Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain
Harris Coulter
North Atlantic Books
In Vaccination Social Violence and Criminality, medical historian Harris Coulter attempts to show the troubling correlation between our increasingly violent modern society and modern medicine’s excessive vaccination program. Coulter argues that the rise in violence and neurological problems are not mere coincidence with the onset of extensive infant vaccination: they are chillingly correlated.
Coulter begins with a thorough look at the symptoms of autism and minimal brain damage, two notable rising neurological problems. With gripping accounts from sufferers and their parents, he describes the disturbingly similar list of problems associated with the conditions: isolation, intellectual oddity, and notably prevalent “ego weakness” that can lead to outright sociopathic behavior. He also notes the continued, unabashed tendency of physicians to dismiss the problems as psychological in nature, as a sideeffect of bad upbringing or hidden trauma. This provides a stark glimpse into just how clueless the diagnostician is, and hints at an insidious underlying cause.
The lynchpin of the narrative is the discussion of infant encephalitis. Through extensive examples and research citations, Coulter shows that encephalitis is an extremely common reaction to vaccination, and extremely nocuous. It can and does often lead to many neurological conditions eerily similar to symptoms of autism and minimal brain damage such as retardation, alienation, “irresistible urges,” trouble connecting to other people, and the ever-complicit “ego weakness.” Encephalitis is the link between vaccination and brain-damage. The violent, psychotic nature of many of these symptoms leads to another easy jump: the modern escalation of violence.
Coulter wraps up his exposé with startling analyses of violent criminals, peppered with insightful interviews, especially from the utterly disturbed Ted Bundy. While acknowledging the existence of other factors leading to increasing crime, Coulter points out all the previously discussed symptomology that rears its ugly head again. Many, many criminals show secondary neurological problems like epilepsy, retardation, nerve palsies and exceedingly low impulse control. These are all prominent negative consequences of post-encephalitic syndrome. Additionally, alienation and “ego-weakness” cause coping methods easily in synch with criminal lives, with utter, inescapable selfishness leading to a complete disregard for others. Substance abuse, violence and sociopathic tendencies logically arise.
Coulter has crafted a cautionary tale against the modern physician’s medical hubris, showing a strongly correlated chain of symptoms that form a clear link between infant vaccination and neurological damage strongly inclined to criminality. Should things continue as they are, he warns, we are destined to a larger and larger sector of violent criminals, guided not by their conscious decision to do evil, but by an inherent biological predisposition inflicted upon them through faulty medicine. His warning, made in the distant 1990, finds prophetic traction with waves of school violence pointing to a terrible underlying truth.
While Coulter provides strong and thorough evidence of the linked nature of encephalitis, vaccination, and violent criminality, his narrative is not without its weakness. He himself acknowledges the heavy reliance on symptomology, and choice interview data point more to a disturbing trend rather to outright, unabashed causation. What is more disturbing is the refusal of the medical establishment to give this trend any real acknowledgment, preventing the level of research needed to prove it as indisputable scientific fact. Though understandable, it does make a lot of his leaps in logic less firm and feel a lot more like the grouping together of nebulously similar symptoms. His reliance at times on interviews to prove assertions also hammers a few loose points, with many seeming to exist more for personal pathos rather than outright evidence. He also fails to mention alternatives to the current vaccination program, only hinting at the healthy state of much less extensive European vaccination regime. Though perhaps obvious, it would have provided a much firmer beachhead were he to have discussed this at slightly more length and shown much more readily how superfluous is the American program, especially in regard to its role as criminal progenitor.
Still, despite not providing perfect proof of the direct link between vaccination and violence, Coulter weaves an excellent exposé that should make anyone question a system of infant vaccinations that so very many take for granted. Rather than making our children stronger by making them resistant to disease, we are crippling them mentally and creating generations of people much less neurologically whole. Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality provides a warning that we should not disregard.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2013.
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“Rather than making our children stronger by making them resistant to disease, we are crippling them mentally and creating generations of people much less neurologically whole. Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality provides a warning that we should not disregard.”
It seems that people have disregarded this warning. Four years have passed since this article was written and no conversations or studies have been done on this subject. I’m not sure if others have noticed or disagree, but it seems, that since Coulter wrote this in 1990, there is an increase in rudeness and violence, a lowering of intelligence quotient, a loss of empathy, and an increase in the neurological disease of toxin-induced narcissism. Am I just a magnet or has this become the new normal?
I’m with you, Polly1. I share this information, and all the dangers of vaccinations as much and as far and wide as I can. I let everyone know that my mantra is “ALL vaccines are ALL poison, ALL the time, in ALL doses.
So your willing to risk your children’s life to many childhood diseases such as polio, measles, etc. Have you ever seen anyone that survived polio and be normal? I had a classmate in school who had to wear a tub around the chest area from neck to waist for support. She unfortunately got polio just before the oral vaccine came out in the 1950’s. Our whole town lined up to take the vaccine as soon as it was available. No one I know of got polio after that. You should not be so dismissive of every vaccine.
You really need to find the books that have been banned for telling us the truth about epidemics (which have always come and gone, thoughout history), and how the pharma criminals bought up media and fed us their propaganda lies.
Look up Dr. Walter Hadwen (late 19th into early 20th century) at Soil and Health.
These books can be read online: “The Horrors of Vaccination” (1920), “The Golden Calf” (1933). “The Poisoned Needle” (1957).
I’ve been studying ‘vaccines’, in earnest, for the past 9 years, (since my grand-daughter was born). Good grief! There is a current push by Big Pharma for ‘everyone vaccinated by 2020″. Merck has a new HDQ is Austin, near my hometown, and the State Capitol is swarming with pro-vaccine lobbyists. There is more and more info being shared on alternative, and mainstream media, about vaccine injuries and deaths in babies, children and adults. The thought came to me; vaccines are weapons of mass destruction! A quick search and I found this presentation: Vaccines – The True Weapons of Mass Destruction, by Dr Rebecca Carley.
I’m trying to purchase as many books and DVDs about vaccines as I can, (that I don’t already have) and download all the videos I can find about vaccines, lest they ALL info be pulled from stores, online sellers, and from websites.
The current wave of censorship in our country is mind-boggling; as mind-boggling as the information being censored; i.e. THE TRUTH about vaccines!
Dr Carley’s perspective, as an MD, is disheartening. Fortunately, she survived the ‘programming’! She provides many resources in this presentation (more to download)!
I pray daily for doctors to wake up, and for everyone affected by vaccine injury to find detox and healing.
I encourage WAPF readers to listen and download this presentation, and order and/or download as much vaccine information as you can, while you can. Big Pharma is BIG, and Big Tech (censorship) is BIG, but THE TRUTH, and WE THE PEOPLE are bigger!!!