From Nourishing Traditions
Any effort to ensure optimal nutrition for your baby must begin long before he or she is conceived. The wisdom of primitive peoples is vastly superior to our own in this regard, in that a common practice among isolated groups is the feeding of special foods to both men and women for a period of time before conception occurs. Dr. Weston Price’s studies revealed that these foods—including organ meats, fish heads, fish eggs, shell fish, insects and animal fats—were rich in fat-soluble vitamins A and D as well as macro and trace minerals. Couples planning to have children should eat liberally of organic liver and other organ meats, fish eggs and other seafood, eggs and the best quality butter, cream and fermented milk products they can obtain for at least six months before conception. A daily cod liver oil supplement is also advised. (See note on cod liver oil, page 616.) Organic meats, vegetables, grains and legumes should round out the diet, with a special emphasis on the leafy green vegetables rich in folic acid, which is necessary for the prevention of birth defects like spina bifida
A good rule for pregnant women is liver once a week, at least two eggs per day and 1 teaspoon cod liver oil daily. A daily ration of superfoods, such as evening primrose oil, bee pollen, mineral powder, wheat germ oil and acerola, will provide optimal amounts of nutrients for your unborn child. Beet kvass (page 608) and kombucha (page 596), with their liver cleansing properties, are useful in preventing future morning sickness—as are foods rich in vitamin B6, such as raw fish and raw meat (pages 231-242).
A cleansing fast, undertaken six months or more before conception, is a good idea; but during the six months before conception and nine months of pregnancy it is vital to consume nutrient-dense foods. Every attempt should be made to enhance the digestibility of the diet through meat broths and the inclusion of lacto-fermented grains, beverages and condiments. All empty calories and harmful substances should be eliminated—sugar, white flour, hydrogenated and rancid vegetable oils, excess of polyunsaturated oils, tobacco, caffeine and alcohol. Oral contraceptives should be avoided during this preparatory period as these deplete many nutrients, particularly zinc, the “intelligence mineral.”
The importance of breast-feeding your baby, especially during his first few months, cannot be overemphasized. Breast milk is perfectly designed for your baby’s physical and mental development. Breast-fed babies tend to be more robust, more intelligent and freer from allergies and other complaints, especially intestinal difficulties, than those on formula. In addition, colostrum produced by the mammary glands during the first few days of a baby’s life helps guard him against colds, flu, polio, staph infections and viruses.
It must be emphasized, however, that the quality of mother’s milk depends greatly on her diet. Sufficient animal products will ensure proper amounts of vitamin B12, A and D as well as all-important minerals like zinc in her milk. Lactating women should continue with a diet that emphasizes liver, eggs and cod liver oil. Whole milk products and stock made from bones will ensure that her baby receives adequate calcium.
Pesticides and other toxins will be present in mother’s milk if they are present in the diet, so all care should be taken to consume organic foods of both plant and animal origin during pregnancy and lactation. Organic foods also provide more omega-3 fatty acids needed for baby’s optimal development. Hydrogenated fats should be strictly avoided as these result in reduced fat content in mother’s milk. Trans fats accumulate in mother’s milk and can lead to decreased visual acuity and learning difficulties in the infant.
Breast-feeding should ideally be continued for six months to a year. If mother’s milk is not adequate or of good quality, or if the mother is unable to breast feed for whatever reason, a homemade baby formula, rather than a commercial formula, can be used. Commercial infant formulas are highly fabricated concoctions composed of milk or soy powders produced by high-temperature processes that overdenature proteins and add many carcinogens. Milk-based formulas often cause allergies while soy-based formulas contain mineral-blocking phytic acid, growth inhibitors and plant forms of estrogen compounds that can have adverse effects on the hormonal development in the infant. Soy-based formulas are also devoid of cholesterol, needed for the development of the brain and nervous system.
Fortunately, it is possible to compose a formula that closely resembles mother’s milk. Whenever possible this formula should be based on raw organic milk, from cows certified free of tuberculosis and brucellosis. The milk should come from cows that eat food appropriate to cows, which is green grass in the warm months and hay and root vegetables in the winter, not soy or cottonseed meal. Ideally, the milk should come from Jersey or Guernsey cows, rather than Holsteins, so that it has a high butterfat content. This may be purchased at the farm in some states. Of course, such milk should be produced under the cleanest possible conditions and stored in sterilized containers. But the milk should be unheated. Properly produced raw milk does not pose a danger to your baby, in spite of what numerous public health propagandists may assert. Raw milk contains enzymes and antibodies that make it less susceptible to bacterial contamination than pasteurized milk, while many toxins that cause diarrhea and other ailments survive the pasteurization process. Your nose will tell you if raw milk is contaminated or spoiled—but pasteurized milk may be seriously contaminated with no telltale warning odor. Raw milk is easier for your baby to digest than pasteurized and less likely to cause cramps, constipation and allergies. If it is not possible for you to obtain certified raw milk, begin with the best quality pasteurized whole milk you can find, milk that is not homogenized, and culture it for 12 hours with piima culture or kefir grains to restore enzymes lost through pasteurization (pages 83 and 88). Or, you may prepare a milk-free formula made from organic liver. Organic liver should also be added to formula made from goat milk, as goat milk is deficient in iron, folic acid and vitamin B12.
Both our milk-based and meat-based formulas have been designed to provide maximum possible correspondence with the various components of human milk. Our milk-based formula takes account of the fact that human milk is richer in whey, lactose, vitamin C, niacin, manganese and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to cows milk but leaner in casein (milk protein). The addition of gelatin to cow’s milk formula will make it more digestible for the infant. The liver-based formula also mimics the nutrient profile of mother’s milk. Use only truly expeller-expressed oils (see Sources) in the formula recipes, otherwise they may lack vitamin E.
A wise supplement for all babies—whether breast fed or bottle fed—is an egg yolk per day, beginning at four months. Egg yolk supplies cholesterol needed for mental development as well as important sulphur-containing amino acids. Egg yolks from pasture-fed hens or hens raised on flax meal, fish meal or insects are also rich in the omega-3 long-chain fatty acids found in mother’s milk but which may be lacking in cow’s milk. These fatty acids are essential for the development of the brain. Parents who institute the practice of feeding egg yolk to baby will be rewarded with children who speak and take directions at an early age. The white, which contains difficult-to-digest proteins, should not be given before the age of one year. Small amounts of grated, raw organic liver may be added occasionally to the egg yolk after six months. This imitates the practice of African mothers who chew liver before giving it to their infants as their first food. Liver is rich in iron, the one mineral that tends to be low in mother’s milk possibly because iron competes with zinc for absorption.
An unfortunate practice in industrial societies is the feeding of cereal grains to infants. Babies produce only small amounts of amylase, needed for the digestion of grains, and are not fully equipped to handle cereals, especially wheat, before the age of one year. (Some experts prohibit all grains before the age of two.) Baby’s small intestine mostly produces one enzyme for carbohydrates—lactase, for the digestion of lactose. (Raw milk also contains lactase.) Many doctors have warned that feeding cereal grains too early can lead to grain allergies later on. Baby’s earliest solid foods should be animal foods as his digestive system, although immature, is better equipped to supply enzymes for digestion of fats and proteins rather than carbohydrates.
Carbohydrate in the form of fresh, mashed banana can be added after the age of six months as bananas are rich in amylase enzymes and, thus, are easily digested by most infants. Some preindustrial societies give a gruel of cereal grains, soaked 24 hours, to babies one year or older. Soaking in an acidic medium neutralizes phytates and begins the breakdown of carbohydrates, thus allowing children to obtain optimum nourishment from grains. It also provides lactic acid to the intestinal tract to facilitate mineral uptake.
At the age of about ten months, meats, fruits and vegetables may be introduced, one at a time so that any adverse reactions may be observed. Carbohydrate foods, such as potatoes, carrots, turnips, etc., should be mashed with butter. (Don’t overdo on the orange vegetables as baby’s immature liver may have difficulty converting carotenoids to vitamin A. If your baby’s skin develops a yellowish color, a sign that he is not making the conversion, discontinue orange vegetables for a time.) Lacto-fermented taro or other roots (page 102) make an excellent carbohydrate food for babies. It is wise to feed babies a little buttermilk or yoghurt from time to time to familiarize them with the sour taste. Above all, do not deprive your baby of animal fats—he needs them for optimum physical growth and mental development. Mother’s milk contains over 50% of its calories as fat, much of it saturated fat, and children need these kinds of fats throughout their growing years.
It is unwise to give baby fruit juices, especially apple juice, which provide only simple carbohydrates and will often spoil an infant’s appetite for more nutritious foods. Sorbitol, a sugar-alcohol in apple juice, is difficult to digest. Studies have linked failure to thrive in children with diets high in apple juice. High -fructose foods are especially dangerous for growing children.
Remember that babies should be chubby and children should be sturdy and strong, not slim. Babies need body fat to achieve optimum growth. The fat around their ankles, knees, elbows and wrists is growth fat that ensures adequate nourishment to the growth plates at the ends of the bones. Fat babies grow up into sturdy, well-formed adults, neither too tall nor too short and either slender or stocky depending on genetic heritage.
Keep your baby away from processed junk foods as long as possible—but do not think that you can do this indefinitely. Unless you lock your child in a closet—or live in a closed community of like-minded parents—he will come in contact with junk foods sooner or later. His best protection is the optimal diet that you have given him during his infancy and your loving example and training in later years.
Copyright: From: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enid, PhD. © 1999. All Rights Reserved. To order contact www.newtrendspublishing.com.
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Hi Sally and Dr. Enig,
I have a 71/2 month old baby boy that I have started feeding solids to recently. I originally tried egg yolk but he turned away and refused– not sure he got any of it down. Then I tried sweet potatoes about a week later and that went better.
So I went back to the egg yolk and he seemed to enjoy it and consumed no more than half the yolk. About three hours later, he vomited. Then a few hours after he vomited again. After talking to a friend I decided it might be a stomach bug and that vomiting is not how a child reacts to an allergen.
So my son did not vomit again and we took a break for a couple of days. Then I went back to the egg yolk this morning and the identical thing happened so now I know he is having some sort of reaction to the egg.
What could it be? Did I not cook it long enough? There were parts that were runny and parts that were a little chunkier. I boiled the water and then egg in and turned down to a simmer for 5 minutes. There was a little touch of film of the white on the outside but I took care to make sure he did not have the white part in his bites. But, I don’t know, maybe a teeny remnant of white got in there…could that have caused vomiting or could it be that it needs to be cooked longer? Or is it something all together different about it that could cause my son to vomit?
I would greatly appreciate any help you can offer. I’m frightened to feed him egg yolk again and would like to figure out why this could be happening.
Thanks so much!
This exact same thing happened to my son, he is 6 months old and this we have tried feeding him the egg yolk twice as well, both times resulting in numerous vomiting following 2 hours after eating the egg yolk and continuing with 3-5 episodes of vomit.
I am greatly interested in what Sally and Dr. Enig have to say about this.
My son also had the same reaction to chicken egg yolk until I read from doing a google search that duck egg yolk may be a good alternative for babies who have issues tolerating chicken egg yolk. Since we switched to duck egg yolk, he has not vomited. I would suggest (from personal experience with my own baby) to start with a little bit per day and build up to feeding him a full duck egg yolk (up to you with what you’re comfortable with). Right now my baby is 11 months and I feed him half a yolk in the day and the other half during his evening meal. The biggest issue is finding a local duck egg supplier depending on where you live! Good luck!
I make banana pancakes for my lo. Using 2 yolks and half a banana. She loves it and the banana makes it easier to digest.
Hi you guys. I also have had the same experience with egg yolk, although I was dense and tried it 4 times before I realized it was the yolk that was making my son really sick. I had a food allergy test done on him and the egg yolk registered really high on this allergy list. Unfortunate for my son since we love to eat eggs around here and we have to do different things. I wish there was an alternative that was just as good since baking requires a lot of eggs when you don’t use a lot of grains.
Is he vaccinated ? because there are eggs in the vaccines that could also lead to a child having a reaction from eggs. That why I would prolong vaccinating as long as I could or just not do it at all like we have done but that is up to you to make that call ours was religious based. just a little insight.
I had the same experience with my son. Even when I mixed the yolk with other foods. It’s been the same story with many of my friends so I really don’t think it is an allergy. Just wait and try again in a couple months when baby’s digestive system us a little more developed. My son vomited repeatedly several tries with the yolk. I waited until he was around 9 months before trying again and now eggs are a favourite, nutritious and easy food for him. Be patient. All this talk about optimal nutrition can make any mother uneasy about her choices. Do your best, but don’t feel guilty because some of the most gifted athletes, intellects and people we admire, came from poverty and were born out of hard times. Let’s do our best with the knowledge we have, but in doing so, know we can not control all factors.
Mommy of two little boys who eat like crazy, except when sick.
I was wondering if the babies that throw up after eggs had vaccines. Most vaccines are cultured in whole eggs so I am just curious to see if that is the link? I am just a grandmother recently and only now studying vaccines.
My son is not vaccinated and he had the exact vomit reaction many of these people are posting. So it’s not the shots necessarily. It is likely to do with the richness of the yolk being too much for their little systems early on. Now my son eats scrambled eggs or soft/hard boiled eggs almost daily (he’s almost 2) and has since about 9 months.
How should the egg yolk be prepared? Raw or cooked?
It’s best if it is raw from a trusted source.
Definitely cooked Can be runny in the center. I think I read a little over 2 min. You could do 3 to be safer. The runny part put on your finger with some celtic salt is good to try
My son also had a major vomiting reaction from the two times I tried egg yokes. I raise my own birds too. It also had him flushing and a rash around his mouth. I took him to emerg because he was vomiting so bad. Apparently most children will grow out of this but you shouldn’t mess around with it. He has had a stuffy nose for weeks and I’m thinking it’s due to me eating eggs and breast feeding him now. I’m going to stop eating eggs too and see if it helps. Once I get him back into optimal health I’ll be happier.
My daughter started solids a few weeks ago – she is now 6 months and 2 weeks old. We have been giving her egg yolk, avocado, pear and banana and she has had numerous diaper rashes since we have started solids. Has anyone else experienced this with these foods?
Have you tried giving her one solid food at a time to determine if one might be causing the diaper rashes?
What has been the response from Sally and Dr. Enig? I’m interested to know what this could be related to since it seems quite a few parents here and elsewhere have reported adverse effects when feeding their babies egg yolks. Also, does anyone know why duck egg yolks are better tolerated?
Our experience with egg yolk has been that you MUST start slow- meaning, only give a taste or 2 at a time. Most babies love the first taste of yolk and will keep eating it until they make themselves sick. My last 3 babies who’s first foods were pastured egg yolk, I only gave them a taste- 1 little taste!- for a minimum of a week. The next week, we bumped it up to 2, and so on. Egg yolks are rich, and you need to give baby’s digestive system time to adapt or else they will throw it all up several hours later. If the reaction keeps happening, despite going slow, then wait a month or 2 before trying again.
My babies want buttermilk all the time. My son is now 13, but my daughter is 20 months today and she’s doing the same thing he did when he was her age: all she wants is buttermilk! She asks for it by name first thing in the morning and throughout the day. She’ll eat most foods I offer her, she loves eggs, but if she sees the buttermilk in the fridge before she’s done eating, she’ll push her food away and ask for ‘miwk’ and make the sign for milk, too. I have to hide it from her till she finishes her food. Breakfast is usually a banana and then a scrambled egg, sometimes juice but always finished with her buttermilk.
She’s an excellent baby, well-mannered, very interactive and friendly. We get buttermilk from Happy Cow Creamery, and I’m very thankful we live so close to a wonderful dairy. I worry that she drinks too much buttermilk to the exclusion of other foods, but my son turned out rather ok so far and he drank Happy Cow buttermilk by the gallon, too, when he was a toddler. Does your baby love buttermilk?
So thankfull for this website. Did the eggyolk and my baby is doing great and will follow the other recommendations. 6 mo. now and she is getting bannannas and avocado plus was getting the raw milk formula, but mommy is making better breastmilk so she gets less supplemented formula, so soon she will be getting grass fed organic meats and butter and veges and fruits. So gratefull. Thank you for truth and great health. Vaccinations also can stay out of my and my daughters life.
I’m adding our experience to those shared on this page. I held off on egg yolks after they turned my six-month-old’s mouth red wherever they touched. I tried again at eleven months, in the evening (second child–was overconfident he’d tolerate it fine). My baby threw up and dry-heaved half the night. I guess I’m pretty angry at the stupid egg yolk, irrational as that may be :). I am so thankful for WAPF–my family has reaped the benefits of great nutrition and healed guts! My son is strong, no known gut problems. Maybe his system was overloaded by a cold at the time, lowering his tolerance? Anyhow, I think we’re done for good with egg yolks as an intro baby food in this family.
My girl is a little over 6 months, we’ve been giving yolk as well, for about 2 weeks now but today she had some excessive vomiting… Makes me wonder if it’s the best thing for her? Need some advice here…
My little one prefers the runny yolks to cooked and has no problems. I mix broth into potatoes or other solids that need some liquid. She is taking chopped raw liver marinated in kefir (which is a way of “cooking” it). Bathing the liver in that wonderful probiotic makes it tangy and in my mind purifies the liver. She stops eating (closes her mouth) when she’s tired of the sweet potato, peas, etc, but when I continue and offer the liver, she keeps opening up. She does love it and has had no problem. I would just like to know the maximum she should have each day. I chop it and let the kefir work on it overnight, then add a little more kefir before serving. I highly recommend culturing your own kefir. It can be added to any food that you want to kill possible bad bacteria.
I don’t know if WP would disagree but as a naturopathic doctor we were taught to be very cautious due to Vit A toxicity. I don’t know if there are standardized levels for children this age, but for adults 100 grams gives over the recommended 10,000 IU Vit A per day; so, out of caution for Vit A toxicity, I only give my 10 month old 2 ounces of liver 2x per week, it is so rich!
Our son is 7 months and he’s also vomited the past two times we’ve given him egg yolk. We’re done with eggs for now. At first I was worried about an egg allergy but after reading all these other experiences it makes me think that many babies just don’t tolerate egg yolk. I would be interested in hearing a response from WAPF on this issue, especially since egg yolk is so strongly recommended without reserve for young babies. Hopefully he’ll tolerate eggs later. We raise chickens and frequently eat eggs.
Egg yolk should be given at tiny Increments. Starting with one or two bites/day. I did soft boiled egg yolks for all my children. I started off using it like a supplement.. Egg yolk is so very rich, which could cause vomiting.
I self diagnosed my son with an egg allergy at six months bc he would break out in hives after eating them or if we had it on our hands and then touched him. The hives got better as he got older, but then he developed eczema and diaper rash when exposed to eggs. Only recently, he’ll be 2 this week, has he been tolerating eggs. He’ll still get eczema when he eats too many for too many days, so we pace him. He’s not vaccinated. I think egg allergies are way more common than we think. He tested positive for eggs allergy at doctor when he was six months and then negative at 1 year but was still allergies truly.
My second baby is so far showing no signs of an egg allergy.
Same vomiting here.first times no problems,then really excessive vomiting.we will wait to reintroduce.it is very frustrating that no one from weston price replies about this problem with vomiting, not here or on the healthy economist site.i would advise other patents to be very careful, it is no joke when your little one won’t stop throwing up..
We had the same experience with egg yolks with our older boy. Started at 6mo, as his second food after avocado. We boiled the egg, but not enough as to fully harden the yolk. Left it slightly runny, but certainly warmed, hoping that would kill off any potential harmful bacteria. Organic, from pastured raised & fed chickens. He tolerated it fine at first, then one day he started projectile vomiting shortly after, which he had never done before (not even a single spit up). The second time we have egg yolk, same thing! We held off on eggs for a while after that, reintroducing them sometime after a year, maybe 18mo? He did fine at that point, and it’s now one of his favorite breakfasts (over easy eggs – loves the runny yellow). With our second boy, we also tried egg yolk (soft boiled, but cooked all the way through) just this week at the age of 9mo (7mo corrected, as he’s a premie). He quickly started getting a diaper rash from his poop, and slight a rash on his face between the eyebrows. I think we will hold off again, before it gets to the point of vomiting… Something needs to be done to edit this article or respond to all these cases of egg yolk intolerance. It’s obvious that it’s not necessarily the best early food, given the sheer number of cases of adverse reactions.
My son is 9 1/2 months and is really not taking to solids. I have tried egg yolks, liver, ground chicken, ground beef, etc. He sometimes enjoys avocado and banana and apples and pears cooked in butter. He also likes some veggies cooked in bone broth. He is now testing slightly anaemic and the doctor is recommending iron fortification. Does anyone have recommendations for handling this type of situation? I am trying to feed my baby the best possible foods, but he refuses to eat most of the time and only wants to nurse or drink expressed milk from a bottle. He really refuses liver and egg yolks. I am scared and not sure what to do.
Hi Ame, my daughter would also refuse solids and want to nurse only! I started at 6mo with solids, one item at a time for 2-3 days (avocado, zucchini, pear), increased varieties as we went on. But she’d be the same. My dr would say “just keep trying and she’d come along”, and she did! She’s 13 months now. It took some months though and consistent trying. Also, as far as iron deficiency is concerned, I had looked up foods/meats rich in iron with lamb being at the top of the list. I started to prepare my own home-made bone broth with grass-fed organic beef-marrow bones and New Zealand lamb bones, and make soups for her with lamb meat (NZ) mostly (and lots of different veggies). She tested excellent for iron levels at her 1-yr check up (she was exclusively breast-fed for 6 months, continued 4-5 times a day at 9-12mo and is still nursing only am/pm). So, keep trying and keep offering a variety of foods, and he’ll come along 🙂 the lamb meat and green veggies will provide plenty of iron to start with. I hope this helps a bit. My best wishes, tt
Thanks so much! That’s very reassuring. We are now doing liver every day and that’s going much better. I’ll try the lamb and broth. Best to you, too!
I have a question that I’ve been wondering about for awhile. What does it mean for a baby to be “mature” and possibly ready for soaked and cooked brown rice before 1 year of age?
My daughter is almost 9 months old and eats meats, liver, fruits, and vegetables, with the occasional bit of raw milk kefir. I have tried my best to follow the recommended diet for nursing moms and she nurses about 6 times a day but her weight gain was very slow until she stated eating 3 square meals a day. If she still seems hungry with plenty of food and breastmilk, is brown rice a good idea? Or would her small size indicate “immaturity”?
By the way, I do add butter or coconut oil or cream to all her foods. As for egg yolks, she reacted to them a couple of months ago so I am just now starting to reintroduce them. She also seemed to react to yogurt (from pasturized milk, she got red spots on her face) so I haven’t tried giving her any soft or hard cheeses yet.
I appreciate this article, but why are you advocating breastfeeding for only six months to one year?!?! Breast milk should fill the majority of a baby’s caloric and nutritional needs until a year old and if you want to look at traditional societies most breastfeed to term until a child self weans, generally between 2 and 4 years but often beyond. I’m dissapointed that an article and foundation that is promoting countercultural health practices in many ways, would suggest breastfeeding for only 6 months to one year.
Jeni, we do not suggest limiting breastfeeding only to 1 year, but suggest introducing solids between 6 months and a year, or, personally I recommend as teeth erupt. But by no means do we suggest ceasing breastfeeding, or even curtailing it, to this time frame! We simply suggest that it is wise and good to begin introducing certain foods in small amounts during this period. I breastfed all of my own children for a minimum of 5 months (extenuating circumstances), but most from 1-3 years. We do recommend Mom eat a nourishing diet rich with all of the good foods you see mentioned in our pregnancy and nursing guidelines, and then in addition to these, those nutrients found in the recommended foods which are slowly and carefully introduced,
To those with the egg yolk problem… you need to put the eggs in cold water then when it’s boiling turn off heat and let sit 5 minutes. There shouldn’t be any runny parts, just as softened yolk that is just cooked. Oral allergies can happen… hence the reddened mouth. Not life threatening though.
Same thing with both my children. My first son, we tried the egg yolks three times at 4 months and he vomited every time. And now with my second son at age 6 months. Same thing happened. Can someone from Weston A Price please comment about this issue? Thanks!
See FAQs here – https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/faq-homemade-baby-formula/
for information on that. Thanks.
My baby has just turned one years old and is naturally weaning herself. What can I start to replace with my breast milk cow’s milk or goat’s milk or your formula alternatives recipes? If she is ready for milk does it need to be raw milk or can it be organic whole milk? Suggestions please!
My son is now 8 months old and loves his egg yolks. I started giving it to him at 4 months. Cooked notnrunny but soft enough to mash and mix with a little breast milk to thin it out and add a little sea salt. It was tricky in the beginning, most specially trying to get the consistency of the yolk correct. And it made my son gag and spit up a little. But after several tries I was able to perfect the cooking. If the texture bothers you little ones, just add a little milk or mash a little ripe banana with it.
Hope this helps.
Hi there
I have a 5month old little girl and just starting to introduce solids, and was wondering if sweet potatoes puree is a good/okay choice to give her?
thank you for all the good info you all put out there!
When can i switch my baby to whole raw cow’s milk?
This is so confusing. I read the “Nourishing a growing baby” article on this site too and it contradicts what is said in this article. The other article says to start a banana, cod oil, and egg yolk at 4 mths; start meats and fruits at 6 mths, and veges 6-8 mths. I am now starting to question the advice on this site.
I have a 6 month old and have started him on egg yolks (some days with beef liver grated over) and other days mashed banana and breast milk purred. Avocado he gagged on a bit, will try later but am curious:
1. Once you start these early solids, do we need to do every day?
2. If every day, one solid feeding per day, at what point to you add in multiple feedings per day, and what varieties of additional foods?
3. Is there a step by step book/meal plan anyone has found that outlines week by week guide to foods and qtys? All the information in these books and on this site give month ranges but lack in qty direction, daily or weekly menu ideas, etc? Like what happens at month 7 post yolk, banana and avo?
Really feeling like a need a list of foods per month vs age ranges with just a few foods here/there.
from Sally- There is a little of this in the Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care. But all babies are different. Some will want to have sold food three meals per day, others more into breastfeeding. . . .Moms just have to play it by ear–have confidence Mom! As long as you are giving baby nutritious food, you don’t have to worry about the details!
My baby is 6 months old and starting with egg yolks. I would like to introduce liver next. I have liverwurst, and it contains extra ingredients (not pure liver). Do you know if these are OK for a 6 month old? Or, better safe to do pure liver?
Ingredients: beef, beef liver, beef kidneys, beef heart, water, sea salt, onion powder, white pepper, coriander, marjoram, allspice
I have 7 children and did egg yolks with #2-7. We experienced vomiting after feeding egg yolks to #5 at 6mo. It was very scary and he was very sick. Stopped feeding egg after that for a few months, then started again and he was fine after that, though eggs have never been his favorite. All my children are unvaccinated. Recently started with my 7mo old twins and they have tolerated it fine. So, maybe it is just something some kiddos have a hard time with. I found that my son outgrew it.
Hi there!
Little one is 5 months. Very advanced. Started with some tastes of egg yolk 2 different times with pinch of salt and then added desiccated beef liver 2 times. She was doing fine – seemed to love and want more – then this morning after giving she developed hives on belly and few around mouth. No other symptoms. Is this indicative of an egg allergy? Will obviously stop the yolk for now…. Not sure if I should try again in a few months bc the hives made me nervous. Anyone else’s baby develop
Hives?! No vomiting as of yet.
Regarding the egg yolks, I find this so interesting so many have had the same issue! My first is IgE tested allergic to eggs (a “true” allergy) but my 2nd, who we did a baby GAPS diet protocol for solids introduction, also did not tolerate eggs or dairy. She had profuse vomiting and got pale and limp but then would recover to normal within about an hour. We figured it is an FPIES response – which is not life threatening and they normally grow out of it by age 2. We reintroduced both around 1.5 years and she did just fine. For reference, both kiddos are unvaccinated but both did have commercial formula to varying degrees which I think may have contributed to their issues.
I gave my 6 month old son egg yolk for his first food. I brought the water to the boil slid the egg in it’s shell straight out of the fridge and cooked for 4 minutes. I then run it under cold water and peel. You should be able to remove the yolk intact but the white probably won’t be completely set in the middle. I wash it away and then press on the yolk sac to release the warm runny yolk. I never had a problem with him vomiting until I accidentally overcooked the yolk to medium or hard then mixed in breast milk to thin to a runny consistency. Some brief research online indicated that some baby’s under one react by vomiting to hard(er) cooked egg yolks. I make sure the yolk is always runny and I’m back to him having no vomiting. If I forget and overcook it, I eat that egg and make him another. 😊 Hope this helps some of you!
Hello my baby just turned 12 months old on January 4 2025. We started with egg yolks and cod, liver all at four months and increased her foods with purée, meats, grass fed butter and sweet potatoes, etc.. She was also on goat milk formula.
How do you recommend that we transition her from goat milk formula (not breastfed baby) to raw milk and how much should we give her a day?? What does a meal plan look like for a newly 12 month old?? Also, how much water should be given to a 12 month old? Thank you