Page 75 - Spring 2019 Journal
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HG: Who has read your book and gives it credence? Who considers it as on track and wants to start studying these things?
FM: Well, like any new hypothesis or theory, it has been met with a lot of scorn from academia. I expected that. I can’t say what gives it credence other than it makes a lot of sense to people whose children have suffered. They start to connect the dots and realize how everything lines up. They see that their child, for example, could see perfectly fine, and suddenly they were going to the doctor to get glasses. At the same time, the child started having a problem where he couldn’t swallow his food. Now they’ve gone to two different doctors to treat those issues—an optometrist and a gastroenterologist—as if these are two completely separate issues. The problem is, it’s the same issue. It is a neurological issue in the brainstem. I can guarantee you that those two cranial nerve nuclei are only a few millimeters apart. If you have damage in one, you’re likely to have dam- age in the other. It is rare to see a kid with a crooked smile, losing muscle control in one side of their face, who does not have some other problem that seems unrelated. Yet when you look at the anatomy of the brainstem, you’ll see that these things are millimeters apart from each other.
HG: It is funny how we compartmentalize medical care and medicines.
FM: It’s the problem with specialists. We need general practitioners. They need a fifty-thousand-foot view because we’re being killed by special- ists. Doctors need to go back up to the fifty-thousand-foot view and also look back two hundred years to the beginning of the 1800s. They need to become familiar with medical history. When they realize what their profession has done over the past two centuries, it will give them a real big dose of humility. It will also give them a holistic view of health and show that there were things in the past that actually worked. Practitioners in the past weren’t crazy people. They had actually figured out—like humans have always done, through trial and error—that there are remedies (not made in a laboratory) that work. There are legitimate cures for things.
HG: That is exactly what we’re about at the Weston A. Price Foundation, those wise, traditional healing ways. What can we do right now to avoid
these issues that come from that aluminum at- tacking the brainstem?
FM: Well, everybody has heard the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Nowhere is that more true than with exposure to injected metals. I’m going to be really specific here and say “injected metals.” There are a lot of concerns about toxins in the environment, but injected metals are far more insidious than just about anything you could eat. If you are dead set on getting your child vaccinated—do not let anyone inject aluminum hydroxide into your child. This horrible neurotoxin bypasses all of your body’s defense mechanisms when injected. You are asking for trouble by doing that. Eating well and getting rid of toxins is necessary for good health and certainly helps people who are immunocompromised and have damage. But someone who has never had injected metals and has never been exposed to antibiotics has got it easy. They don’t have to make all these adjustments because their gut is probably in better health, and they aren’t so susceptible to environmental toxins and other things.
1. Maready F. Crooked: Man-Made Disease
Explained. CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Platform; 2018.
2. Miller NZ. Aluminum in childhood vaccines
is unsafe. Journal of American Physicians and
Surgeons 2016;21(4):109-117.
ic-articles/scientific-articles/publicationss/3- the-polyvagal-perspective.
Thanks to Amy Mattias for transcribing our podcasts.
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