Jabbed: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government Stick It to You and Your Family
By Brett Wilcox
Simon & Schuster
Who could have imagined that in order to avoid censorship on social media, millions would have to replace the word “vaccine” with the word “jab” (along with dozens of other words)? Though most, back in 2017 and 2018, could not see such censorship coming, one person who was trying to wake folks up was Brett Wilcox.
Medical Tyranny
Indeed, the first chapter of Jabbed, titled “Pharma, Medicine, Government, and the Religion of Vaccinology,” basically encapsulates the two years of madness we have had to live under in much of the world since 2020—a medical tyranny created by the confluence of government power and corporate greed.
Wilcox has had a singular motivation for some time: “I refuse to be complicit with corporations and governments that injure and kill children for the greater good of corporate profits.” However, I don’t think even he could have envisaged the depths that governments and corporations would go to in just a few years, with a new opportunity to sacrifice millions of lives for the sake of the greatest corporate profit-making scheme in the history of the world.
I debated how best to review Jabbed. At around three hundred dense pages—with almost one hundred additional pages of footnotes—it is neither a short nor easy read, but not because Wilcox’s writing is poor. On the contrary, he is an excellent researcher and writer. However, between the depth and breadth of the subject matter and the difficulty in not becoming angry and upset during reading (I took frequent breaks), a book like Jabbed hits hard and close to home.
Banking on Fear
The third chapter alone, “Banking on Fear,” is worth the price. If you were confused about the “hows” and “whys” of the last twenty-four months, this chapter describes the pharma and government playbook in vivid detail. As Wilcox points out, “In reality, the irrational fear necessary to produce vaccine compliance has little if anything to do with legitimate fear of infectious diseases.” After living under two years of ceaseless fear-mongering designed to gain public compliance with a new, ineffective and dangerous vaccine, this chapter is beyond prescient.
Fear News
If I were to summarize Jabbed, I would highlight three major themes. The first involves the collusion of pharma and media. Yes, big pharma is a horrible catastrophe, but without the help of the modern media, pharma’s power over the public would be a fraction of what it now is.
There is a reason that pharma’s research and development (R&D) budget is eclipsed by its spending on advertising and lobbying. You must first sell the disease in order to make “the cure” profitable. There is also a reason big pharma and its government lackeys actively train and shape media reporting on disease, illness and so much more. As Wilcox explains, “Vaccine sociopaths in the Unholy Trinity control both the creation and the dissemination of the vaccine story. . . by and large, the industry manipulates the herd via the pharma-funded mainstream media.”
Big Pharma Profits
The second and related major theme involves the collusion of government and big pharma. On the one hand, media sell the fear and cure, while on the other hand, government both subsidizes and shields big pharma. No industry in the history of the world has enjoyed such a privileged and protected position as the modern medical cartel, and the vaccine side of the cartel is the golden calf of the entire crooked religion.
Can you name any other industry that has its own private court system and government-funded compensation pool to pay out damages to a minority of those injured by its products (that is, if the injured succeed in meeting the formidable legal hurdles)?
Can you name any other industry where, to attend school or serve in the military or do hundreds of other things, you had to use that industry’s product—and show proof?
Can you think of any industry that introduces dozens of bills in the U.S. alone to force small children to use its products (often at taxpayer or insurance company expense)?
Or an industry that refuses to sell its products in a given country until that country’s government complies with the industry’s various demands, including demands to be indemnified against any harm its products may cause to that country’s people?
Can you think of any industry (other than tobacco) that has sued to keep its internal safety data hidden from public purview for decades?
And the collusion goes even deeper. Doctors must have a license to practice medicine in the U.S., and the government controls the licensing boards, as does big pharma. A doctor friend just spent much of 2021 under review, threatened with losing his license because he spoke out and chose not to follow the big-pharma-approved treatment approach. As Wilcox relates, when you ask doctors privately about vaccines, many say they cannot comment on the subject. Why? Because they would lose their licenses.
Joe Rogan Anti-Vaccine Censorship
The third theme of Jabbed has to do with the suppression of dissenting science and voices by all parties involved in profiting from the vaccine myth. Indeed, a quote sometimes attributed to Voltaire captures a real truth about vaccines and pharma, a truth that the Weston A. Price Foundation and others have experienced first-hand over the past two years: “If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.” The vaccine religion in the U.S. continues to hold sway because dissent is quickly silenced at all levels of the culture.
Are you confused over the kerfuffle about Joe Rogan and why the U.S. surgeon general is calling for his censorship? Rogan is the first public media figure—and currently the biggest media figure in the nation, with a viewership greater than the next six or seven largest media shows combined—to allow honest and open discussion about topics like vaccines. He is also the first media person and platform not owned and influenced by big pharma. And that just can’t be allowed.
The treasure trove of primary documents cited and quoted in Jabbed is both illuminating and infuriating. Again, the book’s only drawback is how hard it is to read about such wanton wickedness and those who are profiting from it, including those who are pushing the agenda even if they are little more than pawns.
As we enter year three of the scamdemic, Jabbed is a book that we wish had been read by tens of millions of Americans before January 2020 to inoculate them against the fear-mongering, and had been covered and debated by the media instead of suppressed (as any fair debate and discussion of vaccines always is). We wish it had been in the hands of lawmakers and officials at all levels of government as required reading to help insulate them against industry propaganda. Perhaps more people will listen now.
Two thumbs up.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2022
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Brett Wilcox says
John, Thank you for reviewing my book, JABBED. Looking back at it now, JABBED almost seems prophetic, but it’s not. Those who control the narrative have clearly stated their intentions for years. Covid is merely the latest chapter (or is monkeypox the latest?) to control humanity with compulsory vaccines. Thus, I was able to write in 2016 in the chapter titled “Sticking It to Your Future,” the following: “The trend is clear: access to employment, public education, public space, public services, public transportation, health insurance, etc., will increasingly be tied to vaccination status. Welcome to the world of the future, where wealthy people and their fellow elites will be the only ones free from the scourge of compulsory vaccinations.”
Thanks again for the review and for your work!
P.S. For those who are interested, I blog at RunningTheCountry.com.
Denise Zirkle says
Brett is a personal friend and this book is full of facts. Highly recommend. Of course there are those who will find fault with it. Brett shared Vaxxed with me as well. Eye opening documentary.
Judith Bartlett says
Thank you all very much who are researching and sharing all this valuable info – I am awake and have been for quite some years, beavering away finding out more, but very grateful that you have put such a lot in an orderly format that can be easily shared and transported and is not simply digital thereby at risk of being censored! Here’s to creating a beautiful positive harmonious future of freedom, community, healing, of thriving Nature & wonderful abundance :)) XXX