitating calcium, whenever these bonding elements haven’t yet been minimized in less than six hours via the liver’s biliary system.
Further consider that most of the metal-minerals that are sold within our culture are used by farmers for plant-crops as mineral-fertilizers, in which these are converted by the growing plants via photosynthesis to become non-toxic when converted into a food. However, whenever our culture began to promote various prayerless-bureaucracies in this past century that were anti-kosher, these then allowed the farmer’s fertilizer iron-sulfide to be mass-marketed as a nutritional-supplement in order to purportedly cure anemia. In 1942 these bureaucracies allowed “reduced” iron metal as micro-particles to be added to “enrich” our nation’s bread flours, which in baked breads in the presence of any water-humidity and oxygen, would immediately begin to oxidize back into iron-rust. All metal-minerals within either supplements or any clay-soil-minerals from impure water ‘should-be’ recognized as being destructive, because of the plaques and stones that would form via precipitations or from promoting other liver and organ diseases such as hemochromatosis.
In 1945 carcinogenic fluoride began to be added to our nation’s water supplies rather than more safely being used as a toothpaste or rinse. This is a pivotal failure by our culture’s health-care-bureaucracies since fluoride had never been prudently tested to reveal it would inevitably be strongly carcinogenic to promote leukemia in toddlers and bone-embrittling to elders. Many other anti-scientific bureaucracies promote the application of petroleum based carcinogenic toxins as a penetrating cosmetic or skin-care pharmakeia ointment or soap. Other anti-kosher bureaucracies have promoted the consumption of drinks and pills as legalized toxic stimulates that would force the body to make extra adrenaline as an allergic reaction to their ‘obvious’ toxicity.
The initial symptoms of an autoimmune disease while a body was attempting to digest a toxic food are oftentimes a sudden onset of heat rash hives and plaque psoriasis. Recovery from any autoimmune disease’s immune system failure that exhibited an initial symptom of psoriasis, (likely due to consuming anti-nutritional foods for an extended period, such as all high-glycemic foods that would also promote gout OR foods having excessive carb and fat calories OR from super-toxic meats such as shrimp-eating-salmon OR meats with diseased fatty-livers such as pork primarily from being corn-grain-fed rather than grass-fed OR meats that are aged or not trimmed and ground prior to being rinsed in order to minimize the toxins in the blood and fats), can be 90%+ successful to become healthy again after converting to pursue the three kosher precepts.
Whereby in-situ toxins from foamy-saponins in cereal-grains or lectins in beans, as well as from organic pesticides or fertilizers, can ALL be minimized by adequately boiling ALL foods. Additionally, e-coli and salmonella and any other forms of bacteria or viruses from manure or anthrax in soils are ALL easily minimized by washing and then boiling ALL foods. Furthermore, everyone should recognize that heating foods above boiling temperatures, as occurs with toasted-cereals, bread-crusts or roasted and smoked nuts and meats, converts a food to be strongly carcinogenic at the portions that are the most burnt, baked, roasted or smoked.
Studies done in the 1970’s showed approximately 80-90% of pesticides had been vaporized out of spinach during the canning process. More recent USDA studies have shown that in order to reduce the lectin toxins in beans approximately 80-90%, (that would then minimize any hemorrhaging of one’s intestines and stomach due to these toxins), these studies have recommended to discard the boil-water three times during the boiling process. Which should usually require several hours of boiling until the beans are soft and no longer crunchy.
The most dramatic food allergy symptoms for those with a weakened liver and immune system are ofttimes due to the toxic effects of either saponins, lectins and pesticides or iodine in shellfish, salmon and seaweed. In cereal grains boiled barley has ofttimes exhibited the worst plaque-itch reactions closely followed by toasted-shredded-wheat-cereal and then boiled-rolled-oats and lastly quick-oats due to its saponins being mostly eliminated during its drying process. Furthermore, consider that raw Russet potatoes, being a toxic nightshade, will oftentimes exhibit allergy symptoms. Alternatively, eating sweet-potatoes raw in smoothies has been promoted on the internet. Importantly, from the legendary Isaac’s obvious malnutrition that was taught in Genesis 27:4 & 35:28 KJV, consider that ALL savory herbs and spices greatly hinder the proper digestion of proteins, which then causes a weakened immune system and fatty liver diseases from malnutrition, which is the greatest primary cause of disease and premature death throughout our world today.
So via blog efforts such as this, we should all have high hopes that for the sake of our grandchildren’s futures more in our world’s cultures would learn to prayerfully question and research their choices better, as we’d all seek to ‘understand’ our Creator’s wisdom-from-above behind a biblically-based 12-step-kosher regimen.
May our Creator greatly bless you all for everything that’s promoted here that would enable us to again become a healthier, stronger and more virtuous nation. That could then lead the rest of the world like a-light-on-a-hill down a similarly strengthening path into a brighter day within a healthier world.
A-Rocky – who greatly appreciates our nation’s memorial-day holy-days.
PS – To thoughtfully discuss your own kosher-ist diet research you may contact me via the links in this blogpage.
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Barbara says
I listen to those who have healed themselves, Jordan Rubin being one of them. Joe Tippens, Jane McClelland, James McCraw, Ben Williams to name a few.
Susan McIntyre says
This common but overlooked airborne pathogen is known to “mimic” (cause?) inflammatory bowel disease. Some online documents state this cancer-causing, mental illness-inducing microorganism is not zoonotic. That’s wrong! It’s carried and shed by bats in their feces. And healthy people can get it, too.
My coworkers and I, all immunocompetent, got Disseminated Histoplasmosis from roosting bats, that shed the fungus in their feces. The doctors said we couldn’t possibly have it, since we all had intact immune systems. The doctors were wrong.
More than 100 outbreaks have occurred in the U.S. since 1938, and those are just the ones that were figured out, since people go to different doctors. One outbreak was over 100,000 victims in Indianapolis. 80-90+% of people in some areas have been infected, and it can lay dormant for up to 40 years in the lungs and/or adrenals.
This underdiagnosed airborne infectious disease can cause malignancies, precancerous conditions, rheumatological diseases, connective tissue diseases, heart disease, autoimmune symptoms, inflammation, adrenal insufficiency, seizures, migraines, hydrocephalus, hallucinations, etc. and is often undiagnosed/misdiagnosed in immunocompetent people.
It’s known to cause hematological malignancies, and doctors claim leukemia patients go into remission when given antifungal. My friend in another state who died from lupus lived across the street from a bat colony. An acquaintance with alopecia universalis and whose mother had degenerative brain disorder has bat houses on their property.
Researchers claim the subacute type is more common than believed. It’s known to at least “mimic” autoimmune diseases and cancer and known to give false-positives in PET scans. But no one diagnosed with an autoimmune disease or cancer is screened for it. In fact, at least one NIH paper states explicitly that all patients diagnosed with sarcoidosis be tested for it, but most, if not all, are not. Other doctors are claiming sarcoidosis IS disseminated histoplasmosis.
What if this infection, that made me and my coworkers so ill, isn’t rare in immunocompetent people? What if just the diagnosis is rare, since most doctors ignore it?
Older documents state people who spend a lot of time in a building with roosting bats, in caves, working as landscapers, construction workers, pest control workers, etc. are known to get Disseminated Histoplasmosis, but the info appears to have been lost, for the most part. And now bat conservationists encourage people to leave bats in buildings/homes. What a terrible mistake they’ve made.
This pathogen parasitizes the reticuloendothelial system/invades macrophages, can infect and affect the lymphatic system and all tissues/organs, causes inflammation, granulomas, and idiopathic (unknown cause) diseases and conditions, including hematological malignancies, autoimmune symptoms, myelitis, myositis, vasculitis, panniculitis, dysplasia, hyperplasia, etc. It causes hypervascularization, calcifications, sclerosis, fibrosis, necrosis, eosinophilia, leukopenia, anemia, neutrophilia, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia, hypoglycemia, cysts, abscesses, polyps, stenosis, perforations, GI problems, hepatitis, focal neurologic deficits, etc.
Many diseases it might cause are comorbid with other diseases it might cause, for example depression/anxiety/MS linked to Crohn’s.
The fungus is an Oxygenale and therefore consumes collagen. It’s known to cause connective tissue diseases (Myxomatous degeneration?), rheumatological conditions, seizures, and mental illness. Fungal hyphae carry an electrical charge and align under a current. It causes RNA/DNA damage. It’s known to cause delusions, wild mood swings (pseudobulbar affect?), and hallucinations. It’s most potent in female lactating bats, because the fungus likes sugar (lactose) and nitrogen (amino acids, protein, neurotransmitters?), releasing lactase and proteinases to obtain them. What about female lactating humans…postpartum psychosis (and don’t some of these poor women also have trouble swallowing)? The bats give birth late spring/summer, and I noticed suicide rates spike in late spring/early summer. It’s known to cause retinal detachment, and retinal detachments are known to peak around June-July/in hot weather. A map of mental distress and some diseases appear to almost perfectly overlay a map of Histoplasmosis. Johns Hopkins linked autism to an immune response in the womb. Alzheimer’s was linked to hypoglycemia, which can be caused by chronic CNS histoplasmosis. Cancer is known to occur more often near rivers than in mountains or deserts, just like this infection.
The bats eat moths, which are attracted to blue and white city lights that simulate the moon the moths use to navigate. Bats feed up to 500 feet in the air and six miles away in any direction from their roost, but not when it’s raining or when the temperature is less than approximately 56° F. The fungus can grow in bird feces, but birds don’t carry it because their body temperature is too high, killing the fungus.
I believe the “side effects” of Haldol (leukopenia and MS symptoms) might not always be side effects but just more symptoms of Disseminated Histoplasmosis, since it causes leukopenia and MS symptoms. What about the unknown reason why beta receptor blockers cause tardive dyskinesia? The tinnitus, photophobia, psychosis “caused” by Cipro? Hypersexuality and leukemia “caused” by Abilify? Humira linked to lymphoma, leukemia and melanoma in children? Disseminated Histoplasmosis is known to cause enteropathy, so could some people thought to have nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug enteropathy have it and taking NSAIDs for the pain/inflammation it causes, and the NSAIDs aren’t the actual culprit?
From my experience, I learned that NO doctor, at least in DFW, will suspect subacute and/or progressive disseminated histoplasmosis in immunocompetent people. Some doctors, at least the ones I went to, will actually REFUSE to test for it, even when told someone and their coworkers have all the symptoms and spend a lot of time in a building with bats in the ceiling. Victims will be accused of hypochondriasis. (My doctors told me only farmer’s get it, it’s only in bird feces, and it only infects the lungs…wrong, wrong, and wrong!) In fact, the first doctor to diagnose me was a pulmonologist, and the only reason he examined me was to try to prove that I didn’t have it, when I really did. No doctor I went to realized bats carry the fungus. And NO doctor I went to in DFW, even infectious disease “experts,” understand the DISSEMINATED form, just the pulmonary form, and the only test that will be done by many doctors before they diagnose people as NOT having it is an X-ray, even though at least 40-70% of victims will have NO sign of it on a lung X-ray. It OFTEN gives false-negatives in lab tests (some people are correctly diagnosed only during an autopsy after obtaining negative test results) and cultures may not show growth until after 6-12 weeks of incubation (but some labs report results after 2 weeks).
One disease of unknown cause that could be caused by Disseminated Histoplasmosis: I suspect, based on my and my coworker’s symptoms (during our “rare” infectious disease outbreak) and my research, that interstitial cystitis and its comorbid conditions can be caused by disseminated histoplasmosis, which causes inflammation throughout the body, causes “autoimmune” symptoms, and is not as rare as believed. I read that “interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic inflammatory condition of the submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder, and the cause is currently unknown. Some people with IC have been diagnosed with other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies, and Sjogren’s syndrome, which raises the possibility that interstitial cystitis may be caused by mechanisms that cause these other conditions. In addition, men with IC are frequently diagnosed as having chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, and there is an extensive overlap of symptoms and treatment between the two conditions, leading researchers to posit that the conditions may share the same etiology and pathology.” Sounds like Disseminated Histoplasmosis, doesn’t it?
My coworkers and I were always most ill around April/May/June, presumably since the Mexican Free-tail bats gave birth in Texas during May (and the fungus was most potent), and fall/Thanksgiving to December, for some unknown reason (maybe migrating bats from the north?). We had GI problems, liver problems, weird rashes (erythema nodosum, erythema multiforme, erythema marginatum/annulare, etc.), plantar fasciitis, etc., and I had swollen lymph nodes, hives, lesions, abdominal aura, and started getting migraines and plantar fasciitis in the building, and I haven’t had them since I left. It gave me temporary fecal incontinence, seizures, dark blood from my intestines, tinnitus, nystagmus, blurry vision/floaters/flashes of light, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, isolated diastolic hypertension, what felt like burning skin, various aches and pains (some felt like pin pricks and pinches), tingling, tremors, “explosions” like fireworks in my head while sleeping, and temporary blindness. Suddenly I was allergic to Comice pears (latex fruit allergy or oral allergy syndrome?). I had insomnia (presumably from the fungus acidifying the blood, releasing adrenaline) and parasomnias. It felt like strong bursts of electrical shocks or steady electrical currents in my body, which now feel like low electrical currents at times, mostly at night. I suddenly had symptoms of several inflammatory/autoimmune diseases, including Fibromyalgia, Sarcoidosis, ALS, MS, Sjogren’s syndrome, etc. that have disappeared since leaving the area and taking nothing but Itraconazole antifungal.
No one, including doctors (we all went to different ones), could figure out what was wrong with us, and I was being killed by my doctor, who mistakenly refused to believe I had it and gave me progressively higher and higher doses of Prednisone (2 years after I already had Disseminated Histoplasmosis) after a positive ANA titer, until I miraculously remembered that a visiting man once told my elementary school class that bats CARRY histoplasmosis. So much of it that they evolved to deal with the photophobia and tinnitus it causes by hunting at night by echolocation. There’s a lot more. I wrote a book about my experience with Disseminated Histoplasmosis called “Batsh#t Crazy,” because bats shed the fungus in their feces and it causes delusions and hallucinations, I suspect by the sclerotia fungal mycelia can form emitting hallucinogens (like psilocybin and dimethyltryptamine) along with inflammation in the CNS. (Schizophrenics have 2X of a chemical associated with yeast, part of the fungal life cycle.)
Thank you for your time,
Susan McIntyre
P.S. Doesn’t this infection share all the same symptoms with Gulf War Syndrome?
A-Rocky says
God bless you all for your sacrificial efforts to sift this type of foolishness from the Susan McIntyre’s in our world out of your web blog efforts.
Heather says
I blend the ideas of the Maker’s Diet with ideas from Chris Beat Cancer and ideas from this blog and my Nourishing Traditions pathway I was on prior to getting colon cancer. I was eating the Weston Price way for two or three years prior to my stage 3 diagnosis and have been doing less meat, no pork, raw dairy or no dairy (mostly no dairy) since getting sick (no chemo) and I am still very much alive and well two years later and counting. I have read the book you are reviewing and do not feel that he is just trying to turn a buck any more than Chris Wark is just trying to turn a buck… not that they AREN’T – but then again, so is Sally and the WPF with cookbooks and “non-profits” that are their jobs/livelihoods. I believe each of these sources is viable in their own right… however, as a Christian, I give a little more credence to biblical ideas and the Maker certainly understood us better than any fallible human being, no matter how educated. Thanks for your site and information and I hope you’ll read this one again and give it another chance.
Matt Sikora says
I agree completely, felt like he was pushing products.