The Hidden Story of Cancer: Find Out Why Cancer Has Physicians on the Run and How a Simple Plan Based on New Science Can Prevent It
By Brian S. Peskin and Amid Habib
Pinnacle Press
In Brian Peskin’s world it’s all very simple and straightforward: he’s right and virtually everyone else is wrong. Attend one of his lectures or email him personally, as I have done, and that’s pretty much the message you’re going to get. But how right is he actually?
Peskin is very clever at mixing facts and fiction. Sadly, the facts aren’t originally his own―but the fiction is.
Peskin claims he’s “standing on the shoulders of a giant.” That giant is none other than German biochemist Otto Warburg, a contemporary of Weston Price. Peskin brings Warburg’s very important, yet largely ignored research on cancer and nutrients to the reader’s attention. For this, he deserves every bit of credit.
For those of you not familiar with Otto Warburg, this brilliant scientist started doing research into the mechanism behind cancer in the 1920s. Warburg discovered and demonstrated that cancer cells are normal cells which become anaerobic cancer cells once they lack as little as 35 percent oxygen. The cells then start fermenting blood sugar (glucose) as a source of fuel, much like the cells of primitive organisms do.
This anaerobic fermentation process is known in medical circles as the “Warburg factor,” but that’s about all the credit they have been willing to extend him. As happens to all great thinkers, Warburg’s findings have been hotly disputed. Yet to date no one has been successful at proving him wrong in clinical trials.
In his book, Peskin demonstrates the fallacy of looking for cancer-causing “viruses” or “oncogenes,” stressing that cancer is not viral, nor is it genetic. Peskin even gets it right when he mentions that the integrity and permeability of the cell membrane, which is largely composed of lipids (fats), is very important for transporting oxygen and other important nutrients into the cell, as well as waste matter out of the cell.
He’s also right on the money when he mentions that the consumption of too many carbs and processed vegetable oils and fats jacks up our blood sugar and weakens and suffocates the cell walls, thus promoting the very factors that Otto Warburg discovered cause cancer. So far, so good.
But where Peskin goes wrong is when he starts adding his own questionable views about how to restore and maintain the integrity of the cell membrane.
According to Peskin, all the reader needs to do is take supplements of high-quality, plant-based “Parent Essential Oils (PEOs),” that is, essential eighteen-carbon omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid) and eighteen-carbon omega-6 (linoleic acid) fats.
According to Peskin, these “parent oils” are all the human body needs and it will effortlessly make the necessary conversion to the elongated forms of omega-3 (DHA) and omega-6 (arachidonic acid). Countless studies have proven him wrong and shown that the body actually prefers ready-made long-chain fatty acids, but Peskin conveniently looks the other way and says they’re wrong and he’s right.
In fact, according to Peskin, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are even “toxic.” Here’s the real kicker: DHA-rich fish oils (including cod liver oil) are written off as “poisons.” Never once does he distinguish between highly processed fish oil and low-temperatureproduced cod liver oil. For Peskin, it’s all “poison.” Oddly enough, Peskin does distinguish between “adulterated” and “unadulterated” PEOs.
But it gets even weirder. For some reason known only to Peskin, he has taken it upon himself to glorify omega-6 fatty acids and villify omega-3 fatty acids, particularly the elongated variety. Peskin even claims the human body contains very little omega-3, since most of it gets “burned up” by the body.
On what science does he base his information? Peskin cites a body of studies which show that omega-6 is ubiquitous in humans. Although this looks convincing on the surface, such studies are actually based on modern, grain-eating humans. Had Peskin bothered to study populations of hunter-gatherers, subsisting for the most part on wild animals eating a lot of omega-3 rich green plants, he might have arrived at entirely different conclusions about the fatty acid composition of the human body―with a much larger base in evolutionary history, I might add.
It’s now a well-known scientific fact that modern confinement cattle, as well as the humans that eat them, are largely grain-fed, causing a predominance of omega-6 fatty acids in the body, at the expense of the omega-3 fatty acids Peskin has a problem with. Paradoxically, Peskin does advocate the consumption of grass-fed meat.
He produces one study after another about the importance of plant-based essential fatty acids. Yet he fails to recognize that there is a government agenda to turn populations worldwide into semi-vegetarians by basing their food intake on carbohydrates from grains, vegetables and fruit and very little animal fat and cholesterol.
Saturated fat, the fat of choice for all the indigenous populations―gets hardly a mention in Peskin’s book. Only a handful of brave scientists have actually studied saturated fat in great depth and detail, among whom is Mary Enig, someone Peskin is not likely to “chew the fat” with any time soon. Actually, the body needs only very small quantities of “parent” essential fatty acids when the diet is rich in saturated fat.
“Just take the oils,” is all he seems to be saying in his book and lectures. Oh, and eat protein. Animal protein, that is. It seems animals are only good as a source of quality protein, but the fats will have to come from plant-based oil supplements.
So tell me, Brian, where exactly did Grock get his oil supplements? A couple of cave blocks away? Where did he get his plant-based essential oils during an Ice Age which lasted 2.5 million years? And did he really only eat lean meat?
By now you’re probably wondering what all of this has to do with “the hidden story of cancer.” According to Peskin, our cell membranes are supposed to be made up of essential fatty acids, the “PEOs” he recommends the reader should supplement with.
In a bizarre twist of logic, Peskin actually manages to view these highly unstable oils as “oxygen magnets.” According to him, the PEOs attract oxygen from the blood, which then ends up in the cell, thus oxygenating the cell and preventing or curing cancer, which is inherently anaerobic.
Yes, unstable fats do attract oxygen, but they turn rancid as a result, because these unstable fats are highly susceptible to oxidation. Which is why, in the human body, they’re always in the presence of highly stable saturated fat to prevent this from happening. Although Peskin does acknowledge this fact, this is only mentioned in passing.
Despite all the scientific “evidence,” which seems to back up Peskin’s claims, he fails to produce even one controlled, double-blind scientific trial that clearly proves the effectiveness of his protocol.
Not only is all of this misleading to cancer patients, it’s also plain wrong. But in Peskin’s world, he’s right and you’re not. He may be “standing on the shoulders of a giant” (Otto Warburg), but a giant Peskin is not.
Had he confined himself to merely writing a book about Otto Warburg, I would no doubt have put my thumb up for this book. But, since Peskin takes Warburg’s well-studied facts and adds his own pseudo-scientific fiction into the mix, my thumb remains firmly down for this book.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2012.
The same guy?
If I’m not mistaken, there was a fellow named Brian Scott Peskin who made quite a name for himself back in the late 1990s or so (I don’t remember clearly when it was exactly). He also made a small fortune selling his supplements — or, rather, getting other people to sell them for him. There were two main formulas, one featuring fats and the other featuring an herbal concoction. Everything was full speed ahead until it was discovered he had been lying about his education and affiliations. He had claimed nonexistent degrees and research affiliations with institutions that had never heard of him. I forget what happened to him, but he and his miracle products both disappeared as suddenly as they had appeared. Poof. Could this be his second coming?
Just also want to ad Peskin is coming out with another hard hitting book called PEO-Solution written with Dr Robert Rowan and you can read about it
His research as always tells it like it is…
If I’m not mistaken, there was a fellow named Brian Scott Peskin who made quite a name for himself back in the late 1990s or so (I don’t remember clearly when it was exactly). He also made a small fortune(HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT DID YOUI SEE HIS RECORDS) selling his supplements — or, rather, getting other people to sell them for him.(THATS CALLED DOING BUSINESS..YOU EVER GO IN A SUPERMARKET) There were two main formulas, one featuring fats and the other featuring an herbal concoction.(ESSIAC TO BE EXACT) Everything was full speed ahead until it was discovered he had been lying (HE NEVER LIED ABOUT ANYTHING) about his education and affiliations.(HE WAS A PROFESSOR AND HAS A DEGREE IN ELECTRICIAL ENG) He had claimed nonexistent degrees(WHAT ARE NON EXISTENT DEGREES MEAN…UNTRUE HE HAS A DEGREE FROM MIT) and research affiliations with institutions that had never heard of him.(NAME THEM) I forget what happened to him,(HE IS STILL WRITING AND AND RESEARCHING AND STILL TELLS IT LIKE IT IS) but he and his miracle products both disappeared as suddenly as they had appeared. HE DOES NOT SELL ANY PRODUCTS DIRECTLY AS HE IS A CONSULTANT FOR MANY COMPANIES) Poof. Could this be his second coming? (LAST SENTENCE COMPLETELY STUPID)
Sid Aust
Quackwatch is for quacks – completely dumb site. Don’t ever quote this as a source if you want to be taken seriously.
One more thing forgot to mention…Here is your quote “now a bizarre twist of logic, Peskin actually manages to view these highly unstable oils as “oxygen magnets.” According to him, the PEOs attract oxygen from the blood, which then ends up in the cell, thus oxygenating the cell and preventing or curing cancer, which is inherently anaerobic.
If you would like to start a story too tear down a person’s reputation and research…you need to base your story on facts and not opinion as you have done…If also if you care read more about his research you also would have learned more on the oxygen attracting ability of the PEO’s. Here is the link if you care to learn some additional facts before making opinionated comments and book reviews…In 2004 Brian commissioned an experiment with mice at an independent
laboratory experienced in oncological studies.
As the saying goes JUST THE FACTS and not opinion…
Sid Aust
Brian Peskin lecture in Munich, Germany in 2012
Here is Brian Peskin’s presentation notes in front of The Oncology Society in Germany which was well received I am told. Lots of Peskin research comes from medical school textbooks in Medical Physiology and Medical Biochemistry….anyone with brain should be able to understand facts from opinion as Mike Donkers opinion in his review of the book…
Sid Aust
i guess ray peat is wrong too there are similarities there too and no mention of mitochondrial health- i guess it is not important
i guess ray peat is wrong too there are similarities there too and no mention of mitochondrial health- i guess it is not important
Viruses do cause cancer…just read the book SV40. That alone would make me give this a thumbs down.
no disrespect,but a virus does not cause, it may be a secondary cause but not a direct cause as there is only one cause of cancer and that is lack of oxygen to the cells, as discovered by Dr Otto Warburg MD Phd (Nobel Prize winner) Everything has to relate back to the main cause and that is lack of oxygen to the cell…hands down the truth..Also where is the science that a virus will cause cancer…love to read it..
Great replies! Peskin is the man! Some of these reviews are lame garbage, but what do expect when rebels from outside the system smack all the drones upside the head with truth and disrupt the hive.
The EFA market has expoded rapidly and Peskin took a big crap on it so many are loosing credibility do to his books and info.
Viruses/bacteria/cancers etc. are all anaerobic which thrive in lack of oxygen but dependant on the environment so yes it is possible to infect someone with cancer virus the issue is will it sustain or die depending on conditions, it is also possible they can lay dormant until conditions are suitable. I believe they test/record vaccine batches over years to see who gets sick with what do to what was laced in the vaccines. People can debate all they want on vaccines but 2 facts that are solid is with increased vaccines both cancer and infant mortality rates increase on a sliding scale with a laundry list of other immune and toxicity diseases inbetween.
What about the human papilloma virus and cervical cancer?
I believe you’re completely missing the point about cellular oxygenation, besides SV40 was injected into people. There would be no possibility of humans contracting this “infection” otherwise. Furthermore this blog states there’s lots of papers to contradict Brian Peskin and NOT a single link to one? This is exactly what Brian Peskin states.. All are liars and story make up artists. I’ve searched to find one paper and hey! No result of refute!
While I wouldn’t call my own observations and evidence gathering on the topic final, I beg to question Mike how you come to the conclusion that we should only look for the need for omega 3? Surely you’re aren’t arguing the human population, generally speaking, is still a bunch of meat eating hunter gatherers? Why don’t you have a cup of coffee. I am amused to say the least that you call Brian Peskin “right on the money” about some things, and then trash the rest of his conclusions. Where are your findings? How does your review even begin to contribute to the discussion?
I discovered Brian Peskin’s parent essential oils through two completely distinct, separate sources. One is through a company that promotes not only Omega 3, but also 6 and 9 – from plant based sources mostly. A second is through a highly successful eye doctor who argues that fish oil molecules are too large for the human body and contribute to ocular damage at advanced age. Suffering from eye nerve damage due to an accident at an early age, my own eye doctor’s highly advanced electronic eye mapping tool showed that it was only after I started taking plant based omega 6 oils that the nerve tissue appears to have started a repair process.
While Dr. Peskin’s book and your review may talk about cancer, plant based omega 3 and 6 appear obviously needed for additional purposes. As you might have noticed, there are many thousands of scientists, doctors and what not out there advocating their own regimen and supplements, whether self-conceived or (perhaps without their patients’ knowledge) rewarded for their sales by the manufacturer.
Brian Peskin’s career may not have been flawless and perfect, I believe I know too little of the details to judge it, yet at least he and his supplements appear to have caused no harm – and harm is what is being done by mainstream medical “professionals” on a daily basis if we believe the reports of the hundrede of thousands of medical errors and related deaths and other injuries sustained as a result of medical malpractice, leaving misdiagnosis and misinformation about proper nutrition as a preventive health tool completely aside. Would I have to say shame on you Mike for ignoring that simple truth? Would I have to say shame on the Weston Price Foundation for posting your ignorant review? It appears that Brian Peskin actually promotes Dr. Price’s cause, funny how that goes, isnt’ it?
Disclaimer: Having no financial interest in Parent Essential Oils and their manufacture, I have been gratefully taking them for eight months now (instead of the fish oil supplements I briefly took) and in addition to the aforementioned reported benefits, I feel that my cardiovascular health has significantly improved as well. Also, I appear to have no sign of cancer anywhere in my body whatsoever at age 49. It’s not my intention to get cancer just to prove Dr. Peskin’s findings right. I’d rather prevent than make my fellow health-insured citizens come up with the money for expensive chemo treatments or whatever else the socalled medical profession may lobby the government for as a “legitimate” treatment regimen.
Well said…I have been using his recenendations for several yrs….he told me personally if you continue to follow you will not ever have to worry about cancer coming back….that was good enough for…by the way he does not have. Medical degree and not an MD…he is an Electricial Engineer from MIT…from outside the medical system…
Mike, not one of your statements is backed up…. That’s a big red flag… Who’s paying you? The very best research into the failing medical and food industry is of course done by non medical people, ever noticed that? By failing, I’m referring to the out of control escalation of cancer, heart disease and diabetes in our lives. Same with the financial sector. Have a look at the work of Clifford Hugh Douglas, and I mean read his direct work…. Then you will learn why we are all in financial chains despite machines and computers doing more and more work. He just happened to be an engineer as we’ll….
Some thoughts on this “review.”
1) I am constantly amazed at how many people promoting Peskin’s work seem ignorant of Johanna Budwig’s work around “parent essential oils” and cancer throughout her very long career. As a biochemist with doctorates in chemistry and physics, she was a contemporary of Warburg’s and was very familiar with his work. It was her belief that – in particular – sulphydryl groups coupled with the “essential fatty acids” that produced the respiratory effect that Warburg was talking about. There is some debate as to whether the original EFA she used was LA or ALA, but nevertheless, if you can find her writings on the subject, they are thought provoking, and I find it odd that Peskin really doesn’t mention her work at all. It seems incomprehensible that he stumbled onto the same idea without prior knowledge given that Budwig’s work is fairly well known in alternative cancer circles and she is very much linked to the therapeutic use of flax oil (ALA) in that context, even though some of her original research used LA to invoke the “respiratory pigment.”
I’ve sometimes wondered whether Peskin just re-packaged Budwig’s original thesis as his own, while leaving out the sulphydryl aspects, since the ideas are pretty much the same.
2) Anyone familiar with Emmanuel Revici’s work on lipids and cancer (which means hardly anyone), will note the interesting ‘coincidence’ of sulphydryl groups and highly polyunsaturated fats being used as cancer treatments. Revici believed that most cancers arose from anabolic conditions in different levels of physiological compartments of the body, and it’s interesting, to me at least, that he used unsaturated fats, sulphydryl groups, and selenium (all catabolic nutrients), to treat it.
3) Everyone from Ray Peat to the author of this review, likes to lump “Omega 3” into one group which is ridiculous. ALA is not the same thing as DHA or EPA and has different uses in the body. How ALA or even LA, in a non-peroxidized state, performs in cells (in regard oxygen transfer or even mitochondrial respiration), is not the same thing as talking about the prostaglandins or eicosenoids and their effects physiologically. ALA and DHA are not the same thing, and only a small amount of DHA is created from ALA. ALA has its own uses.
4) Peskin is right to point out the qualitative differences between high quality, low quantity LA consumption versus the large amounts of poor quality “omega 6” oils found “in the diet.” Most omega 6 oils “found in the diet’ are rancid and dangerous, as we all know, but of course we throw the baby out with the bath water. I appreciate Peskin’s perspective that smaller amounts of high quality LA serves important functions, which is lost on most people, especially the Peat-arians who fear all things PUFA. It would make sense, seeing how PUFA is distributed in nature, that most humans of northern european descent would benefit from modest amounts of very high quality PUFA.
5) The author of the review states “In a bizarre twist of logic, Peskin actually manages to view these highly unstable oils as “oxygen magnets.” According to him, the PEOs attract oxygen from the blood, which then ends up in the cell, thus oxygenating the cell and preventing or curing cancer, which is inherently anaerobic…” There is nothing bizarre about this line of thinking at all, though it isn’t stated very eloquently, and it comes straight from Budwig, who was a lipid researcher and chemist. It is precisely their dynamic (“unstable”) nature that gives them this quality. Saturated fats are “inert” for these purposes – dead – and while good for structural purposes or burned for energy, but lack the qualities to promote proper oxidation. Again, Peat and all the other anti-EFA, omega 6, theorists ignore quality and – to some degree – quantity, but with ALA and LA quality and quantity are everything.
Budwig used to also emphasize the importance of the sulphydryl component, which she supplied from quark and it’s sulfur containing amino acids like cysteine. That’s going down another rabbit hole, but should not be ignored.
That all said, we are still stuck in the dark ages of thinking where “anti-oxidants” are always “good” and anything that promotes oxidation, is, apparently, “bad.” For someone with an anaerobic imbalance, anti-oxidants are the worst thing you can give them. There is no such thing as “good” or “bad” – only the state of the patient. Sulphydryl groups coupled with specific fatty acids promote proper oxidation, and this is in-line with Warburg’s principles. LA is only “toxic” when found in too-high qualities or in a state of peroxidation and rancidity, which in research and in modern diets, is probably most likely the case.
In my mind, Peskin should be commended for stressing the importance of modest amounts of high quality EFA’s, as no one else seems to be doing for the most part.
I have been taking a high-quality cod liver oil for many years, and have not had one cold, flu or sniffle in literally years. In my youth, I was always down with a cold, and I attribute my present good health to the high amounts of Vit. D and Vit. A in the CLO.
After much research, I am convinced that COL is not the safest source of D and A. I would like to switch to something that is not so likely to be rancid. I know I can get Vit. D from a capsule, but my dilemma is where can I get my high amounts of Vit. A? I don’t eat fish anymore due to mercury and pollution, the only butter I can get here is pasteurized and not grass-fed, and I don’t eat greens very often, and eggs only once in a while. What other sources are there for high A?
Should I try to get it from arctic krill oil in a capsule? I don’t want to resort to fish oil in capsules, for the reasons listed above.
Does Brian Peskin’s PEO formula contain any Vit. A and, if so, do you know how much?
As an aside, my husband faithfully followed the Budwig protocol for 9 years, but eventually sucummed to cancer. We were not able to get quark, so he had to use store-bought ricotta cheese or yogurt, which I don’t know if they were fermented or not. Also, we had a terrible time finding any kind of flax oil that wasn’t already turning rancid. It was impossible to find fresh.
Thank you for any help you can give me re. sources of Vit. A.
It’s not his formula. But if you want to get all plant based EFAs plus all daily vitamins and minerals. Go to website.
Wwww.myrain Look at the product Soul. Cold expeller pressed seed nutrition
Also, though one has to read in-between the lines in some parts, there is much food for thought in Budwig’s lectures from the 50s. I find them to be very thought-provoking as she takes a much more organism-level approach rather than our modern, reductionistic approach where everyone extrapolates and makes sweeping generalizations based on cell studies or other myopic research that is then applied to complex, living humans. We have lost the forest for the trees, and I appreciate the fact that some of the great scientists of the early-to-mid 20th century were still able to see the big picture:
I find it disappointing that someone like Peat, who takes a bigger picture perspective in much of his work, has such a dogmatic blind spot in regard to PUFA, usually drawing on fish oil studies (indeed a ghastly product) to make the kind of sweeping generalizations that I mention above. Budwig talks about the problem with refined fish oil in her lectures.
I made a cursory check into Brian Peskin’s credentials. My conclusions is that I can’t trust what he says.
First, what research has he published in the medical field?
I found only these two article in PubMed:
It first article stated a hypotesis. The second article has been retracted:
Some details about that:
Jeez, Sid. That’s quite the complex you got there about Peskins. I didn’t read all of your comments, but I’m assuming you claim you have no affiliation with him? Lol. Quite defensive for a total stranger of the man. It’s not everyday you see people coming to defend other peoples reputations and/or work ethics like you seem to do. Defend people from bullies? Sure. People who are too sfraid to fight back. But nobody is “bullying” Peskin and nobody is demolishing his reputation either. Well, not here anyways. That was done long ago. Anyways, just thoght I’d say “hi.” Take care of yourself. I’ll let you resume your line of defense now. Carry on…
Always be suspicious, very suspicious, when someone uses the title Professor. It might have been a serious title with an understood meaning in 19th century Vienna or something, but it has no meaning here and now. Anyone claiming to do research in complex bio – chemical- physiological processes like this better have at least one really good, solid, Ph.D. from a serious institution ( if not more than one.) And then you need to trust that at least some people with equally serious credentials and careers will corroborate and support their work. If there isn’t evidence of that it’s foolishness to trust the opinions.
If Dr Rowen accepts Peskins research after 6 years of checking it out, then thst is good enough for me as Dr Rowen is a man of great integrity and not easily fooled by anyone as he thoroughly checks out their experimental data. Peskin does mention Dr Budwig in his book and agrees she was most correct.
I am wondering whether the WPF has a serious conflict of interest given their recent / ongoing internal debacle over the fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) product ……
I am despairing of trusting the information (opinion / misinformation?) and now relying on ‘crowd response’ as a way of sifting the chaff for the grain..
So thank-you to those contributors who provided referenced debate to advance the subject at hand.
I’m 15 months in. 15 months in with supplementing with parent omega 3s and 6s. Heavy on the 6s. Via walnut oil, evening primrose, borage oil, pumpkin seed oil, sunflower oil and safflower oil. All organic and cold pressed. This is after 8 years of cod liver oil. Almost from the beginning I felt something happening. Pain in different parts of my body. Wrists, arms, outside of right ankle and pain in my left ear. All the pain was sharp and lasted from a few seconds to a minute or so. And all these parts were injured in the past.
Peskin makes an interesting point that fish oils initially work because as he says “if we are deficient in parent oils, we are deficient in the derivatives EPA & DHA”. After 90 days we risk harm.
He makes many other points that have my attention. So I did what I needed to do to test his theory and stopped CLO and went to plant based oils. After 15 months (Peskin says 18 months required to get out the damage from fish oils) I feel very good and better than ever on fish oils.
1) way better sleep.
2) way less pain in my body and especially in my hips and butt. Note guys that that area is close to our prostate.
3) eating way less food and still feeling great. Peskin says if we don’t get important EFAs we become “human Billy-goats”.
4) it’s summer time in my home town and today is 100 degrees. I have no discomfort and in fact headed back to the yard for work. Not overheated and am sweating well.
5) the skin on my feet after many years of thick, dry, wrinkly especially on my heels is GONE.
Fun to read all the reviews and I remember the time that I believed what I read.
Peskin makes another thought provoking statement. “Look in the mirror. Do you see something with gills looking back at you?” “You are not suffering from a fish oil deficiency”.
Good luck folks.
The more the system knocks a person who steps outside it, the more faith I have that he’s on the right track.
All I will say is this: I was bombarded with psoriasis very rapidly as an adult after getting very sick from someone next to me on an airplane. I thought it was the flu–turns out it was walking pneumonia undiagnosed. Result: serious psoriasis. It went on for years until I researched fatty acids and inflammation. I though Peskin was odd…but I thought there was some merit in SOME of his work, so I tried the supplemental fatty acids he tauts. I was in full remission within ONE MONTH. So, this arrogant, weird scientist was somehow right. You scientists have to STOP pointing fingers at one another and come up with some good science. I think Peskin is on to something….
Brian Peskin is not vilifying Omega 3s. All he is saying is that humans need a balance of healthy Omega 3s and 6s. His preference is plant-based oils and that has worked very well for my joints whereas fish oils exacerbated the inflammation. Also, NIH published a study that closed (early) testing fish oil supplementation and heart disease. The study proved–beyond a doubt–that there was absolutely no benefit from fish oil supplementation for cardiac health futures [Haq, White, Miedema, Nov 2021, among others]. The study was quickly broadcast by Langhome Medical Center at NYU.