![Interview With Sayer Ji: Health Freedom: What’s At Stake](https://www.westonaprice.org/wp-content/uploads/win2020Gore.jpg)
HILDA LABRADA GORE: We are all asking many questions right now. So many things don’t seem to be adding up, and there is a lot of cognitive dissonance between what we’re being told and what we’re experiencing. Sayer Ji is here to help us cut through the clutter. Sayer is the founder of GreenMedInfo, the world’s largest open-access natural health database, and the author of Regenerate.
Let’s start with some of the simple inconsistencies. The overall Covid-19 mortality rate is much lower than originally predicted, and yet rigorous orders and all kinds of mandates are still in place. Can you help make sense of that?
SAYER JI: What’s happening is that there is profound cognitive dissonance, and it’s because of the health policies that have been implemented through the initial modeling projections of what we were told Covid-19 would do to the world. According to Neil Ferguson’s estimates from the Imperial College of London, the expectation was that 2.2 million Americans would die if the country wasn’t immediately locked down, ostensibly to “flatten the curve.” We were told, “Just two weeks, we have to do this to save lives.” So on March 15, the White House pivoted one hundred eighty degrees to honor Ferguson’s prediction. Of course, we’ve all found out that, in fact, the case fatality rate is orders of magnitude lower than these projections. When I say that, I am not just coming up with these criticisms out of nowhere. Dr. Fauci, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, published an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine that stated very clearly that the risk of being killed from Covid was about the same as the risk from severe seasonal influenza, which he said was 0.1 percent. Initially, the estimates coming out of China reported in the Lancet were as high as 25 percent case fatality. So, going down from 25 percent to 0.1 percent is two-hundred-fifty-fold lower.
HG: So, why aren’t we celebrating in the streets? Why aren’t we mask-free and engaging in community activities? Why isn’t this good news getting out?
SJ: That’s a great question. My wife Kelly [Brogan] and I are actually doing that very thing. We were part of an event to celebrate the reality that there is no threat as initially projected by the fear-mongering, priest-like scientists and the media the world over. The threat didn’t materialize. The bodies did not appear. In fact, we now know that there’s almost a criminal level of collusion that occurred, because in America the estimates are sixty million people lost their jobs—and that doesn’t even take into account the socioeconomic and psycho-biological adverse effects of isolation, for example. We’re dealing with devastation that is orders of magnitude higher from the response to Covid than from the “Covid virus.”
HG: It’s like that saying, “The cure is worse than the disease.”
SJ: Yes, exactly, and that’s such a poetic description of the geopolitical aspects of what has unfolded. Think about what allopathy really represents, and its origins in the Rockefeller model of symptom suppression that basically proposed that we need petroleum derivatives (turned into patented medications) in order not to die, when in fact, it’s chemicals that are the primary reason why we get sick. What we’re experiencing now has been centuries in the making; everything had already been inverted. The geopolitical dimension of this way of thinking is that current events are an unfortunate natural consequence of programming that has been underway for a very long time.
HG: I heard you mention collusion. Can you say more about what you were alluding to?
SJ: Here’s an example. If you look at the thousands of media outlets throughout this country, they are basically centralized into a pyramidal structure. Just four or five corporations own all of the smaller outlets, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Consider Project Mockingbird—a CIA project to infiltrate every major entertainment and media outlet in the country—this is propaganda that we’re dealing with. Moreover, it is propaganda of the most egregious kind, the kind that tells you that we have a threat so devastating and lethal that we have to give up all of our civil liberties, give up our ability to provide for our children, shutter our businesses, stay afraid in our homes and no longer look at one another beyond the potential biological threat we represent. In this model, your body is full of germs and, therefore you’re potentially deadly just by existing and coming within six feet of even a family member. This is the psychological operation that has descended upon the planet under the auspices of saving us from a deadly virus, even though the numbers don’t even come close to affirming that narrative.
HG: Who benefits from the propaganda? Who’s pushing it?
SJ: That’s a great question. I’m always looking for beauty in what otherwise can look like devastation, and I have argued that the most important and beautiful part of this situation is that we are finally asking that very question: Who is behind this? I am not asking as a so-called “conspiracy theorist” but as someone who is simply trying to understand cause and effect. Why would the entire socioeconomic fabric of the planet suddenly be put into paralysis, bringing about the controlled demolition of the global economy? In 2008, when we had the last financial crisis, the bailout given to the big banks was less than a trillion—something like eight hundred billion. This time, we’ve seen probably five or six trillion dollars of wealth transferred, in just six months. There has been a massive transfer of wealth, yet no one is talking about it. The World Bank even has “pandemic bonds” that were paid out thanks to Covid-19. What’s important to understand is that there is a lot of motive financially for wrecking the economy and reconsolidating around a new global government structure, and this goes beyond party politics. We should also recognize how party politics have been weaponized. If you are pro-freedom or pro-parental rights or pro-informed consent, we’re seeing all kinds of divisive rhetoric to make it look like you’re far right, pro-Trump and racist. Finally, this is way beyond a single nation-state issue—this is a global operation. It may also be one of the first times the United States has experienced this crushing, fascist-like “boot on its neck” from powers that are transnational.
HG: If they can get us fighting among ourselves, then we’re more vulnerable, aren’t we? We’re distracted by a false narrative.
SJ: Absolutely. Think about it. Never before has ideology or allegiance ever been worn on one’s face in the form of a mask or in the form of not wearing a mask. The level of divisiveness and the sheer, crude literalness of it is unprecedented. Before, you had to guess about a person’s creed or political beliefs. Now, not only might someone believe masks are their civil liberty front line, but they may view not wearing a mask as risking their life and the lives of their family. They’ve clouded human relationships with a survival-level fear that is irrational. Interestingly, research clearly shows that the amygdala is activated when you suppress normal gas exchange through mask wearing—so you’re actually inducing a fear and anxiety response by wearing the mask! There are many other layers to this devastating psychological operation, but divisiveness is certainly number one on the list.
HG: Yes! Looking around the other day, I thought, “Seeing masks on people’s faces, I feel like I’m seeing a bunch of hostages or victims of something.” In the past, people who wore masks were being taken captive or were being limited in some way. They weren’t allowed to yell, and that’s why they had their mouths covered. It suddenly struck me, it’s like looking at walking hostages.
SJ: Exactly. This is an unprecedented moment. People need to remember that there’s a difference between quarantining the sick and forcing healthy individuals—upon whom the entire fabric and health of the country relies—to wear masks, treat themselves as though they’re sick and then give up all their self-reliance and their livelihood. That’s the definition of what some folks would call tyranny. These measures are being imposed against our will under the auspices of saving the lives of a relatively small number of mostly elderly individuals who happen to have pre-existing conditions. The healthy people who should be cocooning those who are most vulnerable by supporting them and showing them love are being told that they themselves have to act as though they’re sick or a deadly threat to others. This is really the first time in my life that I have seen what I would call a sorcery-level effect in my waking reality. This isn’t some dream.
Some people are calling masks “face diapers,” which is not so far off the mark because they actually accumulate fecal matter. The masks are doing absolutely nothing but producing what are called fomites, which are carriers of biological debris that is itself a risk for transmission. This is what the World Health Organization and the CDC had decided before the mask politics came in; then, they revised their original guidance on mask wearing. It’s not about science any more,
it’s about obedience and submission signaling. For many, this is not virtue signaling or fear of a virus—this is submitting because you’re afraid of what the government might do. In addition, there are those who actually are afraid of a virus; that contingent needs to be educated about the issues with germ theory, especially when it comes to viral contagion.
HG: It’s hard to talk about the mask issue without emotions getting raised and people getting angry. There’s a sense in which you’re thought of as a sociopath if you don’t wear one (because obviously “you don’t care about other people”). So let’s talk facts for a minute. What is the size of a virus, and is it likely that a scarf or any covering can keep it out?
SJ: Any high-gravitas conventional definition of viruses will acknowledge that viruses are not living. In fact, their very architecture—the particle within which their so-called nucleic acids live—is often taken from the host; so they’re not even really “other” and they have no inner motive force. The concept that something that you need a subatomic-level electron microscope to even see can just leap from body to body across the planet and tackle a human being like a lion on the Serengeti tackles an antelope—which is what people think viruses do—is absolutely obscene. The reality is that viruses are just pieces of genetic information that travel horizontally to make information exchange possible in real time so that we can survive and adapt on a moment-to-moment basis. Viruses are not evil and have never been proved to be evil. Just as we have learned that the microbiome is essential, we also now know that without viruses, we wouldn’t exist. We would die in a heartbeat if we didn’t have viruses in our body.
When you go down the rabbit hole, there’s no evidence to show that Koch’s postulates were fulfilled with Covid-19—not even the first postulate. They never even isolated the coronavirus effectively, so there is no way to prove that this narrative has any basis in reality. How do I know that? Consider that when the World Health Organization (WHO) gave guidance to its member nations, the WHO removed the requirement to test for virus in order to code someone’s death as a death from Covid-19. The emergency-use ICD codes launched on March 20 basically stripped the requirement to prove anything; the only thing they said you had to do was have a suspicion that someone had Covid, and you could write down that they died from Covid. That is a fact. What that means is that there is absolutely no evidence that in any way justifies the present “body count” that they’re saying has now reached a million people. They never even attempted to prove that a viral particle caused any of those individuals to die. They removed the requirement.
HG: I want to go back to your earlier point about collusion, because events such as Event 201, carried out before the outbreak, seem to mirror quite uncannily what we’re experiencing right now.
SJ: It wasn’t just uncanny. At Event 201 (held in October 2019 in New York City), those participating in the exercise boldly and even grotesquely announced what was about to descend upon the planet, except that it wasn’t a viral particle with this supposed Grim-Reaper-level lethality—it was a psychological operation and a form of psychological warfare. Event 201 was funded and orchestrated by the Gates Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum. And when you look at who benefits from this, it’s fairly clear that in addition to the pharmaceutical (and especially vaccine) industries, powerful individuals stand to benefit from the increased control that will be “the new normal.” Their vision, promoted as ensuring our survival and “safety,” is a dystopian, technocratic, gulag-like digital prison.
This is the new “war on terrorism.” The war has transmogrified from the post-9/11 war on terror to Covid-1984, only this time it is global, and the threat is the human body and the demonized virus—not just this coronavirus but also every other imaginable particle that they decide to coin and bandy about as the new terror. This narrative requires that we believe in the most absurd, pseudo-scientific, non-validated view of viruses that has ever been conceived.
HG: What would you say to the person who looks around the world and says, “Everybody is on the same page because they just want to keep us safe and healthy”? I’m talking about the person who thinks you are reading way too much into all of this.
SJ: For the person who believes the government is out to help them, I wish them luck. If you review world history, you find that governments have been responsible for the most deaths. I think the latest figure is that two hundred sixty-six million people have died because of governments’ “good intentions.” While on some level I would love to believe that we are not facing as dark and as global a problem as I see, I think it’s time for us to wake up, individualize, become adults and realize that the reason why this is all happening is we had already outsourced our power to these systems. I studied this for fifteen years before Covid-19 happened. I was already focused on issues like the globalization of the vaccine agenda and its merger with pharma and the military. This is the new way that one invades foreign soils. You say, “Oh, there’s an Ebola outbreak. We’re not going to observe your boundaries or sovereignty as a nation-state because—guess what—pandemics don’t respect boundaries.” That is their narrative and the strategy for laying waste to countries that believed they had autonomy. I’ve also been observing this through the World Trade Organization, for example. I was the vice-chairman of the National Health Federation, which has a seat at the Codex Alimentarius. I’ve been watching the effort to force countries into one global system for a long time. And in fact, this is the perfect way to do it—it’s genius. I understand that some don’t see it that way—because it takes a lot of time and energy to connect the dots—but I can’t censor what I know to be true.
HG: The word censorship is very pertinent right now. We’re seeing frontline doctors and others who have something to say that is different from the mainstream narrative getting their information pulled from social media platforms and YouTube, and we’re told it’s “misinformation.” That seems to point to propaganda and an agenda.
SJ: It’s very disturbing. Unfortunately, there are well-trodden steps to genocide, and Step Four is dehumanization and identifying minority groups as “vermin” or “disease carriers.” Already before Covid, I had been looking at how those who decide that they don’t want to participate in the increasingly heavy vaccine schedule are identified as dangerous to the vaccinated. A lot of us were already getting censored. I got kicked off of MailChimp (which is part of a CDC Foundation partnership group) for “anti-vaccine” content and had experienced other censorship and deplatforming attempts. There has been an elaborate attempt to shut down people’s voices on these issues. Tens of thousands of families who know they have vaccine-injured children are being gaslit or portrayed as dangerous and crazy.
It is a huge concern when you can’t even speak about what a published, peer-reviewed journal article says, if it happens to be critical of the dominant narrative around Covid, or vaccine safety, or lack of evidence to support effectiveness. The most important thing is that we all continue to stand up and speak the truth. One thing the planners or architects of this agenda did not really anticipate was the power of the Internet. They were not able to push this through as cleanly as they wanted, and a huge number of people have woken up. We have half the country that won’t even think about getting a Covid-19 vaccine because they understand that it’s a really dangerous thing to do. It’s not going to be proven “safe” or “effective.” They are going to push it through and test it on the public, which is what they’ve been doing to our children all along. But it’s all being unraveled, and people are seeing this for what it is. Not everyone—but I think the majority are starting to realize that this is not about protecting us.
It is also important to remember that there is almost no post-marketing surveillance of the adverse effects of vaccines. Only one percent or fewer of vaccine injuries are ever reported, and even fewer receive compensation through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program established in 1986.
HG: Let’s turn now toward what you were saying about how we have given away some of our agency. How can we take it back?
SJ: Great question. Kelly and I have come to a point in our lives where we realize that the most powerful form of activism is actually just being healthy and choosing to show up for ourselves and others in our community with all of our principles intact. We have not worn a mask throughout this entire experience. We have found a way to stand up for what we know is right and to communicate to others that we will not submit. We believe it is essential that we continue to exercise our right to breathe freely and not, for example, have someone penetrate us with a vaccine—because the masks are a placeholder for that. It is important that people realize that the only reason why anything has happened that has had an adverse effect is because of our complicity and consent. That’s a very adult way of looking at this. If we look at it through any other lens, we’re victims and that is only going to feed more of the powerlessness.
We created and we’re facilitating a movement called the “Thank You Body Rally,” with over one hundred ambassadors throughout the world. All seven continents stepped up to celebrate our stories around healing. Kelly, for example, healed herself of Hashimoto’s. That was the beginning of her beautiful journey to where she is today. And I healed myself of asthma. Those stories are powerful because they run up against the multi-trillion-dollar medical-military-industrial establishment. Our stories also run up against the narrative that our bodies are broken or damaged and that our genes—or germs—are the cause of our ailments. Meanwhile, they deny things that are clearly causing harm—like the hundred thousand petrochemicals we’re exposed to daily, the non-native EMFs or the psychogenic fear that they’re pushing into our bodies—these are the real causes of disease. I’m also proud to be the co-founder of a non-profit organization called Stand for Health Freedom. Its sole purpose is to take the egos and logos out of the equation (my own included), so that you can take action, using digital software, that will directly affect your local decision-makers and elected officials. This can really have an impact. We have already seen it affect legislation that was dead set on stripping exemptions to vaccination. Stand for Health Freedom exists because of people who see that we have to take responsibility for our future. We cannot outsource it to politics, hoping that the Trumps and Bidens of the world are going to save us. We have to be self-reliant. That’s the real lesson here. If we embrace this, there is such a beautiful world waiting for us around the corner, one that we can barely imagine. That is the light at the end of the tunnel that drives me and Kelly every single day.
HG: On some level, it seems like some of us are afraid of taking responsibility. Why do you think that is?
SJ: That’s a great question. It helps to understand the psychology of allopathy. Allopathy’s sweetest pill is the illusion that disease and the soul itself are secondary to the physical and the physicochemical aspects of life. Nihilism and chaos are embedded in the ideology around conventional medicine and the old biology, which by the way has completely been eclipsed by the new biology.
I know that the Weston A. Price Foundation has been speaking to these beautiful principles from the beginning. You have been a pillar in helping people understand that we don’t have to choose the path of allopathy, which is the path of the victim. There are so many ways in which we’re baited into thinking that we’re victims of this or that situation. And if ever there was a moment where we were facing some epic battle against darkness, it’s this one right now. But the real “ask” is, first, to be radically responsible. I’m trying to integrate my awareness around how there are no carve-outs. Either we are taking responsibility for our lives or we’re not, and everything we do is connected in some way to what’s happening out there. We have immense power and responsibility if we’re willing to assume it for our individual health destiny as well as communally for the future of the world.
HG: In other words, we are a part of the problem and the solution. Is that what I hear you saying?
SJ: Exactly. I would add that we are not just a “part” but we are the majority interest in the outcome. I don’t mean to say that we’re all-powerful, but I do believe, for example, that we can heal any disease. I know that. I’ve witnessed thousands of examples where people have shown that they don’t need allopathic medicine and can heal from diseases that were called “incurable” or “idiopathic.” That’s amazing. However, until someone knows that is possible, there is no way that they are even going to try. The more people who realize that something far more beautiful than what is happening now is possible, the more likely that it is going to come into being. That doesn’t mean that we have to deny what the darkness is, but it’s about understanding that we have a huge amount of power.
HG: That is a hopeful note to end on. I am encouraged. As we wrap things up, I want to ask you, if listeners could do just one thing to either improve their health, stand up for themselves or embrace that power, what would you recommend that they do?
SJ: First and foremost, find true compassion for yourself, because it’s love that will heal the world. We spend so much time confusing service to others with actual love, or trying to make other people happy, but we don’t spend time defining what we ourselves need. We all have children, responsibilities and people who depend on us, but unless we are good and whole inside, we are not going to discover the profound benefits that I believe are available to us. It’s actually as simple as that. When you connect with and love yourself, things start working out, and you start contributing to changing the world in a way that feels and looks much more peaceful.
By Hilda Labrada Gore
On September 15, a revival took place in the heartland of the United States. Did you hear about it? This was not a religious revival, although it was full of fervor. It was the Health Freedom Revival in Wichita, Kansas. The event’s organizers originally were going to dub the event the “Health Freedom Rally” but quickly realized that the word “rally” couldn’t quite capture what was in the works.
Planning began inauspiciously, only three weeks prior to the event. Megan Lubbers, a young mom in Wichita, had been connecting with a few local health freedom fighters. All were interested in obtaining a religious exemption for their children’s vaccination. As of this year, forty-six of the fifty states (with the exception of California, Maine, Mississippi and West Virginia) allow a religious exemption, and sixteen states allow for a broader philosophical or “conscience” exemption. Laws can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and diocese to diocese, however. Megan’s children attend a private Catholic school that allows for no exemptions.
Megan had already begun partnering with advocates for medical freedom in the heartland—for her children and for all children—when she learned about the release of Andy Wakefield’s new film, 1986: The Act. When Megan inquired about hosting a screening, Wakefield’s team offered to send Andy and the film’s producer, Lori Gregory, to do a live Q&A following the screening. Megan was thrilled. Meanwhile, Dr. C.J. Mackie, a local naturopath and acupuncturist, suggested that Megan contact chiropractor Dr. Devin Vrana, a “Wichita mama bear” who happened to have a connection with Bobby Kennedy. The next thing they knew, Bobby was in as well.
As the Health Freedom Revival gained steam, Del Bigtree (host of the Internet show “The Highwire”) joined the lineup, as did a number of other experts eager to speak about vaccinations, health freedom, dentistry and even soil health. Speakers began cold-calling Megan, requesting to speak at the event. Megan soon realized that she would need more partners to manage the event, so she contacted the leadership of Kansans for Health Freedom, a 501c4 nonprofit. That group is led by long-time WAPF chapter leaders Connie Newcome (president) and Debbie Mize (vice president), who were both eager to collaborate on the fast-approaching event.
Though the word of the day was “freedom,” it was clear from the outset that savvy and clever planning would be required to defend the event’s integrity. Governor Kelly, through executive order, had a mask mandate in place in the state of Kansas. In addition, an emergency public health order was in effect for Sedgwick County, requiring all persons to wear face coverings whether indoors or outdoors. Seeking to identify a place where it would be safe to gather mask-free, without the risk of being shut down and the possibility of counter-demonstrations, the organizers settled on Newton (in neighboring Harvey County) but did not release the location of the venue until two days before the event. Below are some highlights from the event.
- ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR. offered snapshots of his involvement in the health freedom movement. As an environmental rights lawyer and the founder of Waterkeeper Alliance, Kennedy would often encounter moms sitting in the front row at his speaking engagements. Repeatedly, these mothers would tell him that if he was concerned about mercury in fish, he should look into the dangers of mercury in vaccines. He told of one particularly tenacious mother who dropped a tall stack of scientific studies about vaccination on his front porch and refused to leave until he read them. Motivated and inspired by the many mothers who have refused to keep silent about vaccine injuries, Kennedy later went on to establish Children’s Health Defense and its offshoot, Millions Against Medical Mandates. Kennedy revealed from the stage that he now suspects that his dysphonia (a vocal impairment) was a side effect of flu vaccines, which he took for a number of years at his workplace. He said that dysphonia is listed as one of influenza vaccination’s side effects in package inserts. At the conclusion of his talk, Kennedy noted that it remains unclear whether masks are effective in any way. He believes that mask use primes us for future relinquishment of our freedoms.
• DR. TOBY ROGERS has a PhD from the University of Sydney in Australia. He spoke on the topic of his doctoral thesis, “The Political Economy of Autism.” Rogers first became interested in exploring autism when his girlfriend’s son was diagnosed with it. He was shocked by what he found—a massive cover-up of information linking toxins in vaccines to autism. Rogers raised some pressing questions. Who will care for autistic children once they become adults? What economic costs arise when an entire generation cannot enter the workforce and contribute to the prosperity of the nation, let alone provide for their own families? In October, we interviewed Rogers for the Wise Traditions podcast’s health freedom track.
• CHARLENE BOLLINGER got wind of the event late. (Remember, it was pulled together in less than three weeks.) Nonetheless, she and her videographer made the ten-hour drive to join in at the last minute. Charlene and her husband Ty are the authors of several books and the driving force behind summits such as “The Truth about Cancer” and “The Truth about Vaccines.” From the stage, Charlene shared how she and Ty were motivated to uncover truth when they realized that conventional cancer protocols (radiation, chemotherapy and surgery) statistically offered no improvement in outcomes over no treatment at all. They began exploring options and, after sharing their knowledge about alternative health options for cancer, did the same for vaccines. - DEL BIGTREE is the host of the online show “The Highwire” and the founder of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN). With parents who had an “alternative health” bent, Bigtree was not vaccinated as a child. When he became one of the producers of the Emmy-award-winning program, “The Doctors,” he made sure that the show covered a variety of health topics from an alternative perspective. The network was pleased with the ratings and for the most part welcomed his different point of view—except when it came to the topic of vaccines. When Bigtree suggested producing a show that would highlight vaccine dangers, he got a hard “no” from the network. This aroused his curiosity and suspicion. which ultimately led him to join forces with Andy Wakefield to produce Vaxxed. Del described it as his personal mission to confront all reporters who approaches him and to challenge them about whether they have studied the science. He also reminded the crowd that this is not a time to shrink back but rather to press on and fight.
A group of courageous “warrior moms” spoke out about well-child visits gone wrong. They shared story after story about how vaccines were the catalyst for a downward spiral in their children’s health. The crowd nodded and applauded in support and agreement. One of the moms who spoke began second-guessing herself the moment she left the stage, concerned that she might have jeopardized her work as a physician by speaking out. Unfortunately, her worries are well-founded. By speaking out on this controversial topic, each of us risks losing friends, family, our reputation and perhaps even our livelihood. But it comes down to this—we must speak out when we see wrong being done.
Andy Wakefield is a living example of what it looks like to speak out, despite the risks. Wakefield is the doctor who stood by the results of a study indicating a possible link between autism and the MMR vaccine. He was taken to court and lost both his reputation and his career as a physician. Nonetheless, he has remained steadfast as an advocate for children’s health. He is the director of Vaxxed and now 1986: The Act. He also recently launched the Andy Wakefield Podcast (on SoundCloud).
The day after the event, I spotted Andy outside the hotel before he left for the airport. He was singing “Don’t Be Cruel.” After a bit of chit-chat (he says he’s not really a singer), I said to him, “Andy, I think we’re winning. I feel like we’re just on the cusp of victory. But maybe you’ve heard that a lot over the years.” He replied “I’ve been in this field for over thirty years. I think you’re right. We are winning.”
So take heart as you fight for freedom. We are on the winning side—the side that stands for truth and health and children. Stand strong. And stand with us.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2020
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