The Health Equation
Healthy Soil = Healthy Grass = Healthy Animals =Healthy Meat and Milk = Healthy People
Our Seventh Annual Conference!
Friday, November 10
Saturday, November 11
Sunday, November 12
Westfields Marriott Hotel, Chantilly VA
Featured Speakers:
- Arden Anderson, PhD, DO, author of Science in Agriculture
- Victoria Bloch, WAPF chapter leader, co-founder Real Cooking and cooking expert
- Jerry Brunetti, expert on soil fertility and human health
- George Calvert, expert on micro-dairies
- Christina Chambreau, DVM, expert on nutrition and animal health
- Thomas Cowan, MD, author of The Fourfold Path to Healing
- Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, author of The Whole Soy Story
- Maureen Diaz, WAPF chapter leader and cooking expert
- Tilak Dhiman, PhD, expert on conjugated linoleic acid
- Carol Esche, RN, DNP, MA, CNA, expert on holistic nursing
- Mary Enig, PhD, author of Know Your Fats
- Sally Fallon, MA, author of Nourishing Traditions
- Gerald Fry, expert on soil fertility and animal health
- Peter Gail, PhD, herbalist and ethnobotanist
- Hollie Greenwood, co-founder Real Cooking and cooking expert
- Joseph R. Heckman, PhD, plant nutrition and soil scientist
- Mae Wan Ho, PhD, author of Exposing the Hazards of Biotechnology
- Amy Kalafa, filmmaker and school lunch activist
- Chris Masterjohn, WAPF chapter leader and researcher
- Judith McGeary, WAPF chapter leader and anti-NAIS activist
- Bernard Poggi, expert on child development
- Jessica Prentice, author of Full Moon Feast
- Bruce Rind, MD, expert on thyroid and adrenal health
- Susan Rubin, DDS, school lunch activist
- Joel Salatin, farmer and author of Salad Bar Beef
- Tony Savard, PhD, expert on lacto-fermentation
- Steffan Schneider, biodynamic farmer
- Hiro Watanabe, PhD, distinguished expert on miso
- Ross Welch, PhD, plant physiologist
- James L. Wilson, ND, DC, PhD, author of Adrenal Fatigue
- George Yu, MD, specialist on enzymes and human health
- Mary Zanoni, anti-NAIS activist
World-Renowned Experts on Farming, Diet and Health Show How Healthy Soil and Good Health Go Together
A Showcase for Delicious Traditional Food
A Unique Opportunity for Health Professionals and Laymen interested in Farming, Diet and Health
Who Should Attend Wise Traditions?
Doctors, nurses, nutritionists, dietitians, parents, students, food writers, food providers, farmers, public servants, teachers, patients, activists, agriculture professionals, people interested in nutrition, people with no interest in nutrition, people who love to cook, people who hate to cook, people who like to eat, Baby
Boomers concerned about their health, grandparents concerned about their grandchildren, couples who want healthy babies, people who want answers, people who love controversy. . . and You!
Childcare – Room Share – Ride Share – Exhibiting
Contact PTF Associates (240) 379-7072 or email registrar (at)
Friday Evening Welcome
Reception, Buffet, and Dance
Friday, November 10
6:30 p.m. Buffet Dinner
7:30-11:30 Dance
Saturday Evening Banquet
Sit-Down Dinner by Chef John Umlauf and Chef K. Michael Sullivan
Saturday, November 11
6:30 – 10:00 p.m. Main Ballroom
including Awards Presentations and
Keynote Address by Mae Wan Ho, PhD: “The Dangers of Genetically Modified Food”
Continuing Education Units
Continuing Education Units for many health and agriculture professions.
Details coming soon.
Poster Presentations
Submissions of abstracts from health professionals and agriculture professionals on a broad range of topics relating food and nutrition to health are welcome. For full-fee registrants only.