EMF Freedom: Solutions for the 21st Century Pollution, 3rd Edition
By Elizabeth Plourde, PhD and Marcus Plourde, PhD
New Voice Publications
The third edition of EMF Freedom explains how electromagnetic field (EMF) frequencies disrupt our bodies’ cellular chemical reactions and offers actions to mitigate this twenty-first-century assault. Part 1 covers general background on EMFs, Part 2 explains effects on the body, Part 3 previews impacts on the next generation and Part 4 provides solutions to protect you and your family. EMF Freedom concludes with recommended books and films, as well as over three hundred references.
EMF frequencies (for example, from cell phones and wireless devices) are a form of non-ionizing radiation, which much of mainstream science continues to classify as “safe” compared to sources of ionizing radiation such as x-rays and CT scans. The Federal Communications Commission’s tool to determine safe human exposure is SAR (specific absorption rate); however, while SAR measures thermal effects, it does not accurately measure the vast majority of biological effects from man-made non-ionizing environmental radiation that are non-thermal. The U.S. allows a SAR of up to 1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg), but many studies have proved that biological harm takes place at levels well below this rate. The Plourdes lay out a compelling case for these biochemical impacts, providing a comprehensive overview of the evidence (at times overly detailed and even overwhelming). Chapters cover EMFs and the brain, Alzheimer’s disease, the immune system and cancer, major organ damage, diabetes and the reproductive tract.
If you have limited capacity to comb through over two hundred pages of scientific evidence, I have pulled out some of the book’s most valuable facts about EMF harms. First, the energy from non-ionizing radiation is enough to vibrate molecules, alter the electrical charge of cells and disrupt our cells’ chemical reactions, increasing cell death, DNA breaks and rearrangements in sperm and testicular cells. EMF frequencies affect calcium balance (disrupting blood pressure, blood clotting, bone metabolism, sugar metabolism and brain cell loss) and antioxidant balance (increasing reactive oxygen species and other free radicals, damaging brain cells and muscle cells). There are effects on brain and gut permeability (which can increase food allergies and alter behavior). EMF radiation lowers GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, and disrupts its function; studies suggest decreased GABA and altered GABA function play a central role in depression. Alarmingly, a study published in late 2012 showed that individuals who begin using mobile and cordless phones before the age of twenty have higher risks for brain cancer.
NASA and OSHA have acknowledged harmful EMF health effects and documented a wide range of symptoms when electromagnetic frequencies surpass a MPE (Maximum Permissible Exposure Safety Limit), including confusion, vertigo, headache, blurred vision, overall nauseous feeling, body heating, shocks, burns and bad taste in the mouth. Many studies describe those and other body-wide effects at even lower levels of exposure, including insomnia, heart palpitations, behavior disorders, tinnitus, fatigue, food allergies, memory loss, bleeding, numbness, skin rashes, effects on the nerves and symptoms resembling the condition labeled as “Lyme disease.”
The Plourdes offer practical steps to mitigate negative EMF impacts. One includes keeping devices powered off and far away during sleep. Even when not in use, cell phones periodically emit pulsed radiation. Other ways to minimize exposure include decreasing overall use of cell phones, computers and wireless devices; removing smart meters; removing electrical objects from sleeping areas; grounding; reducing fluorescent lighting; not using cell phones, GPS or Bluetooth while driving; and avoiding electric and hybrid cars. They note that air travel and airline Wi-Fi involve increased EMF exposure.
The Plourdes recommend staying hydrated and eating an organic, non-GMO diet high in antioxidants and vitamins C and E, which protect against oxidative damage to the brain. They also suggest wearing natural fibers like cotton, silk and wool, and avoiding synthetics that attract electricity. Before moving to a new house, apartment or office, it would be wise to assess the locations of cell towers and antennas (you can look up the address on antennasearch.com).
As more technologies are introduced worldwide, we must investigate and understand the impact of electromagnetic radiation on all life forms. The Plourdes pose a powerful question: “Does it make sense to save the planet if we all become so disabled we can no longer enjoy it?” Their advice complements the nutritional principles of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Both shore up our bodies in the face of increased chemical and electromagnetic exposures. Although I would have preferred that the information be more streamlined, I still give the book a solid thumbs up because of its valuable content.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2024
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