January 17
Chestnut Ridge, NY: Top farmers and researchers from around the world are gathering at this unique event to train land-owners, farmers, policy-makers, investors, and in the best practices of carbon farming. Each Workshop in the 2012 Carbon Farming Course focuses on an essential component of profitable regenerative agriculture:
Holistic Management: Decision-making for profit and purpose.
Keyline Farming: Water planning and rapid soil development.
Perennial Agriculture: Mimic ecosystems for resilience and risk-management.
Tree Crops & Agroforestry: Perennial systems to multiply your yields.
Living Soils: Activate soil biology for fertility and input-reduction.
Local Food Systems: The Polyface Farm strategy for economic abundance.
The Carbon Farming Course is hosted by the beautiful ThreeFold Educational Center in Chestnut Ridge, NY, home of the Pfeiffer Center for Biodynamic Agriculture. Evening lectures will be held at the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture in Pocantico Hills, NY.
Presenters will include Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm, Darren Doherty of RegenAG, Dr. Elaine Ingham of Soil Foodweb, Dr. Wes Jackson of the Land Institute, Dave Jacke of Dynamics Ecological Design, and more. For more information and to register, go to http://carbonfarmingcourse.com
January 21
Halifax, NS: Saturday, January 21st, evening potluck in the North End area for the Halifax Chapter… bring a wapf friendly dish! We will be helping one another create menu plans for the week and answering questions about fermentation. Kefir, kombucha and sourdough starters available. Email for details: ann.denny@gmail.com” data-mce-href=”mailto:ann.denny@gmail.com“>ann.denny@gmail.com
January 21-22; April 21-22; July 7-8; November 10-11, 2012
Santa Cruz Mountains Biodynamic Four Seasons Intensive
Join us for this wonderful opportunity to study in depth with leaders* in Biodynamic Agriculture and its associated fields. Held 4 weekends throughout the year at stunning Laguna Creek/Blossom’s Best biodynamic farm in the Santa Cruz mountains, the intensive is appropriate for both experienced practitioners and beginners. The series is designed as a whole but may be taken individually. Delicious organic catered lunches provided and camping available. Limited on site lodging also available; please inquire.
*Harold Hoven, Dennis Klocek, Laura Liska, Delmar McComb, Matias Baker, Daniel Bittleston, David Schwartz, Lydia Neilsen, and still to be announced special guests.
January 21 & 22, 2012
Santa Cruz, CA
Santa Cruz Mountains Biodynamic Four Seasons Intensive
Winter workshop and Introduction/Weekend 01
Location: Bonny Doon, Santa Cruz CA
Classes Jan 21/12: Anthroposophy Demystified with Daniel Bittleston. Introduction to Biodynamics with Delmar McComb. Biodynamics and Permaculture with Lydia Neilsen. Jan 22/12: Gardening Practicum: Gardening basics from a biodynamic perspective. Seed sowing and plant propagation; compost making; garden layout; companion planting and planting guilds; crop rotation; beauty in the garden; and pest management strategies. Delmar McComb + guest teachers.
For more information please visit www.bdintensive.com
Santa Cruz Mountains Biodynamic Four Seasons Intensive
Spring workshop/Weekend 02
Location: Bonny Doon, Santa Cruz CA
Date: January 21 & 22, 2012
Jan. 21-22
Chico, CA: Two Day Homeopathy Intensive with Joette Calabrese. Sponsored by the Chico-Butte Valley WAPF Chapter. Seminar fee of $100 includes both days presentation, workbook and Weston A. Price breakfast and lunch each day. Please bring your own beverage. Log onto http://chicowapfjoettecalabrese2day.eventbrite.com/ to register. Chapter leader Carol Albrecht can be reached at 530-570-1684 or ccakfa@aol.com” data-mce-href=”mailto:ccakfa@aol.com“>ccakfa@aol.com with questions.
Jan. 25
Bountiful, UT: Davis County, Utah Chapter Meeting
Wednesday, January 25
7:00 PM
Back Room of Vitality Nutrition
107 South 500 West; Bountiful, UT
Please bring your favorite water kefir, milk kefir, or lacto-fermented dish to share.
(If you don’t have one, you can bring your favorite appetizer or snack to share.)
Hand-outs on kefir and lacto-fermentation provided
Please contact Kathy at (801) 292-7574 to confirm attendance.
Feb 3-5
Baltimore, MD: Fourfold Path to Healing Conference featuring Jaimen McMillan, Tom Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell at the Sheraton Baltimore. Room rate are $109 a night plus tax. To make a hotel reservation 866-837-5182 and mention The Fourfold Path to Healing to receive the discount. Contact: 304-724-3006 and ask for Paul.
Feb 15
Johnstown, PA: Local Chapter meeting at 1414 Murphy Drive, Johnstown, PA 15905 Wednesday at 7:00PM. For questions, contact Toni Sparling at fish5212@verizon.net” data-mce-href=”mailto:fish5212@verizon.net“>fish5212@verizon.net
Mar 15
Temecula, CA: Herbs Galore!
Sponsored by the Temecula Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF)
Topic : Do you have questions about herbs? What is an herb? What do they require to grow? Well, here come the answers. Select great choices for your herb garden. Discover how to use and preserve herbs. Learn how to grow and cook with herbs.
Presenter : Kathy Swanson, UCCE Master Gardener and Composter
Where : Assistance League of Temecula Valley, 28720 Via Montezuma, Temecula, CA 92590
Time : 11:30 AM
RSVP : Chapter Leaders KathyLynch@WellSkills.com” data-mce-href=”mailto:KathyLynch@WellSkills.com“>KathyLynch@WellSkills.com or Linda Frick
Sponsor: The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization, co-founded in 1999 by Sally Fallon Morell and nutritionist, Mary G. Enig, PhD, to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston A. Price, whose studies of isolated, nonindustrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. For more information about the Temecula WAPF Chapter click HERE .
Mar 17
London: Epsom Downs Racecourse: Wise Traditions London 2012 featuring Sally Fallon Morell, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, Barry Groves, PhD, and Elizabeth Wells, PhD, DNN, MFNTP. More speakers to be confirmed. Contact: westonaprice.org/london.
Mar 25–April 4
New Zealand: speaking tour featuring Sally Fallon Morell and Geoffrey Morell.
Please join Sally Fallon Morell and her husband Geoffrey Morell for their New Zealand Tour. Several of the talks will take place in locations that were visited by Dr. Weston Price during the late 1930s.
SALLY FALLON MORELL is the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and author of the best-selling cookbook Nourishing Traditions. She will speak on “Nourishing Traditional Diets: The Key to Vibrant Health.”
GEOFFREY C MORELL, a New Zealand native, is an energy healer and former grass-based dairy farmer. He will speak on “Healing for the Millions.”
Workingmen’s Club
154 Esk Street, Invercargill
Geoffrey 1.00 PM – 2.30 PM
Sally 3.00 PM- 6.00 PM
Sherry Elton,
100 Otatara Road, RD 9, Invercargill, 9879, NZ
sherry@thecroft.net.nz” data-mce-href=”mailto:sherry@thecroft.net.nz“>sherry@thecroft.net.nz
Tel +64 (0)3 213-1156
Expected Attendance: 250
Rudolf Steiner School Auditorium
19 Ombersley Terrace
Opawa, Christchurch
Geoffrey 4.30 PM –6.00PM
Sally 6.30 PM – 9.30 PM
Sharon Moliken,
38 DallingtonTerrrace, Christchurch, 8061, NZ sharon@earthwisegourmet.com” data-mce-href=”mailto:sharon@earthwisegourmet.com“>sharon@earthwisegourmet.com
Tel +64 (0)3 381-2751
Expected Attendance: 150
Todd Theatre & Main Hall
St Pats College
581 Evans Bay Parade, Kilbirnie, Wellington
Geoffrey 4.30 PM – 6.00 PM Todd theatre
Sally 6.30 PM – 9.30 PM Main Hall
Deb Gully,
12 Queens Drive, Kilbirnie, Wellington, 6022, NZ.
deb@frot.co.nz” data-mce-href=”mailto:deb@frot.co.nz“>deb@frot.co.nz
Tel +64-(0)4 934 6366
Expected Attendance: 100
Clouston Hall
St Cuthbert’s College
122 Market Road, Epsom, Auckland
Geoffrey 11.00 AM – 12.30 PM
Sally 1.00 PM – 4.00 PM
Caroline Marshall (me),
24 Godden Crescent, Mission Bay. Auckland, 1071, NZ
carolinemarshall@ihug.co.nz” data-mce-href=”mailto:carolinemarshall@ihug.co.nz“>carolinemarshall@ihug.co.nz
Tel +64 (0)9 528-7062
Expected Attendance: 250
Havelock North Function Centre
30 Te Mata Road, Havelock North
Geoffrey 6.00 PM – 7.15 PM
Sally 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM with 1/2 an hour for questions
Kay Baxter,
96 Kotare Road, RD 5, Wairoa, 4195, NZ
kay@koanga.org.nz” data-mce-href=”mailto:kay@koanga.org.nz“>kay@koanga.org.nz
Tel +64 (0)6 838-6269
Expected Attendance 100
1 Boston Crescent
Flaxmere, Hastings
Powhiri 10.00 AM
Geoffrey 11.00AM
Sally 1.30 AM
Kay Baxter,
96 Kotare Road, RD 5, Wairoa, 4195, NZ
kay@koanga.org.nz” data-mce-href=”mailto:kay@koanga.org.nz“>kay@koanga.org.nz
Tel +64 (0)6 838-6269
Expected Attendance: 100
Clarence Street Theatre,
59 Clarence Street,
Geoffrey 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Sally 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Deborah Murtagh,
665 Kairangi Road
RD 3, Cambridge, 3495, NZ
deb@healthykitchen.co.nz” data-mce-href=”mailto:deb@healthykitchen.co.nz“>deb@healthykitchen.co.nz
Tel +64 (0)7 839-7252
Expected Attendance 200
March 22
Davis County, Utah Chapter Meeting –
7:00 PM
Vitality Nutrition
107 South 500 West; Bountiful, UT
Community Supported Agriculture presentation
Please contact Kathy at (801) 292-7574 with questions.
March 26
Arlington Heights, IL: 2nd Annual CSA Expo
Arlington Heights Library
500 N. Dunton Avenue, 60004
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a “membership” or a “subscription”) and in return receive a box (bag, basket) of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season.
Meet local farmers, taste samples, and find out about CSA options in the Northwest Suburbs!
Also featuring a screening of the documentary King Corn
Two recent college grads discover where America’s food comes from when they plant a single acre of corn and follow it from the seed to the dinner plate. With the help of government subsidies, genetically modified seeds and powerful herbicides, America’s most subsidized crop becomes the staple of its cheapest—and most troubling—foods.
Contact Mary Green at marysgreen@hotmail.com or 847-230-0544 for more information
April 19
Temecula, CA: Raw Milk: The Benefits Abound
Sponsored by the Temecua Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF)
Come learn how to build and nourish your immune system by drinking raw milk!
Organic Pastures Dairy founder, Mark McAfee, will share the benefits of drinking raw, organic, unpasteurized, unhomogenized milk combining colorful PowerPoint slides, free raw milk samples and high energy speaking to enlighten and inform. Armed with truth and knowledge, your health will never be the same again. Join the 50,000 raw milk consumers in CA who have made this choice and have never looked back.
Time : 11:30 AM
Location : Assistance League of Temecula Valley, 28720 Via Montezuma, Temecula, CA 92590
RSVP : Chapter Leaders KathyLynch@WellSkills.com” data-mce-href=”mailto:KathyLynch@WellSkills.com“>KathyLynch@WellSkills.com or Linda Frick
Sponsor: The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization, co-founded in 1999 by Sally Fallon Morell and nutritionist, Mary G. Enig, PhD, to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston A. Price, whose studies of isolated, nonindustrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. For more information about the Temecula WAPF Chapter click HERE.
April 21
Santa Cruz, CA
Apr 21/12 Workshop: Nature Perception: A day-long interactive presentation by Goethean phenomenologist Laura Liska . Learn to use observation, exploration and imagination in deepening our understanding of Biodynamics and the cosmos itself.
Apr 22/12 Workshop: BD Preparations & Secrets of Compost: A day-long presentation with Matias Baker .
For more information please visit www.bdintensive.com
Santa Cruz Mountains Biodynamic Four Seasons Intensive
Summer workshop/Weekend 03
Location: Bonny Doon, Santa Cruz CA
April 21-22
London: CNM OPEN WEEKEND – The College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) is hosting a weekend of fantastic talks, relevant to natural health. We have speakers from around the globe from April Renée from the USA’s Vaccination Information Coalition (VIC), Fabrice Leu a naturopath from Switzerland and also Juliet Gellatley founder of VIVA! For a full list of speakers and time visit www.naturopathy-uk.com
10am – 5.30pm Saturday & Sunday, open to all, £10 per day.
To book email info@naturopathy-uk.com” data-mce-href=”mailto:info@naturopathy-uk.com“>info@naturopathy-uk.com , call 01342 410 505 or visit http://www.naturopathy-uk.com/shop/Open-Weekend-April-2012.html
April 22
Callicoon, New York: Choosing the right fats and preparing delicious and nutritious soups, broths and stews using traditional methods. Using grass fed meats from local farms.
Transitioning to a truly healthy and delicious diet (introduction and theory) based on traditional cooking and food preparation methods.
Hands-on preparation methods that maximize the nutritional value of local, fresh meat, vegetables, milk and eggs.
Shopping wisely and stocking your pantry with appropriate ingredients on a limited budget using locally produced ingredients wherever possible.
Take home samples and recipes made in classes.
Classes: 5 part series
12:30-3:30 p.m.
Includes a light lunch (potlucks are always welcome to share!)
United Methodist Church Hall
9290 Route 97
Callicoon, New York 12733
(Held in Cooperation with the Blessing Food Pantry of the United Methodist Church)
Instructors: Lucia Ruedenberg-Wright, Maria Grimaldi (Weston A. Price Foundation Upper Delaware Chapter) Jennifer McGlashen, Sally Anne Parsons, Slow Food UpDeRiva
Cost: $150.00 for the course.
$30.00 per session
Membership discount for NOFA-NY members, Weston A. Price Members and Slow Food members. $125. For the course $25.00 a session.
Credit cards accepted through PayPal on the Upper Delaware Chapter of The Weston A. Price Foundation website
April 24
Johnstown, PA: The Johnstown, PA Chapter will be having a meeting on Tuesday, April 24th at 7:00 pm at Panera Bread at the Richland Town Center.
May 6
Pasadena, CA: Third Annual Real Food Symposium (9am – 7pm)
Come for a full day of community and learning through workshops and talks on subjects including the GAPS Diet, making fresh raw milk cheese at home, brewing beer, “the raw milk secret,” and much more. Details are online at http://www.realfoodsymposium.com/.
May 19-20
St. Louis, MO
First Regional Conference – click here for details.
May 20
Callicoon, New York: Properly-prepared whole grains, nuts, and legumes using organic, local whenever possible.
Transitioning to a truly healthy and delicious diet (introduction and theory) based on traditional cooking and food preparation methods.
Hands-on preparation methods that maximize the nutritional value of local, fresh meat, vegetables, milk and eggs.
Shopping wisely and stocking your pantry with appropriate ingredients on a limited budget using locally produced ingredients wherever possible.
Take home samples and recipes made in classes.
Classes: 5 part series
12:30-3:30 p.m.
Includes a light lunch (potlucks are always welcome to share!)
United Methodist Church Hall
9290 Route 97
Callicoon, New York 12733
(Held in Cooperation with the Blessing Food Pantry of the United Methodist Church)
Instructors: Lucia Ruedenberg-Wright, Maria Grimaldi (Weston A. Price Foundation Upper Delaware Chapter) Jennifer McGlashen, Sally Anne Parsons, Slow Food UpDeRiva
Cost: $150.00 for the course.
$30.00 per session
Membership discount for NOFA-NY members, Weston A. Price Members and Slow Food members. $125. For the course $25.00 a session.
Credit cards accepted through PayPal on the Upper Delaware Chapter of The Weston A. Price Foundation website
June 7 – 9
Burlington, VT
Thursday, June 7 – Saturday, June 9
Link to Flyer
Join Sally Fallon Morell, author of NOURISHING TRADITIONS: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats, for three days of programming including lectures, seminars and workshops in which she will explain and demonstrate the importance of organic farming, pasture-fed livestock and a diet of traditional foods. Sally Fallon Morell is the founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and a founder of A Campaign for Real Milk. Co-sponsored by Aqua Vitea Kombucha, The Burlington Weston A. Price Chapter, Dealer.com, Flack Family Farm, Healthy Living Market, Main Street Landing, NOFA-VT, Rural Vermont, Shelburne Farms and Vermont Fresh Network. To register: Go to the calendar at www.shelburnefarms.org or contact Tre McCarney, tmccarney@shelburnefarms.org
The Oiling of America/The Cholesterol Myths
Lecture: The consequences of abandoning a traditional foods diet and the connection with chronic disease.
Date: Thursday, June 7
Time: 7 pm
Location: Main Street Landing Theater, Burlington
Workshop: An interactive workshop on the safety, health benefits and economics of raw milk as the cornerstone of a traditional diet. An open discussion welcoming questions from milk producers, people making products from raw milk and those wanting to know more about this versatile food.
Date: Friday, June 8*
Time: 9-11AM
Location: Shelburne, site TBA
Traditional Diets
Seminar: An exploration of the importance of animal fats and other elements for a healthy traditional diet; includes the pioneering work of Dr. Weston A. Price.
Date: Friday, June 8*
Time: 1 – 5 pm
Location: Coach Barn at Shelburne Farms
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Lecture: Get started with a traditional diet, including suggestions for no-fuss, economical meals. Afternoon includes hands-on demonstrations by local producers and chefs.
Date: Saturday, June 9*
Time: 9 am – 2 pm
Location: Burlington High School
All programs made possible with the generous support of The Forrest C. and Frances H. Lattner Foundation.
*Childcare available. Space limited. Reservations recommended.
June 9
Seattle, WA
Beyond the Basics Cheese Making: Feta, Cheddar and Gouda
Join veteran Home Cheese Maker Linda Conroy as we focus on 3 styles of cheese that you can easily make at home. Participants will be guided through the process of making each cheese, as well as instruction on how to cure and store them. From curd to press, you will be inspired to go home and try these yourself. Making a “home” cheese cave will be discussed and participants will leave with recipes, cheese and inspiration. $85.00 plus a $15 fee is payable to the instructor.
For more information and/or to register see: http://www.campusce.net/nscc/course/course.aspx?C=1874&;pc=16&mc=17&sc=
June 19
Johnstown, PA Chapter meeting on Tuesday, June 19th, at 7:00 p.m., at Panera Bread at Richland Town Center. Guest speaker, Susan Blasko, Nutritional Therapist and Falls Church, VA Chapter Leader will present “Kick the Supermarket Habit.”
June 24
Callicoon, New York: Cultured dairy (yogurt, kefir, buttermilk) using local, licensed raw milk sources of cow and goat milk.
Transitioning to a truly healthy and delicious diet (introduction and theory) based on traditional cooking and food preparation methods.
Hands-on preparation methods that maximize the nutritional value of local, fresh meat, vegetables, milk and eggs.
Shopping wisely and stocking your pantry with appropriate ingredients on a limited budget using locally produced ingredients wherever possible.
Take home samples and recipes made in classes.
Classes: 5 part series
12:30-3:30 p.m.
Includes a light lunch (potlucks are always welcome to share!)
United Methodist Church Hall
9290 Route 97
Callicoon, New York 12733
(Held in Cooperation with the Blessing Food Pantry of the United Methodist Church)
Instructors: Lucia Ruedenberg-Wright, Maria Grimaldi (Weston A. Price Foundation Upper Delaware Chapter) Jennifer McGlashen, Sally Anne Parsons, Slow Food UpDeRiva
Cost: $150.00 for the course.
$30.00 per session
Membership discount for NOFA-NY members, Weston A. Price Members and Slow Food members. $125. For the course $25.00 a session.
Credit cards accepted through PayPal on the Upper Delaware Chapter of The Weston A. Price Foundation website
July 7
Santa Cruz, CA
July 7/12 Workshop: A day-long presentation on The Farm Individuality by master biodynamic practitioner and director of the Raphael Garden at the Rudolf Steiner College, Harald Hoven . July 8/12 Workshop: Therapeutic Gardening – A multi-session day with presentations on Food as Medicine , Garden as Healer . Held at Camphill Communities in Soquel, CA with David Schwartz .
For more information please visit www.bdintensive.com
Santa Cruz Mountains Biodynamic Four Seasons Intensive
Fall workshop/Weekend 04
Location: Bonny Doon, Santa Cruz CA
July 25
Callicoon, New York: Lactic fermentation and homemade beverages (including Kombucha) You will be surprised at what you can make at home! No bottles to return!
Transitioning to a truly healthy and delicious diet (introduction and theory) based on traditional cooking and food preparation methods.
Hands-on preparation methods that maximize the nutritional value of local, fresh meat, vegetables, milk and eggs.
Shopping wisely and stocking your pantry with appropriate ingredients on a limited budget using locally produced ingredients wherever possible.
Take home samples and recipes made in classes.
Classes: 5 part series
12:30-3:30 p.m.
Includes a light lunch (potlucks are always welcome to share!)
United Methodist Church Hall
9290 Route 97
Callicoon, New York 12733
(Held in Cooperation with the Blessing Food Pantry of the United Methodist Church)
Instructors: Lucia Ruedenberg-Wright, Maria Grimaldi (Weston A. Price Foundation Upper Delaware Chapter) Jennifer McGlashen, Sally Anne Parsons, Slow Food UpDeRiva
Cost: $150.00 for the course.
$30.00 per session
Membership discount for NOFA-NY members, Weston A. Price Members and Slow Food members. $125. For the course $25.00 a session.
Credit cards accepted through PayPal on the Upper Delaware Chapter of The Weston A. Price Foundation website
July 29
Viroqua, WI (9am-5pm)
Fermented Beverages: Beer, Wine, Soda Making and more!
Join John and Linda for this fun and inspiring day. Learn how easy it is to make beer, wine, mead and soda in your own kitchen. Learning the basics participants will leave feeling confident in making their own beverages at home. Discussions about influencing your beverages with herbs for promoting health will be included. Each person will leave with a bottle that we cork together. A whole and wild food lunch will be included. $60 and $15 material fee. For information and/or to register: http://driftlessfolkschool.org/courses/fermented-beverage
August 3
Temecula, CA The Future of Food Film
A MUST-See & Time-Sensitive Film!
The Future of Food is an American documentary film that makes an in-depth investigation into unlabeled, patented, genetically modified foods that have made their way into grocery stores in the United States for the past decade. Every person needs to see this film so they know what they are eating and the consequences of eating it. Join community members who are interested in learning more about what is in their food. In California there is an opportunity to vote for labeling of genetically engineered foods through the November ballot. Come learn about GMOs so you can make an informed choice at the ballot and participate in the future of food.
Fee: FREE. Doorprizes. All attendees get FREE seeds.
When: Friday, August 3, 2012, 6:30 PM (Please be prompt as we will briefly introduce ourselves and get the film rolling)
Where: Holistic Chamber of Commerce, 27431 Enterprise Circle West #102, Temecula CA, 92590
RSVP: Area Coordinator KathyLynch@WellSkills.com
August 4
Viroqua, WI (9am-5pm)
Introduction to Home Cheese Making
Join cheese maker and whole food cook Linda Conroy and find out how simple it is to make cheese in your own kitchen. This introduction will offer an opportunity to explore this lost art. We will create and sample several simple cheeses that can be cultivated at home. We will make cultured butter, feta cheese, mozzarella and several varieties of soft cheese. After learning to make kefir, we will transform this fermented milk beverage into soft spreadable cheese and a soft condiment that can be used in place of sour cream. You’ll also learn some cooking ideas for whey, a byproduct of cheese making. Students can build on this introduction to create many varieties of cheese at home. Includes: samples, cheese to take home, recipes and a cheese culture to get you started. $60 plus a $15 material fee. For more information and/or to register see: http://driftlessfolkschool.org/courses/intro-to-cheese-making
August 5
Viroqua, WI (9am-5pm)
From Curd to Press: Cheese Making: Cheddar, Gouda and Feta
Join Home Cheese Maker Linda Conroy as we focus on 2 styles of cheese that you can easily make at home. Participants will be guided through the process of making each cheese, with a focus on details. From curd to press, you will be inspired to go home and try these yourself. Making a “home” cheese cave will be discussed and participants will leave with recipes, cultures and bottle of rennet to get them started. Samples will provided during lunch and during the presentation. $60 plus $15 material fee.
For more information and/or to register see: http://driftlessfolkschool.org/courses/more-cheese-making-from-curd-to-press
August 19
Callicoon, New York: Healthy quick lunches and snacks that children and adults will love. (Two children may accompany each adult to this one!)
Transitioning to a truly healthy and delicious diet (introduction and theory) based on traditional cooking and food preparation methods.
Hands-on preparation methods that maximize the nutritional value of local, fresh meat, vegetables, milk and eggs.
Shopping wisely and stocking your pantry with appropriate ingredients on a limited budget using locally produced ingredients wherever possible.
Take home samples and recipes made in classes.
Classes: 5 part series
12:30-3:30 p.m.
Includes a light lunch (potlucks are always welcome to share!)
United Methodist Church Hall
9290 Route 97
Callicoon, New York 12733
(Held in Cooperation with the Blessing Food Pantry of the United Methodist Church)
Instructors: Lucia Ruedenberg-Wright, Maria Grimaldi (Weston A. Price Foundation Upper Delaware Chapter) Jennifer McGlashen, Sally Anne Parsons, Slow Food UpDeRiva
Cost: $150.00 for the course.
$30.00 per session
Membership discount for NOFA-NY members, Weston A. Price Members and Slow Food members. $125. For the course $25.00 a session.
Credit cards accepted through PayPal on the Upper Delaware Chapter of The Weston A. Price Foundation website
August 23
Johnstown PA Johnstown PA Chapter meeting will be held on August 23rd at 7:00pm at Panera Bread, Richland Town Centre. The speaker will be Sylvia Onusic, PhD. Sylvia will be discussing and comparing various diets, such as GAPS, Paleo, the Weston A. Price diet, the Standard American Diet, gluten-free, Atkins, Weight Watchers, vegan and the Dean Ornish Diet.
Sept. 10-11
Bastrop, TX
Make plans to come to the 2012 Farm and Food Leadership Conference this September! This two-day event will be packed with great speakers on critical issues facing food and agriculture in Texas and beyond.
WHEN: Monday and Tuesday, September 10-11, 2012
WHERE: Bastrop Convention Center, Bastrop, Texas
WHAT: An exciting gathering of activists, farmers & ranchers, consumers, and nonprofits who care about the state of our food and food choices. Come learn about the latest developments in agriculture and food, and get the tools you need to make a difference!
Early registration has been extended to August 10, so register now before fees go up! You can register online at http://farmandranchfreedom.org/conference-2012-registration
Sept. 15-16
Buffalo, NY
Second Regional Conference – held at the Hyatt Regency Buffalo Hotel & Convention Center. See details here.
Oct, 12-14
Black Mountain, NC
The 8th Annual Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference takes place on October 12-14, 2012 at beautiful Lake Eden in Black Mountain, NC with special guest, herbalist, midwife, and author Aviva Romm, MD. A weekend for women to learn, connect, and deepen into the Wise Woman Tradition, earth-based healing, local wisdom, and deep nourishment. More than 35 teachers and 75 classes and evening events. sewisewomen.com. 877-SEWOMEN.
Nov 10
Santa Cruz, CA 9-4PM
Santa Cruz Mountains Biodynamic Intensive/ Workshops
Location: Laguna Creek/Blossom’s Best Farm, Bonny Doon, Santa Cruz CA
Dennis Klocek // Cosmic Rhythms
Working in and with nature immerses us into a sea of rhythmic time and space associations that either enhance or impede the outcomes of our activities. The movement of substances in plants, the cycles of growth and decay, and the alchemical principles behind the Biodynamic preparations are all influenced by this rhythmic dance.
Join master alchemist, scientist, and artist, Dennis Klocek, in exploring these rhythms to reach a new understanding of how they can be worked with to enhance our daily actions. Day-long workshop, lunch included.
For more information and registration please visit:
Nov 11,
Santa Cruz, CA 10-4pm
Location: Laguna Creek/Blossom’s Best Farm, Bonny Doon, Santa Cruz CA
Community Initiative day: Talks on Economy, Bees, Eco villages and Designing the Invisible.
Day long workshop with evening celebration.
Four presentations will be given. Jon Underwood, CEO of CloudPay which is a “local payment network designed to grow the local economy”, will talk on what an economy of the future will need to look like. Carrie Gibbons will speak on Bees and all of their many magics. Carin Fortin will speak on intentional communities and ecovillages. Delmar McComb will speak on working with and designing out of the unseen forces of the natural world.
Special discount – please inquire: info@bdintesive.com.
Lunch included. Evening celebration is a potluck, please bring dishes and utensils.
For more information and registration please visit:
Nov 14
Johnstown, PA
Meeting time/place: 7:00 pm at Panera Bread, Richland Town Center. We will be viewing and discussing Genetic Roulette.
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