Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children
Edited by Louise Kuo Habakus, MA and Mary Holland, JD
Skyhorse Publishing
The world has fractured into two warring camps—those in favor of vaccine mandates and those in favor of choice. There may also be a quiet third group that just doesn’t care and either ignores the war or sits on the sidelines with popcorn and sodas watching with mild amusement.
This newly updated book, originally published in 2011, brings together multiple authors addressing details of each side of the argument. Some of the more recognizable names are Mary Holland (Children’s Health Defense), Sherri Tenpenny, Boyd Haley, Julian Whitaker and Andrew Wakefield. James Turner, legal counsel for the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) also writes a chapter on legal angles.
Pro vaccine camp
The major points promoted by those who want vaccine mandates are covered in no particular order. One point made by that camp is that vaccines are “safe and effective” and scientifically proven. How do they know? Where is the science? The gold standard of scientific proof is the placebo-controlled study—and that has never been done with vaccines. Nor have scientists carried out a study of any kind looking at vaccines in combination.
Vaccine refusers camp
Vaccine “refusers,” we are told, are dangerous and selfish. Dangerous to whom? If vaccines are “safe and effective,” then refusers are only dangerous to themselves. In a free country, you have the right to decide what level of risk is acceptable for you. And there is still that pesky problem of lack of science. The Merck Manual is the largest selling medical textbook; it clearly states that vaccines can cause brain damage.
James Turner makes an interesting legal point. Federal capital punishment was found unconstitutional because we know at least some people on death row are innocent. The possibility of killing innocent people by government mandate is unacceptable in a civilized society. We also know some will die if vaccinated. It has happened many times. The same reasoning should apply.
Enforcing vaccine mandates
One of the more insidiously evil ways of enforcing vaccine mandates is taking children from their parents for “medical neglect.” These chapters are rather detailed. The information is all good, and I have no disagreement with it, but when I see something that I feel has been over-complicated, I tend to default to the big picture. And the big-picture question is, Who is making the decision to take children from their parents for medical reasons? As far as I can tell, it involves a combination of politicians and the medical industry—which is really the pharmaceutical industry. In addition to its obvious conflicts of interest, the pharmaceutical industry has a long and well-documented criminal record. In the U.S., if you are rich enough, especially as a large industry, and you kill people slowly enough, you may pay large fines (and pharma has), but you will not go to jail. The pharmaceutical industry’s insistence that companies not be liable for any harm done by their injections should completely destroy their credibility, if it weren’t in tatters already. The reputation of pharmaceutical companies is hardly stellar, and it should be obvious that they should not be remotely involved in any decision to take children from their parents.
As for the politicians—whose reputation as a group is arguably even worse than that of big pharma—they are heavily influenced by lobbyists, and the largest lobby and campaign contributor by far is the pharmaceutical lobby. Again, this is a blatant conflict of interest. I would prefer not to leave decisions about “medical neglect” to this bunch of scoundrels either.
Who should make these kinds of decisions and how?
Let’s stay with the big picture. Are children wards of the state or wards of some pediatrician? I think not. This whole question would disappear except for one thing—an almost fanatical faith in the medical industry. I’m an old dog over sixty. I remember what it was like fifty years ago. I’ve seen many impressive advances in medical technology, but have these advances translated into improved health for the average American? It doesn’t look to me like the average American has gotten healthier over the last fifty years. In fact, it looks to me like an unmitigated disaster. Autism has exploded, and the industry seems to be clueless about why. There is an increasing list of diseases that did not exist fifty years ago. Food allergies did not exist. My mother’s doctor recently told her he did not know anyone over age fifty who wasn’t on some prescription.
Clearly, blindly trusting an industry that suffers from such vivid delusions of adequacy is not scientific; it is a religion. Last time I checked, the First Amendment, though it may have lost some of its popularity, had not been repealed in these United States. Our highest law still recognizes our inherent right to accept or reject any religion. Mainstream medicine may increasingly consider itself infallible, but not everyone is fooled. Parents should not be criminalized for not buying this religion. No agency should be allowed to commit the atrocity of stealing a child from his or her parents for any “medical” reason. And there is no emergency in the history of the world that justifies forcibly injecting toxic substances into anyone’s body.
One more footnote, and then I’ll get off the stump. Some may argue that doctors have more education and thus are qualified to make decisions like this. However, the term “education” usually means “training,” and there is a big difference between being trained and being intelligent. Too much “education” is one of the biggest obstacles to clear thinking. Doctors who can’t question and can’t think beyond what they have been taught, have not been taught to think—and they are not very good at thinking. Highly trained chimpanzees do not outrank parents.
Artificially generated herd immunity is another fantasy addressed in this book, which brings up more big-picture common sense. We’re told that we have herd immunity to polio now, thanks to a vaccine, but polio disappeared from Europe around the same time as it disappeared from the U.S., and there was no mass vaccination for polio in Europe. Measles outbreaks have repeatedly occurred in fully vaccinated populations. Bubonic plague and scarlet fever were far more dangerous but disappeared on their own without a vaccine.
Michael Belkin demonstrated prophetic foresight in the chapter he wrote when this book was first published a decade ago. At the time, the call for vaccine mandates was increasing but was nothing like it is now. He warned this was coming. As Yogi Berra said, it’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future, but Belkin nailed it. He was right. The thumb is UP for this book.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2021
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