Page 11 - Spring 2019 Journal
P. 11

   like kraut juice, sauerkraut, milk kefir, fermented garlic, fermented fish, fer- mented beans, beet kvass, kombucha, and others were just as good as com- mercial probiotics, which cost hundreds of dollars. The findings were shocking.
In our house, we no longer fear getting sick. We no longer rely on the traditional medical model when some- one gets sick. Instead we support our systems properly with fermented foods. When someone feels they are picking up a cold, flu or other illness, we simply turn to the specific probiotic food that addresses the ailment, according to the NIH studies I found.
Most recently, my husband suf- fered from itchy eczema that grew into a horrific fire that itched and irritated his skin so profusely that it was angry and purple, and he was going mad in- side his head with itching. He took four hot showers a day to calm the incessant itch. When he told me about it, I didn’t trust my findings and ordered hundreds of dollars of commercial probiotics, which he finished in two weeks. After it barely soothed his fire, we began ad- dressing the problem with the probiotic food specific to his issue, namely raw milk kefir. He drank two quarts of it a day and it was 80 percent soothed the first day and totally gone shortly thereafter.
Probiotics are tools in the toolbox, to be used for specific situations. Know- ing which ones to use and when is a valuable skill everyone needs to know.
Becky Plotner, ND, CGP, DPSc Rossville, Georgia
For some time I have been ponder-
ing why so many children are in cancer
hospitals—and yes, it is good to cure it, but why does it happen in the first place? What about prevention?
I have just read most of the new edition of Wise Traditions (Winter, 2018), particularly the articles regarding vaccinations and about the dangers of sunscreens. It shouldn’t have taken me so long to put two and two together to realize that many if not all of the awful illnesses showing up in ever-increasing numbers must certainly be connected to the amount of chemicals in our world— many of which end up inside our bodies, even the most vulnerable, tiny bodies.
I remember a story from Portland, Oregon about the attempt to foist fluori- dated water onto the population. A local scientist wrote about how fish migrating up the Columbia River (near Portland) came to a place where they refused to go up the next ladder. Upon investiga- tion it was found that an aluminum manufacturing company upstream had been (illegally) discharging fluoridated aluminum by-products into the mighty river. After the cleanup, the fish contin- ued on their journey. Seems that fish cannot be fooled as easily as some of us humans.
Thank you, Weston A. Price Foun- dation, for helping to expose the ways in which humans do so much harm to others in the pursuit of money. Your scientific reporting is invaluable.
Charlene Stone Santa Rosa, California
I have had the misfortune of knowing quite a few individuals with seemingly healthy diets (a number of
WAPF members included) who have succumbed to cancer. To the best of my knowledge, none of them frequently consumed a nutrient common in many traditional diets. Eating small amounts of amygdalin (also called vitamin B17) on a daily basis should be considered an integral part of a healthy nutritional regimen. The highest sources are bitter almonds, apricot seeds, peach seeds, plum seeds, cherry seeds, apple seeds, and pear seeds. Many wild berries con- tain high amounts as well. Amygdalin can be degraded by boiling and soak- ing. Amygdalin does contain a small amount of cyanide, but a person would have to eat an extremely large amount to be poisoned by it! The best rule of thumb for obtaining proper amounts of this nutrient is to eat the seed with the fruit, and keep a small weight close by for cracking when stone fruit is in season! I have been doing so since 1998 with no ill effects.
Scott Kattelman Wayne, Pennsylvania
In this brave new world, capi-
talism-at-any-cost continues to drive Father Technology with a vengeance, with seemingly no real consideration for Mother Nature. I am referring to the new 5G towers recently rolled out in Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta, Washington DC, Houston, Indianapo- lis, San Francisco, Sacramento and Las Vegas. The former FCC chairman, Tom Wheeler, and other industry leaders are eschewing any safety concerns with the resulting higher radiation levels in order to position the U.S. as the front runner in this emerging technology, and to
 Wise Traditions

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