Tell Your Representative to Support SB 2269 As Amended
The cottage food bill, Senate Bill 2269 (SB 2269) passed out of the House Agriculture Committee last Thursday with several favorable amendments added to it in the committee.
Sales of beverages and low-acid foods are legal under the latest version of the bill. The foods allowed to be sold under the cottage foods law that are subject to time and temperature control can now be transported—refrigerated and not frozen. Under the amended bill you can dehydrate, freeze-dry or blanch and freeze cut fruits and vegetables for sale; whole fruits and vegetables can be sold to restaurants and retail stores without regulation.
This amended version of SB 2269 is scheduled to be up for a vote on the House floor Monday afternoon. Please contact your Representative now.
Call and/or email your Representative and ask him/her to “Vote YES on SB 2269 as Amended.” Phrase any of the Talking Points in your own words.
Assembly Members by District –
1. The amended bill preserves and clarified what the 2017 Food Freedom Act allows. It more clearly established what the state health department can and cannot regulate.
2. The track record for safety for the 2017 Food Freedom la has been great. In the year-and-a-half North Dakota’s cottage foods law has been in effect nt a single case of foodborne illness has been attributed to a producer operating under the cottage food law. The experience in North Dakota, matches that of Wyoming, Utah, and Maine who have also passed food freedom laws; no foodborne illnesses have been blamed on a producer operating under those state’s cottage food laws either.
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