Question: For a few years now I have been trying to transition to a more traditional diet based on the Weston Price principles, but I keep backing off because of two reasons: Foods such as raw milk, butter and grass-fed beef all tend to produce a lot of mucus; and eating this way often makes me feel heavy with sluggish digestion. This occurs even with modest serving sizes. Although I went through a vegan/vegetarian phase a decade ago, I can’t believe my body has “forgotten” how to handle more traditional foods. I’m 36, 165 pounds and an athlete with no significant health issues—but I do get tired of spitting up clots of mucus after consuming milk, beef and other animal foods, despite the fact I’m eating the best quality available. Any suggestions?
Answer: Your problem with digestion and toleration of reintroduced traditional foods is one that comes up frequently. Milk, even though it is raw, often causes problems as does meat, especially beef, and often also grains. What I would like to do is to provide some ways of thinking about diet that may help you make food choices that work for you.
When I teach people about diet I explain that my approach is to think about three food groups. All the foods in each group are essentially interchangeable.
The first group is animal foods. This includes all the dairy products, eggs, beef, poultry, pork, fish, organ meats, etc. In all of the groups, it is important that you choose the best quality foods, but especially in the animal groups. Thus, milk should be raw whole milk from grass-fed cows, meats and eggs should come from pastured animals, and the fish should be wild.
The Weston A. Price diet puts a lot of emphasis on the fat-soluble vitamins A and D, and the minerals calcium and phosphorus. Raw milk from pasture-fed cows is an excellent source of all of these; hence our suggestion to include raw dairy products if you can. If you cannot tolerate plain milk, try milk in a form that is “pre-digested,” that is, fermented, such as kefir or cheese. Likewise if you cannot tolerate sweet butter, try cultured butter, and if this also causes a problem, then try ghee, which contains no milk solids.
If you cannot tolerate any milk products, because of congestion or gastrointestinal issues, then we can use our food-group thinking and just omit dairy products but use other animal foods.
Beef often presents a problem, which is really unfortunate as beef is the best dietary source of zinc, so often lacking in vegetarian diets. Two things can help here: one is to be sure to eat the meat with its fat. All too often, grass-fed meat is too lean and lean meat is very hard to digest. Secondly, be sure to eat the meat with a gelatin-rich broth. In fact, if you have not eaten meat in a long time, you should reintroduce meat in small amounts chopped up in a gelatin-rich soup broth. The broth is also a good source of calcium, which you will need if you are not consuming dairy products.
These same rules hold with chicken, turkey, pork, etc. Eat them with their fat and accompanied with a gelatin-rich broth as in soup, a sauce or gravy. Many people avoid pork as the “heaviest” kind of meat, but I have had patients who don’t do well on beef, but are fine with pork. Likewise, some do well on pork or poultry fat, but not on butter or ghee.
Another choice, of course, is eggs, but again, some people do poorly on eggs, especially egg whites.
In this journal and the WAPF literature, we have stressed the importance of the fat-soluble vitamins A and D over and over again. Yet many people starting out on our diet miss the importance of these nutrients—they eat lean meat, but not the sources of A and D, such as fat, organ meats, sea food and especially cod liver oil. It is not surprising that they have trouble digesting high-protein foods because these foods will deplete the fat-soluble vitamins—especially vitamin A—very quickly. So I cannot stress too strongly the importance of including these in the diet.
Digestive aids that can be helpful include a supplement of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes to help with protein digestion and ox bile to help with fat digestion, taken with meals. These will replace hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes and bile that your body may have “forgotten” how to produce—yes, indeed, the body’s production of these substances so important for digestion can shut down through lack of use.
I recommend Standard Process Zypan, two with each meal, to increase pancreatic enzymes and hydrochloric acid. For fat digestion, Cholacol by Standard Process provides purified bile salts for increasing bile flow and helping with fat digestion. The dose is 1-2, three times per day before meals.
Swedish Bitters can also help stimulate overall digestive ability. The dose is 1 teaspoon mixed with a little water three times per day with meals.
The final aid for helping with the digestion of animal products is enzyme-rich fermented vegetables or drinks with each time you eat meat or other animal foods. This can include sauerkraut, kimchi, beet kvass or other lacto-fermented drinks.
With these aids and principles, it has been rare that a person can’t find a type of animal food that they tolerate.
The next food group I call the seed food group. This includes grains, seeds, nuts, beans and other starchy vegetables such as potatoes and sweet potatoes. Again, remember that within a food group all the foods are essentially interchangeable.
The key with this group is in the preparation. Grains are much better tolerated after a long soaking, even 3-4 days in some cases. I often advise people to soak such grains such as rice and millet in a large bowl or jar for 2-4 days before cooking, just to enhance their digestibility. Then if you use bone broth instead of water in the cooking your body will be better able to tolerate them.
With seeds and nuts the trick is to soak them in salt water and dehydrate them as described in Nourishing Traditions.
Sprouted grain flour, which is now commercially available over the internet, can be used to make flour products easier to digest, although those having trouble with grains may want to also soak the flour. Alternative types of flour such as coconut flour can also be used.
If none of these tricks allows you to tolerate grain and seed foods, then I suggest getting your complex carbohydrates from such starchy vegetables as cooked sweet potatoes, white potatoes, parsnips, carrots and beets, always served with liberal amounts of butter or other fat.
The third and final group is the vegetable group. In this group the key is to understand the relative amounts of cellulose or fiber in the various vegetables. With low fiber vegetables such as lettuce, or vegetables that are really fruits such as tomatoes or cucumbers, no cooking is required for most people. Strange as it may seem, however, some people need to avoid raw vegetables entirely and only eat them cooked.
High fiber vegetables such as spinach, chard, asparagus, etc., require steaming, blanching or some other quick cooking technique to soften the fiber and make the vegetable easier to digest. Some vegetables really require a long cooking, such as kale, collards, mustard greens or turnip greens, as is the wise custom among people who eat these foods. (These “greens” are also traditionally cooked with pork fat.)
Lacto-fermentation also softens and digests fiber in foods, making them more digestible. Here I am thinking primarily of cabbage, which is best eaten as lacto-fermented sauerkraut. The consumption of sauerkraut with each meal also aids the digestion of the other food groups.
With this approach, practically everyone can find a traditional diet that works for them.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2007.
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My wife is allergic to dairy products, gluten, rice and has obviously has digestion problems. I just ordered her Okra Pepsin and Zypan from STandard process and upon receiving I see they both contain lactose and are processed in a plant that also produces milk, wheat etc. Any suggestions on use of these in order for her to avoid rashes and itching that these products usually cause her?
thank you
But, what about people who CAN’T eat much fat of any kind? I have chronic pancreatitis, and it’s imperative that I try to consume no more than 20 grams of fat per day to avoid painful flareups which lead to further damage of the pancreas. Is there ANY way for people like me to maintain a reasonably healthy diet? I guess people like me would have just died off early in the days when everyone ate large amounts of fats. I love the idea of this traditional diet, but it is depressing that by this diet’s standards, I have no choice but to be on a hopelessly unhealthy diet. Any suggestions?
Hello, this reply is a year late, I hope you’re doing ok. I had many stomach problems and was told I had IBS, Crohn’s and inability to digest fats. I took matters into my own hands and cut all gluten from my diet, that was life changing. No wheat, barley, rye or even oats. I introduced raw dairy and very small amounts of kefir, then more fermented foods and soft cooked vegetables, grass fed meats, fish, roe etc. 18 months on my life had been transformed and I can in fact digest fatty meats, mainly pork as that agrees with me the most. I can also eat aged and blue cheeses, something unthinkable before. I wish you well and good luck
Are you on a low sodium diet? Do you avoid salt?
Salt is nessesary for food digestion and human existence. Digestive acids for fat and protine must be made in the body from salt in your diet. A whole mineral sea salt doesn’t have the negative effects of the stripped sodium chloride in table salt.
Low salts result in poor digestion, heartburn, and reflux, as well as other problems in the body like nervous system function. Many needed vitamins are fat soluble like A & D.. Natural salt is nessesary for human health. Either from enough vegetables or natural whole sea salts. Bitters like salad greens before a meal boost bile production and help digest. The stripped sodium chloride is what causes the salt related problems you hear about. They take out the balancing minerals and sell those separately so your left with crap.
I recently visited my oldest daughter in Oregon. While I was there she studied extensively your book as well as Sally Fallon’s and we started our transition back into a better diet. It was so fun cooking with her and eating all these wonderful foods again. She suggested I write and ask you what I should be doing in regards to this diet for I had surgery removing my gallbladder quite a few years ago. She also recently sent me some really good information from Weston A in regards to my hypothyroidism. I am currently on Levothyroxine. When I was diagnosed a few years back my TSH levels when I was admitted into the VA hospital were 298 as opposed to registering between 2-4 . Many doctors came in to see me in disbelief for i was not overweight nor suffering from any lack of energy. They recommended a very high dose of levothytoxine then. As I was raised in an environment that was more holistic I started my own research into my diagnosis and the drug itself. I found out that with such a high dose I could expect to lose my thyroid within a year. At this time my daughter gave me Victoria Butenkos book “Green For Life”. I went on a completely raw food diet bringing my TSH levels back to normal therefore lowering my medication quite drastically. The drs informed me however I would never be able to be off the synthetic prescription as long as I lived. I am no longer raw as of a few years ago and have had no problems with fluctuating TSH like I have read others have suffered. With all this in mind I was hoping you could tell me what is best for me in regards to eating all these wonderful foods without a gallbladder. Do I need to take some form of a supplement to
Support this diet.
Thank you sincerely
L. Rose Moore
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