Page 80 - Spring 2019 Journal
P. 80
There is a profit associated with every vaccine given. There are insurance penalties for vaccination rates that are too low.
Former “vaccine bully” pediatrician
no longer vaccinates his own children...
Dr. Bob Zajac was a vaccine pusher until he started to see with his own eyes what hap- pens to too many kids after they are vaccinated. He also noticed his patients were generally not as healthy as chiropractor patients who were not vaccinated. By his own admission, he was arrogant and did not change his mind easily. Over time, however, this board-certified, highly qualified pediatrician’s faith in vaccines was crushed by the evidence.
He swallowed his pride and admitted that seventeen years of education had taught him nothing about vaccines. He started reading and doing his own research. He has been reading on the subject for about an hour a day ever since. He admits that there are many parents with no special education out there who read ten or more hours a day, and they know much more than he does.
He will still vaccinate, but only after hav- ing a straight talk with the patient or parent about the risks. Once they are truly informed, they are free to make their choice, and he will respect it. In order to pull him back on the vac- cine bandwagon, he says it would be nice if the vaccine industry had some accountability. That is the only way that safety happens, and it is not happening right now. He would also like to see some actual placebo-controlled studies.
There is a profit associated with every vac- cine given. The first time he calculated how much he personally had lost in profits from not unconditionally vaccinating, the number was seven hundred thousand dollars per year. Since then, it has gone up. There are insurance penal- ties for pediatricians whose vaccination rates are too low. His practice overall loses almost two million dollars per year. Why do so many pediatricians vaccinate so aggressively? Read this paragraph over again.
To be fair, most pediatricians simply do not know. This knowledge vacuum is enhanced by extensive education that gives them the strong illusion (or delusion) of infallibility. It is simply not remotely possible for them to be wrong about anything. There is no shortage of experts willing to pontificate, ruminate and bloviate on subjects they know nothing about. So, when someone tries to argue about what the experts say, tell them to watch this video and then talk to you about what the experts say.
This video makes it clear that we need ac- countability, and we need to remove the profit motive from vaccination. We also need a medi- cal education system that increases knowledge rather than decreasing it. The thumb is UP for this video.
The Biggest Little Farm
Directed by John Chester
Produced by John Chester & Sandra Keats Farmlore Films
John and Molly manage a farm north of Los Angeles that had suffered years of neglect. The soil was dead, and the ground was as hard as a rock. If they were looking for an easy, cushy life, that was a really bad move. Fortunately, they weren’t. With the help of their mentor, Alan York, they began to rebuild the farm literally from the ground up.
Vermiculture, compost tea and an irrigation pond were some of the first steps. Diversity was the theme of Alan’s approach. They planted doz- ens of different kinds of fruit trees. There were cover crops. There were cows, sheep, ducks, chickens and Ugly Betty. Ugly Betty was a pig. Her name was quickly changed to Emma.
Pulling all that together was the easy part. Then came the hard part—keeping it from fall- ing apart again. In addition to the farm animals, there were numerous uninvited guests, varmints and predators. Coyotes liked the chickens and ducks. Gophers dug everywhere and tore up
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