Translations: Dutch
Question: What advice can you give me about herpes infection? According to conventional websites, “there is no treatment that can cure herpes, but antiviral medications can shorten and prevent outbreaks during the period of time the person takes the medication.” Since it can be sexually transmitted, abstinence or “safe sex” practices are recommended. I don’t like the idea of taking antiviral medications on a permanent basis and the abstinence part doesn’t appeal to me either. Is there a natural therapy that can get rid of herpes for good?
Answer: “Herpes” is among the ten medical conditions most frequently searched for on the Internet. You would think that with so much interest in the condition, the medical “experts” would have more to offer than antiviral medications with their side effects of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, rash and decreased kidney function.
The virus herpes simplex that is so common today manifests in two forms, herpes simplex type 1, which is associated with mouth sores, and herpes simplex type 2, which is associated with sores or lesions in the genital area. This distinction is not absolute as it seems that in some cases herpes simplex type 1 can also be associated with sores in the genital area. There are many other types of herpes viruses that cause disease in humans, including the variety that causes chicken pox and its associated condition shingles.
Herpes viruses tend to be contagious, especially the varieties that cause chicken pox and genital lesions. They are encapsulated viruses, meaning they have a lipid or fatty capsule around their DNA, and they tend to have a chronic form that affects the nervous system. In chicken pox, this means that after the original illness of chicken pox is resolved, the herpes virus is still present and dormant in the nerve roots. At some point, possibly due to stress or other factors, the virus becomes active and “erupts” as the painful lesions of shingles in the distribution of the affected nerve. Similarly with genital or oral herpes, after the initial, painful infection has cleared, the virus remains in the roots of the nerves to erupt again on the skin under certain conditions.
The symptoms of genital herpes are painful sores in the genital region, which at times can become crusty and infected. Some people experience only one episode; in others episodes manifest several times over a lifespan; some, however, experience painful eruptions every few weeks. It is for these people that this article is mainly directed, those for whom long-term use of conventional anti-viral treatments can result in very unpleasant side effects.
The only other point I would like to mention before discussing some possible treatments is the fact that genital and oral herpes are both transmissible illnesses. In fact, they both can be transferred even if the virus is completely dormant in the person carrying the virus. This is truly an inconvenient truth, in that it means that sexual contact can pass the virus on even if the infected partner has no outward signs of illness. Transmission is less common when the condition is dormant than if there are clear sores present, but we have well documented cases showing that it can occur. This is why herpes can be so troubling for people, as it has a disruptive effect on their sexuality, even in the absence of outward illness.
Regarding the natural treatment of herpes infection, we can take advantage of the characteristics of the virus to impact its tendency to erupt. Since the virus is essentially a piece of DNA surrounded by a fatty layer, if we target this aspect we can largely “disable” the virus. Luckily, we have two substances which are known to target this tendency of the virus.
First, the herb Hypericum perforatum, commonly known as St. John’s wort, contains a chemical called hypericin. It is hypericin that gives the red color to the oil glands in the leaves, and it is hypericin that selectively targets the lipid capsule of viruses.
For centuries, physicians have valued St. John’s wort as a nervine, meaning a medicine that targets the nervous system. Thus practitioners have traditionally used St. John’s wort to treat depression and tooth ache. Remember that the nervous system consists largely of cells with fatty coatings, similar to the encapsulated viruses. The plant in its wisdom contains the active chemical hypericin in an oily base, and because oil only dissolves in oil, it penetrates the oily tissues of the body, that is, the nerve cells, where hypericin then dissolves the lipid coating of the virus. I generally prefer Mediherb herbal products because of their potency. The dose is two tablets twice per day, even for the very long term.
The second characteristic takes advantage of the virus-disabling effect of lauric acid, the 12-carbon fatty acid found in breast milk fat and in coconut oil. Thanks to the work of Mary Enig, readers of this journal are familiar with the anti-microbial benefits of lauric acid and other short- and medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil. During digestion, the body breaks triglycerides (three fatty acids joined to a glycerol molecule) into di-glycerides (two fatty acids joined to a glycerol molecule), monoglycerides (one fatty acid joined to a glycerol molecule) and free fatty acids. It is the monoglycerol of lauric acid, called monolaurin, that has the strongest anti-microbial effects.
For years, I counseled my herpes patients to eat as much coconut oil, as they could stomach. However, in the past year, I discovered a product called Lauricidin, which is a concentrate or pure form of monolaurin. One dose of Lauricidin is the equivalent of taking many tablespoons of coconut oil per day, a practice most people find intolerable. I have been consistently impressed with the ability of Lauricidin to suppress herpes outbreaks, not to mention yeast problems like candida (monolaurin is also a potent anti-fungal agent), and allow people to get off their antiviral drugs. It is a safe extract, which can be taken long term. The usual dose to suppress the herpes is about 1/2 to 1 scoop, one to three times per day. It should be swallowed, not chewed, and always taken with some food. The dose should be increased slowly as tolerated and as gauged by its effectiveness.
In addition, we must pay attention to the overall microbial content of our bodies, as we know that good bacteria actually synthesize antiviral substances. For most, this will mean following a nourishing traditional diet containing a variety of lacto-fermented foods; for others a temporary GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet may be needed. The fermented cod liver oil is important at the dose of at least one-half teaspoon per day.
With this regimen most of my patients have been able to avoid both the conventional antiviral drugs and the painful symptoms of genital herpes.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2009.
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Does this regime described above include using both St. John’s wort and Lauricidin? You use both at the same time?
Natural herbs are truly the remedy for HSV-1&2 and Dr Osato herbal medicine cures HSV within two weeks.. I just tested Negative for HSV-2 after using Dr Osato herbal meds for two weeks! To place an order and get yours today visit his website
I would also like to know if using both St. John’s Wort and Lauricidin together would increase the virus killing effect. Thank you.
Another tip, I use essential oils as soon as I feel them coming and they go away. Just soak a cotton pad with them and hold it over it the first day I feel them trying to abrupt.
What brand of Lauricidin do you recommend? My husband has epstein Barr and I think this will help his virus. Can you take this along with coconut oil? Or is there a point where you can have to much
Lauricidin is the brand.
I have had lots of lots of trouble with herpes type 1 (not genital) from a very young age- I have had cold sores on/in my mouth area, on my chin, on my thumb, chicken pox, shingles… I have not heard of your treatments and are excited to try them. Ate the safe during pregnancy- and I would like separate answers for the question for people who have gential herpes and for people with non-gential herpes as I do not think this is usually adressed. (with antiviral drugs they simply tell you, yes, it’s safe- because an outbreak of genital herpes would be a serious concern when delivering a baby. but I don’t think they took into account the person who has a simple cold sore when making these statements.)
I had been prescribed antiviral drugs- acyclovir, from an early age and I will never take them again after an episode in which they caused me temporary slowness of speech and thought (as if I were drunk) and I would like to discourage people from using it. I don’t think it’s safe- also I don’t think I should have been given these drugs for the types of non-serious/non-genital infections I had.
any explanations on the safety of antiviral drugs and how they work? also, I have found that abreva can be helpful for cold sores and fever blisters but I’m sure it’s not natural, I don’t know how it works, and I don’t know how safe it is. any info?
why am I so prone to this particular dissease? what can I do about it?
Try garlic cloves I read that its a cure have faith I’m going to try it I have hsv1 n 2 n I’m pregnant I just found out today try it n let me no the outcome u can cut the cloves up n swollow with water for 3 weeks to 4 n go back and get tested I want to make sure I can intake the garlic without harming my baby
Hey love,
Did your idea work?
Don’t go anywhere near Garlic.
Do this protocol instead
Raw, fruit and vegetable diet.
Never eat anything with more arginine than lysine.
Take supplements without rice powder.
Plenty of vitamin D3.
St John’s Wort
Lecithin, oregano oil, olive leaf extract, echinacea purpurea herb, sodium ascorbate and the most important supplement of all and I stress the most important supplement of all is MONOLAURIN and St John’s Wort.
Make sure to never take supplements with rice powder rice is your enemy when you are dealing with hsv.
Also dink Coloidal Silver ir’s action wil combine with the Monolaurin and St John’s Wort.
The first 2 will decoat the virus leaving it defenseless for the coloidal Silver to eat it.
Would this be a life-long protocol to suppress the symptoms of HSV? Or would this completely get rid the infection for good? If so, how long should someone be doing the protocol?
I have been having trouble with Lauricidin & Monolaurin. I went on it last November 2013 for Hep C, and because I Zyto tested to need it. It improved my mental clarity in a major way, and after 3-4 weeks I reduced it to a maintenance dose of about 500 mg or less daily. I struggled with yeast GI issues for months following and just found out that ML and LC create yeast in some people by a chelating action that pulls out toxic metals through the colon. I’m now going to stop taking ML / LC for a while and possibly resume it in 6-12 months for a few weeks only.
I’m interested in other ways to dissolve lipid virii. In the 80s I had a bad allergic reaction to St John’s Wort, so am not sure if I should try that again.
Mary –
I’d suggest you use natural anti virals, not drugs.
Oil of Oregano is a VERY good anti viral. also, GSE [grapefruit seed extract].
Read “The Cure is in the Cupboard by Dr Cass Ingram. It’s all about the many uses of Oil of Oregano. You can effectively treat [or even cure] pretty much anything with it.
It’s not true. I have the book and I’ve tried the Oregano oil but It doesn’t work.
It probably doesn’t work for you because you have Candida issues you need to address before the OOO will work for your herpes. It’s a life changing process to actually cure yourself. You didn’t get “dis-eased” over night and it won’t take one or even 4 weeks to “cure” yourself. It takes time and diligence. Change your diet and don’t jumpy to be so dicouraging to the wide public reading your posts.
I agree. I was diagnosed with multiple human herpes viruses sixteen years ago and regardless of all the changes I’ve made most herbs, including oil of oregano, don’t help.
Try snake juice fasting (YouTube it) then later do dry fasting. It resets your immune system. And autophagy takes place once your in ketosis destroying viral cells. It’s amazing and it works. Your outbreaks will definitely decrease. Good luck.
I use a blend of the essential oils and it works, but I have to hold the cotton pad on the area that is getting the well known itchy sensation through out the first day and it goes away. It works but it takes effort to figure it out
Raw, fruit and vegetable diet.
Never eat anything with more arginine than lysine.
Take supplements without rice powder.
Plenty of vitamin D3.
St John’s Wort
Lecithin, oregano oil, olive leaf extract, echinacea purpurea herb, sodium ascorbate and the most important supplement of all and I stress the most important supplement of all is MONOLAURIN and St John’s Wort.
Make sure to never take supplements with rice powder rice is your enemy when you are dealing with hsv.
Due to the nature of my current prescribed regimen, I can’t really eat during a large part of the day. I already take about 2 Tbsp of Coconut oil every day, for both its nutrition and just to bump up my calorie intake. Anyway, considering that and the fact that some of my other medicines must be taken as far from food intake as possible, would Lauricidin be treated by the body like food? Does it contain calories. I have been taking a significant amount of garlic in the morning just before taking my other medicine which requires an empty stomach, but I’m wondering if it would be a problem to add this in the morning as well. Since I have an empty stomach in the morning and can’t eat, that would mean taking it on an empty stomach which seems to be a bad idea, but on the other hand, the only other time I would be able to take this if it must be taken with food is during dinner which is when I already consume a lot of coconut oil. Would it be a problem to take this with coconut oil? I’m mostly just worried that it will increase the amount of die-off I experience since it is basically going to be like significantly boosting my coconut oil at the same time. If anyone has insight into that, please let me know. Thanks!
Lauricdian works In high doses 3 scoops per day you have to take food with It I cant tolerate
It however gave me terrible diarreah even with anti direah meds but If you can tolerate It its a Blessing pub med has article on peepermint oil
How effective is Red Marine Algaae against Herpes?
I’ve been using Chaparral for 10+ yrs. It works! I used to get outbreaks almost every month and didn’t like resorting to prescription drugs. I came across this herb and started to use it. I’ve noticed over the years that when I felt a sore coming on I would immediately take around 6 capsules up to three times/day and the sore wouldn’t manifest. If I didn’t catch it on time, during the tingling phase, I would again take the same amount but it would accelerate the length of time I had the sore.
At some point I started to take 2 capsules/day for at least a year and I rarely get outbreaks. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I’ve had one. It’s been over 6+ years. Not complaining either!
Hi Alana,
Can you give what Chaparral you take. I’m living in Europe and would need more precisions about the product.
Hi.. what brand of Chaparral do you use? I assume it works well for both type 1 and 2? Thanks.
Raw, fruit and vegetable diet.
Never eat anything with more arginine than lysine.
Take supplements without rice powder.
Plenty of vitamin D3.
St John’s Wort
Lecithin, oregano oil, olive leaf extract, echinacea purpurea herb, sodium ascorbate and the most important supplement of all and I stress the most important supplement of all is MONOLAURIN and St John’s Wort.
Make sure to never take supplements with rice powder rice is your enemy when you are dealing with hsv.
So bad news on lauricidin pushing the candida yeast factor. So what about Peppermint oil? I read about a few studies done on a group of essential oils that would remove the sticky ‘Bio-Film’ coating on the intestines and peppermint performed best. I also had an allergic reaction to St John’s Wort (tingling itching feet). Do you think the component only of that herb, hypericin, is available?
I use 4 drops of peppermint oil and coconut oil directly on my vagina to fight of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections and it works every time.
Lauricidin solves yeast problems. It doesn’t create them and I can’t find anything to support that it does. Can someone post a link to support the claim that it causes yeast problems? I take it for HSV2 and I’ve had zero breakouts since I started taking it a few months ago. It made me feel bad for the first week or so of taking it, but after that, no problems.
The Lauricidin website says they do not recommend the product during pregnancy. However, it seems like it would be much safer than taking Acyclovir for herpes. I’m 30 weeks pregnant and was advised by my midwife to start acyclovir for suppression so I don’t have an outbreak during labor. I found information on Lauricidin on the Weston Price website and thought it would be a great alternative to acyclovir. Has anyone taken it during pregnancy?
I AM SO VERY HAPPY TODAY!!! That is why am giving this big thanks to Dr. Aziza. I have been suffering from HIV AIDS for the past six 6 years, i have spent a lot of money getting drugs from the hospitals to keep myself healthy, i tried everything possible to get myself cure, but i couldn’t get any solution! until i decided to try herbal cure. That was how i got in contact with this great herbal doctor in an online research, i contacted him and after he had administer his herbal cure on me, two 2 days after i want for another test. To God be the glory i tested HIV AIDS negative, I am so glad to see my myself HIV AIDS negative once again. I m very proud to express my happiness through this platform and to say a big thanks to Dr. Aziza for restoring my life back to normal. You can as well contact Dr. Aziza via if you are infected with HIV AIDS or HERPES VIRUS and also having any health problems.
I saw your post and I was wondering where Dr. Aziza is located.
Hello, I advice you contact him and make the enquirers
I used both the Laurenciden and St. John’s Wort together for about 3 weeks to great effect. However I began to get strange pains in my hands like paper cuts or needle pricks. I stopped the combination entirely and the pains have disappeared within a week. Should I have used one or the other but not both?
Could I be sensitive to one or both products? Has anyone else had a reaction like this?
Please advise.
@ Jaya Devi. Your discomfort is more than likely due to an old stubborn virus that the herbs are attacking. Try lowering your dosage taking them separately on alternating days. Sounds like they’re doing their job. Good luck!!
This is what I found about Chaparral or Larrea tridentata
it is a very interesting document about this herb and about all forms of Herpes
Just drink two tablespoons of cold pressed coconut oil will clear all the lipid coated virus like HIV, herpes, chicken pox, herpes zoster. Don’t spend money on lauricidin, st Johns worth etc… And also antivirals. Coconut oil is inexpensive. Will make you negative for all the viruses. Monolaurin in the coconut oil disintegrates or dissolves lipid coated viruses instantly.
I like your reply. May I know how lo g I can take 2 tlbs of coconut oil to get negative result? Is it also effective for hsv1? Thanks.
The doctors said Herpes virus do not have medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells, it remains protected from your immune system. Herpes isn’t a special virus – your immune system has the tools to fight it back. But because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body,But with strong reactive herbal medication is capable of getting rid of the virus gradually and totally from your body without damaging any of your cells,natural herbs kills the virus totally not just reducing the out break. Get natural herbs cure from Dr. OSHUKU (droshuku@gmailcom)
This Dr Oshuku is a friend 5scammer from Nigeria
Hello: I am taking Monolaurin. Hope it will heal this herpes.
How has the monolaurin worked so far?
I’m sure MCT oil on it’s own can cure herpes for good. The only exception is that it be retransmitted. So I’ve consumed nearly 8 ounces of MCT oil in the past three days. Maybe less than half an ounce I’ve rubbed into my wrists to absorb into my blood stream and the other 7 to 7 1/2 ounces I used like oil pulling. Probably about a tablespoon at a time swishing it back and forth to detoxify my mouth. The brand I use of MCT oil has 13 grams of medium chained triglycerides. Mainly caprylic and capric acid and to a lesser extent lauric acid. This leads to ketogenic effects. Insane amounts of God mode energy and mental clarity. I feel like I am 10x sharp as I was before and I have been using prohormes for androgen increase as of recently. And my hunger levels are pretty barren. And I toss and turn all night long from the energy that MCT’s provide. This is absolutely a inotropic and antidepressant. Made me run like a beast. Super burst of speed. The oil is so creamy and it goes down so easy. It taste like gourmet butter. It could account for the majority of your dietary fuel. Like you can eat 80 percent less or at least you won’t have sugar cravings. Proteins and sparce carbohydrates. But the best part is that because the MCT oil is so potent I’m sure I will have my herpes gladitorium beat in under a few weeks. It absolutely disrupts the lipid coating around the virus. In three days, my back is now becoming soft again. Usually it is prickly with microblisters but now it is softening fast. The even better part of it is that now I can use MCT oil on a regular basis not only for the elimination of herpes and to create a barrier to protect against transmission from the build up of the MCT’s, but now I understand what ketogenic diet is any and how intensely better it makes me feel and perfodm. Brain fog and herpes be gone!
Did the MCT oil effective on curing herpes for good? and what brand is it and where to buy them? thanks.
During digestion, lauric acid is converted to monolaurin, a vital substance for optimal immune function. MCT oil doesn’t contain lauric acid. While the Caprylic and Capric acids in MCT oil have some antiviral and antibacterial properties of their own, they don’t contain lauric acid and won’t help the body create monolaurin. Thus, good ole regular coconut oil is much better to use for a herpes protocol..
Dr Cowan, I am always impressed with your well researched and informative guidance. I would like to direct you to This is the site containing valuable information and research from Dr Hammer. Specifically he addressed this herpes virus among other things and I believe the medical community today has it all wrong.
Is Herpes a virus? I though viruses don’t exist. Please explain.
Has anyone heard of the company Synergy Pharmaceuticals? It’s an offshore company that Yahoo Finance has cited as being the first company to come out with a legitimate cure for herpes. They use an all natural means to clear the virus in they promise 4-6 mos.
I also read in a book The Cure is in the Cupboard, about the medicinal uses of p73 oregano oil, called oreganol, and there are several testimonials of the carvacrol of oregano being the agent that can reach into the body to effectively k!ll the hsv virus.
I can’t find other testimonials or reviews, but I would love some feedback, as they seem worth some study. I’ve used oreganol for some time for colds and other issues, and it knocks them out cold. the one issue I have is unrelenting phlegm which does go away despite IV vit c therapy, ozone therapy, and all manner of pills, herbs, and therapies.
I am glad, cured from herpes
it’s unbelievable! ..
Email robin sonbu ckler11 @gm ail . c om………………
This link doesn’t work :/
I found this website to be quite helpful. I have struggled with cold sores my whole life. I recently have found garlic and ear wax to be effective. Fresh garlic pressed on the tingling area briefly along with some some ear wax. Sounds strange but for me it has a been an amazing along with a high lysine diet.
Wow is this the same Dr. Tom Cowan who, along with Andrew Kaufman PhD, now states that viruses do not exist since there’s never been any scientific evidence of their existence (i.e., no published scientific papers to support etc etc) and neither of their being infectious also? Interesting that he apparently had an epiphany in such a short period of time.
Truly, natural remedies do work. We wouldn’t have used them for thousands of years if they didn’t. And, pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t be studying plants, taking extracts from them, and patenting them as drugs. Your doctor will lie to you that there is no cure for certain illnesses because they want you to keep spending your hard-earned money on those drugs without getting a permanent cure. It’s time to give herbs a try. All Thanks to PURE LIFE HERBAL SOLUTION. I was cured of herpes with the use of their Chilean herbal remedy. Check out their website now.
At 25 I found out I had genital herpes and I am 30 years old now and I experience outbreaks several times in a year and the symptoms are so obvious” I have taken all kinds of antiviral medicines which didn’t work well with my body system then I met an old friend of mine from Africa who told me about doctor excel a herbal man who I contacted on his website: ( ) I told him about my problem and he prepare and sent me a herbal medicine to drink and now I have been totally cured from the virus because I have tested negative not just once and the blisters has totally disappeared.. Get to know about this herbal man on his website.
That was a bad email address.
Natural herbs have cured so many illnesses that drugs and injection can not cure. I’ve seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people’s lives. I read people’s testimonies online on how they were cured of herpes, hiv, diabetics etc with the help of Chilean natural remedies . So I decided to visit the website because I know nature has the power to heal anything. I placed an order and I got the herbs within 3 days. The herbs cured me within 15days of medication. I`ve referred a lot of friends and they all got cured. It may be hard for you to believe but I`m a living testimony. There is no harm trying herbs. It kills the virus permanently. Check out their website now.
How I got rid of human papillomavirus with natural treatment. i was diagnosed with this virus for 5 years i broke up with my boyfriend because i contracted the virus from him, luckily i found a herbalist name Dr. Ogedegbe everyone testify good of his natural treatment i picked up his address and contacted him. he truly treated me with natural herbs in a week and i got cured. I share this post because ever since i got this treatment I’m perfectly ok with my health, you can get contact with him through facebook webpage now