Cure Tooth Decay
By Ramiel Nagel
CreateSpace, 2008
Seventeen years ago while having my teeth cleaned, I overheard the patient in the adjoining cubicle ask the dentist if there was anything she could do to keep her teeth from decaying. He emphatically stated, “No, there is nothing you can do. Your teeth are soft and are going to continue to decay for the rest of your life.”
I imagine that the woman accepted the authority of the dentist, believing and trusting his training and experience and perhaps now has lost all her teeth and wears dentures. I do not imagine that she embarked on a journey to answer the question for herself, a process that is neither taught nor favorably looked upon because “Doctor knows best.”
Back then, I could not have offered any advice but intuitively I felt there was something that could be done. A few years later, I encountered the incredible research of Dr. Weston Price. “Yes!” I said, “Physical demise and the ensuing suffering are not our fate. There is a way out.”
At the Wise Traditions conference last November, I met Ramiel Nagel and purchased his hot-off-the-press book, Cure Tooth Decay. I had been working as a whole health educator at a biological dentistry practice in Massachusetts for two years, educating new patients about Whole Body DentistryTM and introducing them to the work of the Weston A. Price Foundation. I immediately felt this book would be perfect to add to the collection of recommended reading materials. Not only was I correct with this initial instinct, but I quickly realized a few pages into Ramiel’s story that this book is about a journey of health in that health is ultimately a way of being in right relationships and being empowered, a journey I encourage all of my patients to embark on.
I incorporated both Ramiel’s personal story and his explanation of tooth decay and dietary suggestions (which flowed perfectly from the story of Weston Price) into my sessions with patients, to encourage them to look for the answers to their own questions concerning their health and wellness and the disease they may be experiencing. I watched patients smile as they “got it.” No one had ever told them that tooth decay is a nutritional problem, and when the truth was presented they immediately grasped it. Cure Tooth Decay is an indispensible book for any holistic practice, medical or dental.
Ramiel’s wake up call occurred when he and his partner Michelle faced rampant tooth decay in their one-year-old daughter. Ramiel wrote on August 18, 2008, “When my daughter’s teeth began rapidly decaying around the age of one I did not know what to do, or to whom to turn. Eventually I resolved to focus my energy and intention on the goal of discovering why her teeth were decaying and how to stop it. This book is a manifestation of my family’s triumph against dental caries. It brings me great joy every time a parent writes to inform me that their young child who has been suffering from tooth decay, has just been spared costly and painful dental surgery from reading my book. The majority of us can take effective steps to avoid the dentist’s chair and obtain lasting dental health.”
The American Dental Association states that bacteria feed on sugars left on our teeth from eating foods such as milk, raisins, cakes or candy, producing acids that destroy tooth enamel and over time result in tooth decay. By contrast, Cure Tooth Decay introduces us to Weston Price and Melvin Page, dentists whose work helps us understand the true nature of tooth decay.
Dr. Page’s discovery is that tooth decay is the result of a biochemical disturbance of the calcium- phosphorous ratio. This imbalance reverses the flow of nutrients through the three miles per tooth of microscopic dental tubules. When minerals are taken from the tooth, “it is quite possible that the body is sacrificing the minerals in the teeth for use by the vital organs.” “Lack of adequate nutrition causes physical degeneration and tooth decay is the result of physical degeneration.” With this understanding, different dietary choices can be made.
Ramiel evaluates all aspects of possible dental interventions, including root canals, amalgam fillings, fluoride, sealants, whitening, x-rays, conventional vs. biological dentistry and dental visits in general. He mentions that he still has mercury amalgam fillings following the advice of “a wise person who suggested that he not get the fillings replaced”. One of the biological dentists I work with believes that this is not the best health advice and that all mercury-based fillings and other dental metals such as metal with porcelain or gold crowns should be replaced with less toxic composite or pure porcelain crowns. I personally like what Ramiel says, “Fillings, regardless of the material used, can block the energy currents in the tooth”. Not everyone gets ill from amalgam fillings nor does their replacement always make people who are ill become well. “Again, this demonstrates how the most ideal solution to cavities is to heal and prevent them with nutrition.”
The gift of Cure Tooth Decay is that it serves as an invitation. It is not a prescription. One could follow all the dietary protocols to the letter but not have the results that Ramiel and his family experienced because they did not make it their own or see the bigger picture of health and disease. “The revealing findings of Dr. Price, along with his telling photographs, bring home the important fact that our modern foods and lifestyle are a primary cause of disease.”
Dr. Price wrote, “One immediately wonders if there is not something in the life-giving vitamins and minerals of the food that builds not only great physical structures within which their souls reside, but builds minds and hearts capable of a higher type of manhood in which the material values of life are made secondary to individual character.”
According to Ramiel, “the law of personal responsibility is vital to obtaining increasing health. I have found that healing cavities is not just about the physical process of substituting nutrient-devoid foods with their nutrient-rich alternatives. It is an opening up to life itself. It is a reaching out and a growing. It is a small death of the old ways of being. Those who have successfully conquered their decay have embraced the principles of this book and taken it upon themselves to heal. They looked within, trusted themselves, and in some ways acted out of the involuntary consciousness that instructs and guides us. I urge you to tap into this infinite but dormant power. . . I encourage you to take everything I have written in this book as a pointer to your inner knowing and not as a replacement for it.”
How I wish that I could have jumped out of the dental chair seventeen years ago and handed the woman yearning to stop her teeth from decaying a copy of Cure Tooth Decay. I like to believe she would have accepted Ramiel’s invitation and changed her fate. Human beings are not designed to degenerate but to live long healthy lives in wonderment of the universe. Thank you, Ramiel, for Cure Tooth Decay, for helping us on the journey.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2009.
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Austin Dentist
Well it sounds as if cavities are directly caused by poor nutrition. I always eat nutritionally balanced meals and take a 1 a day vitamin to supplement for any deficiencies. However, I still get cavities. I wonder why this is? Any thoughts?
I would look into the quality of the supplements you take.
I recommend you this book that reviews more then a thousand different products.
If you should choose to go with USANA, you can order them on my website
You say you “a;ways eat nutritionally balanced meals” – yet you still get cavities….apart from the supplements the obvious first thought would be that your body is telling you that what you think is “balanced” is not optimal.
Read up on Dr Robert Young’s approach – see his book”Sick and Tired?” and also Weston A Price and the book Ramiel has written and then do some more research on Pasteur v Beachamp, Germ Theory v Terrain Theory.
For years governments and nutritional advisors have told the western world what they thought was “balanced” at times no salt, then include mineral salts, skip fats, then include fats …..all the time heavily influenced by the food producers.
You only have to research the dodgy science from the grain producers that did a PR smear campaign against coconut oil using a scientific study that fed only coconut oil to rats….they died…..bad science, but they smeared coconut oil promoting their grain oils
we as consumers of advice and foods need to ask whether the advice we are getting is getting the results we want. If you are following a food choices approach that still is making you sick and damaging your teeth and other science and evidence suggests a different approach gets better results the obvious thing is the deficient approach isn’t as optimal as some people make it out to be
I personally find i have food intolerances – sulphur, check out info on fodmap diet – deals with possible food indications that may present problems 4 people – upsetting probiotics in digestive system (microbiome) …. leading 2 all sorts of problems including periodontal disease. …. plse check out …. http://www.dietvsdisease. org ….. 😆🙊
What is a nutritionally balanced meal? Who on earth can define this statement. Dietary Associations around the world advocate grains, processed foods, complex carbohydrates, low fat for T2D and on this type of recommended diet T2D is reliant on insulin in an attempt to control blood sugar levels.
A low carbohydrate diet will resolve and T2D issues and keep it in total check. Our Dietary Associations dont quite know what a nutritionally balanced diet is, how can we have any hope of knowing the key to this riddle. Medical doctors study diets for a nanno second and also constantly refer to a balanced diet, but dont have a clue in how to identify such a diet.
I agree with your overall statement about having a nutritionally balanced diet but who has the time or skill to carry this out. Obesity, overfed and undernourished people are now flooding the world, metabolic diseases are increasing at alarming rates, processed foods, sugar, mineral deficiency, poor hygiene and lack of GIT microbiome are all vital to good health – cheers.
There is not one correct way to eat a nutritionally balanced diet. What will balance one scale would unbalance another. So I agree that trying to find a magic weight that will balance the scales is an endeavor that no one has the time for. And yes even taking the time to figure out what will balance your own personal scale is a ongoing process of adding and subtracting things from our diets as our bodies change. It does take time but so does going to the gym or going to a job and those also have rewards for the time spent. So if someone thinks they “already eats a nutritionally balanced diet” that’s great. If they are still getting cavities then I think they are still not in balance.
Exactly – drives me a bit nuts trying 2 keep in balance – so many variables 2 take into account …. a balanced neutral that doesn’t tip the scales this way or that would be good …
Look into to effects of phytates\physic acid in the diet (including chocolate, unfortunately!) on mineral absorption. Also “hidden” allergy/intolerance to cow’s milk can cause problems. You would profit from reading the books recommended here – especially the discussions on how to properly prepare foods.
I realize these replies are significantly old but I believe this needs to be said. I don’t believe phytates and phytic acid are the problem at all. Rather it’s really the lack of healthy (lactofermenting?) microbiome that produce Vitamin K (Activator X? Some think so!) that convert the phytic acid and minerals into mineral salts which can then enter the terrain of the bloodstream and feed the cells! Hence why unleavened bread in ancient times was just as healthy as good naturally leavened bread; many more people had good gut flora! Of course they often “ground” their grains under the hooves of their cattle too so even unleavened bread would likely have been a bit “leavened”! Modern yeast on the other hand “explode” grain cells in a similar fashion to cancer cells. Yikes!
I’d say your “one a day” is robbing your body of vitamins and minerals by flooding it with synthetic replicas which the body mostly has to flush out, often losing any quality nutrition in your diet with it. Get your nutrition from organic produce, grass fed beef organs and meat, pastured eggs, etc. Then watch your dental health improve.
Don’t forget the raw cheese for K2
Same here, until I changed 3 things in my diet.
1. I ditched ALL grains (even oatmeal) from my diet.
2. I added RAW goat milk to my diet.
3. I added a Magnesium Malate Supplement to my diet because raw goat milk seems a bit low.
Several things happened:
Teeth became whiter
Teeth seemed denser
The fluoride deposits (from toothpaste and tap water) went away (it was a beige stoney deposit on the outside of my teeth near gum line, I now use fluoride-free paste)
The cavities near the outer gumline under those fluoride deposits are now starting to fill in…3 small cavities have disappeared, 4th one is half way closed.
My tongue has been free of the beige slimey film ever since, I don’t need to use a tongue scraper anymore, ever.
Vegetarians can also get their K2 from spirulina which has 15 mcg per 3g.
It is wise to do research for safe amalgam removal. There is a higher chance of composites failing unless the dentist is trained (IAOMT, Huggins). Patients may develop serious complications from heavy exposure.
Sometimes diet alone is not enough to protect against mercury and prevent deficiencies. Some people excrete mercury more efficiently than others and take much longer to bioaccumulate. We need to take genetics, allergies, malabsorption, other toxins, and soil quality into account.
For example, autistic children given vaccines were shown to have very little excretion of mercury compared to normal children. In the brain the half life is about 10-20 years after exposure ceases but without treatment.
I’m getting my amalgams removed and undergoing chelation since many of my symptoms which began in early childhood (autism, tics, chronic insomnia, social withdrawel etc) matched those of mercury toxicity despite improving my diet and avoiding allergens (gluten and milk).
I consume green juice, chicken liver, small amount of fruits, raw eggs, soaked seeds (except for flaxseeds), grains, legumes, and nuts, and avoid processed foods.
Mercury can also indirectly worsen health. An example of this is the reduction of sleep quality, and high quality sleep is required for optimal health. Again, not everyone is similarly affected. I was surprised to learn that fish is a small source of mercury compared to amalgams.
I’m nursing mum, having tooth decay in a few teeth. removing grains from diet is not making sense, bcs it was constant part of ancient people. who can answer what is wrong with grains if u process them properly?
grains are not processed the same in today’s world as they were in ancient time. They skip those processes (even organic grains) and they are processed. If they aren’t organic it is just added insult to the body with pesticides and genetically modified foods that do damage to the gut thus causing damage to the teeth. Tooth decay is systemic – not always what stays on the what is eaten and then causes loss of good bacteria in mouth, gut and inflammation in the body.
Grain Damage
Hi ‘nonlinearity’,
I only have a fleeting moment to post, in case you come back here, you can get information regarding problems with grains, search for ‘Grain Damage’ by “Doug Graham’ it explains why grains aren’t natural for the human body … grain eating people don’t go that far back in terms of human existence. Book is available on Amazon or direct from his website hope this helps.
Hi, Ramiel/ All,
We currently follow a WAP diet and I did when I was pregnant with my first child, a girl, who is now 3. She still uses a bottle (with raw milk) and a variety of other WAP friendly foods.
I just noticed, however, that she has a posterior crossbite. She has a wide head and seemingly wide dental arches with plenty of space for her teeth. Her dental arches appear to be U shaped and not V shaped. And she is a hearty, healthy, strong little girl.
I am going to take her off the bottle (in case that’s a factor).
Do you have any advice? I’m looking for a WAP friendly dentist/doctor in Kentucky area.
Have you seen good results in correcting a cross bite?
Of course am surprised that she has this condition given her overall health and diet.
Many thanks for whatever advice you can give.
Kind regards,
Have you heard of mewing? I know it’s 8 years later but look up dr Mike mew. Best of wishes
My 4 and a half year old daughter has got two cavities in her upper molars. She has been brought up on a good W A Price diet, mostly raw milk, lots of broths, vegies, sourdough bread and soaked grains… minimal natural sugar intake. I’m so dissapointed that she has cavities, but realize that she must have missed something, and hope to improve her intake especially so her permanent teeth can be good. The community dentist is very worried about the one cavity and has rung me several times as she believes that my daughter may develop an abscess if she doesn’t get a filling. The molars are only due to come out around age 10 and she says there is no way that they will last till then. What do you think I should it be better to let her have the 2 molars filled or should we wait and see if they last??
Marrian, hi I noticed you post, and as it is several years old I did wonder if you ever received any advice. Did you have your 4 year old daughter at the time have her cavities filled? Or did you wait? Curious to know the outcome. Also in following the Westo nutritional did you come to any conclusions as to why your daughter got the cavities? Thanks
That’s a tough decision, as a parent only you can make that discussion for her. Pray, don’t give into fear. Have faith, even if it’s small. I have been working on healing my own teeth and now my daughters. We have had great success. All truth and knowledge comes from HIM, pray to your Father in Heaven and he will direct you to your answer. I also recommend asking your daughter what she feels she needs. I have been amazed how intune little children are with their needs for their body. My daughter will ask for things in her diet or decline certain foods because she knows she doesn’t need it. Heavenly Father cares greatly about all individuals, the whole human race. He doesn’t need you to be perfect, he will help you where you are in life. I can only give glory to my Father in Heaven for guiding our family to health and healing. He is the one that has given me instructions of what to do and as I faithfully and prayerfully have been doing these things, I have seen our teeth healed and others on their way to healing completely.
To Monica: What a great comment, thanks for sharing! Praise God!
Are you a follower of Christ? Praise God the Lord Almighty
Beautiful, encouraging comment and I agree whole heartedly 😀 Praise GOD! and may you have continued success in Jesus’ name
What a beautiful post, couldn’t agree more, how are things going?
I know it’s many years later but I’d love to hear what happened for you. I’m going through something similar and trying to find the best option for my daughter.
more factors than diet
Eating nutritionally balances does not always insure freedom for dental decay. Very few of us are sticking to 100% ancestral diets. I have also found that those with hypothyroidism seem to have trouble using calcium and are often vitamin D deficient. And this causes them to have cavities, despite following a healthy diet.
Make sure your serum D levels are above 65. You’re getting enough vitamin K, calcium and magnesium as well. Many people also fail to connect that fluoride does not prevent cavities but rather creates brittle enamel by taking the place of calcium in bone/teeth. One should avoid fluoridated water, fluoride paste and treatments.
Decayed already from birth
In the great debate between creation and evolution, one thing is clear, the assembly of millions of metabolic processes in our body is more in a decaying state than evolving. More like roads degraded some than a road being built. Otherwise we would not get old…
That said, genetics varies, the lucky 1% are cavity resistant because their dentinal flow never reverses no matter the diet. So if one follows perfectly the Ramiel Nagel’s diet and life style, one may simply fail to stay totally clear of tooth because of his genetics, although improvement is indeed possible, thanks to Ramiel for that!
Generations before us
I understand that people may be frustrated after following WAP diets, and still find dental decay in their children, but sometimes we have to remember that the foods our parents ate, as well as their parents have an effect on our children. Sometimes inherent weaknesses are seen for generations. So we just do the best we can. I have had a cavity in the same tooth for 10 years. When I slip up, it aches me.. but when I get back on track it’s better. It’ll be a constant battle to maintain its health, and its not shy to let me know when I’m slipping up in the diet area.
Diet Should be Top Priority
And where do you suppose those vitamins and minerals come from but the diet? And where are the deficiencies coming from in hypothyroidism? If it’s lacking in the diet, it’s lacking in the body. If the diet is secure, one can look to other factors. But it’s 50/50 that the diet’s at the root of things. Calcium and vitamin D can be gotten with a cod liver oil and vitamin butter oil blend.
“more factors than diet
written by Jan, Aug 25 2011
Eating nutritionally balances does not always insure freedom for dental decay. Very few of us are sticking to 100% ancestral diets. I have also found that those with hypothyroidism seem to have trouble using calcium and are often vitamin D deficient. And this causes them to have cavities, despite following a healthy diet.
Make sure your serum D levels are above 65. You’re getting enough vitamin K, calcium and magnesium as well. Many people also fail to connect that fluoride does not prevent cavities but rather creates brittle enamel by taking the place of calcium in bone/teeth. One should avoid fluoridated water, fluoride paste and treatments. “
teeth rotting
Up until college, i had very healthy strong teeth, no cavities. My childhood dentist who was old enough to have treated my grandmother was amazed every visit at the strength and health of my teeth and gums. In college being on municipal water and not knowing the dangers of fluoride i developed cavities. My oldest daughter weaned from breastmilk to non fluorinated well water, while my son onto filtered city water. My son developed numerous cavities by age 4, while my daughter none, both on an otherwise very healthy live organic diet. These dental problems are what brought me to the wonderful weston price foundation, and many of his problems were reversed, and being baby teeth eventually new healthy ones took the place of the fluoride affected ones.
I have had three extractions of wisdom teeth, and one primary molar. Since then have developed gumline cavities,and those teeth are crumbling. I cannot enjoy an apple or carrot unless cooked or juiced. It is driving me slightly mad- the inability to eat certain foods more so than the pain. The info here has been enlightening, and i have utilized much of the dietary protocols, yet the decay continues. The info on this site about cavitation has been very helpful, and i’d like to put money aside for the procedures, but live paycheck to paycheck. I now have well water, and am an organic farmer, knowing that my food is very pure, as i provide most it to my family. I started seeing some reversal and ceasing of pain having added raw goats milk and oil pulling, but now it seems the decay is back on, with more teeth becoming sore, but not loose in the socket. the last dentist i saw (conventional) told me the problem was that i must drink too much soda. I laughed, as that is one bad habit i have NEVER had.
I take solace in knowing that even if my teeth don’t make it through this ordeal, my children’s will. Nagals book, or what of it i’ve read that he offers free of charge on his site is very helpful.
Organic farming is no guarantee of nutritious produce. It minimizes the risk of ingesting toxic chemicals and is environmentally sound (as opposed to “organic” produce now commonly shipped here all the way from China). But the inputs to organic gardening and farming, e.g., compost or manure, are only as good as the source. If the manure came from a cow fed mineral deficient grass or grains, so is the manure and the resulting produce you grow or animal meats you eat. Much of the soil in north America is mineral deficient from decades of over-farming, chemical fertilizers, leaching and our neglect to replace the full range of minerals taken out of the soil by successive crops. For more on that I highly recommend “The Intelligent Gardener” by Steve Solomon and Erica Reinheimer.
Stop drinking/eating milk and cheese/dairy products theyare acidic and when you eat them your body has to allocate calcium from bones and teeth to combat the acidity look it up there are numerous proven scientific journals with these studies i use carrot juice and wheat geass juice freshly juiced mainy times a week instead of dairy almond/cashew are much higher in calcium than milk and its bioavailable calcium unlike milks. Never had 1 cavity or anything my whole life im 28 until i started drinking milk and eating cheese after then i had 1 and now i avoid it as much as possible again!!! And no problems!!
Austin Dentist
The best part of this book is the author’s focus on empowering the reader to be active in their dental care. Diet plays a significant role in every part of our body, including our teeth, but what is often overlooked is the effect of diet on teeth from the inside out.
Many times people only associate tooth decay with foods touching the outside of teeth while chewing. If you take sugar, for example, the harmful effects of sugar on teeth are done from the inside out, not so much as from exposure during chewing. They both play a role in tooth decay, but more importance should be placed on the systemic effects of diet and foods as it relates to tooth decay.
I agree w Mark- but Sadly? The average working slob- does NOT have time to manage a GARDEN! so we are forever subjected to TOXIC FOOD SOURCES
While it is true that most working people do not have time to manage a garden, the solution is to: 1) find and support local food growers who produce nutrient dense foods (plant and animal foods) responsibly, and 2)learn how to test the quality (brix) of the produce with an inexpensive refractometer. Refractometers are used throughout the food industry, but are relatively unknown to the general public. If the tested quality of the produce you purchased is poor, return it to the source and tell them why. If enough people did this it would send the message that we won’t settle for nutritionally worthless food.
Municipal water is made acidic to prevent calcium, iron etc… from building up in the water lines.
These types of things are not always obvious, though one thinks that they “eat healthy”.
Also, regarding genetics: If one advises others that “it is genetics”, and it in fact turns out that there is a cause, then this confidence is actually quite bad. Understanding cause and effect can also be of benefit when it actually is genetics.
Gwiz. I’m a little confused as I still don’t know how to go about preventing decay
Dr. Weston Price’s research proves that food doesn’t even have to touch our teeth for decay to set in. In one of his experiements, he stopped feeding the rabbits orally, & instead, injected their food & glucose (sugar) directly into their abdomen & the rabbit’s teeth STILL got decay. There is a Chemist named Gerald Judd and he figured out how what exactly causes cavities and how to remineralize your teeth. He gives his book away for free & it doesn’t take long to read at all. He is also familiar with Dr Prices research & touches on it. I highly suggest you read this before reading Ramiel’s cure tooth decay and you will definitely understand and cure cavities. Dr. Gerald Judd’s book is free and it’s called “Good Teeth from birth til death” just google his name & the book’s title with .pdf after it and you will find it on several different websites free of charge. He has since passed away but he did all the chemical breakdown and composition of the teeth and explains it all very quickly and to the point and in layman’s terms. Good Luck.
Hey, wow, thanks for posting the info on Dr. Gerald Judd’s work. Fascinating that he is/was a chemist!
A couple of items I noticed were missing from the info above concerning dental health..
1. Consume foods, beverages, snacks at least 4 hours before sleep. This will help with keeping the bile from coming into upper throat and mouth (acid reflux, esophageal cancer etc..)
2. Flossing and cleaning teeth post haste after consuming ANY thing.
3. Breathe with your mouth closed, including during exertion, ( exercise, etc..). Saliva is potent medicine!
4. You MUST become a Sherlock Holmes…READ LABLES ON EVERYTHING..SUGAR one form or another IS IN 99.9% OF EVERYTHING OUT THERE!!!
Good luck and happy sleuthing!
Hello, I am curious if anyone knows a source I can share my sons pictures of his teeth to see if visually it is too late to heal them or if they are in the process.
The cure tooth decay Facebook group.
Do you think these changes can aid in rebuilding enamel for translucent teeth?
I would like to here some positive responses from people who have shown signs of tooth decay reversing. I have been told to fill three decay areas which are in the dentin and feeling down about it as I don’teat sugar and brush x3 a day. I have been having raw dairy for a year but need to do better with grains. I am trying not to give in being drilled. I am deficient in vitamin D (started liquid supplements) iron (stated supplements).
It’s amazing how complicated the conversation is about maintaining healthy teeth.
I’m 65, never had a cavity. I was rather overconfident that my teeth were practically impervious to trouble. But I think chomping on ice and popcorn caused a molar to chip. That led to cavity forming. So now I’m becoming more vigilant, looking into teeth preservation again and seeing what I can learn.
I don’t think it should be too difficult. I’m minimizing sugars and processed, refined foods. Flossing/brushing whenever there’s the sense of food sitting between teeth. I’m using a new toothpaste and mountwash (Uncle Harry’s) that’s advertised as remineralizing. I’m overall being more aware of what I eat and the overall health benefits of what I eat. I like the idea that inner nutrition overall feeds the teeth. Also attitude. Too much worry or negative thinking compromises vigor. The cavity has really awakened how much I care about my teeth and overall health. I have a strong desire to not go to a dentist, but deal with this on my own.
I am a 30 years old female and have receding gum lines, browning and sensitivity in areas where gums has receded. I switched to an herbal powder tooth paste, soft brissle brush, I take dedicated liver/ kelp tablets, calcium, and vitamin c tablets. I drink a ton of raw goats milk, eggs, butter. Teeth seem to be getting worse. Any advice! What toothpastes do you all recommend?
Eat actual liver. Add fermented dairy, not just the milk. Do you have something daily for Vitamin C?
Need advice: husband had a bad accident involving a bear with cubs and a young horse. He came away with a broken/dislocated jaw, broken arm and a broken tooth. The tooth is still there but loose. Closest natural dentist is 6 hour drive and wait 3 weeks to be seen. Saw two dentists. First wanted to remove the tooth and put in a screw for a fake tooth. The other wants to do a crown and possible root canal. Is there anyway a tooth could heal itself from a break? It still seems healthy…he’s had to wait a month for his jaw to heal before going to a dentist. It still looks good and no swelling of gums but sensitive to cold.
Is it possible to grow back teeth?
My 6 yr old son was getting a filling in his back bottom (adult) molar… he could no longer sit still for the remainder of the treatment so the dentist put a temporary composite resin (Fermit) filling in. The suggestion is to find a dentist that does general anesthesia for him to get the rest of the job done. Is it too late at this point to try to remineralize with diet?
Why did Ramiel Nagel die at such a young age?
Can a cracked tooth (cracked in half between the front and back, but with all parts still attached to the gums) be rejoined and healed naturally?
Did you ever find an answer to your question? I’m wondering the same.