Shots Fired: Vaccine Weapons, Medical Tyranny and the War Against Humanity
By Shannon Rowan
Rowanberry Books
Shots Fired covers the other side of medical and vaccine history—the largely censored side that hasn’t been published readily, discussed or even passed down from generation to generation. Rowan exposes how fortunate connections moved certain vaccines along to market, without proof of a virus or contagion and with no evidence that they “worked.” She brings history to life, quoting past figures who stood up against vaccination and other forms of poisoning, while also walking readers through the similarities in how events unfolded during the Covid years.
This meaty book, nearly eight hundred pages long, is not a light read. It covers milkmaids, bedbugs and historical facts that have been hidden from sight, even in the greatest vaccination books written today. Rowan uses quotes and statements from historical documents, sharing comments from individuals who opposed vaccines and discussing how the “infectious” disease problem miraculously disappeared when sanitation issues got addressed. She also explains how, over time, it became more obvious that vaccines were failing to deliver on their promise; to accommodate the outcomes, scientists and officials changed the definition of what vaccines were supposed to do.
During the smallpox vaccination era, some spoke up against the poisoning, while others complied, only to watch their children die. One town fared well with a 4 percent smallpox vaccination rate, while another town with a 95 percent vaccination rate suffered greatly. The book provides proof of the destructive agenda through statistics, letters and documents.
Rowan also walks readers through the broader history of big medicine and big chemical industry players like Monsanto, covering substances like DDT, aspartame, mercury arsenic, fluoride, mRNA drugs and graphene oxide. She also discusses topics like the viral paradigm, EMFs and lying with statistics—the list is long. She goes into detail covering exactly what I wanted to know, even when I did not know that I wanted to know it! As one example, she describes the many uses of formaldehyde and formalin—for embalming corpses, making cardboard, producing egg cartons, manufacturing gel capsules (so they will harden), disinfecting food containers and. . . as a food preservative. The WHO banned it for its cancer-causing properties. She informs us that numerous individuals were found contaminating wells with formaldehyde in Liberia—wells that supplied water to entire towns—and were paid to do so at the height of the “Ebola outbreak.” One man arrested for this act admitted that formaldehyde poisoning causes symptoms consistent with Ebola. Rowan also unfolds the story of people dressed as nurses who administered Ebola vaccines with syringes that contained formaldehyde—again, causing Ebola-like symptoms. When the individuals died, their organs were harvested for organ-trafficking operations.
Shots Fired is the most thorough and well-documented book I’ve read in years, painting a clear picture of medical and vaccination history. I spent hours studying Rowan’s citations and following her evidence that the diseases we vaccinate for today still exist but are just labeled under different names. Nothing in the book goes against WAPF principles; on the contrary, it assists in putting puzzle pieces together on how the medical model has taken over, right under our very noses. Knowing the tactics will help us to better protect and defend our medical choices in the future. Although this big book has very small print (and even smaller print in the citations), it should be mandatory reading for every health class, so that in time we stop making the same mistakes. It gets a hearty thumbs-up, raised high and held long.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2023
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