Healing Cancer From Inside Out
by Mike Anderson
“I will not give poison to anyone.” That is a quaint, old-fashioned idea put forth by Hippocrates, alas, no longer in vogue. This DVD rips away the façade of the cancer industry and explains what the statistics really mean. Examples are given showing how the industry depends on meaningless relative numbers to exaggerate treatment benefits. Five year survival rates have improved only because of earlier diagnoses, while real survival rates have not changed significantly for fifty years. The truth becomes even more inconvenient for the industry when you look at the list of studies from the Journal of the American Medical Association, the Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine, and other prestigious publications showing that untreated patients live longer than treated patients. The bad news gets even worse when you consider the fact that the treatments of choice are quite barbaric. Senator Hubert Humphrey called chemotherapy “bottled death.” Charles Huggins, MD, said, “There are worse things than death. One of them is chemotherapy.”
There are many ways to lie or distort the truth with numbers. Eighty percent of all statistics are wrong—including this one.
The movie does well at sorting through the statistics and even explaining things like the AMA’s war against chiropractors, homeopathy and anything that worked. The consensus of the experts in the film is that changing one’s diet is the most effective answer to cancer. That sounds like a good answer but I know trouble is brewing when I see names like T. Colin Campbell and Dr. John McDougall. They still sing the same tune, promoting a change to a vegetarian diet. Several testimonials are given by people who made the switch and their cancer problems went away. I don’t really have any trouble believing that. Changing from SAD to almost anything else can manifest miraculous improvement in the short run. The long term is another story and that story is why this story ends with a thumb pointing down. THUMBS DOWN.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2009.
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Really? A Thumbs Down?
I am shocked after reading this review that you would give the movie a thumbs down without any real explanation other than the pro-vegetarian position of the movies makers. Are you even concerned about cancer? Are you even concerned about those who are affected by cancer?
To ignore the science behind a Max Gerson or any other legends in naturally curing cancer – simply because they expose the hazards that can come from consuming meat is far too childish for the Weston A Price Organization which has done much to raise awareness to the far from reliable dietary guidance given by the FDA.
What about FoodMatters? Am I to assume you would say thumbs down to that too because they also advise against consuming without discernment the meats in most stores people buy food from?
Another review where meat addiction is a world tragedy. Thank you for being so anti vegetarian and letting me know there is “Truth” in this DVD.
Time to Re-evaluate the Reviewer!
I have to agree that this film presented mixed messages, with a huge (and bothersome, IMO) bias towards the flawed China Study and Colin Campbell’s statement “meat causes cancer”. But I certainly would not give it a “thumbs down”- does EVERY message which does not exactly concur with WPF message require a thumbs down? Reading what I have from this reviewer, it seems so, almost knee-jerk so. That is more than “too bad”- it is sophomoric. Films such as this are not designed to detract from WPF’s basic message of healing through real food- even if they do present one particular viewpoint about a segment of healthy eating.
Use what works – worry about politics later
Dear reviewer,
A vegan / vegetarian diet may not be the perfect diet for everyone for long periods of time, but you cannot argue against the success of the diets used by Gerson, Ornish, Esselstyn, Fuhrman etc etc when used as a treatment modality to drastically change the biochemistry of a patient very quickly towards an inner environment less suceptable to cancer.
I see no problem in using these diets to clean up and detoxify the body for short periods of time – and then as needed, if needed, re-introduce animal products. The number of patient cases which demonstrate success with this modality cannot be ignored.
I don’t see why it has to be so dogmatic. Use what works, when it is needed – and if it begins to fail then change it.
All the best, Joe
Thumbs down? Seriously?! This DVD has helped more people than I can mention and I share it with everyone! Even Time Magazine had a front page featured story years ago on the benefits of a plant-based diet. I am not a vegan but I do make an effort to eat 80% plant-based and supplement with high quality nutritional products that keep my immune system running optimally. The only thing missing from this documentary is the truth about vaccines and their devastating affects on our immune systems.