Your Emails, Letters and Phone Calls Have Worked!
SB 201 passed the last Assembly Committee hurdle with unanimous approval – not a single member of the Appropriations Committee voted against the bill.
We are pleased that Assemblyman Mark Leno has also signed on as a co-author to SB 201.
Next stop is the general assembly vote, which should take place in August. Then comes the vote in the senate, after which SB 201 will be signed into law by the governor.
Because SB 201 has been designated an “urgency bill” it will become law immediately upon the governor’s signing.
In late August we will be asking everyone to call the governor asking for his support of SB 201.
Gov. Schwarzenegger is a health and natural foods advocate, but there is always the chance of a veto, so we will need Arnold to hear our voice for raw milk choice!
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