Genetically Modified Children
Directed by Stéphanie Lebrun
Cinema Libre Studio
In 1996, Argentina became a testing ground for genetically modified tobacco. Since then, birth defects, cancer and leukemia have increased greatly. This video follows an electrical worker who noticed a growing number of customers could no longer pay their electrical bills. When he looked into it more closely, he discovered a common recurring theme. The non-paying families all had sick children. They were not just sick with a minor cold or other common disease.
The first child we see was born without pores in his skin. He has to be very careful not to get too active or hot because he can’t sweat and the result could be deadly. There is nothing doctors can do. Elsewhere, other children have very strange tumors and other defects, including microcephaly. Cancer in children has increased to five times the pre-1996 level. All of this is centering around the genetically modified tobacco fields.
Government, as usual, is part of the problem, not the solution. When the government does help, the assistance comes with unreasonable strings attached. When a village water supply is contaminated with agrichemicals, the government agrees to provide water only if the residents sign a legal agreement not to sue over the contaminated water. At one point, lawyers came in and talked to families of victims. They promised millions of dollars on the condition that the families don’t talk about this to anyone. The sad situation continues today, but there are signs that things may begin to change. More people are becoming aware of what is really going on. That is the key to forcing change. This movie makes even more people aware and the thumb is UP for that. For more information or to purchase the DVD, see
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2018.
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