This event is not sponsored by the Weston A Price Foundation; we are sending this to our members as a courtesy.
As the state of Minnesota continues to prosecute Alvin Schlangen, farmer and founder of Freedom Farms Co-op, we need to rally to his defense!
Please join the Raw Milk Freedom Riders for a
Two Day Event in Support of Food Freedom
May 13 and 14, 2012
Please support Minnesotans right to choose nourishing foods.
Minnesota farmer and founder of Freedom Farms Coop, Alvin Schlangen, faces jail time for four misdemeanor charges for providing nourishing foods to his private buying club members. The charges are for allegedly handling food without a permit, mislabeling food, and handling unprocessed, fresh milk – all of which are crimes according to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA).
Additionally, community members who serve as organizers and distribution points for the club received warning letters that the MDA is conducting investigations against them, and if they continue to help provide fresh food to club members, they will face prosecution.
If you are attending from out of state and need help with logistics, contact Susan at
To learn more visit:
Facebook event page:
Donate to the event here:
Sunday, May 13, 2:00 pm
Know Your Rights Workshop & Mother’s Day Dinner
Monday, May 14, 7:00 am
Food Freedom Rally in support of Alvin
Day One: Know your Rights Workshop
Sunday, May 13, 2012 2:00 PM-5:30 PM followed by a Farm Food Dinner
Learn about a history of peaceful non-compliance, how to peacefully stand up for your rights in confrontational situations, and how to take responsibility for your freedom. Farm fresh dinner to follow.
Speakers and Rights Trainers Include:
John Moody, Food Freedom Activist
David Gumpert, Author and Blogger
Mary Gerke & Mel Olson, Activists
Liz Reitzig, Raw Milk Freedom Riders/Farm Food Freedom Coalition Co-founder
Michael Badnarik, Freedom activist and Constitutional scholar
Space is limited so reserve your seat today. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to exercise your right to the foods of your choice! Register for the workshop and dinner here:
Day Two: Food Freedom Rally in Support of Alvin
Monday, May 14, 2012
7:00am Rally begins, followed by a peaceful sit-in of Alvin’s Trial at 9:00am
Hennepin County Government Center
300 S. 6th Street
Minneapolis, Mn. 55487
The court has allocated three days for Alvin’s trial for four misdemeanor charges related to raw milk distribution. We must pack the courtroom. Sign up here to take your place in history! No registration required to attend the rally.
To reserve your seat in the courtroom, please register here today:
Donations are much needed for this event. Please donate here:
Please sign a petition to show support for Schlangen here:
Put your right to demonstrate into action and show solidarity with independent farmers everywhere!
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