Thunder Cake
By Patricia Polacco (Penguin Young Readers)
Patricia Polacco loves to write stories that draw on events from her childhood. Set on a farm in Michigan on a “sultry summer day,” a Russian grandmother lovingly called “Babushka” helps calm her granddaughter’s fears of an impending storm by preparing all the ingredients to bake a cake. Together they collect eggs from the hen and milk from the cow, fetch dry goods from the cellar and pick freshly grown tomatoes and strawberries (the secret ingredients)—all demonstrating the satisfaction of living on a self-sufficient farm. The colorful illustrations and the constant encouragement Babushka provides create a warm and loving vibe for the reader. Find out how Babushka turns a frightening storm into a celebration, and look to the back for the actual recipe!
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2024
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