Cure Gum Disease Naturally: Heal and Prevent Periodontal Disease and Gingivitis with Whole Foods
Ramiel Nagel
Golden Child Publishing 2015
Conventional dental or periodontal approaches to gum disease make the same shortsighted mistake that most modern medical treatment protocols make. Typical approaches in dentistry focus just on the gums and teeth as if they are in no way connected to the rest of the body. This approach has led to painful treatments like scraping the roots of teeth and cutting back gum tissue. I heard of a case once where root scraping was performed without anesthetic. It took three people to hold the poor victim down. It would take more than that to hold me down if you even suggest it. Even with pain killers it is unpleasant. On top of all that, the success rate is not impressive.
If you like pain you can go with that approach. Ramiel Nagel helpfully provides an alternative for more normal people. This alternative takes a holistic approach and considers root causes of the conditions. It is based on the pioneering work of three great dentists of the twentieth century: Weston Price, Melvin Page, and Harold Hawkins. Price sums it up as largely a nutrition problem. Insufficient fat-soluble vitamins and minerals (especially phosphorus) can lead to gum disease, among other things. Inadequate calcium can also be a factor. You may be getting enough calcium but not assimilating it due to lack of fat-soluble vitamins.
Dr. Hawkins studied the relationship between gum disease and pH of blood, urine, saliva and calcium and phosphorus levels. He found that the ratios between those components are important and nutrition is the key to prevention. Melvin Page also found in particular that the ratio between calcium and phosphorus closely correlated to gum disease or tooth decay.
Nagel goes into detail on where to get the nutrition you need to stop the decay. Nutrition alone will not necessarily repair the damage already done but can prevent any further damage. Dr. Price made an interesting observation concerning an Australian aboriginal on a government boat: “It is of interest that while the native Aborigines had relatively perfect teeth, this man who was a trained dietitian for the whites had lost nearly all his teeth from tooth decay and pyorrhea (gum disease).”
Good fat is also critical to gum health. Fat phobia is still alive and well in the United States but even Harvard School of Public Health has admitted that it is time to extinguish the dangerous myth that a lowfat diet confers health.
Cure Gum Disease Naturally covers environmental and other factors involved in gum disease. Dental implants end up causing trouble more often than not. There is also a section near the end that explains why you need to be very careful when you choose a dentist to consult. Many of them are more concerned about dollars than dentition. Dentists as a group are not very healthy. If you follow the advice of unhealthy dentists, you will end up just like them. The thumb is UP.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2015
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Thanks for this!
Thank you all so much! I can’t stand the dentist! I had gut issues and gum and teeth issues. I healed my gut. Still seeking to restore my teeth and gums! Appreciate this information so much!
I’m wondering if there’s anyone out there who’s actually managed to heal receding gums? I’ve been really trying to but haven’t succeeded yet. I’m a 32 yr old mom, with hormone imbalance problems as well, which are likely contributing to the gum problems as well..
Have you had any luck in healing your receding gums? I’m 31 and looking to have children in the future and want to heal this issue.