Members send us photos of their healthy Wise Traditions babies. Wise parents enhance their own nutrition for six months prior to conception, and mothers eat a rich nourishing diet throughout pregnancy and lactation. See our Diet for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers to learn how you can give your baby the best possible start in life.
Click the links below to see photos published in designated volumes of Wise Traditions:
V1-5 (2000-2004) | V6-7 (2005-2006) | V8-9 (2007-2008) | V10-11 (2009-2010) | V12-13 (2011-2012).
From Wise Traditions V10N1, Spring 2009
Alert and happy, Evan Jian-en was born April 27, 2008. His mother had an easy and speedy delivery and good recovery due to her nutrient-dense diet throughout her pregnancy. She drinks raw milk and raw cream on a daily basis. Evan enjoys mother’s rich breast milk. He eagerly takes high vitamin cod liver oil, egg yolk and organic liver. He already has six beautiful teeth and is starting to walk.
Kaya Maria was born on June 19, 2008. She is a beautiful, sweet and fun baby. People always comment on how alert and focused she is. Mom is thankful to WAPF for all of their help and information as well as to the Yoders, whose farm provides the majority of the family’s nourishment (not to mention the best milk in the state of Ohio). Kaya is pictured here at just three months old engaged in what is still one of her most favorite activities—flying around the house with her dad!
Rose Marie, daughter of Nancy and Dan of E.A.T. Food for Life. Many patrons of the farm store have heard Dan say, “eating food for life may cause more life!” Rose Marie was born Labor Day, 2008 weighing in at 8 pounds, eleven ounces. She was welcomed home by five siblings, ranging in ages from sixteen to three.
Elias Oliver arrived two weeks early and weighed over eight pounds. After several years preparing herself for pregnancy with nutrient-dense foods, Elias’ mom sailed through her pregnancy and friends commented on how much energy she had. Her pregnancy diet included lots of raw milk, raw butter, grassfed beef, liver, farm-fresh eggs, bone broth, fermented veggies, cod liver oil and butter oil. Strong and alert from birth, Elias was able to lift his head when only a couple days old. Several people have said, “Look, it’s the Gerber Baby!” Elias was exclusively breastfed until seven months old and he now enjoys cod liver oil, coconut milk, raw cheese, puréed grass-fed beef and pastured chicken, egg yolks, and organic fruits and veggies. “We are genuinely grateful for the work the Weston A. Price Foundation is doing,” says mom Kael. “It has made a profound difference in our lives.”
Pictured here are River, age one, Audrey, age four, and Alaina, age three, the great-grandchildren of subscriber Dorothy and fourth generation raw milk drinkers!
From Wise Traditions V10N2, Summer 2009
The parents of Oliver Emerson, pictured here at nine months, first learned about the principles of the WAPF when he was a few months old, and began implementing them right away. The family is deeply grateful for Abner Lapp’s farm in Quarryville, Pennsylvania, which provides all their raw dairy. Ollie enjoys perfect health (without vaccinations), and is unusually social, curious and interactive. He continues to eat mainly mama’s delicious breastmilk, but also enjoys raw milk, daily cod liver oil, locally raised pastured meats and eggs, organic seasonal produce and lacto-fermented foods! Oliver’s mother spreads the WAPF word through her holistic nutrition practice, Earth/Body Balance (
Antennae in tune with the world, a very alert three-monthold Ian Fergus is thriving on a combination of Mom’s rich breastmilk and homemade formula. Mom consumed raw milk, egg yolks, paté, fish eggs, red meat and cod liver oil during pregnancy and is continuing the same nutrient-dense diet during breastfeeding.
Although Colton’s parents, Sara and Wayne, had no control over his birth mother’s diet, he was fortunate to receive the best of nutrition from his adoptive parents. They fed him donated breast milk for the first two weeks of his life, and ever since then he has been on the raw milk formula. Here pictured at eight months, he is a very healthy, happy, active, robust little boy who has slept through the night since around three months. Says Sara, “We are very happy with how well the raw milk formula has worked for him!”
Avery Victoria arrived right on time, healthy and strong over eight pounds. Avery’s mom and dad prepared themselves for a year before conceiving, and Mom drank plenty of raw milk every day during pregnancy. Avery has been breastfed for over two years and loves a healthy WAPF diet. She is especially in love with her “milky,” raw milk, straight from the farm. Avery is extremely happy and delightful to be around, wowing people with her wide vocabulary and profoundly deep thoughts already.
Smiling in her sleep, four-day-old Aviana Hayden has a lot to be happy about since her mother consumed a nutrient-dense diet during pregnancy!
Eli Joseph at four months and twenty pounds. He was born to a WAPF-following mother and now has a diet of breast milk, egg yolks and high vitamin cod liver oil with butter oil. He is such a happy, healthy, and roly-poly little man!
Trevor Joseph, pictured at about six weeks old, is the twelfth child of Paul and Colleen. Weighing nine pounds, eleven ounces at birth, he got a good start on his mother’s diet of grassbased raw milk and other farm products. His parents have an all grass farm in Apple Creek, Ohio, where they do herdshares and direct Vmarket all their farm products directly to consumers.
From Wise Traditions V10N3, Fall 2009
Luke, pictured here at seven months old, was over eight pounds at birth. Mom followed WAPF principles to the letter during her pregnancy. He has been a happy and fuss-free baby ever since. Now, in addition to regular feedings of breast milk, he is a very big lover of egg yolks mixed with grass-fed butter!
Pictured here at seven months old, Matthew’s mom had followed a nourishing traditional diet for six years, with special emphasis on the pre-conception and pregnancy diets. Matthew was born at a robust eleven pounds! He has enjoyed the raw milk and liver-based baby formulas since he was one week old, as Mom struggled at first with producing milk. He then drank a mix of breast milk and homemade formula, with a transition to homemade solid foods at four months. Matthew is bright-eyed and joyful and Mom is grateful to the Weston A. Price Foundation for helping her raise a happy baby that radiates good health.
After several miscarriages, Abigail switched to raw milk, cod liver oil and other nutrient-dense foods. The result is beautiful, healthy Laila, pictured here at fifty-three weeks. Laila was breastfed and then given homemade formula, cod liver oil and egg yolks as first foods. Mom reports that she is bigger and healthier than her “colleagues.”
Lizzie (right) was over nine pounds at birth, born eighteen months after her big sister Abby. She nursed like a pro right from the beginning and has always been a sturdy, healthy and contented little flirt. Her first foods were mashed banana, egg yolk and various pureed meats, including liver. Both girls take their cod liver oil with relish and they love to eat sauerkraut!
When Julia was born, all the nurses wanted to know what Mom had done while pregnant because the baby had such a rosy complexion and was so alert. Mom, of course, nourished herself on raw milk, cod liver oil, butter oil and pastured eggs. Julia is pictured here with that best friend of mothers and babies, a Jersey cow.
From Wise Traditions V10N4, Winter 2009
Born in May, 2009, Sophie Isabella weighed in at eight pounds, nine ounces. At four months, she is eighteen pounds! Sophie’s parents both did a detox program prior to conception, during which they consumed lots of raw milk, butter, homemade broth and CLO. Mom helped prevent morning sickness by drinking kombucha throughout her very active pregnancy. Sophie was born after a four-hour, medication-free labor. Sophie is 100 percent breastfed and will enjoy egg yolks and liver for her first food at six months, just like her two strong siblings. She is always happy and smiling. “Thank you WAPF for helping me raise healthy babies,” says Sophie’s mother Sara.
Oscar, pictured here at five weeks old, is the son of WAPF chapter leader Jessica. A farmer, Jessica consumed a nutrient-rich WAPF diet long before conception and during pregnancy including lots of lard and butter, eggs from her chickens, cod liver oil, butter oil and coconut oil. Says Jessica, “Oscar is the happiest, healthiest, baby I know—and not just because I’m biased!”
Selena Maree, pictured here at eight and one-helf months, was born at home after a fairly easy labor and delivery for her thirty six-year-old mom. She has been raised on all the nutrient-dense foods that her parents have eaten several years prior to conception up to now and is still exclusively breastfed. She has been a very alert, healthy and happy baby.
Lucky Jaidynn comes from two generations of dairy farmers and loves her raw milk! Mom reports that she is very happy, healthy and very very alert at one and one-half years old. Shown here, Jaidynn takes a rest from brushing her family’s show cow.
From Wise Traditions V11N1, Spring 2010
Phoebe Li, adopted child of Jacqueline, Newburyport, Massachusetts chapter leader, is a healthy girl thanks to the meat, vegetable soup, egg yolks and cod liver oil she received in the orphanage in Guangdong Province. “When we heard what her diet was like, we were so excited!” says Jacqueline. People still know what is healthy for babies in some parts of the world.
Three-year-old Fatmata came to the U.S. with her Mom and two older sisters in July of 2008 from Liberia. Note Fatmata’s amazing straight and white teeth. According to her mother, in Liberia they ate fresh foods from their gardens and local farms, including corn, chicken, and rice and drank
clean water. Unfortunately, many refugees turn to sodas and processed foods once they reach the U.S.
Julius Isaiah weighed over eight pounds at birth. His mom consumed lots of raw milk, cheese and kefir, grass fed beef and lamb, liver, cod liver oil and fish roe throughout her pregnancy. Julius is a happy, content and alert breastfed baby and will enjoy his first egg yolk from his family’s own pastured chickens.
Twins Nicholas and Charlie grew from four pounds at birth to twenty pounds at six months on our homemade raw milk formula. Healthy and happy, the unsuspecting pediatrician even commented on how amazing their skin looked during the winter.
One-year old Rio Miller has been strong and bright since day one. His mom and dad are big milk drinkers and egg eaters. “He is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen,” says chapter leader Cynthia, Sarasota, Florida chapter leader.
Proper nutrition during pregnancy ensured that baby Jackson Reese “was born absolutely perfect in every way!” says mom Elena. Jackson was exclusively breasfed until twelve months and now, at fourteen months, he is breastfeeding and eating raw milk, wild bison patties, organic produce, butter, high quality cod liver oil, colostrum and many more nourishing, nutritionally dense foods. Jackson is a perfectly happy baby with a sunny personality. “We are thankful for all the guidance we have been receiving from the WAPF!” say his parents.
Hope Angelina, sixth child of Christy, our Belvair, Washington chapter leader, is pictured here at six weeks. During her pregnancy, Christy consumed pastured raw milk and egg yolks, fermented cod liver oil, grass fed liver, lots of sauerkraut, and some of Dr Christopher’s herbal supplements. She weighed over nine pounds at birth and slept five hours a night when she was only a few days old. She is happy, alert and strong! Christy heard the discharge pediatrician at the hospital twice mutter incredulously under his breath, “This is a new born?” She really wanted to tell him how everyone could have newborns like that!
Mary Grace, pictured here at three months, was welcomed into the world by her parents and two brothers after a very quick, smooth and well-nourished labor. From birth, she has been extremely calm and easy going, which is a great help with all the “loving” she receives from her big brothers!
Evan enjoys wonderful health at age three months. His mother consumed a WAPF diet—raw milk, cod liver oil, coconut oil, butter oil, eggs and pastured meat—for over two years prior to his arrival; Evan is now breastfeeding and getting our raw milk formula as a supplement. He was smiling at four weeks, rolling over at seven weeks and “more alert than we could have possibly imagined.” He was holding his head up on the day he was born. We feel so lucky to have found WAPF,” says mom Sandee. The name Evan means “young warrior.”
From Wise Traditions V11N2, Summer 2010
Sixth child Sunny Faith was born at home after only forty-one minutes of labor, weighing over eight pounds. Mama drank lots of raw milk during pregnancy, took her cod liver oil, and ate lots of yummy farm fresh eggs. Sunny is pictured here at eight months old, eating her wild-caught salmon.
Beautiful traditional foods baby, Jordyn Elizabeth, pictured at one year of age. Her mommy ate a traditional foods diet for two years prior to conception, including raw milk and butter, plenty of cream and pastured eggs. She also ate yogurt, kefir, kombucha, fermented veggies, liver and grass-fed beef, chicken, and wild seafood. Baby Jordyn was born at home after a short labor with big brother and sister watching. Baby Jordyn is still breastfed, loves her raw milk and is definitely a carnivore! She loves grass-fed beef, chicken,and raw cheese. She has been getting fermented cod liver oil since she was four months old! She is a very alert, happy, and talkative real food baby.
Elle Ruth, age nine months, peruses the pages of Wise Traditions. She is healthy, happy, and pleasantly plump! Elle has been breastfed since birth and at ten months enjoys raw egg yolk, liver, fish, pastured meats, sautéed greens, peas, yams, and pretty much everything else she can get her hands on. She enjoys working in the garden with mom and dad and eating dirt. Elle loves animals and enjoys visiting our local farms to see the pastured chickens and goats.
Beautiful Samantha weighed almost seven pounds at birth. Her mom ate as many eggs and as much raw milk and meat during pregnancy as she could. When breastfeeding did not go well, she thrived on raw milk formula early on for one month and then after five months. She could hold her head up well within a couple of weeks after birth, was very very alert and smiley before six weeks of age and filled out beautifully. She has clear eyes, clear skin and rosy cheeks. Now she eats egg yolks, homemade yogurt and kefir, avocado, fruit, meat and veggies. She likes to feed herself from mommy’s plate!
From Wise Traditions V11N3, Fall 2010
Ella Mae was born on June 17th at over eight pounds. During pregnancy mom consumed raw milk, cod liver and butter oil, pastured eggs and butter, grassfed beef and lamb, and coconut oil. Dad and mom are very grateful for the midwives at Vanderbilt Medical Center and their excellent care and understanding. Mom, dad, baby, and doula were given all needed space for a completely natural birth. Ella is a sweet and beautiful baby. Thank you to WAPF for your excellent dietary advice from Chad and Christina.
Beautiful Annelise Farfalla was born at home, after a short labor. The third traditional foods baby in her family, her mommy ate lots of pasture-raised goat meat and raw goat milk, and eggs, all from her family’s farm, as well as raw liver once a week, fermented cod liver oil, raw fish, and lots of cultured dairy products. Anna is enjoying mom’s nutrient-dense breast milk.
WAPF baby Shanit Khan, son of Emma and Grant is pictured here at six months old. Born on Christmas Eve, his parents report that he is one of the happiest babies ever to exist! He has just begun eating solids, including egg yolks, fermented sweet potato and kefir and loving it! He sleeps well and is much loved by his brothers and sisters.
From Wise Traditions V11N4, Winter 2010
Introduced to WAPF principles early in pregnancy, the mother of twins Grant and Grace abstained from sugar and consumed healthy traditional foods. The twins came into the world after an easy birth, breastfed for six months and were then given formula when mom returned to work. Both sets of grandparents joined in childcare duties when mom returned to her teaching job. “I am so relieved that we have two of the most beautiful, healthy, well behaved and engaging little people to bring us so much joy!” says grandmother Susan, South Sacramento Chapter Leader.
Katelynne, age nine months, daughter of Australian Chapter Leader Sarah and her husband Brett, with her brother Kenzie John, age three years nine months. Kenzie was born by C-section over two weeks late; was breastfed to fourteen months and unwillingly weaned thanks to allergies and intolerances, and had solid food from age six months, including jars from the shop! Poor family nutrition among other things led to significant health issues for both mother and son. The search for answers led to WAPF, GAPS and Healing Our Children by Ramiel Nagel. Katie, in stark contrast, entered the world on time, naturally and without intervention; she was breastfed almost exclusively to ten months and will continue as long as she wants; she enjoys family solids; apart from some eczema, which is already improving, she is the happiest and healthiest baby her mother could ever have wished for! Katie is teething much more easily than Kenzie, and mom looks forward to seeing whether either of them have room for their wisdom teeth, because neither parent did.
Go to: V1-5 (2000-2004) | V6-7 (2005-2006) | V8-9 (2007-2008) | V10-11 (2009-2010).
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So much fun to see these babies!! It is bitter sweet to me however. I love seeing how healthy these babies are, but it also makes me sad that I didn’t know about the WPF when I was pregnant. I would have done my entire pregnancy differently had I known the facts about real food. I feel like I robbed life from my children! I make up for it now that they are teenagers, but oh, how I wish I could go back and do it right!
Someday, however, I will make sure my grandchildren are given a better start!
The success of homemade baby formula
My baby was born at 29 weeks due to meningitis I got during my pregnancy. He was 2 pounds and had a 4 month NICU stay. The most milk I would produce was 1 ounce every 3 hours. I tried EVERYTHING. Out of desperation and not wanting to use “canned” formula I searched the Internet for hours. I finally found the Weston A. Price Foundations website and the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. I used the homemade baby formula recipe and used local certified raw goats milk from Split Creek Dairy here in Anderson, SC. My husband and I were told our son would be in and out of the hospital his first year due to Chronic Lung Disease. He came home on oxygen. Soon after switching to homemade baby formula he was weaned off of oxygen. His first year he was so healthy the doctors were shocked. His first year he ONLY got a cold from me!!! He started off with 9 doctors following him and now he only has 3!!!!!! We prayed a lot and he’s now 14 months old, is crawling, is so alert, playful and energetic. He is a miracle child. We thank God for him and for God’s natural healing foods!!!
Love it!
@ Mimi
I too found about WAPF a few months after my baby was born. I also wished the same thing that if I could go back and change the way I ate during my pregnancy because it was bad bad food.
However, one great thing for you, I and many others is that we have now found it. We can now try our best to teach ourselves and our children to eat best foods. Even a little difference will go a long way.
Thank you Sally and Weston Price for your incredible work!