In 2007, I started a private buying club bringing raw milk to our community. I started with five members. My friend Greg would pick up ten gallons every two weeks for them.
Fast forward seventeen years, our private buying club consists of eighty-five “cow share” members who currently obtain one hundred ten gallons per week from our dairy farmers producing “organic” raw milk from Jersey cows that are 100 percent grass-fed. These dairy farmers sold their organic raw milk to Organic Valley for many years, but two years ago they decided not to renew that contract because the organic certification papers were going to cost them twenty thousand dollars per year. They prayed about making that decision and decided to trust God to bring them local customers. Since then, their business has flourished. And they are thrilled to have our business as we are their largest customer.
One of our members and her husband started a private school several years ago. They were interviewed at a WAPF conference. I approached her to offer wholesome and nutritious organic raw milk to the parents. We conducted a Zoom presentation for some of the parents. And numerous parents have become members and purchased cow shares.
I am approaching two other private schools with the intent of educating the administration on the benefits of raw milk for their students.
Who would have thought that what started with five members and ten gallons every two weeks would turn into eighty-five members and one hundred ten gallons of pristine raw milk from Jersey cows that are 100 percent grass-fed? I have been steadfast, diligent and consistent to achieve these results. I am just the steward. God is my co-pilot!
By the way, I may be the oldest chapter leader. I will be eighty-five in July. Except structural scoliosis, I am in good health with no reason to be on prescription drugs. My diet is raw milk, butter, cheese, kefir and yogurt; grass-fed, grass-finished meat; organic chicken; wild-caught fish; organic vegetables and fruits; and sprouted nuts and seeds. I bake sourdough bread with ancient grain flour from Italy and order my pasta and other Italian foods from cookingwithnonna.com. I take whole food supplements and herbs to supply my body with anti-aging nutrition.
When someone speaks of getting old, my response is: “Age is a matter of mind. And if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” I believe that Mark Twain said something similar. And Lauren Bacall used the phrase as well.
Maria Parrino, Chapter Leader
Asheville, North Carolina
As I eat my first meal of the day, I always acknowledge three things I’m thankful for. Today, the first one was: I’m thankful for Weston A. Price, who had the wherewithal to notice that cavities and dental problems were escalating, and then to question whether perhaps this was related to our industrialization, and then to go around the whole earth and see whether the displacing foods of modern commerce were related to our ill health!
Wow! That’s one courageous guy! Dr. Price was a person who followed through on his ideas!
Then as I was eating my meal, it dawned on me that pretty much nobody (me included) would have known of this were it not for our Weston A. Price Foundation! I am so grateful to everyone at the Weston A. Price Foundation who has devoted their time and energy to my health! (That’s the way I look at it. I take it personally.) Love and blessings to the staff, volunteers and all of us members too!
Nyla Blair
Santa Rosa, California
I just found your website and organization, and I love it. I am a forty-nine-year-old mother of one who lives in Buffalo, Minnesota and wants to drink only raw milk. For years I have been writing to elected officials, trying to get raw milk at a minimum for sale at farmers markets, coops and health food stores. I have begun to regularly write the FDA and CDC, pointing out their lies. With the one-hundred-year anniversary of pasteurization, their websites have gone to a new level of celebrating this and ripping on raw milk.
Recently, I found a Facebook group about Minnesota farm products. Several questions surrounded raw milk; people are looking for it, but having a hard time finding it, especially in urban areas. I live near farms, but until discovering this Facebook page, I could find it only from a few sources. Now there are several more sources nearby. However, we still cannot get other raw dairy products.
For me, raw dairy is extremely important. I have temporal lobe epilepsy (where I stare into space or walk around without being aware). In a typical month, I have one to four of these episodes. I also have vasovagal syncope and allergies. I have a pacemaker because at times my heart rate drops suddenly, often when working out. I’ve tried over thirty meds and med combos without change. I also have a VNS (vagus nerve stimulation) implant.
While looking into natural cures, I discovered that calcium has been found to help people with seizure disorders, as do B vitamins. B vitamin levels are lowered to almost nothing on my seizure drugs. Because of this, I started drinking raw milk when possible. I definitely can’t promise that raw milk is a cure, but so far I’ve found when drinking a minimum of one quart of raw goat or cow milk a day, I have never even had brain fog. I also have more energy. But unless I figure out how to make it myself, I still use store-bought pasteurized butter and cream.
Due to my epilepsy, I work from home and cannot drive, so getting raw milk from locations far away is tough, especially when there’s work, school, sports, activities and coordinating schedules with farmers. But now with a few more options, I hope it will be easier. It’s also more expensive. One gallon of raw cow milk is eight to ten dollars, and one gallon of raw goat milk is twelve dollars in our area. But, it’s worth it.
One of the farms I get raw dairy from also sells to Organic Valley. I can either go to the farm with my containers and pay eight dollars, or I can have it go to the pasteurizing plant in trucks, go through the pasteurizing machines, taken to a packaging facility, put in a container with a label, shipped to stores, put on shelves and pay six dollars.
Bioengineered products are proven to trigger my seizures. If I am in the hospital for testing, drinking diet coke brings on seizures immediately. Even certain scents found mostly in commercial cleaners and laundry products can trigger them. Sharing that info with the FDA brings zero response; they still approve aspartame and sucralose, knowing the bad effects. Yet they say, “There are no benefits to drinking raw milk.”
The CDC and FDA were recently touting breastfeeding and breast milk. Every argument they made was the exact opposite of the argument they made about raw milk. I sent them an email stating they need to take the same position on raw milk as they do on breast milk. Here is part of the answer I received:
“Raw milk and raw milk products from cows, goats, and sheep can carry harmful bacteria and other germs that can make your child very sick and can be life-threatening. Raw milk can also be called unpasteurized milk. Do not give your child raw or unpasteurized milk. The recommendation to not provide a young child with unpasteurized milk is due to the harmful bacteria that could lead to life-threatening illness” (CDC, 4/30/2024).
My hope is that others also call them out on this. In our conversations, even as I’ve given them statistics using their own sources on how safe raw dairy is, they’ve told me I am killing myself by drinking raw milk and risking my life every day. I tell them there’s a 100 percent chance I will get sick using many of the products they have approved, and not even a fraction of a percent chance raw dairy will cause an illness.
I thought my story may be of interest. Keep up the good fight. People are praying for you!
Elizabeth Husom
Buffalo, Minnesota
I would like to pass on a couple of hard-won insights that some readers of this journal may find helpful. I make no claim of originality for either of these, but it can’t hurt to make an effort to further a deeper and more conscious understanding of them.
The first has to do with a concept related to the well-known one of the “active ingredient.” This is the complementary concept of the “inert ingredient.” Confusion is often created around this term due to a failure to distinguish between two different senses of the word “inert.” One sense, the most common, is meant to convey a meaning along the lines of “nontoxic or nonreactive.” The less common sense, and the one that is generally meant in this context, means something more like “not directly related to the functional intentions of this product.”
So, for example, a prescription medicine could list a particular ingredient as inert, using the second sense, even though the very same substance is toxic to the human body according to the first sense. This mixing up of meanings is what often causes confusion. “Inert,” in this context, should never be automatically equated with “safe,” yet it often is, and exploiting this confusion is no doubt a conscious intention on the part of many producers and purveyors of such products.
The second insight has to do with something that has in my opinion played a major role in the widespread acceptance of Ancel Keys’ lipid hypothesis. A more or less unconscious analogy with physical plumbing is the culprit here.
When you eat a baked potato or a steak, you are not likely to worry about those substances “clogging” your arteries. Yet many of us, if we eat something dripping with butter or lard or coconut oil, are far more likely to worry along such lines. Why is this?
What has the greatest tendency to clog our kitchen plumbing? Fats. Most of us are not in the habit of dumping uneaten or partially eaten steaks or potatoes down the kitchen drain, at least not without running the garbage disposal unit, if we have one. We do know, however, from direct experience what will happen if we repeatedly pour bacon fat, for example, down the drain: we will clog the pipes.
The problem with this analogy, of course, is that human beings are not fundamentally merely physical aggregations of pipes; we are organisms with a unique and, in many respects, poorly understood physiology. Anything we eat, if it is to be assimilated by our bodies, has first to be metabolized, that is, overcome by the forces of our digestive system. Whether potato substance, steak substance, butter substance, or what-have-you, it must be converted into human substance in order to be assimilated. Any foodstuff that fails to be so converted will be attacked as an invader, as we can see in leaky gut syndrome and various autoimmune disorders.
From this perspective (one that accepts that the human being is an organism rather than a mechanism), we should have no qualms about consuming a food strictly on the basis of its characteristics outside the human body. Concerns of this kind, unconsciously reified, seem to have played a major role during the past sixty years or so in making the average person frightened of eating any fat that even approaches being solid at room temperature. And of course, as the editor of this journal has pointed out in the past, the human body is much hotter than room temperature anyway.
Lurking beneath all this is an even more insidious reification: the mind/ body split inaugurated by Descartes four hundred years ago. Rather than recognizing this seeming split as only apparent, that is, as a symptom of the peculiar nature of human consciousness, Descartes (and almost everyone following in his wake, up to this very moment) projected it into the world, where it has created all sorts of problems ever since, including the long-established and seldom adequately questioned habit of treating everything (including the human body) as if it were a mechanism. If we can become more conscious of this habit, and what drives it, we will be far less likely to keep making the same mistakes that have already caused so much mischief and misunderstanding in the practice of science.
Andy Shaw
Frederick, Maryland
In Iowa, Bayer is lobbying for a bill that would make it almost impossible to sue the chemical companies for harm from Roundup and other agricultural chemicals. The fact that this legislation (SF2412) has been brought up in a backdoor, last-minute fashion, clearly identifies how corrupt the leadership of the Iowa legislature is in Des Moines. This legislation violates the constitutional rights of the citizens of the state of Iowa, which are granted in the Seventh Amendment of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution. The elected officials that are advancing this legislation have clearly prostituted themselves to pharmaceutical/chemical companies.
There are vast amounts of peer-reviewed and published, independent scientific studies documenting the numerous adverse health effects that glyphosate and other synthetic chemicals have on humans and animals. There is also a substantial amount of evidence that Monsanto (which is now owned by Bayer) colluded with corrupt EPA officials in hiding the truth about the cancer-causing effects of glyphosate herbicides.
In previous subcommittee meetings on this issue, the members voting to advance this legislation have stated it is for economic reasons. That is certainly a true statement because passing this legislation will generate massive amounts of money for the chemical and pharmaceutical companies. The strategy seems to be: make people sick with known poisons and then sell the medicine to treat the sicknesses, not heal them.
Any elected official voting for this legislation should ask themselves whether they really want to sacrifice the health of their children and grandchildren on the altar of the chemical companies? I have not seen a single comment in favor of this legislation online.
Howard R. Vlieger
Maurice, Iowa
My eye just caught the article, “Why We Need A High-Lysine Diet,” by Joan McGovern in the Wise Traditions journal (Summer 2023). I saw the section she has on metformin and how a high-lysine diet accomplishes the same things as metformin, without the side effects. This article is providing a strong ray of hope for my mother and me. Has WAPF seen a connection between the rise of diabetes and 5G? I live in New York City, and cellphones are everywhere. In 2019, we saw the rollout of 5G in NYC, and then the hit of the pandemic in 2020. It was my awesome friend WAPF that gave me and my mother the strength, courage and knowledge to navigate the pandemic. The journals during that period were spellbinding, opening my eyes and understanding. Your writers, their research and expertise, and your courage are a testimony to truth finding a way.
I have spoken with a person who works at a large pharmacy, not sure if he is a pharmacist or one of the assistants. In any event, he sees all the prescriptions and knows what is going on. He told me about the explosion of diabetes. It makes sense that the stress to the body from 5G could be a factor in causing diabetes. I’ve just gotten some results back indicating I am pre-diabetic. However, I eat a very healthy WAPF diet. My mother was diagnosed with full-blown diabetes last summer. I have friends who are now pre-diabetic. I have long been suspecting this damage is happening to all of us in the epicenter of these frequencies. And I very much want to relocate to someplace where there is no 5G.
What amazes me about WAPF is that people through their suffering are sharing the good news of food as our “medicine” and many other ways to guide us as well.
I follow the WAPF guidelines about broth, organic butter, grass-fed meats, and organic veggies. However, for quite a while I did eat chocolate (two squares a day), and I do love coffee and tea (I used to have two cups of some kind of caffeine per day). Oh yes, and wine, probably two to three glasses per week.
I was drinking raw milk, but have not for over a year as I am still trying to get to a farm to purchase it. I do make my own kefir with the grains and milk from Oak Knoll Goat Milk (yes, it is pasteurized). It is not easy for me to drive to a farm, but it is still a goal!
So, I am not a model WAPF. But I treasure WAPF as a source of truth, of honesty, and Mother Nature and God-given ways of healing. I spend hours making broth and cooking forever in the kitchen! I take care of my ninety-nine-year-young mom, and dinner is an event!
Also, I do realize 5G is a part of our planet no matter where we are, and upstate NY might be more practical.
Terry Heller
New York, New York
Early on during the pandemic I discovered the Wise Traditions Podcast. It became one of my lifelines during that time. Most of the information from the podcast resonated with me, and other things made me think outside my box and question things in a good way. I listened to many of the podcasts over the next several months. Then in 2021 I was led to attend the annual conference. I signed up; even though I wasn’t sure how I was going to pay for it all, I trusted it would work out. And it did! I ended up winning a ticket to the conference and had enough frequent flier miles to cover my flight and enough credit card points to cover my hotel room.
The conference was wonderful! I met people right away. I felt very comfortable and no one wore masks! Not even the staff at the hotel. It was awesome! Soon after the conference I looked into becoming a chapter leader for our area. So, I filled out the application and worked on my resource list. I had a small gathering of women come to my house in November to explore the idea. Then, in January of 2023 we had our first meeting. We have been meeting monthly ever since. This month we had forty people attend!
It was a good thing for myself and my community that I stepped out of my comfort zone to start a chapter in Princeton, Minnesota. And to think that it all started from me listening to a few podcasts. Thank you for such a wonderful podcast! I am a dedicated listener.
Robin Suhsen, Chapter Leader
Princeton, Minnesota
Apparently coffee shops are where it’s at!
I remember a number of years ago Sally Fallon Morell mentioning that she dreamed of the day when kombucha would be readily available while traveling. Many times now while traveling, I do find kombucha offered at coffee shops, along with the traditional fare you expect to see. But recently, I was surprised to see that we have made another step in the right direction.
At the beginning of October, I drove to Montana for a wedding. On the way back home we needed to drop off my brother and sister-in-law in Bozeman, and we decided to grab a quick bite for lunch. My sister-in-law’s mother recommended we meet at the Farmer’s Daughter (farmersdaughtersbzn.com) as she likes their salads. It’s a small deli/coffee shop, and I wasn’t surprised to see kombucha offered, but I was shocked to see homemade bone broth on the menu! And it was super yummy!
A few weeks later we hit the road to drive to the conference in Kansas City, Missouri. We stopped for a couple of days in Fort Collins to see our daughter. My husband still needs his coffee hit every morning so we walked a few blocks to Old Town Fort Collins to a coffee shop my husband found while searching for nearby coffee shops (exploradomarket.com/) Such a surprise to see bone broth on the menu! This particular shop is also a gluten-free bakery that also uses no seed oils.
Another coffee shop nearby that my daughter has frequented also serves kombucha and has a refrigerated section offering local farm fresh eggs and produce for purchase.
There is another coffee shop in the small town of Deer Lodge, Montana; although the sourced ingredients are not the quality that we would hope for, they cook their breakfast burritos and sandwiches from scratch. I was surprised while we waited for my husband’s order to see real salt, not table salt, on the tables. I have only been in one other restaurant (a local one here in Coeur d’Alene) that has real salt in the shakers on the table.
It’s encouraging to see how far we have come and the offerings that can be found at independent coffee shops and small eateries now!
Barbara Geatches
Rathdrum, Idaho
I wanted to take the time to say thank you. I received another text from my mother this morning telling me how her doctors are so impressed with how healthy she has become. She was on all sorts of diabetes and cholesterol medications just two years ago. I remember telling her in the hospital—after her legs were twice the normal size with large oozing welts, her blood sugar level sky high and being fed the hospital food of orange juice, white bread with jam and eggs—that she would die if she stayed in there.
We left and she adopted the WAPF principles wholeheartedly. She’s now eighty and off all meds. Yes, she has some issues here and there, but overall, she is thriving. I write this because I know sometimes I feel discouraged as a chapter leader for various reasons (and guessing others do, too) and I am sure the WAPF office staff sometimes feels overwhelmed.
But my purpose in writing is to say thank you; thanks to all chapter leaders who try their best to share the information, to the office staff who keep things running smoothly and manage all tasks big and small. You never know whose life is going to be saved with this information. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So grateful for the WAPF.
Anya Adams
Sarasota, Florida
As a Lyme patient I found your article on Lyme disease (Winter, 2023) quite demoralizing. Yes, Lyme disease is a complex disease, not well understood and lacking in one-size-fits-all diagnostic tools and easy treatments. Yes, mainstream medicine is corrupt and uncaring, dispensing unsafe, ineffective and toxic meds, and completely failing to deal adequately with the skyrocketing rates of chronic illness. But to completely dismiss the role of pathogens in causing disease generally and Borrelia burgdorferi in causing Lyme disease is also irresponsible and a great disservice to those with chronic illness.
Right thinking and right living are all many people need to maintain health and treat illness, but not all people are so fortunate. For example, many people with Lyme disease also have mold illness. Genetic testing shows that many of these Lyme/mold patients have the HLA genetic mutation which results in their bodies being unable to make the protein needed by the immune system to mark biotoxins for elimination. This creates major deficiencies in detox and immune function. However perfect their diet, lifestyle and attitude, these people are going to have a serious problem dealing with pathogen and toxin exposures which would be a minor bump in the road for someone to whom fate had dealt a more favorable genetic profile. There are many other genetic mutations affecting the body’s ability to maintain health, of course, and depending on how many mutations and how serious they are and how they interact, some people are just going to be prone to developing chronic illness. They are going to have challenging lives as a result, but still deserve respect, support, understanding and safe, effective treatment.
Where does this article leave patients seeking help in treating chronic Lyme disease? If their disease state is mostly a result of poor diet and lifestyle, then maybe all they need is some common sense changes to improve. If they have compromised immune/detox/ methylation/etc. systems, though, they will also need to address the pathogens. And since these pathogens hide out in the body and recur in times of stress, they will always need to be on the alert and ready to treat these recurrences. The late, great Stephen Harrod Buhner has received mention in Wise Traditions and on the westonaprice.org website in the past. He has written an amazing series of books on Lyme and its confections. He has come up with effective natural (mostly herbal) treatments based on his extensive reading and knowledge of the research into the Lyme pathogens and how they operate, as well as many years of clinical experience using herbs. Treating chronic Lyme will always be a challenging project, but finding out which pathogens you are dealing with, how they operate in the body, and what the research shows about how they respond to various treatments is critical info to have. The fact that Buhner’s protocols lead to improved health and improved test results for the pathogens being treated indicates to me that identifying, understanding and treating the pathogens is important. As the old saying goes, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Mainstream medicine mostly does not like chronically ill patients. They do not understand us and do not have any effective and safe treatments for us. They are used to being treated like gods and feeling like gods. When they fail to help us and cause us to search out alternative medicine, they feel inadequate, threatened, angry, dismissive. Where the “professionals” lead, the masses will follow. Slowly, chronic illnesses are being recognized with diagnoses and some level of legitimacy, but the decades of denial by the medical community have left society with the feeling that our symptoms are a joke and “all in our head.” We are too often thought to be “hypochondriacs.” Children and women especially are thought to be “looking for attention.”
To see the title “The Lyme Disease Lie” on the cover of Wise Traditions just feels like more of the same: “There really isn’t anything wrong with you. You just need to eat right and live right.” Very discouraging. And this on an enlightened website where in the past I have seen Thumb’s Up reviews of Stephen Buhner’s books and other mentions of his helpfulness!? The message of “The Lyme Disease Lie” seems very similar to what I experienced with mainstream med: everything about your illness isn’t cut-and-dried and nice and neat, so therefore it doesn’t exist!
I am familiar with the germ versus terrain debate. The terrible mistake Western medicine has made in overlooking the importance of the terrain has been a great tragedy in so many ways. But let’s not make the mistake of jumping from one extreme to the other in correcting that mistake. Knowledge of both terrain and microbes has a role to play in maintaining health and treating disease. Microbes, beneficial and pathogenic, play a big part in our lives and our health or lack thereof. We do not live in the Garden of Eden. We are under constant assault by toxins, EMFs, pathogens and stresses of all kinds. Nobody has a perfect terrain in the modern world. Yes, do everything you can to lessen your exposure to toxins. Everyone should do their best to give their physical body all the help they can in maintaining their health, and do what they can to encourage others and society to join them in creating a healthier, happier, more peaceful world. Maybe we can get back to the Garden someday. In the meantime, those who are suffering and need help in addressing the pathogens that underlie their chronic illnesses should not be shamed or belittled or ignored, but receive the help and treatment they need.
The article by Samantha Bailey was not meant in any way to disparage the suffering of those diagnosed with Lyme disease, but to encourage patients to seek alternative non-toxic treatments, just as you are doing, rather than treat with antibiotics. And alternative treatments, such as herbal remedies by the late Stephen Buhner, can work, even when the explanation for how they work is faulty.
I have an eighteen-year-old son who was diagnosed with autism at age two. We witnessed a vaccine injury from the MMR. He had been developing normally and then lost motor skills and language and began to have gut issues and developmental regression. At that time he also began to have staring spells and we found out he was having abnormal EEGs around age four.
As an involved and dedicated mom, I did all the research I could and found that GFCFSF (gluten, dairy and soy)-free diets were helpful for healing. My son made some healing progress but still continued to be non-speaking and struggled with motor planning (apraxia), and the absence seizures continued. We did the GAPS diet but were always afraid to add in dairy, as many functional medicine doctors, including the one we saw, warned against dairy products of all kinds, even raw dairy due to CFD (cerebral folate deficiency).
Our son’s symptoms remained the same until age eleven when he began having convulsive seizures in clusters. It was frustrating as we felt like we were doing all we could yet he continued to have these seizures and his symptoms got worse as puberty progressed. It is important to note that he has not received a vaccine since age one.
We had been giving him leucovorin calcium since age five, but it always seemed to make him agitated. We were driven by fear and began using seizure medications to treat the convulsions, but it always seemed to make things worse for him overall. We were also using CBD and chiropractic, but he continued to have more and more seizures and agitation. The plandemic didn’t help that either.
He is now eighteen and has been seizure-free since September 2023. We began weaning him off seizure meds last summer in addition to the leucovorin (without the support of any of our allopathic medicine providers—but with the support of our chiropractor, homeopath and functional medicine doctor of osteopathy). He has been off all prescription meds since September. We added in raw dairy products and some herbals; he is still gluten and soy free. He is doing the best we have seen him in years. However, many in the autism/epilepsy community continue to believe that even raw dairy will cause seizures. We have living proof that this is not occurring.
A study published in Developmental and Medical Child Neurology (2008 May; 50(5): 346–352), titled “A milk-free diet downregulates folate receptor autoimmunity in cerebral folate deficiency syndrome,” is cited all the time in the autism community as a reason not to give raw milk to those who suffer from autism. I often wonder whether it is just the pasteurized dairy used in the study that lacks the enzymes and probiotics that leads to this issue. Do you have any studies to counter this?
Anytime I tell fellow autism/ epilepsy parents about my son’s improvements on raw dairy they refer to this study and talk about sudden death from epilepsy. Just curious about your thoughts and if you have any good information to share with them.
Vanessa Surprise
Oceanside, California
There is a huge difference in the effects of raw versus pasteurized milk. The proteins in pasteurized milk are so damaged that they can indeed provoke seizures. But we have had many reports of autism patients improving on raw milk.
In the last issue, you published my letter on the crisis in midwifery practice. Right now, I am focusing on the dangers of iron supplementation during pregnancy.
Our world has gone from accepting dangerous food fortification to becoming comfortable with oral iron supplementation, and now the current trend, which is spinning out of control, is to give iron IV “therapy” in pregnancy. We are simply heading further away from normal.
Iron feeds nearly all pathogenic bacteria. The medical world is identifying low ferritin levels as “iron deficiency anemia.” Yes it is. But why? It is because of the innate immune response that triggers ferritin to grab iron and hide it within body tissue to protect the body from inflammation. So what are they doing? Giving more iron!
There is no active mechanism to remove excess iron from the body. It will either be used to make hemoglobin or stored in body tissue or eaten by pathogenic bacteria leading to either dysbiosis, infection or an inflammatory state of degenerative disease. But, we give more.
The foods of civilization have grown to include iron fortification. Scary.
Name Withheld
I have been studying “dirty electricity” and reading Dr. Sam Milham’s book Dirty Electricity to understand it better.
Dirty electricity is simply electrical noise in the power lines coming into a building. It is caused by nearby motors, generators, fluorescent lights, LEDs and appliances. It travels in the ground. It can be remediated with special filters. greenwavefilters.com
I came across an interesting article where Dr. Milham found that dairy cattle in milking barns are very sensitive to high levels of dirty electricity that come from overhead fluorescent lights. The quote below is from the article.
“The first to notice the effects of increasing ground current levels were dairy farmers. The effect of electric power quality and ground currents on health and milk production in dairy cattle has been studied. After that study, some of the original twelve study farms continued to monitor power quality on a real time basis with an oscilloscope connected to two sixteen-inch square metallic plates which were grouted into the milking parlor floor 1.5m apart during the original study. In July 2015, milk production dropped suddenly with deteriorating monitored power quality at one of the study farms. The problem was traced to two new recently installed lamps from T8 Fluorescent Lights. The new lights were different from the older lights in that they contained modern electronic ballasts. The lamps caused an increase in the voltage measured in the milking parlor floor, and an increase in dirty electricity (high frequency voltage transients) in barn wiring. Turning the lights off restored milk production. Replacing the new fluorescent lights, which caused the drop in milk production, with two light emitting diode (LED) lamps fabricated to prevent radio frequency (RF) emission and dirty electricity, permanently restored milk production to levels seen before July 2015.”
Dirty electricity can also extend underground and affect dairies a quarter of a mile away. To quote Dr. Milham – “. . . after Dave Stetzer filtered (remediated) the dirty electricity in a Midwestern school, a dairy farmer a quarter of a mile away noticed that his cows each gave an average of 10 pounds more milk per day beginning the day the school was filtered. The cows responded to dirty electricity being removed from the ground currents.”
I wonder whether readers of this journal might want to know this information if they are dairy farmers! Here is a link to the article: sammilham.com/ lighting%20paper%20pdf.pdf
Jackie Hunt, Blogger
Thank you for all you do! My twelve-year-old son no longer has low insulin (they thought he was becoming a type 1 diabetic). Now his insulin is normal thanks to following your dietary suggestions these past six months. I wish I had found out about you earlier!
Keep up the incredible work you do!
Jeannette Black
Abilene, Texas
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