Thomas Jefferson once said that if people let the government decide which foods they eat and which medicines they take into their bodies, they will find themselves in as sorry a state as the souls of those who live under tyranny.
From the moment our children are born, they are put on the cradle-to-grave medical path. The baby has to have the well-baby checkup and a slew of vaccinations. We are taught that if our children have the slightest sniffle or tummy ache, they should be taken to the doctor right away.Antibiotics and immunizations dominate the practice of modern medicine; dietary and herbal remedies, and plain old common sense, have been stuffed into the closet like a bunch of grandma’s clothes, fusty and old-fashioned, not worth considering in this enlightened scientific age.
When we take the power back into our own hands as mothers and parents, and use the wisdom of home remedies to treat our children, we are adhering to that responsibility for health to which Thomas Jefferson referred. Instead of bequeathing the health of our children to a governmental body, parents need the knowledge and confidence to be primary caregivers.
My father is a doctor. He was an old-time country doctor who would make house calls in the middle of the night with his black bag. He was the kind of doctor you could call at two in the morning if your child had a fever of 105, and he would come over. Those doctors don’t exist much any more. I grew up watching him practice medicine in a traditional way. Even though he was a conventional doctor, he still practiced very traditionally. When I was a little girl, I would often go on house calls, go to the hospital with him and make his rounds. A lot of my expertise comes from the wisdom I observed growing up watching my dad in his medical practice.
Table of Contents
Ear Infections
Tummy Trouble
Pink Eye
Chicken Pox
Sore Throat
Whooping Cough
Honoring the Illness
Chronic Disease
The Compassion to Allow Sickness
When Home Remedies are Not Appropriate
Modern Medicine from Day One
Diet Basics for Preventing Childhood Illness
On reflection, the advantages of home remedies are obvious. First of all they are non-toxic. Recently, we have been hearing about cold remedies pulled off pharmacy shelves. Some of them have been on sale for decades and suddenly in the last month or so we learn that these should not be given to children under six years old. That news was a shock even to myself, jaded as I am about over-the-counter medicines and pharmaceutical drugs. At least with home remedies, you know you are not going to poison your children. These remedies are also low in cost. Many of the best home remedies don’t cost any money at all.
Another advantage concerns speed of treatment. You don’t have to call anybody or wait for a call back.
Home remedies prevent your child from being used as a guinea pig. With home remedies, your child is not going to be one of the statistics from a toxic over-the-counter medicine or a pharmaceutical drug that was never approved for children but is now prescribed for children—something that happens often these days.
Home remedies work with the immune system rather than suppressing it. Acute illness—manifesting as diarrhea, runny nose, vomiting, headache, and so forth—is actually good for your child. Managed properly, acute illness can give your child more vitality and prevent chronic illness—which is not good for your child.
Home care also strengthens the bond between parent and child. When my nine-year-old son is not feeling well, he comes to me and tells me how he feels. He trusts me, he knows I can make him feel better. He is not afraid of me. Most children are afraid of doctors. But they have a relationship with their parents and when their parents are able to make them feel better at a time when they are at their weakest and most vulnerable, the bond with their parents is strengthened.
With these advantages in mind, let’s turn to some traditional remedies for common childhood illnesses.
Childhood ear infections are intimately connected to diet. Well-fed children do not get ear infections and breastfed children whose mothers have a good, traditional diet simply do not get ear infections. If you are breastfeeding and the your baby is getting ear infections, then you need to reexamine your own diet.
The most common dietary culprit is pasteurized milk—both in the infant and in the breastfeeding mother.
If, despite your best efforts, an ear infection occurs, a warm wheat bag on the ear provides enormous pain relief. A warm wheat bag is made of fabric filled with plain unground wheat kernels—you can make your own if you want. These are widely used in Australia. The only reason we have ever used the microwave in our house is to heat the wheat bag. You put it in the microwave with 1/2 cup of water for a minute or two so that it becomes just hot to the touch. These are really comforting for the child.
Drops of warm olive oil in the ear provide relief although it may be difficult to get your children to agree to this.
Ear candling also provides relief. This is how we healed the double ear infection my son had at 15 months (this was before we discovered theWAPF diet). Ear candles don’t really clean out your ear —that is misinformation—but they blow warm smoke into your ear that helps dry out any moisture that may be in there.
Many kids are getting them these days. Once again, diet plays a big role. If your child is eating right, he just won’t get headaches. Headaches often occur when blood sugar is low, so three solid meals a day, with adequate animal protein and plenty of fat, form the basis of prevention. Avoid sugar and MSG—both will cause headaches.
They only time my children get headaches is when they are dehydrated—often after playing soccer. Coconut water, kombucha and other fermented drinks are the best way to rehydrate; they are much better than plain water. We use canned coconut water at sporting events. If none of these types of beverages is available, have your child drink plain water, but not more than two four-ounce drinks every 30 minutes; otherwise it will just go to the kidneys.
Another remedy is a mild cup of green tea, but this should only be used as a last resort. Small amounts of caffeine and caffeine-like substances found in tea can have a medicinal effect but obviously should not be given to children on a regular basis.
Many parents panic when their child has a fever. I did too the first time my child had a high fever. Rule number one: don’t try to lower a fever, and certainly don’t use Tylenol or ibuprofen. It would be best if you just threw these drugs away. Instead of panicking, honor your child’s fever—itis accomplishing important things in his body.
My father never brought down our fevers. I am one of seven children, so we had a lot of fevers. He taught me that bringing down a fever only prolonged the illness and weakened your vitality for the next illness to come. I remember him saying, “No, I can’t bring down your fever because you’ll get sicker quicker and next time it will be worse.”
Repeated forced reduction of childhood fever has been linked to childhood cancer. And eliminating fever will usually cause a secondary infection. When you bring down a fever you start a domino effect toward antibiotic use. If you want to avoid antibiotics, don’t bring down the fever. Fever reduction suppresses the immune system. Your child is trying to get well himself with the fever and when you bring it down you are opening him up to a secondary bacterial infection that will further entrench the virus orbacteria. It cannot be stressed enough that fever has an important role to play in your child’s overall wellbeing.
Why do our bodies produce fever? One reason is that fevers slow down pathogens. The germ, bacteria or virus causing the child’s distress wants to replicate every few minutes and the fever slows this process down. It slows down the spread and severity of the illness. So when you bring the fever down you are giving free license to the virus or bacteria to run amuck. And don’t panic if your child’s temperature gets to 102-103 degrees—this is the ideal range for a fever.
I find that holding your child is the best home remedy for fever. When they are feverish, they want to be with you. Put on a light robe and crash on the couch with your child and hold her for hours if you need to. If you let the fever go and just let the child’s body do what it is trying to do, the fever won’t last very long – just a few hours.
You can take their temperature if you want to, but it is not necessary. Put your lips on their forehead, and if the child seems hot, you know they have a fever. I can tell within a point or two what their temperature is. My dad taught me that—he never took our temperatures. He knew the temperature.
Sometimes a fever will go for three days. It will go up and down, with peaks and valleys, and it usually peaks about 4-6 in the afternoon. If your child has a fever in the afternoon followed by a good night’s sleep and no fever in the morning, that doesn’t mean he is over it. Don’t send him to school until you know what happens at 4-6 in the afternoon. The fever is likely to come back in a lot of cases. Until you’ve passed a late afternoon with no fever, your child is not yet on the road to recovery.
Should you feed or starve a fever? My father taught me that food will naturally drop a fever within about 20 minutes and this drop will last for an hour or two. My father always believed that it was fine to feed a child with a fever if the child was willing to eat. But don’t force food if he doesn’t want it. And you don’t have to give your child a lot of food. Just a few bites of scrambled egg or a few sips of broth can bring that fever down a bit. It will not make the fever go away but will manage it hopefully within the 102-103 degree range.
If a child’s fever is very high—over 103 degrees—then you need to take steps to bring it down. A cool water enema is one good way to do this. Enemas have such a bad rap. Nobody likes them but they are a very effective remedy for many things. You can get an enema bag from any pharmacy for about ten dollars and they’re easy to administer. If the fever is getting really high, just get a thick beach towel and put it in the tub. Lay your child on his side without taking clothes off. Slide their pajamas down a little. Place 1/2 to 1 quart warm filtered water in the bag and insert the enema nozzle. Your child will start to feel pressure and will want to go to the bathroom—the water usually doesn’t run out. Then gently put him on the toilet and let him go. This will usually bring the fever down by a degree or two.
High fevers—those that range between 104 and 105 degrees—are not dangerous in themselves, but they make the metabolism run very fast and increase the risk of dehydration. Blood sugar often drops, which can lead to convulsions. Your child can sip 50 percent diluted fresh fruit juice to keep tissues hydrated and blood sugar levels in the normal range. If your child will not take anything, you can administer about 4 ounces diluted fruit juice rectally using a bulb syringe. The body will absorb it rectally. It won’t run out. This may save your child a trip to the emergency room.
Fever also depletes vitamin A so be sure to give your child drops of cod liver oil under the tongue while the fever is high.
On the other hand, if your child is running a low-grade fever day after day, you can help her generate a fever by giving her a fever bath. Put her in the tub. Fill it with water as hot as she can stand. You can get it hotter for them if you put them in it while you are filling it. You want it pretty hot, but still comfortable. Leave her in the bath for 10-12 minutes, then get her out, dry her quickly and wrap her up tight. Put her into bed, well covered up. This should help the fever rise to the point where it can be effective and by morning, she may have a normal temperature.
Tummy trouble
This usually happens when we travel. Slippery elm tincture is my favorite home remedy. We have it in our medicine cabinet and always take it with us. Give a few drops in a little water and the tummy ache is gone in about 10 minutes. This helps for a little bit of gas. You can purchase a glycerin-based, non-alcohol tincture of slippery elm at the health food store. Follow the directions on the bottle for the dose. Also, a wheat bag on the stomach or a warm bath will do wonders for a tummy ache.
Here’s a country doctor tip: once your child starts vomiting, don’t give him food, water or liquids for two hours. The stomach wants to rest and if you give food or liquids, it will prolong the vomiting. This can be hard because after vomiting, children are thirsty. Wait as long as you can before giving liquids—two hours is best. If the child is very thirsty, he can suck on an ice cube, but even that may be too much.
I once contracted salmonella and experienced severe vomiting. Even sucking on ice chips made me vomit. I was dangerously dehydrated. In cases like this, administer 50 percent diluted fresh fruit juice rectally with a bulb syringe.
Nothing works better than broth for stopping diarrhea—what a wonderful, wonderful food! However, many parents give it in the wrong way—as an 8-ounce serving all at once, and then again several hours later. Instead give broth a few tablespoons at a time and much more frequently. Broth works because the gelatin in broth binds up the liquid in the colon. It gives bulk and helps to stop the loss of fluids. With really severe diarrhea, you can give an enema to counteract dehydration.
Place a drop or two of raw milk or colostrom in each eye—this works wonders. Frequent pink eye may be a sign of vitamin A deficiency, so pay attention to the daily dose of cod liver oil.
Let the illness run its course; and let any fever do its work. The main thing is to relieve itching, which can be done with baking soda baths. Use a one-pound box per bath.
Boils are another way the body gets rid of toxins. Don’t give antibiotics—honor the boil! The best way to treat a boil is to apply a compress of gently warmed cabbage leaves, cooked onion, slices of tomato, plantain leaves, chickweed or crushed garlic. Cover with a piece of plastic wrap and tape the edges with surgical tape. This will keep the poultice wet. Change the poultice several times per day. This can help bring the boil to a head. Then it can be gently pricked with a sterilized needle, drained and allowed to heal.
My father refused to prescribe antibiotics for sore throat but insisted on letting it run its course, even if it was very painful. The best remedy for sore throat is a fever. If fever is not developing, use the method described above. A gargle with hot salt water or hot water with honey and slices of ginger can help, and a hot lemon-honey drink can also be soothing. Broth and cod liver oil are very important in treating sore throats. A prolonged and severe sore throat may be cultured and diagnosed as a strep throat, but these diagnoses mean little as every throat contains the strep organism. Strep can have complications and you may be tempted to give an antibiotic—this is your decision based on how strong you gauge your child to be and how long you have followed the dietary principles.
This is a terrible illness but a vital strong child can handle it. The harsh cough lasts an average of seven weeks. It is contagious so they can’t go out. On whooping cough.net you can play a recording of a cough to know whether this is what your child has. My three children had whooping cough for a month. I never used antibiotics. My children blew out so many toxins that not one had a cold or even a runny nose for over a year. And children who have whooping cough never get asthma. Remedies that work for whooping cough are lacking. Drosera, a homeopathic preparation, is often suggested but my experience is that it is not very effective. Elderberry syrup is another traditional remedy for the cough, but I found it of very little help. Even antibiotics don’t do much at all except eliminate the chance of spreading whooping cough. Once the cough starts, it must run its course and nothing much can reduce its severity.
The one thing we found that helped with whooping cough was purchasing a (very expensive) HEPA filter for the kids’ rooms. This helped to reduce the frequency of coughing fits, as anything can set off a coughing fit, from eating, to getting a tickle in the throat to simple dust in the air.
Be sure to keep up the cod liver oil during the illness as vitamin A helps lung function.
The goal of home remedies is not to stop the symptoms, just reduce their severity. Honor what the body is trying to do and facilitate the conclusion of the process without complications that might land your child in the emergency room. Let the child be sick to its conclusion.
There are many other home remedies, such as echinacea, garlic, oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract, and what I call the master tonic, a fermented brew of garlic and onion, for infections. These all can be useful but I find even holistically-minded parents use them too quickly. The first sign of a runny nose, out comes the echinacea. My dad taught me that if you always give the body a crutch, it is always going to expect one. If you can avoid giving the body a crutch, don’t give it. Let the body do the work itself.
Once when I was 15, I got hives from the top of my head to my feet. My father wouldn’t give me anything. I suffered for four days with horrific hives—all he needed to do to relieve the suffering was give me Benadryl. But after that horrible experience, I have never gotten hives again in my life. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
Over time, even natural antibiotics can weaken the body’s ability to generate an acute illness. An example is a child who gets a 103.7 fever every time she teethes. What an incredible vitality that allows this child to generate such a nice high fever! You don’t want to keep bringing it down to the point where the body gives up and doesn’t generate a fever like that anymore, because fever can be so beneficial to health.
When your body gives up and stops generating acute illness, you have set the stage for chronic illness. Many cancer patients have not had a cold in years. My dad used to see that. He had a patient come in who hadn’t been sick in years and tests showed he had cancer everywhere. When your body has become too weak to generate an acute illness, the toxins are going to buildup and result in chronic disease.
Nephritic syndrome in children is a condition where the kidneys leak protein. The only known cure for this serious condition is contracting measles—the measles vaccine does not work. Somehow when the child has nephritic syndrome and contracts measles, the acute symptoms blowout the nephritic syndrome.
Cancer remission is frequently triggered by getting strep. Doctors have known about this for years. In some cases, using strep, they have triggered a 40 percent remission rate.
In summary, when your child gets ill, don’t panic. Children fed a traditional diet are well able to meet the challenges of an acute illness. Children that are allowed to get sick and then recover under their own power end up infinitely stronger as adults. Can we have the compassion it takes to just let our child be sick? Our tendency is to jump on it, squash it, fix things and get them back to normal right away. Instead, take a step back, take a deep breath and ask what you can do to help your child weather the challenge? Because acute illness can be a real gift.
TRAUMA: If your child has a serious injury, head for the emergency room. Our trauma doctors are wonderful gifts to our society and we need to make use of them when bad things happen. When your child falls out of a tree and a bone is sticking out through his skin, you don’t want to treat that at home.
EXTREMELY HIGH FEVER: Most fevers play a beneficial role in your child’s health but an extremely high fever (over 104degrees) can be a dangerous situation for a young child and you may need to get emergency care.
TROUBLE BREATHING: This is another situation that calls for quick action. If a child is unresponsive, limp in your arms, or has glazed eyes, you need to get help. Dial 911 or hurry him to the emergency room.
Modern medical intervention begins the moment a child is born—baby’s umbilical cord is quickly severed, he is separated from mom, is poked and prodded, gets things squirted in his eyes, fed sugar water and stabbed with vaccination needles. Both parents need to be prepared in advance to prevent these unnecessary and often harmful practices. Here’s a checklist to use for guidance:
BIRTH CENTER: Most of these modern practices can be avoided if you have your baby at a birth center. You have a lot more control about what goes on there and can usually prevent these interventions unless they are absolutely necessary. If you are going to have your baby at a hospital, you should discuss your wishes with your obstetrician beforehand, backed up with a typed and signed list of your instructions to give to hospital staff.
UMBILICAL CORD: The umbilical cord should not be cut until all the cord blood has drained back into the baby. This cord blood serves as an important source of iron during the first six months of life.
MATERNAL SEPARATION: Baby should not be separated from mom at birth. If you have had a natural birth, both you and your baby will be on high-adrenaline mode for an hour or so afterwards. This is a very special bonding time that should not be interrupted by poking and prodding.
NO SUGAR WATER! Baby will begin breastfeeding immediately if you put him to your breast—you will be amazed at his rooting and sucking reflexes. Immediate breastfeeding stimulates the production of colostrum, Nature’s wonder drug for the immune system. Baby does not need sugar water!
VITAMIN K SHOT: Just say no! The vitamin K injection has been linked to childhood leukemia. The vitamin K is synthetic and it comes in a liquid that contains benzyl alcohol, carbolic acid, propylene glycol (which is antifreeze), acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, lecithin and castor oil—all these injected into the blood of your newborn. The rationale for the shot is that infants don’t have vitamin K—needed for blood clotting—in their bloodstream for the first eight days of life, so if there is bruising during delivery, or if he is in a car accident on the way home from the hospital, he might bleed to death. But if Mom’s blood level is very high in vitamin K during pregnancy, some will go through the placenta and into the infant. Goose liver, cheese and egg yolks are excellent sources—and these are foods Mom should be eating anyway. A cup or two of nettle tea each day starting about 36 weeks gestation is another way to build vitamin K stores.
EYE DROPS: Even birth centers have to be dissuaded from putting silver nitrate eye drops into a newborn’s eyes. The rationale for this practice is the prevention of blindness due to infection encountered in the birth canal. But we know that a diet containing lots of fermented foods ensures the right flora in the birth canal, flora that actually protects the baby against infection. While the drops may not be particularly harmful, they obscure baby’s vision during the critical first hour of bonding. If baby gets a little infection, express a few drops of colostrum into a cup and put one drop in each eye—this will clear it right up.
JAUNDICE: Most babies are jaundiced a few days after birth; if they are boys and breastfed the likelihood of jaundice is high. This happened with my first son when I took him to the pediatrician for his 48-hour check up. He was quite jaundiced and the doctor read me the riot act on all the bad things that can happen with jaundice. He wanted to send me home with special equipment that required blindfolding and putting him under lights for a certain period of time every day, to break down the bilirubin in his blood. I called my country-doctor dad, who was incredulous. He explained that the baby’s liver doesn’t work well until about day four. Put his crib by the window, he told me, and the baby will be fine in about five days. In the vast majority of cases, jaundice is nothing to worry about but the doctors will try to frighten you anyway. This was an important new-mom lesson for me—never make a medical decision quickly on the basis of fear.
VACCINATIONS: Whether or not you decide to vaccinate your child, vaccinations should not be given before the age of two. To ensure that no vaccinations are given just after birth, present your obstetrician and the hospital with a signed and notarized statement, preferably accompanied by a letter from your lawyer that your child is not to be vaccinated in the hospital. Just to make sure, do not allow your newborn to be separated from you or your partner during your hospital stay.
Children need a diet of basic, wholesome foods. They need these foods three times a day. They need meals prepared by a real person, not a machine in a factory. It doesn’t matter whether the meals are plain or fancy. To keep things simple, just remember these basics:
RAW MILK: You can make a lot of mistakes and still have healthy children if raw milk is included in their diet. Do not give pasteurized milk to your children—it is associated with frequent ear infections, allergies, digestive problems and lots of other maladies. If you cannot get raw milk, then use raw cheese and bone broths as sources of calcium.
USE BUTTER LIBERALLY: Butter is a healthy food. Butter substitutes are poison.
COD LIVER OIL: Children should receive a dose of cod liver oil that provides about 5000 IU vitamin A and 500 IU vitamin D daily. Use an eyedropper or mix the cod liver oil with a little water or fresh juice. Cod liver oil can be started as early as three months.
EGG YOLKS: Very important for neurological development. Children can have the whites also after the age of one year, but the yolks are the important part. Fix eggs the way your child likes them—the important thing is that they get those yolks. Do not feed raw egg whites.
LIVER: Introduce puréed calf, chicken or duck liver early so your child becomes familiar with the taste. If older children refuse liver, chop it up very fine and add it to soups, chili, ground meat dishes, etc. Be sneaky!
FERMENTED FOODS: Yogurt or kefir, sauerkraut and other fermented foods will provide beneficial bacteria, so critical for physical and emotional health.
AVOID: Do your best to avoid junk food, fast food, microwaved food, breakfast cereals, soft drinks, sugar and white flour.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2007.
This article helped me not totally freak out when my eight year old started running a 103 fever recently. We were able to treat at home and he recovered from his illness quickly.
Jennifer, glad this article helped you and your 8 yo b.
I have referred many to this page. I love this page. Lots of helpful information and remedies.
Recently when my 7 yo b had a late night fever I knew what to do from learning on here, reading in book Prescription For Nutritional Healing, talking with other moms and talking with holistic doctor. He was going to get an enema.
I took his temp. Always rectally cause is more accurate. But Sarah says no need to take temps.Was right at 102.
So, I decided he was going to be given an enema. I got the enema bag out of the closet.
Took the half filled enema bag and jar of Vaseline to bedroom. Put rubber sheet on the bed and towel on top. Stripped him from waist down and had him lay on the bed on the towel on his tummy. I have many given enemas in my home and other homes with the patient laying on the side or on tummy on the bed. Many times given across my lap way. Towel on my lap.
Since this was not his first ever enema, the enema went good. He took it very well.
After almost emptying the bag (you will see the bag almost go flat) I stopped the enema and took him to expel.
After remaking the bed, putting the towel and sheet into the laundry bin, cleaning the enema bag, nozzle and hose…I took his temp again. It had gone down a few degrees.
He was feeling good the next morning. But I decided best for him to stay at home and rest.
As soon as I got the other two kids off to school, I took his temp again. He did not have a fever. But, I told him he was going to get another enema. I gave him another enema mid morning. Again on the bed. The second enema was a tepid water one. Not a cool water enema.
After the enema my neighbor came over. She comes over most mornings for coffee.
She knew he was not feeling well the day before. So asked how he was feeling. I told he I gave him an enema last night and that She told me that was good for him to get enemas. She gives them to her two when needed.
The enema helps remove toxins, helps with reduction of fevers, helps the constipated child.
Ask your doctor before giving an enema.
For me, I think the enema is a good home remedy to give.
I stay away from giving Tylenol. Try to give natural home remedies.
Learning more each day about herbal remedies.
Sarah has given good informative information to help in the home.
Enemas are also given in my home when needed. Good that Sarah told of the enema on her pages.
Carol A always good to know the enema helped.
It is my first choice when a fever needs to be brought down.
I give and get an enema once a month. And if a fever, constipation, or recovery from a illness, then more often.
God bless all
Keep the faith and enjoy your life.
Carol A, thanks for your comment. Hope many can learn from it.
Love this article – by Sarah Pope.
Sorry to say this but…if someone does not care for or believes in what Sarah has written, may be best to not read her articles.
Majority of the comments are respectful, informative and helpful.
Which is great. Those reading and learning on here are a community of one. Leaving comments is very helpful to others.
Ok off my soap box. Sorry.
Work part time in health food store now. I’ve noticed an increase of moms coming into the store. Searching for herbal and home remedies.
Pray there isn’t another “COVID” situation again. Lock downs. Shelves bare.
Now is the best time to prepare. Start stocking up . Learn as much as you can now. Practice giving home and herbal remedies now.
The remedies told in this article are great. Given many of them.give the remedy told for BOILS on here. It worked.
LIKE Carol and others on here have told, also given many home enemas!
It works.
Sarah is right..seems enemas do “have a bad rap” as Sarah told.
Never gave the enema in the tub on a towel as Sarah told can be done. But, I know a mom who administers enemas this way.
I gave the enema either on a table, bed or across my lap.
All three of these work for all ages.
If you haven’t given one before may be helpful to have another mom who has experience assisting you for the first time.
When have time hope to leave a few notes for giving the enema.
Mom of 4
Be prepared and avoid freaking out.
Jennifer K how did you treat him at home?
My “go to” remedy is giving the cool water enema when it gets 102-103.
If in doubt best to contact your doctor.
Another mom told me she always had the enema bulb and the bag in the home.
It saved her a few late night trips to the store or worse ER.
Jennifer K, thanks for your comments.
Agree with you. Hopefully, this blog, and Sarah’s other blogs, have helped many.
Sad that a few don’t believe in these remedies.
But, I know they work.
This article has helped many.
I send it (printed off sometimes) to other moms.
Many are surprised by learning so much on here.
This is a wonderful page. Glad it helped you with his fever.
Such a shame some comment that its not good information.
Of course always best to check with your provider-doctor before giving any home remedies.
I find what Sarah has told on here is great.
Glad I learned on here.
Been long time ago you posted. Hope you still read on here.
Agree with you! Reading on here and learning on Sarah’s blog has also helped me.
I have given many of the remedies Sarah mentioned. They all worked!
I have given the enema remedy told by Sarah. It works!!
Another great, “ur body can handle it” book:
Dr. Mendelsohn wrote MALePractice for women back in the 80s. He also wrote How to Raise a Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor. Read it, read it thoroughly, read it again; buy it. Keep it on your beside table. He would have loved WAPF but he died in the late 80s I believe. All his books are good, if maybe considered dated now; they contain basic principles that will always hold up to science advancements.
Vitamin K and Diet
Dena, you don’t need to supplement if you do not give the Vitamin K shot (this response is too late for you, but may help another). Your diet, through breastmilk, will provide all of the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats that your baby needs.
I really like this article, but find the recomendations for egg yolks, liver, and butter to be distressing. These contain a high amount of saturated (BAD) fat, which can lead to many of the very illnesses we seek to prevent. Use as many whole, raw foods as possible to prevent illness and keep the immune system strong. Include superfoods such as Maca powder, goji berries, cacao, and chlorella. See http://www.greentidings.blogspot.com for further information about such nutrition, as well as a baby/toddler food guide.
Green Tidings, I hope you have discovered by now that saturated fats are good for you, don’t cause disease, and actually prevent disease. If you haven’t found this out, please read more articles on this website. It is one of the main teachings of Weston Price. So eat your butter, whole raw milk, eggs, and chicken skin…
Congestion and dairy
I have always read to avoid dairy during times of congestion and still follow this rule with my kiddos even though we consume raw dairy. But I have wondered whether this is necessary. I’m curious if there is any information out there on this. Thanks!
We milk only Jersey cows (A2) and our kids drink massive amount of raw milk and cheese with no problem. My father and step father are both M.D. and we never need them. We practice traditional way of letting the body heal itself and support that healing with nourishing foods. We server over 2000 families in Houston from our dairy and pasture raised meats. I’ve watched families turn their health around dramatically.
we have a lot of mucus/sinus issues in our family. But, FWIW, raw dairy doesn’t seem to increase our mucus. Pastuerized milk does. We have noticed tho, that wheat will increase mucus rather soon after eating it. That’s our personal experience.
I know this is 8 years old but for anyone with mucous issues, do you and your family also have either constipation or diarrhea? If so try milling your own bread and porridge, the flour must be whole and freshly milled.
May have missed it in the article or in the comments but why is there a mucous issue with dairy?
Saturated fat is NOT bad fat. It is natural, healthy fat, which is one of the cornerstones of Weston Price’s work. It is the rancid vegetable oils and particularly the hydrogenated vegetable oils that are harmful, such as Crisco, margarine, and all liquid vegetable oils that are processed in any way. Cold pressed virgin olive oil is okay, in small amounts, and very small amounts of cold pressed flax oil.
I have found, with diarrhea, that pasteurized dairy is horrible. I drink raw milk made into kefir when I have digestive problems — it is very soothing, and gives the gut good amounts of probiotics for healing.
Whooping Cough and asthma
“And children who have whooping cough never get asthma.” I find this very interesting! Where can I read more about this?
I think this advice should be followed for everyone not just children.
Do these methods also apply to breastfed newborns, should they somehow come down with an illness?
In reply to the question about newborns. Newborn, breastfed babies should not be ill. Maybe your baby is acting in a way that puzzles you but, that is not necessarily illness. Remember these points. 1) A sick baby very rarely cries. They are usually floppy, quiet and still. Crying and vigorous kicking are healthy. 2) Babaies need time to adjust to being in the world. All their body systems have to start working from the second they are born – most of them have been lying dormant before birth. It’s hard work, and sometimes those systems can be slow or have off days until they work properly (e.g. bowels, mucous clearing). 3) Breastfeeding provides so much protection for the baby that infections are rare. Keep feeding!
If your baby was healthy at birth the chances are it will remain healthy; a good diet, fresh air, activity, and lots of love are the best medicines!
Shots at age 2
What’s the reason for waiting to get vaccinated at 2 years?
Son still coughing
My 2 years old 7 months son has been coughing for almost a month now. I’ve been giving him 1000mg of Ester C for 3 weeks now and it helped him, his coughing less but it did not completely cure him… I also recently gave him honey with his water and 2 egg yolks a day… What else can I do? Should I continue with the Ester C? Sometimes I can hear phlegm when he cough… There was a time I forgot to give him ester C, his coughing got worse…
This is an old response for this, but for anyone else that may read it…I would give some fresh juiced pineapple that contains Bromain enzyme that will help stop/reduce coughing. Also an elderberry tincture or syrup. Vitamin A foods, and/or cod liver oil. Make sure he is getting enough Vitamin A, C, and D overall. Lots of room temperature water, not too hot or cold. No pasteurized dairy, or mucus forming foods (wheat).
why do we treat doctors like they are out to get us?
Sometimes there’s an exception to all of this. If we relied on nature then my daughter would have never made it past a couple days old. Nature wanted my daughter to die — cleft palate, interrupted aortic arch, poor immune system. She would have never made it except for the medical path as you call it. You lost me at ear candling. Every one should know that’s nonsense as is most of the advice in this. I wouldn’t be surprised if your information kills someone.
Your daughter wouldn’t have had those issues if you had eaten well during pregnancy and followed WAPF pregnancy guidelines.
This reply is just cruel – blaming a mother for her child’s medical issues. I followed WAPF to the best of my abilities during pregnancy and my son still had a cleft lip and palate. You can’t have complete control over genes. However, I will continue do WAPF for my son as I believe it best for his ongoing health.
I think cleft palate is a genetic disposition. No one’s fault
You’re absolutely insane. A moderator needs to remove your comment.
The advice in this article is not nonsense at all it really works, but you have to do it. If you got lost at ear candling, you weren’t reading the article correctly. You are right, most of what is said ELSEWHERE about ear candling is nonsense and hype to sell a product and treatment. No it does not clean the ear canal of wax. What she wrote was “Ear candling also provides relief. This is how we healed the double ear infection my son had at 15 months (this was before we discovered theWAPF diet). Ear candles don’t really clean out your ear —that is misinformation—but they blow warm smoke into your ear that helps dry out any moisture that may be in there. How is not not believable? Anything warm on the ear assists in healing an ear infection, hence the warm wheat packs and warm olive oil. My parents used warm olive oil for our ear aches as a child and it worked. However, my parents also insisted we drank 8 glasses of milk a day, pastuerized milk so i and my brother and sister every few months would have asthma, bronchitis and ear infections, allover again. This all stopped when I stopped drinking milk, but did not return when I began to drink raw milk. Yes this is all nonsense if you don’t eat according to Weston Price principles, and you will have to get pills, shots, surgery, the whole 9 yards from allopathic medicine.
Exposure to smoke is a leading risk factor for ear infections (according to evidence based medicine). I fail to see the benefits of applying smoke directly to the tympanic membrane would benefit someone suffering from an ear infection.
Agree with Ruth. Information in this article is not nonsense!
These remedies work. Have been used for years and years.
If one does not believe in these remedies and doesn’t want to try them that is their choice. May be best not to criticize others on here.
My 5 yo b had a fever other day. I read on here the remedies that help. I had the enema bag already in the home. I also went out and purchased an enema bulb syringe at the store for his juice enema.
Cool water enema helped and brought the fever down.
I also gave him the cool-cold fruit juice enema. Don’t laugh. It works!
Gave the cool water enema on his bed with the bag. Put towel on the bed. Stripped from waist down for it. Filled the bag up less than half full in the kitchen. Carried it to bedroom. Gave less than half of the bag to him. No mess. Was easy to prepare and administer. It worked.
Gave him the fruit juice enema laying across my lap. Had towel on my lap.
It hydrated him and also cooled at the same time,
Bless all.
Thanks Karen!
The more that read on here and learn the better for health.
I also give enemas in my home. given the bag enema and the bulb syringe enema. A few times
Enemas are a natural home remedy. And always work.
The enema bulb syringe is airing out right now in my bathroom … I gave an enema today.
After giving my 5 yo an enema I cleaned the syringe. Cleaned in kitchen sink in warm soapy water. Rinsed well few times. Leaving it sitting out for few days to dry.
I love taking a break to read on here.
I didn’t give the cold juice enema Sarah told of on here today.
I didn’t know of that enema until I read of it on here. I have given it a few times. It works!
Hugs and bless all
I appreciate this article because it equips parents with knowledge that empowers them to be at peace – to not freak out when their children get sick or even when the doctor freaks out. Much better to be at peace.
One thing about headaches in children….My son get’s sinus headaches as a result of allergies. What can I do nutritionally to combat this?
I really appreciate this article! Lots of good info
Kristina, at Optimal Health Network (OHN), has an article about allergies.
Can be found at: https://www.optimalhealthnetwork.com/Seasonal-Allergies-s/342.htm
One of the remedies she suggests to eliminate sinus headaches from allergies is giving enemas.
As Sarah Pope also told on here and her other blogs, the enema is a very helpful home health remedy. It helps with many issues.
This is a little of what Kristina says from OHN: “Enemas: Throughout history people have been using enemas, or colon cleansing, as a central tool of preventative medicine. As a health practitioner, I see daily that enemas are an excellent tool for maintenance and restoration of health. Enemas may help prevent and overcome allergies. ”
“This is why allergy symptoms tend to diminish with regular colon cleansing (enemas).”
A friend of mine had the same issues as you do with her boy. Her oldest boy had sinus headaches. The headaches were very bad for him. They resulted from allergies.
Nothing seemed to work. She hated giving OTC stuff to him.
After research on her own, talking with OHN and talking with holistic provider she decided to administer enemas and see if that would help.
She purchased the small reusable rubber enema bulb syringe. Cost less than $10.00.
After a few sessions his headaches stopped. His allergy symptoms diminished giving regular enemas at home.
She told me the enema was easy to prepare and administer.
I have given many enemas in the home. I never knew the enema can help with allergies and sinus headaches. Amazing!
Not giving medical advice. Please, consult with your medical provider before giving any home remedy.
vaccinations before the age of two
Why shouldn’t vaccinations be given before the age of two?
Perhaps you should mention Vit C treatment for whooping cough as it is one of the best tools for marketing and instilling fear into parents to vaccinate their children. http://www.vaccinationcouncil….phries-md/
Earache remedy
I whole-heartedly agree and have been using home remedies on my kids for a few years now. It’s great: easy, cheap, empowering and effective. We are all much healthier on whole foods, fish oils and probiotics, however my son still gets ear infections once in a while. To cure them, I used hot onions in a jar. I peel and slice an onion and heat until steaming hot. I put the onions in a jar and hold it over the effected ear for at least 5 minutes. Repeat as often as you likeIt feels good and somehow draws the infection out (or something like that). This has consistently worked within 12-24 hours on sometimes raging ear infections.
Molly, good comment by you.
Yes, rather old but possibly others can learn.
I also agree. Been using natural home remedies on my two. Herbal remedies, baths, soaks, rub downs, and more. Including giving enemas.
Glad you told of the onion for ear infections. Next time I’ll do the same.
Mine are much healthier now since giving natural cures.
For fevers and occasional constipation in one of mine I get out the enema bulb syringe or enema bag.
I administer an enema once a month or so regardless if sick or not.
It helps cleanse toxins. Hydrates.
I will give the onion remedy for next ear infection.
As Molly told of. Interesting.
Not wishing for ear infection but interested to see if works.
I also give enemas when needed in my home. Not only to reduce fevers but good for constipated child. And help recover faster from colds , flu and such.
Good to cleanse and help remove harmful toxins.
Recently a mom with her two kids (b5 and b8) were visiting me for few days. Her oldest one had a fever and didn’t go in two days.
That is with holding harmful toxins.
I told her of giving him an enema. With the syringe enema.
A trip to drugstore and purchased an enema bulb syringe. Dragged along my three and her two.
Found a bulb syringe enema. Jar of Vaseline, ivory soap bar …
When preparing at home, he wasn’t overly happy when he found out he was going to get an enema!
He immediately felt better after getting an enema. He was given a second enema later that night.
Love this blog and comments left by others.
Talk with your doctor before giving home remedies.
Omg you sound like me!
Did the exact same as you and her did!
A friend was staying with me during her divorce.
Her 7 yo b had fever and hadn’t gone in two days.
Trip to the drugstore to buy an enema.
We talked about it when driving home.
Yes, he too didn’t like knowing he was going to get an enema when we got home.
The enema is better than giving over the counter junk.
Especially don’t give Tylenol.
Best to consult with your doctor before giving any home remedies.
What’s the source for the statement, “And children who have whooping cough never get asthma”? Just curious as mainstream medicine says the opposite and would like to read up on it.
no vaccinations before age of two and vitamin K
Our pediatrician said if we decide to do vaccinations wait until after age two. By then the body will have allowed for the blood brain barrier to form and better keep out all the toxic heavy metals in the vaccines.
We gave our baby vitamin K drops orally. We’ve heard it is better orally anyways versus injection. We purchased our vitamin k here:
I understand that K1 is not a problem getting sufficient quantities in the diet. It is vitamin K2 that is a problem, or am I wrong? I have tried to find natto and can’t find a source of it, but from the sounds even if I found one I doubt I would be able to eat it. Does anyone know a good source of K2?
A good source of vitamin K2 is sauerkraut and good quality hard cheese,
homeopathic remedies for eczema
Are there any homeopathic remedies for eczema – specifically itchy/dry skin? Our baby is almost 8 months and we’ve pretty much tried most/many natural products on the market including doing acupuncture. Most of the time his skin is okay but lately it’s been pretty red and inflamed. We’ve determined that what typically trigger a flare up is coming into contact with fragrances, heat and vaccinations. Suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Sorry to hear about your baby’s eczema. My LG suffered from it at 9 months, I took several steps to trying to fight it, hope some of it helps if you haven’t done it yet.
* probiotics
* omega 3
* bathed her in sea salt and 5 drops of Purification Oil (young living)- for 30 days as a detox and continued with sea salt and magnesium Flakes baths after. First day of the detox bath she stopped itching
*the cream I found it helped her most was Pure Potions Skin Salvation cream.
*also only raw milk and found that the formula she was on triggered it so changed it to goats milk formula.
She is eczema free now. Best of luck.
My girl is 9 and has ADD. I want to get her off her medicine. Can any one help me to know how to do it naturally.
If your doctor is genuine, then he will reduce the medicine for you to ween her off the horrible drugs. No such thing as ADD. Just kids, all different, maybe bored? not enough stimulation. Better nutrition to keep hormones in place. Dr. Kelly Brogan is a holistic psychiatrist. https://kellybroganmd.com/?s=children+and+adhd
Don’t get conned. Take the drug yourself and see how your child feels, not a good feeling.
My one year old still got an ear infection
We have done everything in this article from ‘Modern Medicine from day one’ ‘Diet Basics’ etc she was EBF until 6.5 m and then started on raw goat milk at 10 m as she has a tongue tie and I was pg so lost my supply :o(. Never vaccinated etc, still hasn’t eaten grains, sugar. Never sick until 12.5 m and then she got really sick with fever for three days and the dr. said she had an ear infection. We didn’t give her the antibiotics, or tylenol etc. just garlic oil and homeopathics. She seems to have recovered nicely but I’m still so disappointed that she got this illness. Maybe she has some bad gut flora, as I had a yeast infection when she was born (didn’t know about WAPF at the time)?
If you didn’t know about Weston Price when she was born, I think you’re doing pretty well that she is healthy enough to recover so well. By the way what is EBF? By pg I assume you mean you were pregnant.
In response to my child still got an ear infection
It is important to realize that good health isn’t “never getting sick”. But the body’s ability to adapt and handle an illness.
If a child gets sick while doing all right things, it’s an opportunity for growth. Looking at it as failure creates guilt.
Dr. Cowan talks about this concept.
Dr AZAKA the sickness removal is here once again the man who specialized in all kinds of sickness,my people no matter the king of sickness you have don t hide it if you do it we kill you secretly.say it out because problem shelled is problem half solved.Dr AZAKA normally trace the genesis of a particular sickness through the power of temredsema before he treat. so we specialized in the following problems:
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If you have any of the following problems please contact Dr AZAKA on this email sicknessremoval@gmail.com or you call him on his phone number +2348109628907 +2348090928184 +2348058412947.
HIGH FEVERS: Next time one of mine gets a high fever, which is not often, I will give the fresh fruit juice bulb enema as you suggested. I have a 6 or 8 oz enema bulb at home now. The 4 oz bulb is smaller but the larger bulb should work too?
I have given a catnip tea enema for fevers in the past with the enema bulb. It works!
You can find the catnip tea enema listed in book Prescription For Nutritional Healing. Great book! Every mom should have this book at home.
Under the section Sore Throat you stated, “If fever is not developing, use the method described above.” I’m assuming you meant to use the bath to induce fever. I tried this and it did not do anything, that I could tell. So what do I do now?
My 13 year old had a severe allergic reaction 30 minutes after consuming part of a Bolthouse Farms smoothie (his second time consuming, first time was day before and no reaction…sensitized by the 2nd dose, the doctor said). No time for a hospital. 8 teaspoons of Benadryl later the hives from his scalp to his feet, his purplish throat area, red trunk, arms and blistered legs, swollen head and eyes along with the chills and nausea receded. Marks still visible on him the next day… and after I came out of survival mode…reality became clear. I returned the dozen or so bottles to grocery store and they suggested an incident report be completed. The store was great and the grocery chain’s corporate service called us the very next morning. They stated Bolthouse would also be calling us. It has been 12 days, no word from Bolthouse. Two docs said do not trust any ingredient labels. We also learned of FDA loopholes. I just want a bean with a string in it again and to not raise a child in a world where an Epi-Pen is a standard item all families have to carry when they eat since they cannot avoid dangers due to legally hidden GMO, processed allergens. Or as in the words if my 13 year old, “oh you mean that evil mutant smoothie.”
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Hi you mentioned about nephrotic syndrome in chronic diseases section in the article.I am unable to understand this statement – you mentioned only cure for this ailment is contracting measles.
When NS kid contracts measles it blows out the acute symptoms.
Can you please throw light on this.Does it complete reverses the disease ?I am mother of NS kid.
My baby (now 9 months) had to receive antibiotics when he was born. Now I’ve noticed that he cannot digest fatty foods – avocado, salmon, coconut oil, etc. I’ve also had to cut out dairy since I’m breastfeeding. Anything else I can do to help him heal his gut, other than probiotics?
I would like to answer some questions raised:
1– no vaccines before age 2 because they don’t work. The body does not yet have a developed immune system. My MD has the same policy. After age 2, one at a time. A group of doctors at a conference said that the only reason for the shots before 2 is to train the parents to bring their child in.
2- Suzanne Humpheries MD, has lots of advice and help re Whooping Cough and Vit C
3–For me, problems digesting fatty foods was caused by toxins, esp metals. Did your child have any shots. or get metals in utero from you if you had mercury in your teeth. That happened to me and my child. Perhaps antibiotics were the cause for your child.
Also, Vit A helps prevents problems from measles. See Sherri Tenpenny’s book on vaccines for info on tetanus.
I grew up in the 50’s. We all got chickenpox, measles, and mumps, and I believe were healthier for it. We never saw autism, obesity, learning problems, cancer and diabetes in children, or many allergies.
@ Janice good comment you made. So right.
I talk natural healing, home remedies, herbal remedies with other moms.
A neighbor and I were talking about this article. She is a grandma and retired nurse.
She told me exactly what you wrote. She grew up in the 50s too. She did not see all the things we see in children today. She also feels she is healthier cause of the things she had(you mentioned).
Today far far too many children have autism, diabetes, and more ills today. Wonder why???
The child today has a terrible diet and very little exercise. Given antibiotics for every ill. Does not receive the helpful healing benefits of riding a fever out. Instead is immediately given fever reducing OTC stuff.
The enema! She told me the enema was a common home health tool in every home in the 50s. Moms would talk about the enema and teach other moms the enema.
She told me her mom would give a enema for constipation, to recover faster from a cold, headaches, dehydration, bad gut sydrome (when mostly the boy toddler- child was going through a spell of bad behavior, fighting, crying, fussing, fussy eater and such…he was given a enema. This was caused by “bad bugs in his tummy.” Read on the page Real Food Recovery.)
Even given a enema cause the mom felt he needed one. I guess the mom knew he needed to be cleansed- helped. Was full of harmful toxins.
She told me she gave enemas to her kids, grandchildren, friends, friends of friends, and patients. She feels they are much healthier cause of that.
I find it interesting that Sarah mentions a enema for high fevers, vomiting, diharrea.
It is said that health is in the colon.
Mothers today need to study the old remedies.
She told me the enema is not painful or traumatic for the child.
I want to add the enema to my natural home healing chest.
I have never gotten or given a enema. But want to learn it.
She told me it would be a good idea to be given a enema so I know what the enema is like. How to prepare it and do it.
Then learn how administer a enema to my 4 yo b.
Better to have the enema in the home, and know how to give it, before one becomes ill and needs a enema.
May be TMI sorry… but she is going to give me a bulb enema and a bag enema.
I will be buying both this week at my local drug store. I have already looked at them. Sarah is right for a little over $10 I can buy a 2 quart red rubber enema bag. The bulb is under $10.
A good price for health in my home!
I will comment another day letting others know how the enemas were.
No and more NO, this is not giving medical advice. Not telling what to do or not do. Talk with your doctor before giving or getting a enema.
May the good Lord bless you and your family
Good blog – article.
Wonder if Willow (from Willow above November 25, 2018 at 4:58 am)
ever brought the enema bag and bulb syringe. She told was going to buy them.
And was given enemas, to learn, by her nurse neighbor??
Glad she became aware of the benefits of the enema!
Having gotten enemas growing up I am well aware of the benefits of home remedies and the enema!
I gave the enema in my home and in other homes.
My three had far less illness than others the same ages.
I never remember me or them being home from school sick.
The few times was sick I remember the enema was always given. And always felt better almost immediately after being given an enema.
We didn’t get junk foods, sodas and such. Hardly ever remember going to the doctor.
Were given daily dose of horrible tasting castor oil.
The old home remedies I remember were some of the same ones told in this article!
More later.
For now, hugs
Janice, I also grew up in the 50s. Seems, but I may be wrong, we as kids were healthier back then. There was no junk foods. No OTC stuff given.
We had good diet. Plenty of water and fresh juice. No sodas!
Cod liver oil was given often . Of course we hated that stuff.
It has been mentioned on here by others commenting and by Sarah as well, the enema was given often. Willow’s neighbor is right. The enema was given in most homes for constipation, colds, fevers, and other ills.
While I didn’t like knowing was going to be given an enema then, I know now it was one of the best home remedies. I am sure my good health today (in my early 70s now) is due to how we were brought up and of course the enema.
My mom and aunt had what Sarah tells of, an enema bag and a bulb syringe. Used often.
I dont remember a cool fruit juice enema given as Sarah writes about on here. It could have been given but I dont remember it.
The small enema bulb was used for the baby – toddler. Given either across the lap way or on a table.
The bag was used for the older ones.
Recently while visiting with a mom she told me she gives enemas when needed in here home to her two. Moms are tired of chemicals and expensive OTC junk that takes long time to work. And Lord knows what the stuff if doing to you — to find out years later.
Whoops forgot to tell above….
Always best to consult with medical doctor before giving any home remedies. Including the enema. Not giving medical advice.
Also, copy and save this good article by Sarah. It has listed best ways and remedies to take care of the sick child in the home.
There is a tab (guess called that) where you can print this valuable information off.
Give copies to other moms. Or refer them to this page.
Even the comments left are helpful.
I talked with friend of mine after my initial comment. She agrees with me.
A good article for giving the enema is at:
Catherine reminds me of my aunt years ago. My aunt believed just like Catherine.
I am wondering how much cod liver oil to give my 1 year old daughter. I was reading another article on this site that said cod liver oil will help with eczema as an oral supplement but also as a topical treatment but it did not say how much?
I hope you found your answer! I use the recommended amount listed on the bottle I purchase for my daughter who is one this month. It is 2.0 ml I think, and Nordic Naturals Baby DHA is the name of what I get for her. She loves the natural flavor of it.
Sarah, thanks for this excellent list of traditional remedies. Growing up in the 50s I remember some of them given by my mom and aunt.
Older than my siblings; So, I remember some of these remedies given or talked about.
Mom to mom remedies remembered. Not to be taken as medical advice. Always talk with your holistic provider or doctor first.
This is a wonderful page. But, the below resources may help too.
I love the below resources for natural healing. Hope these can help and heal your love ones. The PAGE links gets you to the page. Then scroll around on the site. I do not receive anything for listing these wonderful sources. I have used information from all of them:
PAGE: https://www.optimalhealthnetwork.com. Kristina has great health page with many health articles to read and learn. She sells oils, soaps, soaps, enema and more. Love OHN!
BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Prescription-Nutritional-Healing-Fifth-Practical/dp/1583334009 Book Prescription For Nutritional Healing has many natural home remedies in it. A must for every home. Get from Amazon or at local health food store or book store.
PAGE: Mandy at Real Food Recovery has great health information and more. You can find other pages from Mandy from this link. https://www.realfoodrecovery.org/stop-fever-and-more-with-a-garlic-enema/. Love her pages!
PAGE: Annies Place To learn http://www.anniesplacetolearn.com/blog/herb-series-chamomile
Annie has great herbal information, healing information and spiritural healing as well. Learn from her page. Love her pages.
When the child is sick it is helpful to remove toxins. Keep hydrated.
Joan B
I need some diet suggestions for loose stools in toddler. Happy and energetic as normal but Im trying to think of ways to ensure she’s not being stripped of her nutrients and all the gut sealing work we’ve done so far.
Child still very much has an appetite so just bone broth isnt going to work.
What foods would you definitely cut out etc,
Thank you.
Love this article!
Before giving home remedies best to check with doctor first.
This article also helped me and my neighbor many times.
Both of us have given the bag enema and the bulb enema.
Don’t laugh, the cold fruit juice bulb enema works!
We gave it to the one with a fever when he was lay on his tummy on a towel.
Pray all are healthy.
Love Sarah’s article.
Like JenniferK told, this article helped her not to freak out when he had a fever.
Read, learn and share.
I find all of Sarah’s blogs , articles, and more interesting.
All well done.
Thanks Sarah (Pope).
Sure many are grateful to learn from you.
Always talk with medical person, doctor, before giving any remedies.
Love all pages by Sarah!
The enema is given in our homes when needed. Bulb or the bag one.
Sarah wrote “… A cool water enema is one good way to do this. Enemas have such a bad rap. Nobody likes them but they are a very effective remedy for many things. You can get an enema bag from any pharmacy for about ten dollars and they’re easy to administer. If the fever is getting really high, just get a thick beach towel and put it in the tub. Lay your child on his side without taking clothes off. Slide their pajamas down a little. Place 1/2 to 1 quart warm filtered water in the bag and insert the enema nozzle. Your child will start to feel pressure and will want to go to the bathroom—the water usually doesn’t run out. Then gently put him on the toilet and let him go. This will usually bring the fever down by a degree or two.
High fevers—those that range between 104 and 105 degrees—are not dangerous in themselves, but they make the metabolism run very fast and increase the risk of dehydration. Blood sugar often drops, which can lead to convulsions. Your child can sip 50 percent diluted fresh fruit juice to keep tissues hydrated and blood sugar levels in the normal range. If your child will not take anything, you can administer about 4 ounces diluted fruit juice rectally using a bulb syringe. The body will absorb it rectally. It won’t run out. This may save your child a trip to the emergency room.”
How true about saving a trip to the ER!
Thanks all for commenting.
Agree this is a very good article. Comments are informative and helpful.
Hope many read it and learn from Sarah on here.
Dee Dee commented above she was going to buy a bulb syringe and was going to give enemas when needed.
Hope it helped. And she learned it is a good home remedy to give. As told by Sarah Pope on here.
Sarah tells of the cold fruit juice bulb syringe enema treatment in this article. I have given it a few times. It works!
If no cold fruit juice is available for the enema, giving a plain cool water enema with the bulb syringe works too.
Recently when visiting a friend one of her kids had a fever. She did not have any fruit juice to use.
She gave him a cool water enema with the bulb. It worked. His fever went down.
Best to consult with doctor before giving an enema.
Love this blog/article by Sarah.
Learned much from it.
The cool water, or cool fruit juice, enemas work!
Referred many moms to this page.
When get a few extra moments will leave more about the remedies we have given.
Blessings and hugs
Pray all are well.
Glad Sarah told of westonaprice.org
Much to learn for natural healing and health.
Many good informative comments left.
Valerie’s page is very informative.
Growing up my mom and aunt were like her.
The enema was given often. Wasn’t happy when knew was going to be given an enema.
But, today attribute my good health to enemas. Also, no junk foods! All natural home remedies! In my mid 70s now!
Giving an enema could save a trip to the dreaded ER. Where you, and your sick child, will be exposed to who knows what there.
Love this page!
Good information. Learned lots.
I hate giving OTC junk. Prefer natural home remedies.
Giving the Cold Sheet treatment is a very good natural remedy.
We, two divorced moms, have given it a few times. Works!
Since our first two times giving it in our home, we have assisted other moms in giving the treatment.
Brings fevers down. Detoxes, helps recovery from illness like flu and colds.
We gave it late at night. Put the others to bed. Prepared everything then brought the one for treatment to the table.
Read ALL the instructions. Have everything ready and on hand.
Best to discuss each step with who is assisting give it. We practiced each step before giving the full treatment.
Practicing each step, including giving the foot massage and the enemas, made giving the full treatment easier.
We checked with natural path doctor. Was told giving the full treat as a good home remedy. And practicing each step was ok to do.
I have given many enemas (bulb and bag) in my home. So that part wasn’t difficult for me. I taught my partner the enema. It was her first ever time giving one. It is not hard to do.
Bless all and loving hugs
Hello! I absolutely LOVE this article!! And I’m so thankful for all the great information! This article is the reason I have given enemas to my family when needed and they definitely do help to bring fevers down! I was hoping for some more information on the Fruit Juice enema. What kind of juice do you suggest? We always keep 100% Tart Cherry Juice on hand but we always dilute it as needed. Would something like that suffice? And is undiluted ok? I appreciate any info you can provide. Thank you so much!
Hi Angela (December 17, 2024 at 2:28 pm). Thanks for visiting and leaving comment.
Wonderful that you are interested in the fruit juice enema and you administer enemas to your family.
Of course best to tell, please consult your doctor before giving any home remedies. Including the enema.
I also absolutely LOVE this article and other articles by Sarah.
Yes, great information. Also learn a lot from the comments left by others!
I also give enemas to my family and assist other moms to administer the enema in their home.
The enema does help bring fevers down. Helps to cleanse toxins from the system. Helps speed up recovery from colds, flu, pneumonia and other ills.
I give enemas when needed. About once a month if no illness or fever is present.
When I notice fighting with the others, fussy bad mood, crying for no reason, complaining of mild headache and other signs of die off I give an enema.
For fevers I given the cool, never cold, water enema.
For the constipated child I give the mild warm soapy water enema. Solution made with Made For Enema soap bar. From:
Called OHN.
My mom and aunt (nurse) used to make the solution with a bar of ivory soap. Now best to use the natural soap from OHN.
For the bulb syringe enemas I make the solution in a pan or large bowl of warm water. Make a mild solution.
I gave the fruit juice enema a few times.
This web page may help you:
I used lemon juice for the small bulb syringe enema.
Your 100% Tart Cherry Juice may work.
May be best to give diluted and observe the results.
Also, catnip or garlic are very good herbs for reducing the fevers.
Bulb syringe for the enema: I used a 6oz enema bulb syringe or used the 4oz size.
For giving the fruit juice enema.
Administered the fruit juice enema when he was laying across my lap. Laying face down on a towel on my lap. Had everything prepared and ready. Then got him for the enema. The last time I gave the fruit juice enema it was given when he was on a table (actually was the kitchen table). Towel on table. Given with him laying on back. Each time it reduced the fever!
The older ones were given enemas with a larger bulb syringe (8oz). Or with the bag.
Sarah told to give the cool water enema when he is in the tub.
This, to me, is cold and hard. And hurts my back to lean over.
I give the larger volume enema either on the table or on the bed.
Never had a mess. Not painful or traumatic for the one getting the enema.
Books that may help you:
Prescription For Nutritional Healing; or,
The ABC Herbal Book; or,
Back to Eden.
I am a believer in natural home remedies. Do not like giving otc junk. No Tylenol.
Will write more when have time.
Angela, since you read on this page, give the enema in your home and asking about the fruit juice enema, you also must believe in natural home remedies and stay away from giving the over the counter stuff?
Let us know if you tried the fruit juice enema. Do you also use herbal remedies?
Since you asked about the fruit juice enema, do you have a bulb syringe? If not best to buy one and use it instead of the bag for giving the small fruit juice enema.
Cara makes good 4, 6, and 8 oz enema bulbs.
Until I read about the fruit juice enema on here I had never heard of it. From my experience, and hearing from other moms, it does work!
So I went and purchased a small reusable rubber enema bulb.
I had experience giving bulb syringe enemas before.
But on a recent move (divorce) the bulb was misplaced.
After reading on here I got a small bulb syringe. Not long after getting it I had to deal with a late night fever. I first gave him (5 yo b) a cool water enema. Then later that night gave him the juice enema.
The next day, when the others were off to school, I gave him another enema. Remarkable! He immediately began to feel better.
A few of us moms get together about once a month or so. We talk and trade ideas about home remedies.
Blessings and hugs
Hi Nancy! Thanks so much for your reply and for all the info! I’m going to look into everything you mentioned. I greatly appreciate your help! I too am very much into natural remedies and trying to learn as much as I can about them.
I had given my 7 year old son a few distilled water enema’s last Summer when he was suddenly super constipated. I was close to taking him to the hospital because he just couldn’t poop but had to go so bad and was in tears. After a few water enemas, slowly but surely everything came out. He was so relieved that he cried tears of joy, his words: “I feel so much better now”! Which of course made me cry too. I was amazed at how powerful an enema could be.
Back in December both my children (9g and 7b) had something awful (I’m thinking it was the flu). Both had high fevers, aches, pains, headache, sinus inflammation, couldn’t eat or drink, just super uncomfortable. I came across this amazing article with all these helpful comments! I refused to give meds so I figured what did I have to lose and did the fruit juice enema. I kinda safely winged it :). It sounds like I did the right things! I filled up a medium size bulb syringe with half distilled water and half organic tart cherry juice as that is what I had on hand. I mixed both together in a glass measuring cup and poured into the opening of the bulb then stuck the syringe part in the bulb. It wasn’t easy as neither kid loves an enema and my daughter is super dramatic haha! But after some (a lot) of convincing we did it! My son went first which may have helped calm my daughter that time. I actually put a towel in the bathtub and have them lay in the downward dog yoga position with their butt up. I used an organic almond oil to lube up the syringe and their bottoms. Neither child took the whole enema. They felt full so when they told me to stop I did. I’d say they each took 4-6 ounces tho. I had them hold still for a couple of minutes to try to absorb it. Then had them sit on the toilet for a bit to release all the gunk. Immediately I could see a difference. They felt cooler and had some color back in their faces. And they felt much better! For sure the enema immediately rehydrates and eliminates toxins. That time I ended up giving them each 3 enemas over the course of 2 days. The second time was the next day when the fever came back and then I had done a 3rd one for good measure to get the last of the toxins out!! I was amazed. After their fevers left my son and I ended up with sinus/ear infections. I pulled out the Organic Oregano Oil and we each drank a few drops diluted in a few sips of juice. And I also put a drop in each ear and rubbed it along our necks. The taste is horrible but it definitely works. Repeated all those steps for a few days and also took something called Boiron Sinus Calm as it is a Homeopathic Medicine and we were as good as new in a couple of days!
And as I type this, another illness has hit us as everything is running rampant in my kids schools. However, this time it seems like a mild version of the same thing they had in December. My daughter started first and when her fever started to get high, I cracked open a new jar of Organic Tart Cherry Juice and got out the enema bulb and distilled water. Again she started to feel so much better within minutes, was able to have a lite snack and then slept well all night. Kept her home from school the next day to make sure her fever didn’t return in the afternoon and since it did not, she went back to school today. Then it hit my son today. I let him fight the fever for a few hours. When it started to get high and he was very uncomfortable, he got the same enema and also within minutes he felt better! He took a super long nap and is resting comfortably. Time will tell if he gets another enema tonight.
I do have one question. Someone in a below comment mentioned making sure all the Air is out of the bulb. That is one thing I will have to make sure I double check next time. What happens if there’s air left?
Again, I cannot express how happy I am that I found this article and all you wonderful ladies full of amazing information! Your knowledge has made me feel so comfortable taking the next steps to cure my family naturally. I cannot thank you enough
. I apologize for this being such a long response but I wanted to share in detail all the steps I took in order to help someone else that may need step by step instructions.
Angela )January 24, 2025 at 9:14 pm)
Hi Angela and hugs
No apologies needed hon.
I will write more later tonight.
Was wondering how things were going for you.
So wonderful you too are very much into natural remedies.
Take learning a day at a time. A treatment at a time.
Try and find that book Prescription For Nutritional Healing and The ABC Herbsl book and Back to Eden. All are great. And will be of great help to you during
Very good you gave him (7 yo b) the enema then. Not to boy is being constipated uncomfortable for him, but it is with holding of harmful toxins in the system. Causes other ills, headaches, grumpiness, fighting with the others and more. All of these go away after he has gotten an enema or series of enemas.
You decided his treatment to be given. Of course take to hospital if warranted or calling doctor.
I too am always amazed at the benefits of giving enemas.
Glad you found this article in December. I do not care to give meds, pills, laxatives, Tylenol. Try natural first . Of course being watchful of sings / symptoms of something warranting meds, doctor, etc.
When you gave them the fruit juice enema back in December did you use the 4 or 6 oz syringe?
You did good by giving them each 3 enemas over the course of 2 days.
I always give the same. As a good measure to get the last of the toxins out I administer enemas for a few days or nights.
Good to learn the Organic Oregano Oil helped!
Learning from you, I’m going to look for the Boiron Sinus Calm.
Sorry to learn another illness has hit you!
Yes fevers serve a purpose. Good you let it run.
Good he was given the same enema and it helped.
I have to run. Will write more later tonight.
Air in the bulb may cause tummy ache and releasing the air afterwards.
I’ll tell how to fill the bulb full with no air.
So glad you came back and told how things were there.
To answer your question….
If you leave air in the enema bulb syringe when giving an enema it may cause discomfort in tummy. Having air being expelled later on after the enema.
So, best not to have any air in the syringe. You can practice filling up and removing the air by making a sink of warm soapy water in the kitchen sink.
This will let you practice and at the same time clean the bulb. Fill up the bulb in the sink. Hold up right till the water comes out of nozzle and then while holding the squeeze and put nozzle back into the water. Sucking up more solution. Repeat until the syringe is full. Hold the squeeze and give the enema. That way there is no air in the bulb.
Annie has a great page at:
She has lots of excellent information on herbal home remedies.
You may like to read her free book Self Reliance in Health Course book.
Has many remedies in it. She tells about the enema and to remove the air:
“….Follow the instructions for filling your particular enema kit with solution or if using a bulb for a child, fill the bulb with the enema solution by squeezing and sucking up the solution and then turn it upright and squeeze any remaining air out. Finish filling with solution….”
Valerie has a good page about colon health. Others have linked it in their comments:
You may like reading her article!
When finished practicing filling full, rinse few times with plain warm water. Leave out to air dry for few days. Never put up damp. Mold will form in the bulb.
I hold the syringe upside and squeeze it in and out fast to help remove any dampness. I do this every day for a few days.
So good you are into natural remedies. Read Annie’s page about herbal remedies.
Day at a time. Learn and practice. Best to practice before one is sick. That way you know what to do and how to do it before he is sick.
You local health food store can also be very helpful.
Smart of you that you gave him a few water enemas last summer.
Did you use the bulb?
Being constipated is not comfortable. It is also with holding harmful toxins.
Toxins cause other ills. And slows recovery.
Good you gave the fruit juice enema in December to both of them and it helped them.
I have dealt with the same.
Yes natural home remedies are great. But best to know when to need to take to doctor or ER.
If you think one will fight and resist getting an enema then best to have another mom assist you giving. Once a few enemas are given there should be less resistance, fussing and fighting.
I dont like giving enemas in the tub. Hard and cold. Instead of giving in the bathtub may want to try giving on bed or a table.
I remove the bed linen. Put rubber sheet on the bed. Towel on top of the rubber sheet or on the table. Never had any mess. Never.
Close window and door if possible. Offer privacy. Warm the room.
Explain some helps. Like why an enema is needed. and telling it will help.
Glad you told of using an organic almond oil for the lube. That time I ended up giving them each 3 enemas over the course of 2 days. The secon
When I need to give an enema each day for three days like you did, I leave the enema bulb sitting out. Try to give the enema at the same time each day. Most of the time mid morning or at night.
Good you knew to get the toxins out! That speeds up recovery.
to get the last of the toxins out!!
Thanks for telling of the Organic Oregano Oil and a few drops diluted drinking. And a drop in each ear and on necks. I’m going to try that.
So sorry as you typed your comment another illness has hit you and them. Nasty things are in schools. Germ bowls!
Smart that you opened a new jar of Organic Tart Cherry Juice. And got the enema bulb out! Talk to doctor when you can change from the enema bulb to the enema bag for giving the enemas. I read can change when he is 5ft tall. or doctor says ok.
Growing up I never got the bag enema. Always the bulb syringe.
When you kept her home from school the next day what remedy did you give the next day?
When he got sick too…was good you let the fever run. and when started to get high and he was uncomfortable you gave him an enema. Good both of them felt better within minutes.
Rest is also a remedy. Good he took a super long nap. and resting comfortably.
Did he get another enema that night? (….”Time will tell if he gets another enema tonight.”)
Glad you found this article and the information on here helps you.
Hugs and blessings.
Angela, hugs!
You’ll learn day at a time. Each natural home remedy you learn and practice the better for health.
Then when one is sick, has fever, constipated, or something else you are prepared.
Reading how you filled up the enema bulb syringe made me think.
Here is how you told it “…. I filled up a medium size bulb syringe with half distilled water and half organic tart cherry juice as that is what I had on hand. I mixed both together in a glass measuring cup and poured into the opening of the bulb then stuck the syringe part in the bulb. It wasn’t easy as…”
Next enema don’t remove the nozzle from the bulb syringe. Squeeze the bulb. Put the nozzle into the desired solution in a pan/bowl.
Release the bulb. It will suck up the solution/water.
Hold up right. Squeeze the bulb UNTIL the solution or water comes out of the nozzle. Hold the bulb squired in like that. Put nozzle back into the pan/bowl of solution. Release the squeeze. It again will suck water into the bulb.
Do this until the syringe is completely filled full.
Ready to give the enema ,,squeeze the bulb until a tiny bit of solution comes out. Hold that squeeze.
Put lube on the nozzle. I put it up and down the nozzle.
Then give the enema.
This way no air is in the bulb. Also, the more times you remove the nozzle and reinsert it into the bulb part the rubber holding it in gets weaker and stretches some. Soon little water will leak out of the bulb when giving the enema.
Just what I got, learned , did and taught.
Talk with your doctor about giving the enema.
I reread the article. She says in the article to give a 4 oz diluted enema. Using a enema bulb syringe.
Article….. “…. If your child will not take anything, you can administer about 4 ounces diluted fruit juice rectally using a bulb syringe.”
So, give a diluted juice solution.
When using a 4 oz enema bulb syringe about a oz or two always remains in the enema bulb.
I use a 6 oz Cara enema bulb. So a full 4 oz enema is given.
The small bulb syringe enema is easy to administer.
I do as others have told on here. Have the one getting the enema lay on a towel across my lap. Laying on tummy. Or administer the enema with patient laying on table on towel on his back.
Both ways work great.
If you believe he will resist getting an enema then best to have another mom assist in giving the enema.
As Sarah told on here and on her other blogs, the enema is not painful and does not traumatize.
Check with your doctor.
I feel giving enemas is better home remedy than giving harsh laxatives, pills and such.
Angela, good you found this article.
Great you give enemas to your family (guess you mean your children now get enemas cause of this article?) in your home now.
I also started giving enemas in my home after reading this article. Of course read other sources, talked with other moms and holistic doctor too.
I have given the fruit juice enema a few times. Used diluted fruit juice.
It works!
Angela (December 17, 2024 at 2:28 pm)
this article!!
We also absolutely
We, a few mothers who get together to
discuss, practice and give when needed natural home remedies.
Thank you Angela for saying you are thankful for the information on Sarah’s page.
This article is also the reason we have given enemas, and the other remedies told on here, in our homes.
It’s good you now give enemas, especially for fever reduction, to your family in your home.
Glad you learned that the enema definitely helps to bring fevers down.
She says to give a diluted juice enema with the rubber 4oz bulb syringe.
Please talk with your holistic doctor first.
May be best to practice giving a bulb syringe enema a few times before giving a juice enema when he has a fever.
That way you are familiar how to prepare and give a bulb syringe enema. Ask your doctor what solution to use.
We teach, and practice, giving the bulb syringe enema with plain tepid water. Never give a cold water enema.
By practicing each mom learns how to prepare everything, prepare the patient, the room and more.
Once she is taught she administers a bulb syringe enema to one of her kids.
We were surprised to learn many moms have no idea on how to give enemas. They had no idea of the benefits of giving enemas in the home.
Bless all
Hope things are better now.
Is he better now?
Of course if in doubt or symptoms present that warrant a trip to the holistic doctor, take them to the doctor.
Annie has very good health and healing information on her page(s).
You may like her article on Colds and Flu: http://www.anniesplacetolearn.com/colds-and-flu.html
From her page for flu and colds:
“You can use these remedies and measures for prevention as well as healing. I suggest diffusing one or more of the essential oils listed below during the cold and flu season to boost the immune system of everyone in the home that inhales it. You also have a better chance of avoiding illness if you are eating whole foods and staying away from processed foods and sugar as discussed in Lesson 1: Nutrition and The Body.
At the first sign of illness cut out all meat, dairy and sugar until the patient is 100% once again. Meat is heavy on the system and the energy put into digestion could go toward healing. Dairy congests the body by producing lots of mucus that we don’t want to clog up the lymph and respiratory system and sugar is a strain on the immune system, preventing it from doing its job at healing the body.
Echinacea taken every hour for 24 hours.
Massage one of the essential oils, herbal oils or salves below on the bottoms of the feet and along the spine.
Diffuse an essential oil throughout the home for the duration of the illness. Thieves is a great immune boosting and antibacterial blend, you could also choose one from below.
Add more garlic, onions, cinnamon, ginger and herbs to your meals. Black pepper drains chronic sinus and dissolves mucus.
Administer lots of fluids, including herbal teas, smoothies, fresh juice, broth and probiotic drinks, such as rejuvalec. Stay away from processed drinks and juices that are high in sugar, artificial colors, and other not so great ingredients – fresh is always best!
Hot beverages: Drinking any type of hot beverage or broth will help open up the pathways in the body; draining mucus, expelling waste and promoting blood, lymph and urine flow.
Rest, rest, then rest some more. As you rest your body can put all its energy into expelling pathogens, disposing of waste, and over all healing. Rest is the key to quicker healing. “
There is a list of EOs that help at the bottom of the article.
Annie has a free downloadable book Self Reliance In Health Course book.
My favorite books are:
-Back To Eden; and,
-The ABC Herbal Book
Valerie (RN) has a good article that all should read (link below). She tells why so many kids today are not in the best health.
When I given an enema across the lap way, I position the one getting the enema as Valerie tells….
Angela, pray they are better. This time of the year is open season for Germs, Colds , flu, ills. Exposure to other kids who are sick!
Learn more about natural healing remedies day-by-day.
Talk with other mothers who are like minded. Write down each illness they have on a calendar and what treatments you administered to help. Making notes of results achieved. That way you may see a pattern of the illnesses and better deal with them.
I make a calendar note of bowel movements as well. Especially if no BM on a day.
Especially notes how effective the home remedy was!
You get busy doing things. Then lose track of time.
I go back often and review the calendar.
I use a paper calendar. Hangs on the wall. One calendar for each one.
I also make note of treatments that I need to be reminded about.
Like on each Wednesday “give detox bath. Epsom salt”
Or during full moon cycle a written reminder like “full moon cycle. Give daily cleansing enema”
“Doctor/nurse visit. Results: xxxx”
Also make notes of grouchy, fussy, fighting with others, fever, headaches, tummy aches, darkness under eyes, moody, and such. If see pattern then see if there is reason during those days. These behaviors (called bad gut behaviors) are indicators a detox – cleanse is needed.
Looking at the notes on the calendar for these has convinced me that my b shows these far more than my g.
Tells me time for diet change. EOs. Herbal remedies…detox, cleanse, etc is needed.
When giving the Cold Sheet Treatment ( by Doctor Christopher).
It is good remedy for colds, flu, pneumonia, to detox and other.
Will make note on calendar “CST given…results “
And big hugs
Angela, someone posted this link above:
Valerie’s article is great.
I have given her article to many.
Angela, thanks for commenting.
Please tell what juice you used for the enema.
Diluted or not?
Did it help?
Bulb used?
So others can learn more.
In the article Sarah told to use diluted fruit juice for the enema.
Use 50 percent diluted juice.
We prepare the diluted fruit juice in a large bowl. Squeeze the enema bulb in. Put nozzle on the solution. Release grip on the bulb to fill it up.
Repeat until the bulb is completely filled up full. Depending on the enema bulb size this may take a few times to fill it full.
Make sure there is no air remaining in the bulb.
Depending on the age of the one getting the enema more than one bulb full may be needed.
Many do not know how to fill the bulb up full. No air in it.
If the fever does not go down some then give another enema.
Keep eye on sugar level. Best not to use juice that is high in acidity.
Sometimes a cool water enema is given first. Then few hours later a juice enema is given.
Thank goodness Sarah has this article.
Do a search and find her other articles.
Best to first talk with naturopathic doctor before giving home remedies.
We find it strange that they will push over the counter stuff and pills. Toxic stuff. When you mention natural healing and the enema they look at you like you are nutty.
Wishing all have a nice Christmas.
Enjoy the season.
Hopefully the world will be a better place New Year.
Help those who you can help.
Promise to learn more about natural home remedies, herbal remedies.
Don’t buy and give horrible useless over the counter junk. Toxic. There are better remedies to give.
Read this article by Sarah. Print it off and give to many.
Learn, practice and when needed to help one give all the remedies talked about on here!
Glad Angela told she gives the enema since reading this article.
Good she wants to know more about the fruit juice enema.
We, a group of moms, talk about and teach each other our experiences of giving natural home remedies.
Our kids are healthier now than anytime before.
Pray all have a healthy happy New Year.
Even more prayers that mankind will learn to co-exist with each other.
As far as remedies for fevers, Mandy has a great page at https://www.realfoodrecovery.org/stop-fever-and-more-with-a-garlic-enema/
After learning of the garlic enema from Mandy, i have given the garlic enema a few times. Works very well!
Mandy has instructions for how to prepare the garlic enema.
She also believes an enema should be given often to the child. Not reserved only for fever reducing. Given at least once a month. If not more often.
I learned from her to give enemas when the child has a cold, flu , pneumonia. It reduces the harmful toxins in the system. Cleanses and the one getting the enema feels better. Recovers from an illness faster. We have witnessed the one who got the enemas recovered faster than one who was not given enemas. Same goes for giving over the counter junk. Seems giving that junk prolongs the illness.
Mandy tells that doing a cleanse, including giving enemas, is very good for health.
Since we have followed her methods my three, and my friends two, are hardly ever ill now. Of course better diet, no sugars or junk foods. Given more drinking water, more exercise. Also contributed. We stopped giving over the counter junk.
Natural healing and using home remedies is a long learning process.
A good start would be to read this article and a few of the links left. Be committed. Don’t start and give up. Practice giving and doing some, if not all, of the home remedies listed in this article.
I practiced giving detox baths, wraps, rub downs, giving herbal remedies, onions, garlic, enemas and more.
Going to practice giving Dr Christopher’s cold sheet treatment next weekend.
Of course, talk with your doctor (hopefully naturopathic doctor) to be sure it is ok.
Meet other moms who are like minded for support and learning.
We meet often. Practice what one has learned.
May the good Lord give you and your family good health. Guide you.
Love Sarah’s pages. This one is great!
Everyone should read on here and learn.
Try to stop giving toxic over the counter junk.
But, always best to first consult with your doctor. Consult before giving any home remedies.
Mandy has a good page at:
She tells of giving the garlic enema for fevers and other things.
Again, talk with your doctor first.
Whoops! Sorry.
Kim posted the same link to realfoodrecovery.org
Saw it after posting.
Keep healthly all.
Hugs and blessings
Sarah has good helpful information.

made off the
We try, try real hard, to not give over the counter junk medication
Seeing the row after row of “stuff” there must be lots of
If you are new to natural home remedies don’t be overwhelmed with it. Herbal remedies are good to learn and give.
Start off slow. Day-by day learn more and practice.
Scroll down and read what to avoid giving the child. Sugars, sodas, cereals and more.
Basic diet for preventing child illness has very good information.
We practice the remedies Sarah lists on here.
Before doing anything or giving anything best to talk with your holistic doctor.
Not saying what to do or not do. Only what we have done to learn.
We practice learning some of the remedies. Feel it is better to practice preparing and giving the remedy before he is sick, has a high fever, ear aches, or other illnesses.
Few days ago a few of us moms got together and talked about natural healing, home remedies and more. We practiced a few of the remedies told on here. Better to learn and practice before he is sick or has something that needs attention.
Last week end we practiced remedy for boil, ear aches, giving baking soda bath, giving a Epsom bath, taking temps and of course the enema!
We practiced setting up a sick room..the bed, the patient in bed care. Putting rubber sheet on the bed, dimming overhead lights, warming the room,
How to bring the remedy to bed side and give it on the bed or on a table.
Learn lots by practicing before hand.
Our holistic doctor told was fine to practice to teach and learn.
Our patients liked the attention given. And it lets them know when they are in need the remedies give don’t hurt.
We love this list!
And Valerie’s article.
Also Annie’s health course book (free).
Lauren Geertsen has a good page with great things to read.
From her page”
“Lauren Geertsen @Body_Connection_Coach HEALTH ADVICE FOR 2022:
1. Turn off the news
2. Go play outside
3. Don’t take health advice from the government
4. Social distance from Big Pharma
5. Follow the money
6. Find your soul tribe
7. Homeschool or creatively school your kids 8. Defund Hollywood
9. Don’t drink fluoride
10. Create the New Earth”
How true these days!
Annie has an excellent self reliance in health course book. Find at:
Valerie, RN, has an excellent article about the importance of colon care for the child by parents.
Find at:
Keep the faith.
Angela, reading your comments too.
So very good you are wanting to learn natural home remedies for your two.
The books told in the comments are very good.
I have, and use them often in my home, two of them mentioned:
They are the best. They are my health care bibles!
All sorts of home natural remedies told in them. I especially like THE ABC HERBAL BOOK.
Sarah on this blog/article has very good information as well. I love how she has listed the condition and then how to treat it. Tells of what herbal remedy will help.
I like that she told of going to whooping cough,net to hear the cough.
She also tells when home natural remedies are NOT appropriate to give.
For you Angela learning more and more each day is best. Read in the books mentioned.
Possibly make a list of the most common illnesses that may happen in your home to your two. Read all you can about the remedies for those conditions. Then before they get sick, like colds, pneumonia, flu etc) practice the remedy. That way when they are sick you know what to do and know you have in the home already those items-herbs needed to treat them.
I have practiced with another mother how to prepare and give treatments.
We learned together by practicing how to detox, give different rub downs, giving herbs,
Massages, detox baths, how to prepare herbs for treatments, using honey, garlic, EOs, and lots more.
We learned lots. Now better prepared.
We learned and practiced the remedies Sarah tells on here.
Of course know when NOT to use natural remedies. And know WHEN TO give natural treatments. Sarah has listed when natural healing remedies ARE NOT APPROPRIATE to give.
Most importantly know when to call doctor or take to ER.
When he was constipated last summer smart you gave him water enemas!
Thank goodness you didn’t give him a Fleet Enema! They are horrible.
Beet root is great for chronic constipation.
Years ago mothers gave a mild soapy warm water enema for the constipated child. Made by swishing a bar of ivory soap in a pan of warm water. Making a MILD soapy solution for the enema.
Now best to NOT use bar of ivory. Buy Made For Enema Soap Bar from OHN.
Was very good you gave both of them a daily enema three days in a row. And you know best to help remove toxins.
Sarah tells to use the enema bulb syringe.
Many on here mention the enema bulb syringe for giving the home enema.
No one talks about how to clean the bulb.
A long time ago another mom and I were wondering if the inside of the enema bulb was clean or not.
We cut open the two6 oz enema bulbs we had.
To our surprise they were not the cleanest inside! We were washing with mild warm soapy water and rinsing well after each enema given.
A friend told us of this article on how to clean the enema bulb syringe:
We don’t go to this extent after every enema is given. But, do clean like this article tells often.
After cleaning we put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the bulb. Swish around and squirt it out through the nozzle.
Then left sitting out to air dry for a few days.
The replacement enema bulbs are spotless now. We sacrificed another enema bulb after cleaning this way for a few months .
when he saw us at the kitchen sink cutting the enema bulbs up!
when he saw that we brought two new enema bulbs to replace the ones we cut up to examine the inside of them!
Cut it open. Perfectly clean! Thank goodness!
My 9 yo b was happy
He was not happy
We use the same cleaning method she tells for clean the enema bulb for the enema bag.
Best to talk with doctor before giving any home remedies.
Few of us moms talked about best way to clean the enema bulb syringe. So glad the link to Peak Health on how to clean it was put on here.
For airing out after the enema, and cleaned, was taught by another mom (nurse) to place the enema bulb upside down between the wall and towel rack. Take nozzle off if can.
Best to have a towel on the rack.
Leave it airing out for few days.
Squeeze in and out few times a day to remove water droplets
I leave it airing out for four days or longer.
When sure no longer damp then store back in box it came in. That way dust won’t settle on it.
After washing and rinsing with clear warm water can put few drops of hydrogen peroxide in it. Swish around some. And squeeze out.
This will further assist in keeping mold from forming.
Rinse well with plain warm water before using again to give an enema.
Since the enema bulb is very inexpensive, I replace often. At least once a year.
If one is sick in bed for a few days I leave it sitting out in his bedroom.
Bless all.
The remedies told by Sarah in this blog are wonderful! They work!
To get others interested in these remedies it may take a little show and tell sessions.
Sarah says to avoid:
“AVOID: Do your best to avoid junk food, fast food, microwaved food, breakfast cereals, soft drinks, sugar and white flour.”
That list of things to avoid sounds like the diets of most kids today! No wonder there are so many health issues , behavior issues in kids today.
Sad to say but I know a mother whose two kids live at fast food places! Best not to mention names. We all know them
Her at home meals are microwaveable stuff!
I’m trying to gently guide her towards a better diet.
Never seen them with fruit or drinking water!
Is this the norm in America now?
Hope not!
Tell others about this wonderful article! And Sarah’s other articles.
Glad many have learned from this article.
Angela, hope things are better. Haven’t seen you on in awhile.
How are you hon?
Thanks for this article!
Work part time in health food store.
Natural home remedies are always asked about by moms.
Also three books are always asked for:
-Back To Eden,
-Prescription For Nutritional Healing and
-The ABC Herbal Book.
This article is mentioned often .
These pages are popular amongst moms:
Bless all
Keep healthy
Love the article. Sarah has other pages. All are interesting.
The comments left by readers are very helpful.
Angela,,,who told above of giving the fruit juice bulb enema….
Hope you haven’t had anymore illnesses in your two.
How are you?
I assisted another mom giving the cold sheet treatment. It works!