Individuals who suffer adverse reactions from processed free glutamic acid (MSG) vary in their tolerance for the substance. Many MSG-sensitive individuals have found that once sensitized to MSG, their tolerance for MSG decreases over the years, and that it may be lowered by extreme exercise and/or ingestion of any alcohol just prior to or just following MSG ingestion.
As the food and chemical industries have developed new food additives that contain MSG, and as the FDA has approved such additives, it has become increasingly difficult for MSG-sensitive individuals to stay healthy, particularly those with little tolerance for the substance. This fact is complicated by the fact that in 1998, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a regulation allowing residues of glutamic acid on all agricultural commodities, providing that the glutamic acid is used as a growth enhancer and that good farming practices are employed (40 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 180.1187). This EPA action allowed the approval of AuxiGro, a pesticide/fertilizer/fungicide that contains 29.2 percent processed free glutamic acid, and legalized the use of at least two fertilizers that contain processed free glutamic acid that occurs as a result of the hydrolysis of proteins. The two fertilizers made with hydrolyzed protein, “Omega Protein Refined/Hydrolyzed Fish Protein” and “Steam Hydrolyzed Feather Meal,” are used on some organic crops.
The food ingredient “citric acid” provides us with a good example of why MSG-sensitive people with little tolerance are having difficulty staying well. Many people believe that “citric acid” comes from citrus fruits, and since most people can tolerate citrus fruits, “citric acid” should not be a problem. However, most of the “citric acid” used today is made from corn rather than from citrus fruits. The Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) is a major producer of “citric acid.”
“Citric acid” is produced by fermentation of crude sugars. When “citric acid” is produced from corn, manufacturers do not take the time or undertake the expense to remove all corn protein. During processing, the remaining protein is hydrolyzed, resulting in some processed free glutamic acid (MSG). “Citric acid” may also interacts with any protein in the food to which it is added, freeing up more glutamic acid.
A visit to the grocery store to read labels will quickly demonstrate that “citric acid” is being widely used in processed foods. Its use appears to be increasing and, as this occurs, it appears that, based on interactions with MSG-sensitive individuals, more and more MSG-sensitive people are reacting to “citric acid.” Its uses in food include flavoring, balancing of acid-alkalinity levels, as a preservative, as a firming agent and as an antibacterial agent. Consumers will find no reference to the presence of free glutamic acid on the labels of foods that contain “citric acid.”
Making it even more difficult for the MSG-sensitive individual, in February of this year, the FDA approved Sanova, an antimicrobial rinse, for use on red meats. The product, composed of “sodium chloride” and “citric acid,” is claimed by its manufacturer, the Alcide Corporation, to kill 99 percent of pathogens on carcasses. Sanova is also approved for use on poultry carcasses, fruits and vegetables. Efforts are underway by the manufacturer to approve the rinse for use on processed foods. Foods treated with Sanova are not required to disclose the fact that “sodium chloride” and “citric acid” were used on them.
If something is not done soon to redirect the FDA and EPA and begin to control the use of toxic additives in and on our food, health care costs will continue to rise.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2000.
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Then how do you eat anything at all when they keep changing . I get sick if I go into a home and they r microwaving. Noodles. I take seizure pills daily for high dozes I’m sure is why I dont even color or perm my hair or work in this area . I do my best to eat whole foods but now finding they have. Vegetable wax then wonder why my mood changes… This has been. A 15yr battle. Nor do I have epileptic
Are you sure about that last bit?
How do companies put “No Msg” on their packaging and it has citric acid in their products. They will also have other ingredients that are other names like natural flavorings and hydrolyzed which are other names for MSG. There are over 75 names for MSG or that have derivative MSG in them and it keeps growing. I don’t understand how the FDA allows this. I am super sensitive to MSG and will get horrible migraines from it, and I try to be good about watching what I eat, but sometimes I think I am eating something organic and without MSG, but I get sick. VERY frustrating. It seems fraudulent that companies put it in their food when they say it is not in it.
I also am very sensitive to msg. Msg has is under a lot of names. Look them up, write them down and take with you when shopping. What I have finally come to is I make almost all my food from scratch so then I know what I’m eating. I don’t make mayonnaise or mustard. Read labels and know what each ingredient is. I learn something new all the time because as consumers get smarter, manufacturers become more creative as well.
I’m with you Lisa! How are you doing with this?
Totally disheartening. My grand daughter has been diagnosed with autism. Since my daughter moved her to a diet free from gluten, dairy and MSG she has started to interact. Have eye contact and even play with other children. Citric acid seems to be in everything. And we wonder why so many children have autism, asbergers, ADHG? Clean our food. Stop poisoning our children. These additives should be banned.
Its all about money.
MSG is so harmful for those with autism. Eat/cook clean.
Terrible what they are doing to her food absolutely terrible! We have to be so wise and so aware these days. Natural flavor, MSG, is in everything
And the alphabet soups that “allowed” these untested harmful agents as “additives” in so called “food” and continue breaking the “age of transparency” they advertised. So far that’s been a one way street. They keep us transparent (no secrets or privacy) yet “they” (policy writers-makers) do not follow what they enFORCE into “the public” like “Jones plantation” it seems.
Wow, I am extremely sensitive to msg, especially paired with alcohol (even small amounts). So many light bulbs with this article!
Is non-gmo citric acid safe?
It is disheartening . I want to tell my daughter about this, but I have to wait a bit because she is SO upset right now that her five year old son will be forced to wear a mask all day in Kindergarten and she is thinking about home schooling. I bought a book called Metabolical about the food industry. It’s what inspired me to start learning more about food. I even bought her a copy, but she can’t read it right now because of her stress level.
I have the symptoms of “Temporal Arteritis”, an autoimmune disease, or better explained, an inflammation of the arteries, which is found more evident when the temporal (side of the head, eye level), affects not only the vision, but the arteries of the head, causing confusion also, then extends eventually to the heart, kidneys, if not treated can kill you in 3.5 years. If treated with Prednisone, survival may be lengthen, but deterioration of the brain and other side effects, from Prednisone, as Diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. may develop. The cause of inflammation of the arteries can be inherited, but there is evidence, that inflammations contained in the foods we eat, can also be the cause, the inflammation comes in many forms of additives; sugars, MSG and its derivatives, fried foods, refined carbs, red meats, sugar and artificial sweeteners, also High fructose corn syrup as they add it to soda drinks. We need to get wise on what we eat, for the companies making food, are just money hungry and they do not care.