A Farewell to Virology (PT 1): Dr Mark Bailey / Steve Falconer
If you are a devout follower of scientism or establishment pseudoscience, there is nothing to see here. You might want to return to your cat vids and have a nice day. Cat videos are one of the most searched for terms on the web (I saw that on the Internet, so it must be true). Someone who is suspicious might think I keep mentioning cats in an attempt to lure traffic to this page. Would I do that? Cat. Cat. Cat.
For those who can’t ignore the absurdities and logical fallacies that pass for science, this is a great video. In 2022, Mark Bailey wrote an essay explaining that virology is not valid science. When you try to track down the source of claims that viruses have been isolated, all you find are fingers pointing to someone else. Christine Massey queried over two hundred government and scientific agencies around the world looking for proof of virus isolation. Nobody could give it to her.
When you do reach one of these legendary sources, you find enough circular reasoning to make anyone dizzy. You find terms that have been redefined. You find the dreaded homunculus argument. That sounds like some scary monster from a 1950s B movie named The Homunculus That Ate New Jersey. What it really means is that you can’t define a word using the same word—like saying the definition of red is something that is red. There is no consistently agreed upon definition of isolation in virology. One virologist interviewed in this video tried to define “isolate” as a noun: “isolate: a virus we have isolated from an infected host and propagated in culture.” Whoever came up with that definition is an idiot, which is defined as someone who is an idiot.
The process used to isolate a virus goes something like this: hork a loogie into a petri dish, filter, put the resulting yuck in a cell culture, starve the cells and add antibiotics. When the cells die, assume it must be because of the killer virus. (It couldn’t possibly be from starvation or antibiotics.) Stefan Lanka proved that the dead cells were not necessarily the victims of killer viruses. The culture includes a mix of Vero cells (kidney cells from a green monkey) and bovine tissue—all stuff with its own DNA. Along with this monkey business, lung loogies can have a combination of lung tissue, bacteria, pollen and even bugs, all of which have their own DNA. If you perform a PCR test to detect any DNA fragment, you are probably going to find it, especially if you run the test through many cycles.
This is not just some academic detail that doesn’t matter to most people. This fake science is being used to convince people to shut down farms and destroy our food supply to prevent some imaginary cootie from killing us all. The thumb is UP for this video. Cat.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2024
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