A Prophetic Dream
Have you ever sensed upon awakening that you had had an important dream, a dream you were supposed to remember? One morning recently I suddenly had a strong feeling before getting out of bed that I needed to recall a dream from the night before. As I concentrated, I recalled to my surprise that the dream had been about none other than Weston Price.
In the dream I had been shown the Earth and the past century as if from some distance and a knowing voice said: “Weston Price came here to show this world some of the serious consequences of its course of modernization.” Then Dr. Price’s name was suspended in my awareness and, as if a film projector lens was refocused, the letters of his name shifted to Western Price–the Price of Westernization. The profundity of this shift in meaning reverberated in my dream consciousness for some time.
This dream gave me the strong sense that Dr. Price’s research did not happen merely by chance. When we consider the narrow historical window that he was able to take advantage of, it becomes apparent that his research had to happen in his time, even though the West may not yet have been ready for it. The adoption of western foods by just enough traditional peoples, but not by all, to show the negative effects; the advent of world travel; the invention of the camera–this confluence of events afforded the unprecedented opportunity to document the immense health changes going on all around the world due to the “displacing foods of modern commerce.” We all have a great purpose and I’m so thankful that Weston Price fulfilled his, spelled out in his name.
Here’s to the memory of this pioneering researcher, prophet and humanitarian, Weston A. Price, and to this new foundation! May your work bring health and happiness to many. Above all may it help us in the West find a middle way toward modernization, one which allows us to enter the age of technology and still fulfill our incredible potential for physical perfection and vibrant health.
Christopher Cogswell
Nicasio, California
Editor’s Response: Thank you for sharing your wonderful dream! The West has much to give, but much to answer for if we use our technology in destructive ways.
A War of Words
Today I met a 70-year-old woman at a yoga class who was suffering deeply because her great-granddaughter had tried to kill herself. The girl is eleven years old. She said that there was probably some kind of genetic problem in her family.
After the class I approached her and asked her what kind of diet they were on. She said they were vegetarians and were on a lowfat diet! I explained to her briefly about Dr. Price’s work. She told me that she is spending a fortune because her grandchildren and great grand children have such crooked teeth. She is a beautiful woman with beautiful bone structure, originally from the West Indies. She told me that her mother always cooked with lard and butter and that her father made bread with coconut every week.
There is a war out there and so much suffering. But this is a war of words, more subtle than a war with weapons, and more difficult to address.
Pilar Bastida
Baltimore, MD
Editor’s Response: We urge all our members to arm themselves with our most basic and most effective weapon, the 28-page Weston A. Price Foundation informational brochure, available for just $1 each, including postage. Go to our online Store for ordering details.
It’s Not the Fats
This morning I heard an interview on BBC with a Chinese doctor about an area in China with a low rate of heart disease. The interview centered on the question of why this picture changed for the worse when people from that area abandoned their native diet. When asked if it was the fat in hamburgers that caused the deterioration, the doctor answered, “No, in fact the fat content is the same.” But he did stress the masses of green leafy vegetables and other vegetable and high fiber foods.
Thank you for helping so many with an opportunity for entering 2000 with accurate nutrition information. My order for 100 informational brochures is enclosed.
Treska Lindsey
Flat Rock, NC
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