A Thumbs Up Book Review
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats
By Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD
Here’s what the critics said about the First Edition:
I have to recommend . . . Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. The first chapter of her book is so right on target that I feel a little guilty for taking her ideas. But what she pointed out is that independent producers of food–such as people who present us with meat, poultry, eggs and butter–provide the lowest profit margin in the industry. People who put out junk food . . . have an incredible return on invested capital because they are putting out low-cost items and making a very high profit.
Robert C. Atkins, MD
Author of The Atkins’ New Diet Revolution
Nourishing Traditions is more than a cookbook–it’s an education that will lead you to “cook with pride,” as you will know that you are giving your family the proper nourishment for a lifetime of vigorous good health. Now that is the real “joy of cooking!”
William Campbell Douglass, MD
Author of The Milk Book
Nourishing Traditions . . . is a work of genius . . . richly encyclopedic. . . . Run, don’t walk to the nearest phone and order Nourishing Traditions.
Clara Felix
Author of the Felix Letter
This cookbook is unique. . . . Nourishing Traditions throws down the gauntlet to challenge the “Diet Dictocrats.”
Beatrice Trum Hunter
Author of Consumer Beware
As a convinced vegetarian of some 25 years, I opened Sally Fallon’s book to her many meat recipes and immediately closed it again. But then I figured that there must be more to it than that. There is. . . . I was surprised at the wealth of information to help me (even as a vegetarian) make better food choices and prepare the ones I have chosen to get the most nourishment from them.
Peter Hinderberger
Former President, Physicians Society of Anthropisophysical Medicine
To order contact www.newtrendspublishing.com, or click on the graphic above to buy it on Amazon.com.
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I am reading the Nourishing Traditions cookbook and in the Piima Starter Culture recipe, it lists the ingredients as 1 cup good quality cream and 1 envelope piima powder (see Sources) Where are the sources that we are too see? I am interested in this, but am not finding sources, I guess I might be dumb as a rock, but would appreciate your guidance!
Kerry and others,,,, If you need to find a source of something (where ever you are on the web), select what you are looking for use the right button on your mouse and select the “search with xxxx {your default browser} and a page should come up with all sorts of sources. I did this and here is the URL https://search.brave.com/search?q=piima+powder&source=desktop ,,, for the page I got by selecting the term “piima powder’ in your note to Jill Nienhiser, the author of this blog. I am on a Mac and I use Brave as my browser as it does not Keep track of my searches and I do not get all sorts of unwanted ads. Great site, very good info. I was an organic farmer/fruit stand operator for nearly 30 years in the 70s-80s-90s in Mendocino California, now living in NW Washington.
Hi Kerry,
The “Sources” begin on page 626. I found them by looking in the Table of Contents near the end.
Take care,
How do I gain weight and body mass? I am a 23 year old male and 125 lb. What types of food should I eat?
Don’t gain fat, gain muscle. You didn’t say how tall you are, but if you’re over 5’6” you may want to increase your calories with milk. But you will need to do some weight trainging too. If not, you’ll just get flabby. Look up Mark Rippetoe. He uses real science to explain what weight training is realy all about. Plus he tells you what do do and when to do it and how to do it.
Hola quiero comprar el libro en español sigo la dieta de la fundación desde el 2012 pude curar el hipotiroisdismo que tenía y toda mi familia es ahora más saludable.
Gracias por tanto amor
You’re out of stock on Amazon I wanted to send this book to a dear friend please inform me when you’re back in stock again thank you… The regular book does it not have 70 or so pages of enlightening one in the proper use of oils for cooking and the many other things that support healthy nutritional absorption? Your book I believe save my life is changed everything about my health and well-being in 2009 I lost my memory it took me 10 months with my former wife who are still great friends to cook this way and to eat plant-based neurotransmitters needless to say I’m back I’m healthy and I’m spreading the word. Maybe we could just put a link with your book on the foundation website that I created more people need to know about how this can truly affect their health and well-being.
We are so glad to hear of your success with Nourishing Traditions and a WAPF-style diet! The book may be ordered from a variety of sources in addition to Amazon, or directly from the publisher (along with other excellent books published by New Trends). We do not include a link to purchase on our website because, as a non-profit, we do not sell any items but rather receive donations for a few things (brochures, Healthy 4 Life books, back issues of our journals).
I have a picky 3 year old boy who eats very little. He is very low on charts for weight and height. What food can I give him to help him gain weight.
Nourishing Traditions cookbook. do you have a spiral bound version I can purchase?
This looks awesome. Thanks
Does this book contain information on how to ferment grains/beans/nuts/seeds?
Also, is it possible to remove the majority of phytate in these items such that cavities can be avoided?
I am a non-secretor of blood type antigen into the body fluids & tissues, and have struggled with tooth decay before I understood what phytate was doing to my teeth, due to lack of bifida in intestine to break it down, which then led to a long history of cavities and root canals.
Thank you.