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Four million Americans presently suffer from debilitating strokes. In the past, there has been very little that could be done to help such unfortunate individuals restore lost function. Moderately good results have been achieved in recent years with hyperbaric oxygen treatments, and biofeedback and physiotherapy can be useful in retraining new nerve pathways to restore lost functions. But for most stroke victims, life is a daily struggle, not only for them but also for their caregivers. Fortunately, it does seem that hope lives eternally in the human heart. . . and I hope to encourage that hope with the following description of a completely new application of a high-powered unidirectional, focused magnetic field, a modality that is being tested with notable success.
This large clinical device is called the “Magnetic Molecular Energizer” (MME). In its trial studies, results are being achieved with many neurological conditions which have been untreatable with conventional methods. The patient lies on an open table between two large magnetic coils with the focal point above and below the head. The device is powered by a pure DC field provided by a specially designed AC/DC converter. The strength range is between 3,500 to 5,000 gauss, depending on the distancing of the magnet heads. The direction and polarity of the magnetic field is adjusted to match that of the earth. Although the MME device is a different application of magnetism than from an MRI, the lengthy testing of safety of higher gauss usage that was done for the MRI also applies to the MME.
The theory behind the MME device is derived from the application of the Lamar Frequency Formula in physics. It states that by increasing the magnetic field in which an atom exists, the velocity of electrons and protons will be increased proportionately. With the MME, some electrons can theoretically be speeded up 10-20,000 times faster than normal.
At this dramatically increased velocity, magnetic resonance occurs much more readily. Magnetic resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when the pulsed electromagnetic current coming from the brain is at a harmonic of the frequency of the targeted tissue. This is described by Robert O. Becker, MD, a noted researcher, author, teacher, inventor and expert in biomagnetism in his books The Body Electric and Cross Currents. The net result of the enhancement in magnetic resonance is increased efficiency of chemical reactions and increased available energy to that specific area.
The MME is unique among therapeutic magnetic devices in that it uses all direct current (DC). There is no frequency and no pulsing–no “rippling,” just a strong, steady-state magnetic field.
These are the basics of the theory. However, the purpose here is not to make you into instant experts, but to give confidence that the modality is sound and to intrigue you with the possibilities! So what are some of the results? I have had eight stroke patient cases as pilot studies. They all had restoration of some or all of their lost functions. Two of the eight cases are described below.
Mrs. GL, 48 years old, suffered a severe stroke while working out on a treadmill. She was in a coma for one week. On regaining consciousness, she was completely paralyzed on the right side of her body. Speech, swallowing, facial expressions, cognitive ability and personality were all severely limited. For one year she had undergone various types of treatment including physical therapy, speech therapy, and acupuncture, all with little benefit. With two months of hyperbaric treatment Mrs. GL had improvements in arm and leg movements, as well as some speech improvement.
The patient arrived at the MME site 15 months after the stroke with her husband and two teenaged sons, who had acted as caregivers. Her condition at that time included speech impairment, right facial paralysis and motor function to only deltoid and biceps muscles on her right arm. She could barely walk with a walker and had very limited expression of her personality.
The treatment consisted of 308 hours under the MME during a space of 28 days. The results were excellent. Her speech returned to normal and her facial paralysis disappeared. Right arm and hand function were restored although she still lacked wrist flexion. She could walk again unassisted. Best of all, her former personality was completely restored, much to the joy of her family.
Mrs DW, age 54 years, came to the MME site for treatment four years after her stroke. Her speech ability regularly deteriorated by day’s end. Her right wrist and hand were totally without motor function. Her upper right arm had limited function–about 10 percent–and her right foot had no dorsal flexion. Her hands and feet were continuously cold.
The MME treatment consisted of 180 hours over 18 days. Once again, the results were dramatic. Her speech returned to normal. She had 40 percent improvement in motor function in her right wrist and hand and 80 percent improvement in the triceps, biceps and deltoids in her upper right arm. Circulation returned to her hands and feet.
One thing you may have noticed in this report–the treatment takes TIME, usually 20 to 30 days. The hours may drag a bit while treatment is in progress, but they are insignificant compared to future years of restored quality of life. We have learned from experience with neurological conditions that a minimum of 80-100 hours MME treatment is required before substantial benefit is noticeable. After that, the restoration process is more steady. For stroke victims, the improvements seem to be permanent.
It is of extreme interest to note that treatment does not have to begin immediately after the incident for restoration to occur.
MME treatment is safe, painless, non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical. You’ve heard the term “Energy Medicine,” but it may have sounded too futuristic. It may not be so far away after all.
There are currently three Advanced Magnetic Research Institutes utilizing the MME devices carrying on approved pilot studies in the USA. Located in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Southern California, they function under the direction of an Institutional Review Board and follow FDA guidelines. The research results will be filed with the FDA to obtain approval for MME treatment of stroke and other diseases. The treatment is also proving to be very useful for injuries, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetic neuropathy and multiple sclerosis. Results with children suffering from cerebral palsy have been particularly gratifying.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2001.
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Is there treatment in North Vancouver? Does this involve buying the mattress, renting it or is there a facility? The surgeon caused the stroke by nicking the vein – – – installing the stint.
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