Members send us photos of their healthy Wise Traditions babies. Wise parents enhance their own nutrition for six months prior to conception, and mothers eat a rich nourishing diet throughout pregnancy and lactation. See our Diet for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers to learn how you can give your baby the best possible start in life.
Click the links below to see photos published in designated volumes of Wise Traditions:
V1-5 (2000-2004) | V6-7 (2005-2006) | V8-9 (2007-2008) | V10-11 (2009-2010).
From Wise Traditions V13N4, WINTER 2012
Vita Sage arrived January 29th, 2011, after thirty-six hours of tiring labor. Mom thought she had a healthy diet, but she had not yet discovered the principles set forth by the Weston A. Price Foundation. Although a healthy birth weight of eight pounds, Vita had severe GERD and colic. After converting to a WAPF diet (along with going gluten-free) everything started to get better; the GERD completely stopped, the crying lessened and as an added bonus, mom’s postpartum depression lifted. Today at nineteen months, Vita is a happy, curious and gentle toddler with an impressive vocabulary. Her favorite traditional foods are salmon roe, raw milk, and grass-fed ribeye. She also continues to breastfeed. We are so grateful for the information put out by the Weston A. Price Foundation and look forward to many years of delicious and healthful meals to come.
Baranaby, WAPF baby and son of Melbourne, Australia chapter leader Arabella loves steamed brains and many other nutrient-dense foods. “He has a growing vocabulary and is really interested to engage with people and the outside world,” says Arabella.
Jayleigh, pictured here at seven months gnawing a chicken bone, got our raw milk-based homemade formula when mother’s milk did not suffice. Mom Jenny would like to thank her own mother, Leigh, who taught her the Weston A. Price way. She has her own nutrient-dense food store in Kettering, Ohio, called Liberty Market of Kettering.
Elisa Joy is the fourth child of chapter leaders John and Jessica. With each birth, labor and delivery has become easier and recovery faster for mom, thanks to the wisdom of Weston A. Price and the great foods available to our family. Six pounds ten ounces at birth, Elisa is already over nine pounds at four weeks old! Says Elisa’s dad: “Our family is incredibly grateful for the work of WAPF!”
Former New Zealand MP Rodney and wife Louise with their two girls Liberty (now 19 months) and Grace (10 weeks), who are fully Weston A. Price babies. Says proud dad: “Their resulting physical and intellectual development is a wonder to behold and stands in stark contrast to other babies on the standard American diet.” Liberty loves bone broth, kefir, liver and sauerkraut. At playgroup she naturally avoids the biscuits and sweets and instead chooses fruit for herself. Louise had terrible morning sickness with Liberty, before she had fully transitioned to a Weston A. Price diet. Raw milk made the difference; with Grace, Louise suffered no morning sickness at all. “Thank you for all your work and for reaching out to new parents such as us so that we can do the very best for our babies. The difference has been profound.”
Leeland Maximus, pictured here with big sister, was born at home via a water-birth. He weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. Due to an unavailability of breast-milk, he is thriving on homemade formula made with raw milk or bone broth, cod liver oil, and other real foods. He is growing well and likes to smile! His big sister, Noel, loves to drink raw milk and eat free range eggs. Leeland is now nearly five months old and is enjoying excellent health without any drugs, vaccines, or medicine. Mom benefited from real foods during her pregnancy, including daily doses of cod liver and nettle tea. Thanks to WAPF for all their advice and resources!
Cassidy from Chicago was raised on our raw milk formula. She has silky hair and perfect skin.
Beautiful Sia Gray, daughter of James and Margaret, is the result of four years of nutrient-dense food in her mother’s diet, who had been a lowfat vegetarian with many digestive issues, crazy hypoglycemia, chronic headaches and three to four severe respiratory infections each year. During pregnancy, mom drank about a quart of raw whole milk daily and ate loads of butter and other good fats, lots of fish, grass-fed beef and veggies. She also ate a lot of seaweed, in salads and soups, at least several times a week. Now beautiful Sia is the beneficiary of mom’s healthy diet while breastfeeding.
Four-year-old Amalia has perfect teeth and has never been sick. Raised on cod liver oil, raw milk, organic food, fermented sauerkraut and kombucha tea, she is “bright, quick thinking and joyful in life!”
From Wise Traditions V13N3, FALL 2012
WAPF baby Anders arrived ten days before his due date and weighed nine and one-half pounds! He was born at home after a three-hour labor. He never developed cradle cap, acne or any of the other baby health issues and only ever spit up around five times—and all five times after his mother attended holiday parties and indulged in sugary foods. Anders is now ten months old and his favorite foods include buffalo, steak and kombucha. Anders has never been sick and is a highly intelligent, happy and sweet little guy.
Logan George arrived without a hitch at home. He was built on grass-finished meats, lots of bacon, eggs, pastured butter, fermented cod liver oil, sauerkraut and coconut oil. Mom was adjusted throughout pregnancy and experienced an efficient six-hour labor. He was adjusted the day he was born and regularly since, having two chiropractors for parents. His first food was egg yolk with bone broth at about six months and he did great! A happy and healthy babe!
At almost ten months, WAPF baby Sylvie couldn’t be healthier! In fact, mom’s chiropractor looked at her spine and felt her gut and said she has never seen such a healthy gut (by feel). She asked what I was doing and I told her about WAPF. She had not heard of WAPF, but was in total agreement with how awful grains are for babies. She was eager to get more info and tell all her mom patients! And she made sure to tell me to keep doing what I’m doing! Thank you for helping me raise a healthy and happy baby!
Weston Sage is pictured here at eight and one-half months and thirty pounds. Still almost exclusively breastfed, he is shown sampling one of his favorite foods—dirt. Mom spent many years recovering her health with whole, organic, traditional foods after an over-medicated first birth experience. Her diet during pregnancy consisted of lots of pastured organic eggs, raw grass-fed milk, grass-fed beef, organic pork and chicken, organic and fermented fruits and veggies, and sprouted grains. Mom was impressed that after eating (and eating, and eating!) these foods (and going easy on sugar and gluten), baby Weston weighed over nine pounds at birth, over one pound smaller than her first son. Weston is even-tempered, healthy with no vaccinations, and has achieved early and effortless milestones. Mom and Dad both want to thank the Weston A. Price Foundation for providing the information that has allowed them to build a happy, healthy family.
From Wise Traditions V13N2, SUMMER 2012
Brooke Ashlyn was born April 9, weighing eight pounds. Her mother was in labor for thirty-six long hours, and delivered her beautiful baby girl 100 percent drugfree, vaccine-free, and without any intervention or complications. Brooke’s parents have been following WAPF dietary principles for many years, though they do avoid grains (and gluten) as much as possible. “We are truly blessed to have access to the information put out by WAPF and to be able to give this precious gift to our new baby girl. It is an amazing feeling for us as parents!” says Brooke’s dad Jared.
Sienna Maria was born Tuesday, March 20 at just over eight pounds. Beautiful Sienna’s mother ate a WAPF diet including raw milk throughout pregnancy. Says mom, Leslie, “A dear friend from college gave me the best gift. She had a personal chef drop off bone broth, beef stew, lactation cookies (made with soaked oats) and bulgar wheat salad.”
Olivia’s parents have followed WAPF for several years but really focused on a healthy WAPF diet in the six months before Olivia was conceived, throughout pregnancy and after birth. Through pregnancy and after, Olivia’s mom enjoyed a diet of raw goat’s milk, raw cheeses, fresh eggs, liver, organic butter, whole milk yogurt, bone broth, vegetables, lots of local meats, seafood, fish, fermented cod liver oil and high vitamin butter. She had a problem-free pregnancy, eight-hour natural labor and delivery, and a healthy baby girl born at forty-one weeks. Olivia has always been very alert, happy, social and healthy. At eleven months she is still breastfed and enjoys eating a variety of foods! She eats eggs, meats, vegetables, raw cheeses, butter, soups made from bone stock, sauerkraut and kimchi, and loves her ginger-flavored fermented cod liver oil. She is such a great baby and so happy!
Natalie Rachael entered the world in the comfort of her home two weeks before she was supposed to be here! Her little body was built mostly from meat, milk and vegetables from our WAP farmers. She was exclusively breastfed for the first six months as her mother carefully monitored the foods that seemed to make her feel good and those that caused her distress. On her six month birthday she had a soft boiled yolk as her first meal. She loves them as you can see from the picture!
From Wise Traditions V13N1, SPRING 2012
Mary is the fourth child of Ellie, former Lincoln, Nebraska Chapter Leader. Ellie attributes Mary’s beautiful smile and cheery disposition to switching to the WAPF diet four years before Mary arrived. Ellie took homemade “prenatal pills” made from raw liver every day of her pregnancy, along with, of course, cod liver oil, raw butter, eggs and raw milk. As soon as she was born, Mary’s wide nose and well-formed palate were apparent. Now, at two years old, all of her baby teeth have come in beautifully and are a dazzling white—despite a lack of brushing! Mary is a real milk connoisseur, preferring raw goat’s milk to cow’s. She has a great appetite and eats everything her mommy makes. She has always slept well and, much to her mother’s surprise, has already nearly potty-trained herself. She is very smart, well-coordinated and does everything her older brothers do. She has been a delight to behold and her mere existence has made her mother daily grateful for the influence WAPF has had on her family and their health. Her prayer is that many others can experience the joy of a home blessed by the presence of a “WAPF baby.”
Eleven-month-old Rebekah is pictured thoroughly enjoying her homemade baby custard. Says mom, “As I look at this picture of this beautifully healthy baby and her sparkly eyes, I thank God for the Weston A. Price Foundation. Thank you for your hard work to educate people about real foods, and to help make them available everywhere.” Although mom had previously made homemade baby food, Rebekah was my first baby to feed according to WAPF guidelines. While it has been a challenge not feeding any grains (sometimes it would just be so much easier to give her some Cheerios!), and mind-boggling to give her egg yolks and liver, it has been well worth the effort. As she approaches her first birthday in a couple of weeks, it looks like Rebekah will be the first of her siblings not to have any antibiotics or other medications during her first year. She is a happy, healthy baby because of a diet of real, nourishing foods from before pregnancy to the present. May God continue to bless the Weston A. Price Foundation and all those who tirelessly work on the front lines to educate and fight for our food freedoms.”
WAPF child Ashley is pictured here on her first day at school. Off she went no drama at all. Mum and dad asked her in the car on the way if they should sit with her for a while until she was settled, Ashley replied that she was already settled in! Her only problem was that the first week and a half was mornings only and there would be no homework! She is as tall as most six-year-old girls and has strong healthy sharp white teeth.
This is a picture of our almost six-month-old son: Everett Boone. He has been raised so far on the WAPF infant formula after unsuccessful breastfeeding. I can not thank you enough for sharing your knowledge with us!! Jennifer
Grayson, age four, and Naomi, age two, started eating traditional foods when Gray was close to two years of age and Naomi a couple months old. They love raw milk and its many other forms as well as eggs, kimchi, sauerkraut, liver paté and various other foods! Look at those wide faces and happy smiles!
Aidan James is pictured here at one day old.He was born eight pounds, ten ounces after a completely natural home birth. He’s already holding his head up and pushing off with his feet to scoot.
Owen is a Weston A. Price baby, born to a family consuming raw milk, cream, butter and yogurt from their A2 Jersey cow, pastured meats, fermented veggies and beverages, bone broth, egg yolk, fermented cod liver oil, and lots of raw liver. His mother had a wonderful pregnancy, her water broke while milking the cow, and five hours later, baby Owen was born into the hands of his father and a midwife. The midwife was happy to see how healthy his placenta looked. Owen is now eight months old and has been eating bone broth, cod liver oil, yogurt, ghee, liver, and egg yolk for several months. He sleeps like an angel all night, and is happy, joyful, and content. His family is so happy to have a vibrant little WAP baby.
Nineteen-month-old Indeh (left) shovels in homemade sauerkraut for breakfast. He is a strong and healthy born-at-home and breastfed baby boy. He also loves bone broth soups and raw milk. He weighed eight and one-half pounds at birth and was “born in the caul.” Mom credits her nutrient-dense diet of pastured eggs, grass-fed meat, veggies, healthy fats and kombucha for her strapping little guy who loves to eat well!
Adopted native Alaskan Yupik baby, Mary Katherine (right) had been breastfed for one week, and then placed on formula. She was born underweight with a fairly severe underbite. She also struggled with eye contact for some time. In the month or so after starting the raw formula, her parents were astounded at the amount she was drinking. At four weeks, she was packing away seven ounces every two hours. She was starving for real fats! In time her appetite settled down. The first food that she was actually able to eat was wild caught salmon. She has even enjoyed seal meat! Today, her underbite is almost fully healed. She is a very bright and cheerful baby, and interacts extremely well with anyone she comes into contact with. Her skin glows unlike any we have seen before. Her parents frequently field questions and comments as to her cheerful disposition and glowing skin.
Anna and her husband discovered WAPF when their first child Savan was about one year old. He is now almost four years old. After breastfeeding, he’s been drinking raw milk, taking cod liver oil, eating liver, grass-fed meat, organic vegetables and fermented vegetables, homemade yogurt, pastured chicken and eggs, etc. He had a very difficult birth, but he is now a super healthy kid thanks to the WAPF diet. His sister Olivia is now eleven months old. Her pregnancy was extremely easy! Mom drank lots of raw milk and kombucha, ate homemade raw cream ice cream, liver, probiotic food, grass-fed beef, seafood and two teaspoons of fermented cod liver oil daily. Olivia’s birth was completely natural with a no intervention hospital birth. She was born ten minutes after arrival at the hospital with one push. She has been an extremely easy, always happy baby. Mom gets a lot of compliments on both children as far as their looks and their behavior and overall how happy they seem.
Eight-month-old Natalie is a sweetheart. Her favorite foods are egg yolk with applesauce, kefir with banana, bone broth with sweet potato and of course, mama’s milk. Her mom, Suzanne, describes Natalie’s birth as being “very peaceful and energizing,” not at all like the birth of her first daughter which was “a bit frantic and exhausting.” Both children were born at home with a midwife, but Suzanne believes Natalie’s birth was so much easier because of the changes she made to her diet before Natalie was conceived. Suzanne was introduced to WAPF by a good friend after the birth of her first daughter. She added raw milk, fermented cod liver oil, raw cheese, pastured butter and eggs, whole grain sourdough breads, soups made from bone broth, sauerkraut and, one of her favorite foods during pregnancy, sardines. Suzanne went against the advice of her midwife and didn’t take any prenatal vitamins during her pregnancy with Natalie. Instead she continued taking cod liver oil and stuck to her new diet. The first four months were tough because of constant morning sickness that not even raw milk could ease. Suzanne was thankful for the nourishing foods she ate before her pregnancy as she feels it sustained her during that time. She also recommends acupressure bands (the kind worn on the wrist for motion sickness) and magnesium drops made from sea water for easing morning sickness. And sleeping whenever you can.
Barnaby Leonard, pictured here getting his first egg yolk, was born October 2011 weighing eight pounds eleven ounces. He is a strong and healthy little boy, smiling, laughing and looking very alert (many people comment that they’ve never seen a baby look them so earnestly in the eye). His parents Arabella and Darryl met via the Weston A. Price Foundation—Arabella is the chapter leader for Melbourne and Darryl’s parents are the chapter leaders for Gippsland. They met when Darryl was delivering raw milk into Melbourne. Arabella and Darryl enjoyed a traditional, WAPF diet for the years leading up to Barnaby’s conception. During her pregnancy, Arabella consumed plenty of raw milk, organ meats and seafood. Barnaby is now thriving on his diet of breast milk with some supplementation with the WAPF baby formula. His first solid foods have been egg yolks, avocado and custard made from egg yolks and raw cream. Says Arabellla, “We are thrilled with our little boy and extremely grateful to the WAPF for providing the important nutrition information required to have a healthy baby.”
From Wise Traditions V12N4, WINTER 2011
Cole James was born on June 1, 2010, to parents John and Kristie, who transitioned to a WAPF diet before his birth. Kristie enjoyed a problem-free pregnancy and delivery, and Cole has enjoyed a very healthy and active first year of life!
Eighteen-month-old James shoves in his fourth of five spoonfuls of lacto-fermented sauerkraut at dinner! His parents began following WAPF principles in 2004. James is child number six. With his older brothers and sisters helping, his parents Pam and Pete established a homestead in Indiana, where they raise chickens, ducks, sheep and a dairy cow. “I have seen our family get healthier every year,” says his mother. “It’s been a grand adventure!”
Mina, pictured here at thirteen months, was born at forty-one weeks with the help of a midwife. She weighed in at seven pounds and six ounces. Before and during her pregnancy, mom enjoyed the benefits of raw milk, straight from Michael Schmidt’s farm which could easily be reached from Toronto. Mom also ate a lot of raw eggs and homemade butter, kefir and yogurt, lots of broth with gelatin, bone marrow and fermented goodies like sauerkraut and kvass. Her daily diet before and during her pregnancy also included spirulina and chlorella powder on a daily basis. Due to a stressful period after her birth, mom was not able to breast-feed her, so Mina grew nicely on the WAPF formula and was very early put on cod liver oil with fermented butter. She also ate with no problems the daily egg yolks mixed with her favorite food, avocado. She is extremely observant, smart and extremely social. She is loving with everybody.
From Wise Traditions V12N3, FALL 2011
Healthy, happy, beautiful twins, Benjamin John and Isabel Catherine, were delivered at thirty-eight weeks on December 3, 2010, weighing in at around seven pounds each, born to proud parents Alissa and Eric. Throughout mom’s pregnancy and years prior, mom and dad ate a diet of raw milk, butter, cheese, pastured eggs, vegetables, fermented cod liver oil, grass-fed meats, broths and kombucha. At eight months, the twins are still breast-feeding and starting to eat a WAPF diet.
Mary Helen was born March 2010 to St. Louis WAPF co-leader Heather. She was born at home after an easy four hour labor. She weighed in at just over nine pounds—Heather and husband Joel liked to joke that she was “all muscle!” During (and before) her pregnancy Heather ate lots of nourishing foods such as bone broth, pastured meats, butter, raw milk, seafood, and organic fruits and vegetables. The pregnancy was easy and enjoyable. Now seventeen months old, Mary Helen enjoys the same foods mom did while she was in the womb (plus mom’s nutrient-dense breastmilk) and is quite an adorable, chubby toddler! Older sister Lucia (age five) did not enjoy the benefits of a WAPF diet until one year of age, when her parents found this way of eating as a solution to Lucia’s severe food allergies. Even though she got a late start, Lucia now enjoys abundant health too and has experienced healing from most of her food sensitivities and even her chronic asthma, with the help of a local WAPF nutritionist and chiropractor.
Aaron, son of Megan, pictured at five months, is a healthy thriving little chunk, a very sweet, happy baby. Mom consumed the nourishing traditions-style diet for two years, to the benefit of her baby. Because of it, he is the happiest most content baby, loves his momma’s milk, and truly sleeps like a baby! Notes Megan: “I love the Healthy Baby Gallery. As a mother it is very inspiring to see parents nourishing their little ones and it shows.”
The latest WAPF baby in San Diego. Ivy was born after four hours of labor (two of which were spent outdoors using a birthing ball). Mother, Loretta age forty-four, attributes the WAPF diet rich in cod liver oil, X-factor butter oil, butter, bone broth and raw milk to her very successful and easy pregnancy. Baby Ivy was born over nine pounds, beautiful and eager to nurse. The nurses were amazed at Loretta’s delivery, Ivy’s perfectly shaped head and how beautiful and healthy the placenta and umbilical cord were, especially in light of Loretta’s age. Loretta’s doctor had wanted to induce due to concerns over her age. Instead, Loretta sought the support of a local acupuncturist who did treatments to support the onset of labor at the body’s chosen time.
From Wise Traditions V12N2, Summer 2011
Rebekah Jubilee, born on December 9, 2010, to WAPF members Robert and Amy, smiles for the camera. Amy was forty-three years old when Rebekah was born naturally at forty-one weeks. Throughout her pregnancy, and for years prior, Amy ate as traditional a diet as possible including raw milk, fermented cod liver oil and butter oil, pastured eggs, grass-fed beef and chicken, lots of chicken and beef stock, and more. Rebekah is Amy’s fourth baby; the first two were born while she was still eating the Standard American Diet, but Rebekah and her older sister came along after the family’s diet changes. Amy’s pregnancies while eating traditional foods were much healthier than her S.A.D. pregnancies. Rebekah weighed over eight pounds and is very happy eating nothing but mommy’s rich milk. She sleeps twelve hours at night and is very alert, content, and happy.
Born at home on September 2, 2010, Avril is the fourth child of Luana and Glenn. Her parents have been practicing a WAPF lifestyle now since 2000! “We changed our diet when my first child was about one year old,” says Luana, who is a chapter leader in Iowa. “Back then we drove ninety minutes to get raw milk from a farm. Now we milk our own cows.” While pregnant, mom ate plenty of milk, kefir, butter, cream and cheese, all from their own cows. She also ate lots of eggs from our pastured chickens. She consumed fermented cod liver oil daily and lots of grass-fed beef and chickens. Luana also ate fermented veggies, drank kombucha and homemade ginger beer. At seven months, Avril is still breastfeeding and doing great! Says mom: “She is such a smiley baby.”
Sherry, chapter leader in Invercargill, New Zealand, proudly shares this photo of her first grandchild, Isla Louise. Sherry, her ‘Narni’, makes baby food for her with homemade bone stocks and homegrown meat and vegetables. She is also starting a raw milk delivery, with milk from her own Jersey cows.
From Wise Traditions V12N1, Spring 2011
Twins Ola Rose and William were welcomed by Kirsten and Thorpe and twelve-year-old sister Sophie on September 24, 2010. Their mother ate a Weston A. Price diet, consuming lots of goat milk and liver from their farm during her pregnancy. Although the twins came at thirty-four weeks, they were 5 pounds 2 ounces and 5 pounds 15 ounces and came right home! They are healthy, happy, chunky babies now, enjoying a diet of mom’s nutrient-dense breastmilk.
Maebelle Violet, daughter of Jessica, Ann Arbor, Michigan chapter leader, was born on June 3, 2010, here pictured at eight months old. Mom had started eating a more traditional diet about three years before conception and continued during pregnancy, including a lot of raw milk, butter, and cream; kefir; lots of pastured eggs; grass-fed beef and lamb; and cod liver oil and butter oil. Maebelle was very alert and strong at birth, and continues to be a very healthy and happy baby. Maebelle has started to enjoy egg yolks and liver paté, but mostly prefers mommy’s breast milk! She is an absolute joy!
Adopted babies Addison, at three years and Michael, at eight months, grew up on the WAPF formula. Addison had a lot of allergy symptoms which are clearing up with a good diet and natural treatment. Michael is never sick, though his frame is small. Their mother has shared the benefits of the WAPF formula with others who are also having good results! Says grandmother Connie, “I am so proud of my daughter for making the effort to bless her children with good health!”
Our babies are not only smart but athletic! Here is a photo of Ashley, not yet five years old, learning to ride her two-wheeler bike. Ashley loves ballet and the circus.
Eden Jean was born on August 18, 2010 at home. She weighed 7 lbs 12 ounces, and measured 21 inches. During the pregnancy her mom ate lots of organic butter, yogurt, pastured eggs, grass-fed beef, sustainably caught wild salmon, cultured raw A2 milk from a local herdshare, organic seasonal produce from farmer’s markets, soaked nuts and grains, sauerkraut, miso, pastured chicken broth, liver and ovary supplements, fermented cod liver oil and butter oil. Mom also enjoyed mineral water free of fluoride and chloramines. Pre-pregnancy preparation included liver, colon, candida, and metal cleanses, and a few months on the GAPS diet. Since Eden’s birth, her family relies heavily on their local WAP community supported kitchen, Three Stone Hearth, for heavenly nutritious prepared foods. By two months Eden was consistently sleeping ten hours through the night. Pictured here at four months, Eden has been exclusively breastfed and is a joyful baby who loves traveling and meeting new people.
Three-year-old Sydney is a super healthy and happy toddler. She was born to WAPF-fan parents. Sydney was breastfed for almost two and one half years, supplemented with raw milk from the age of one and a half. Sydney loves raw goat and cow milk, bone marrow, bacon, and raw cultured butter. Sydney eats sauerkraut and loves pickles! She does not know anything about pizza, cupcakes and has never tasted pasteurized milk! She is all that happy parents could dream of in a baby girl! Thank you WAPF—we could not thank you enough for everything you do!
Caleb Sebastian’s mom took cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil for one year before conception, and continued with the combo during pregnancy. Her pregnancy diet consisted of eggs, fruits, vegtables, soy-free eggs and a lot of beef and raw milk. Caleb was born at over nine pounds after a five-hour, drug-free labor. Breast-feeding was problem-free. His parents report that Caleb is the happiest, calmest, and the most patient baby they know. He loves to sleep and get his rest, he isn’t fussy at all and is very observant.
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Alisa says
Thank you very much, I would be so happy and proud if I manage to stop the passing of these unhealthy traits through the generations in our family. I really hope that more parents will get conscious about the great power of nutrition that shapes their children’s health and bodies.
tjboyd says
Reply to Alisa
We know of many couples who were malnourished growing up but who got good nutrition before and during pregnancy and had beautiful babies. If you are well nourished during pregnancy, your baby will be fine.
Dove says
Gorgeous Babies
Gorgeous babies all of them! We have been slowly transitioning to a WAP diet (it takes time to find sources for grassfed meat, raw milk etc.) Unfortunately I only found out about it while already 5 months pregnant. Our baby is now 5 months old, EBF, non vacc’ed, very healthy aside from some reflux smilies/shocked.gif( I am thinking of going on a modified version of the GAPS diet before we have any more children- I want them to be as healthy as possible. WAP it will be for the rest of our lives!
Alisa says
Do you think that if a couple has some signs of nutritional deficiencies (such as scoliosis and slightly underdeveloped skulls) they can neutralize these bad effects in the baby if they keep a healthy diet and exercise during pregnancy?
I have scoliosis and I am worried that even if I am well nourished during pregnancy the baby can still have it too. What do you think?
Lisa Nichols says
To Alisa
Hi Alisa,
I am no expert, but I did read Nutrition ans Physical Degeneration recently. I recommend you check it out. There is one study mentioned in the book about pregnant pigs deprived of vitamin d (I think). Their offspring were blind but when fed a healthy diet themselves, able to produce healthy piglets with no eye problems. I see this as a sign of hope that we can reverse the problems expressing themselves in our bodies with the next generation. I’d of course recommend you consult an expert (wapf friendly) for advice and, if it interests you, read Weston Price’s book. It’s very interesting and readable.
Best of wishes,
Paula says
So very excited to see our adopted baby (Alaska/ Mary-Katherine) pictured here! We have been so excited to see her full face develop over the months, as we feed her good traditional foods. She continues to love her goat milk, and eats as she desires, a wide range of real foods!
Jenny Mount says
Thank you for posting Jayleigh’s photo! She is 12 months now and very healthy. She is very smart.i plan on allowing her to wean herself from nursing whenever she pleases. So happy that I can give her all I have.
Amy says
Loretta and little Ivy give me hope.
Wow. A trouble free pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby at 44! That’s just under 10 years older than me now and I’m worried about how many eggs I have left and panicking slightly about the decline of my fertility. My doctor offered me a test to ascertain how many eggs I have left but mentioned it has a high margin of error. I turned it down as I’d rather leave it to chance/the universe. If I am meant to have a child it will happen. If I do his/her picture will be going up in the WAPF healthy baby gallery for sure as I have been eating this way for close on 2 years now and intend to do so for the rest of my life.