You Have the Power
Tap into Your Power to Prevent and Heal from Cancer and Other Diseases
By Dr. Tedd Koren
Independently published
I have to admit that when I first saw the title of Dr. Tedd Koren’s new book, You Have the Power: Tap into Your Power to Prevent and Heal from Cancer and Other Diseases, I found it somewhat off-putting. To me, it sounded a bit like a Tony Robbins’ self-improvement seminar. And when I cracked the book open and began to leaf through it, I was disappointed that it was comprised of a series of interviews Dr. Koren had conducted. “Too facile,” I thought. I wanted substance, not something flashy or contrived.
Tedd Koren delivered exactly what I was looking for
I’m happy to report that once I dove into the book in earnest, I quickly put my initial skepticism aside. I discovered that Koren delivered exactly what I was looking for. His book educates and equips readers to pursue alternative healing modalities that they may not have considered before, and the interview format turns out to be ideal for making this information extremely accessible.
Ancestral wisdom
One thing that won me over was Koren’s clear appreciation for ancestral wisdom. Right on page one, he states: “Modern medicine has forgotten and ignored many marvelous ancient and traditional approaches that are effective and have stood the test of time.” In subsequent pages, he elaborates and reminds us that our bodies can provide the very answers we need. Pain or disease are simply the body’s way of telling us that something is out of balance.
Tumors are not our enemies
For example, Koren explains that tumors are not our enemies but are actually a tool for the body to deal with toxins. The body sequesters them and creates the tumor to stow them away. Many modern, westernized doctors want to remove tumors without ever asking how they got there in the first place and what purpose they serve. Asking questions about root causes reveals that in reality, toxins—not tumors—are the “bad guys.”
Laws of healing
It’s this kind of innovative thinking that Koren brings to bear throughout the book. In fact, his curiosity about healing modalities is, in great part, what motivated him to put the book together. “My goal is to find what everybody else misses,” he says. “Things don’t happen by accident. There is a reason. There are also laws of healing, and if we honor them and respect them and work with them, we can heal.” He also says, “I learned a lot from these interviews and I hope you do, as well. I was surprised by some of the insights shared. These are all designed to prevent us from being ill, to restore us to natural healing and to allow our bodies to be the self-healing ‘machines’ they are designed to be.”
Healing tumors and other conditions
Each chapter offers a unique protocol or product for healing from tumors and other conditions.
Mike Evangel, a chiropractor, is the first practitioner featured (Chapter Two). Evangel uses tourmaline, a semiprecious stone, to help the body detox and heal. Tourmaline gives off three different types of energy. First, it takes the body’s heat and converts it into far-infrared energy (like that of a sauna). Second, mechanical energy creates negative ions that scavenge free radicals. The third energy is that of the Schumann Resonance (that of the earth’s magnetic field). All of this energy combines to address a wide variety of health concerns, including calming children with autism, lowering inflammation and improving REM sleep and non-REM stage IV sleep. Evangel and his team have made blankets with microscopic particles of this stone to promote healing and detoxification, and are working on a line of sportswear, scarves, pillowcases and more. Fascinating stuff!
Other healing modalities
Modalities mentioned in subsequent chapters include BrainTap (a system to help restore health using alpha brain waves), Nighttime Cleansing Detox Deodorant (to help clear out heavy metals while we sleep), Essiac tea to support immune system function (inspired by tea from the Ojibwe tribe) and hydrogen water (a treatment for both cancer and Covid-19). Koren also interviews some familiar friends, including Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, Dr. Linda Isaacs, Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Sally Fallon Morell. Of course, many of these emphasize the importance of diet to safeguard our health, and Sally naturally pays particular attention to the protective role of vitamin A.
Overall, this book is a delightful follow-up to Koren’s Cancer is Natural, So Is the Cure, and I give it an enthusiastic thumbs-up. It offers hope that our bodies can indeed function properly when given the right tools. Koren points us in the right direction for just such tools—highlighting little-known protocols and products based on ancient healing techniques.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2021
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Hey Hilda, great book review! Just read the book and can’t stop talking to my patients about it. Love all his interviews and seeing many different alternatives to radiation and chemo. Good reminder how imperative eating right and detoxification are!
Also thanks for all your hard work promoting health and wellness on the bog and podcast! We recommend our chiropractic and nutrition patients listen to your podcast all the time!