This event is not sponsored by the Weston A Price Foundation; we are sending this to our members as a courtesy.
HealThy Mouth World Summit
Have you have come across the news about our upcoming FREE online event, the HealThy Mouth World Summit? We went on a quest to interview the world’s leading experts on solutions each of us can apply to navigate to greater oral health. The result is the HealThy Mouth World Summit, 21 expert presentations offering solutions to assist each of us in creating positive changes in our oral health, addressing questions like:
How can I Raise Cavity Free Kids?
What are my alternative/ healthy options if I have ‘silver’ fillings, root canals, crowns, implants or other challenging dental procedures?
The mouth/body connection, relationships between oral health and heart disease, cancer, diabetes and arthritis, MS and many others!
What is the proper protocol to remove amalgam fillings?
What’s the truth about mercury and fluoride? and.. How can I safely detox mercury from my body?
What are the questions I can ask a dentist to determine if they are educated and aware of how dentistry can support greater whole being health?
And so many more empowering questions…
We believe that many of us, if given the opportunity to grasp the TRUTH about how to create positive change in our own lives, will joyfully jump at the chance to participate in something that will help us in this crucial way. This is the first time that these experts have been brought together with the express intent to share solutions, real life solutions that each of us can apply in our own lives, in our own homes, with our chosen healthcare providers, to navigate to greater oral health and whole being health as well.
After all, we all have mouths (some of ours bigger than others I admit! 🙂 and we all seem to have some sort of not-so-pretty story in our dental history. Here is the FREE opportunity to learn from 21 of the leading experts from around the world about strategies to create positive changes! Biological dentists, nutritionists, medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, and authors all sharing what they understand as solutions to assist each of us in navigating to greater oral health. But you have to act now, the FREE summit runs January 13-20!
Registered summit attendees will also be invited to attend free LIVE Q&A sessions the day after each day’s presentations!
Here are just a few of the expert speakers:
Dr Hal Huggins, author of Uninformed Consent – A View From Above… What dentistry can look like in the future
Rami Nagel, author of Cure Tooth Decay – the Role of Food in Healing Tooth Decay
Dr David Kennedy, author of How to Save Your Teeth – The Truth about Fluoride and Fluoride Solutions
Dr Bruce Fife, author of Oil Pulling Therapy – the Benefits of Oil Pulling for greater whole being health
and many more!
How would it feel to know that you are educating yourself from literally the top oral health experts from around the world?
We encourage you to come register your place to attend the summit! We also invite you to come learn about our affiliate program.
We have intentionally timed the summit to start on the last day of the upcoming WAPF event near you. We know that most of the people around the world interested in the real food movement will not be attending this year’s event but still would love to have access to empowering information the HealThy Mouth World Summit offers. We invite you to help us spread the word!
Here’s a link to the site:
Here’s a link to the affiliate program:
Imagine for a moment how good you will feel hearing how you helped someone gain control of their oral and whole body health, simply by sharing this information with them. Please consider helping us spread the word about this impactful event!
Thank you for your time and attention.
Will and Susan Revak
founders of OraWellness
Take Control of Your Oral Health
Creators of the HealThy Mouth World Summit!
Please join us on Facebook!
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